17 Empirical Formula.

Empirical Formula by Microanalysis (TV Experiment)
NOTE: This lab requires the VHS video “Experiment: Chemistry: Empirical Formula by
Microanalysis” produced by Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 1987.
To be assigned by your lab instructor.
Understand how to determine the empirical formula of a substance in a combustion
Obtain more practice at gram-mole conversions
The purpose of this lab is to determine the empirical formula of an unknown substance by
collecting data from a combustion analysis and a nitrogen determination to find the percent
composition of the substance.
The development of modern chemistry during the last two centuries owes more to
accurate methods of quantitative analysis than to any other group of experimental techniques.
In this experiment, students take part in a microanalysis of an organic compound for the
elements carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. It is interesting to note that although the equipment
used in this modern analysis is sophisticated, the basic methods are little changed from those
developed in the nineteenth century. Particular attention should be paid throughout to the
fastidious regard for accuracy on the part of the analyst and to the many safeguards incorporated
in the methods to ensure that no sample, combustion product, distillate, etc. is ever inadvertently
lost. Really accurate results are only achieved through the analyst’s long experience and careful
checking of the apparatus by repeated determinations of materials with accurately known
The analysis is carried out in two stages. First, carbon and hydrogen are determined
simultaneously and then, using an entirely different technique and apparatus, the compound is
analyzed for nitrogen.
Carbon and Hydrogen Determinations.
In this part of the analysis, a sample of the substance is burned in a fast stream of pure
oxygen and oxidized completely to carbon dioxide and water, which are absorbed in separate
tubes in an absorption train.
A small sample is weighed into a platinum boat and transferred into the silica combustion
tube. The oxygen is purified by passing it over heated platinized asbestos to oxidize any organic
impurities. The oxidation products are removed before reaching the combustion tube by the
same absorbents used in the later absorption train.
When the weighed material for analysis is heated carefully using the hand-held burner, it
sublimes and is carried slowly toward the hot (900°C) portion of the silica tube. This process
must not be hurried, since too high a concentration of sample vapor entering the hot tube could
cause a minor explosion and probably incomplete combustion of the sample. The likelihood of
explosion is further reduced by the glass wool plug in the tube. The gases emerging from the
combustion tube pass while hot over a roll of silver gauze which serves to remove any halogen
atoms present as silver halides, and, by acting as a good heat conductor, prevents condensation of
water in the otherwise cool region of the ground joint.
The gases now pass on to the first of the pre-weighed tubes in the absorption train. This
contains anhydrous magnesium chlorate(VII) (magnesium perchlorate) which absorbs water.
The black substance in the center tube is a specially prepared hydrated manganese(IV) oxide
which catