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Муниципальное образовательное учреждение лицей № 6
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План-конспект открытого урока английского языка в 11 классе
Тема: «Мистические места нашей планеты»
Учитель: Горбатенко Светлана Анатольевна
Класс: 11А
Дата проведения: 23 .03. 2013
План-конспект открытого урока английского языка в 11 А классе
по теме «Мистические места нашей планеты »
Цели урока:
1. Совершенствовать умения учащихся в диалогической и монологической речи.
2. Совершенствовать умения понимать прочитанный текст на основе изученной лексики и
грамматических структур
3 .Развивать умения учащихся в понимании прослушанной информации
4 Воспитывать экологическую культуру, бережное отношение к окружающей среде.
5.Совершенствовать культурологические навыки
Тип урока: урок применения знаний, умений и навыков.
План урока:
I. Организационный момент.
II. Речевая зарядка. Описание картин и краткая информация об этих местах.
Упр.1стр.138,Spotlight,Student”s Book,11form
III. Чтение текста”Mystic Places” с использованием языковой догадки и извлечением
нужной информации.Ex.2p.138-139
IV. Упражнения в применении знаний в измененных условиях. Match the underlined
words to their meanings
Закрепление лексики - подбери значения новых слов из текста Ex.3p.138.
V.Закрепление лексики по теме: «Geographical features»,Ex.5.p.139.
VI. Тренировочное упражнение на отработку лексики Упр.6.стр.139.
VII. Отработка диалогических навыков по теме. Чтение текстов Ex.4p.138. и
выражение своего мнения о мистическом месте, в котором хотели бы побывать.
VIII. Обобщение знаний по теме.
высказывания учащихся по теме.
IX. Подведение итогов урока, домашнее задание.
Ход урока:
I Организационный момент. (2 мин.)
Good morning, boys and girls! How are you getting on? I’m glad that you are fine.
Today we’re going to go on excursions to different parts of our planet. Imagine, that you start
our journey to some mystic places on the earth. Look at the pictures and guess what places are
they and where they are located. Which means of transport do you use travelling there from our
city? We will try to discover some mystic places on our planet at the lesson.
Teacher: Which means of transport do you use while travelling?
Student1: I prefer travelling by airplane. You can travel long distances easily and it’s fun to fly.
Student2: As for me, I like travelling by train because you can see beautiful landscapes from the
windows and enjoy nature. It’s comfortable to travel by plane and you have a good chance to
meet new people and friends.
Student3: I think that the best way to travel is travelling by ship. You can relax and do a lot of
interesting and useful activities on board a ship and see new cities and wonderful places.
II Речевая зарядка. (3 мин.)
The Earth is the planet full of mysteries. What do you know about these places? Let’s start
our travel to such places.
Look at the pictures and tell me what you know about them. What makes these places
Student1: These places are mysterious because they contain the remains of lost civilizations, they
have strange buildings, unusual statues or temples.
Примерные ответы учащихся:
Easter Island: Roggeveen noticed that the island had very few trees or animals: no one knew
why the stone statues had been built or how the stone was carved and transported: may be
climate change is responsible for changing the island- no one knows exactly.
Kailasa Temple: the surface of the rock is covered with symbols and figures.
Machu Picchu: Known as “The Lost City of the Incas”, invisible from below, no one knows
when the life in this city ended, it was forgotten until 1911. It hasn’t been destroyed unlike many
other Inca ruins. It may have once been a royal residence: everything is made perfectly from dry
stone. According to legends, the mountain has magical properties.
Delphi: It was a home of The Oracle, mysterious force said to be the spirit of the god Apollo that
could apparently tell the future, some people say the Oracle is still there.
Teacher: I think you are right. But let’s read the text for specific information.
III. Чтение текста”Mystic Places” с использованием языковой догадки и извлечением
нужной информации.Ex.2p.138-139.
IV. Упражнения в применении знаний в измененных условиях. Match the underlined
words to their meanings
Закрепление лексики - подбери значения новых слов из текста Ex.3p.138.
Praised the gods- worshipped
Not able to be seen- invisible
Ask for advice- consult
One of a kind- unique
Moved- transported
Achievement- feat
Designs to represent sth else- symbols
Far away- remote
Kept in a good condition- presented
Qualities- properties
Soldiers who entered the country by force- invaders
Gifts for the gods- offerings
V. Распределите слова под заголовками «Вода» и «Суша». .Ex.5p.139
Mountain range
Students’ answers: Lake Baikal is the wonder of the world on our planet.
Our region is rich in forests. The English Channel divides The UK and France. The Volga river
is the longest river in Russia. In Kamchatka there are a lot of hot springs.
The valley Stone Bowl is full of legends. ETC.
VI. Choose the right word and make a sentence with the other one.Ex.6.p.139.
The right answers:
2. carved
3. mystery
4. preserve
5. lost
6. ruins
7. fail
8. archeological
9. known
10. predict
11. praise
VII. Отработка диалогических навыков по теме. Чтение текстов Ex.4p.138. и
выражение своего мнения о мистическом месте, в котором хотели бы побывать.
Примерные ответы учащихся:
Student A: I’d like to visit Machu Picchu.
Student B: Why’s that?
-I have always wanted to go to the Andes Mountains in Peru. I’ve seen photographs and it would
be so exciting to see the Lost City of the Incas and imagine how these people once lived.
-Yes, that would be an excellent experience
-Which place would you like to visit?
- I think I’d like to visit Delphi. I’ve never been to Greece. If I went there, I could ask the Oracle
a few questions!
Student C: What do you think about mystic places? Would you like to see one of them?
Student D: I think mystic places are very exciting. They make our life more interesting and
amazing. Such places keep us alive and in search of knowledge. I’d like to see Easter Island,
because it’s a fantastic place to explore and investigate. I would like to take photos of stone
statues and to learn more about this
1. Read the information about the explorer Hiram Bingham
Hiram Bingham (1875—1956) had an extraordinary life. He was successively a Protestant pastor, a
land surveyor, a museum curator, a university professor, a World War I pilot and an American
politician. However, he is best remembered as an explorer, archeologist and discoverer of lost cities.
Why is his name related to Machu Picchu?
He discovered Lost City of the Incas. After his discovery he wrote the book “Lost City of the Incas”.
How do you think he felt when he found the lost city of Machu Picchu?
Use the key words to help you.( amased, bewildered, ecstatic, exhausted, impressed, indifferent,
shocked, spellbound)
2. Pair work of students Ask and answer the questions
Student A
1. Where did the Incas live?
2. When did Spanish invaders under Pizarro arrive?
3. Who did they capture?
4. What were the buildings of the city covered with?
5. How did the Incas communicate?
6. What were the main crops?
7. What did they use to store mathematical information?
8. What were temples and palaces made from?
Student B
1. When did the Incas establish a huge empire?
2. What countries did it look like?
3. Who was their ruler?
4. How many kilometers did they have a system of roads for communication?
5. What did they use for transport?
6. What was a luxury for them?
7. What metals did they make lovely jewellery of?
8. What did they build from huge stone blocks?
What do you think were the most important things about the Incas?
VIII. Monologues of the students.
Student 1: Easter Island is a beautiful and mysterious place, which is located in the Pacific
Ocean. There was something unusual on this island, a Dutch explorer, Jacob Roggeveen,
noticed. The island had very few trees or animals; there were only a few thousand people, who
lived there. Jacob Roggeveen noticed that there were 887 magnificent stone statues standing
proudly all over the island. These statues are called “moai”, they weigh about 80 tonnes. There is
no information about how they were built and were carved and transported at least 14 miles
across the island. There are two versions on this issue. One theory is that a great civilization built
the statues and cut down the trees to transport them and when the trees were gone, the animals
died out and so did the people. Another theory is that climate change affected the island and its
Student 2: Delphi is one of the most amazing archeological sites in Greece. It was thought to be
the centre of the known world. It was also a spiritual centre for several thousand years, because it
was the home of the Oracle. He predicted the future and answered people’s questions. Many of
the ruins that you can see today, including the Temple of Apollo, the treasures, the gymnasium,
the stadium and the theatre date back to the 5th and 6th centuries BC. Some people say that the
Oracle is still there, and if you listen carefully enough, you may hear it. Etc.
Ex.2.p.118 Students’ book ‘New Opportunities “, intermediate, Russian edition
A Lost City
Read the text and complete the gaps.
“The morning 24 of July 1911 dawned in cold drizzle. Arteaga shrived and seemed inclined to
stay in his hut. I offered to pay him well __ he would show me the ruins. He refused and said it
was too hard a climb for such a wet day. But when he found out I was willing to pay more, he
finally agreed to go. When asked where the ruins were, he pointed straight to the _of the
mountain. No one supposed that they would be particularly interesting. And no one cared to go
with me. The naturalist said that there would be “more butterflies near the river!” The surgeon
said he had to wash his clothes and mend them. Anyhow, it was my job to investigate all reports
of ruins and_ to find the Inca capital.
So, accompanied only by Sergeant Carrasco, we left camp at ten o’clock on July 24th. After a
walk of three-quarters of an hour, Arteaga left the main road and plunged down through the
jungle to the bank of the river. Here there was a primitive bridge_ crossed the roaring rapids at
its narrowest part. I confess that got down on my hands and knees and crawled across, six inches
at a time. Leaving the stream, we now struggled up the bank through dense jungle and in a _five
minutes reached the bottom of a very steep slope. For an hour and twenty minutes we had a hard
climb. A good part of the distance we went on all fours… The humidity was great. The heat was
excessive: and I was not in training! There were no ruins of any kind in sight. I began to _my
companions had made the right choice.”
The men met some Indians who told Sergeant Carrasco that the ruins were a little further along
and gave them a little boy to act as their guide .__leaving the hut, they strolled across some pen
ground and went into the forest beyond.
“Suddenly, I found myself confronted with the walls of ruined house built of the finest quality
Inca stone work. It was__ to see them because they were partly covered with trees and
moss…We scrambled along through the dense undergrowth and then …without any warning, the
boy showed me a cave, beautifully lined with the finest cut stone. Clearly, it was the work of a
master artist. It all seemed __ like an unbelievable dream. It fairly took my breath away. What
could this place__ ? Why had no one given us any idea of it?”
The little boy persuaded them to climb up another steep slope.
“Surprise followed surprise in bewildering succession. We found ourselves standing in _ of the
ruins of two of the finest and most interesting structures in ancient America. Made of beautiful
white granite, the walls contained blocks higher __ a man. The sight held me spellbound. Each
building had only three walls and was open on one side. Te principle temple had walls twelve
feet high… The building __ not look as though it ever had a roof so the sun could be welcomed
here by the priests. I could scarcely believe my senses as I examined the larger stones and
estimated that they must weigh ten to fifteen tons each. Would anyone believe what I __ found?
Fortunately, I had a good camera and the sun was shining.”
“The morning 24 of July 1911 dawned in cold drizzle. Arteaga shrived and seemed inclined to
stay in his hut. I offered to pay him well after he would show me the ruins. He refused and said
it was too hard a climb for such a wet day. But when he found out I was willing to pay more, he
finally agreed to go. When asked where the ruins were, he pointed straight to the top of the
mountain. No one supposed that they would be particularly interesting. And no one cared to go
with me. The naturalist said that there would be “more butterflies near the river!” The surgeon
said he had to wash his clothes and mend them. Anyhow, it was my job to investigate all reports
of ruins and try to find the Inca capital.
So, accompanied only by Sergeant Carrasco, we left camp at ten o’clock on July 24th. After a
walk of three-quarters of an hour, Arteaga left the main road and plunged down through the
jungle to the bank of the river. Here there was a primitive bridge that crossed the roaring rapids
its narrowest part. I confess that got down on my hands and knees and crawled across, six inches
at a time. Leaving the stream, we now struggled up the bank through dense jungle and in a five
minutes reached the bottom of a very steep slope. For an hour and twenty minutes we had a hard
climb. A good part of the distance we went on all fours… The humidity was great. The heat was
excessive: and I was not in training! There were no ruins of any kind in sight. I began to think
my companions had made the right choice.”
The men met some Indians who told Sergeant Carrasco that the ruins were a little further along
and gave them a little boy to act as their guide . On leaving the hut, they strolled across some pen
ground and went into the forest beyond.
“Suddenly, I found myself confronted with the walls of ruined house built of the finest quality
Inca stone work. It was difficult to see them because they were partly covered with trees and
moss…We scrambled along through the dense undergrowth and then …without any warning, the
boy showed me a cave, beautifully lined with the finest cut stone. Clearly, it was the work of a
master artist. It all seemed like an unbelievable dream. It fairly took my breath away. What could
this place be ? Why had no one given us any idea of it?”
The little boy persuaded them to climb up another steep slope.
“Surprise followed surprise in bewildering succession. We found ourselves standing in front of
the ruins of two of the finest and most interesting structures in ancient America. Made of
beautiful white granite, the walls contained blocks higher than a man. The sight held me
spellbound. Each building had only three walls and was open on one side. The principle temple
had walls twelve feet high… The building did not look as though it ever had a roof so the sun
could be welcomed here by the priests. I could scarcely believe my senses as I examined the
larger stones and estimated that they must weigh ten to fifteen tons each. Would anyone believe
what I had found? Fortunately, I had a good camera and the sun was shining.”
Decide which of the sentences are true (T) and which are false (F).
1. Arteaga was a local guide hired by the expedition. (T)
2. The other members of the expedition were put off by the weather. (T)
3. The bridge looked very dangerous to Bingham.(F)
4. They had to crawl up most of the slope.(T)
5. Bingham was physically very fit.(F)
6. Bingham knew immediately that he found the lost city.(F)
7. The two big buildings he found were Inca temples.(T)
8. The buildings were made of large stones.(T)
9. The sun played an important part in Inca religion.(T)
10. Bingham too photos of the ruins.(T)
Students ‘presentations. Which place would you like to visit and why?
I’d like to see Stonehenge. Stonehenge is located in the county of Wiltshire in the UK. I read that
this place has always been surrounded by mystery. It has stood on Salisbury plain for about
4,000 years. No one is certain why it was built. There have been many different theories about its
original use.
One theory is that was a place from where stars and planets could be observed. It was discovered
that the positions of some of the stones related to the movements of the sun and moon, so that the
stones could be used as a calendar to predict such things as eclipses.
At one time, people thought that Stonehenge was a Druid temple. The Druids were a Celtic
religious group who were suppressed in Great Britain soon after the Roman Conquest. Some
people believe that they were a group of priests, while others regard them as medicine-men who
practised human sacrifice and cannibalism.
Another interesting theory is that the great stone circle was used to store terrestrial energy, which
was then generated across the country, possibly through “ley lines’. “Ley lines” is the name
given to invisible lines which link up ancient sites throughout Britain. They were thought to be
tracks by which prehistoric man travelled about the country, but now many people believe that
they are mysterious channels for a specific kind of power.
There are also some local legends…Stonehenge was built by the devil in a single night. He flew
backwards and forwards between Ireland and Salisbury plain carrying the stones one by one and
setting them in place. As he worked, he laughed to himself.” That will make people think.
They’ll never know how the stones came here!” But a friar was hiding in a ditch nearby. He
surprised the devil, who threw a stone which hit the friar on the heel. Is the story true? Well, the
stone which the devil threw known as the “heel stone”, can still be seen by the side of the road.
Perhaps Stonehenge was a Druid temple.it might have been used to store terrestrial energy.
I think it’s a very interesting and amazing place that is worth visiting!
IX. Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок, домашнее задание.
Teacher; We have tried to discover some mystic places on our planet. I think you
got interested in the theme. Your homework will be: to make the presentations of
some mystic places in our region. You can find the material in the Internet and
other mass media sources. You will have 5 minutes to present your homework.
Приложение: презентация к уроку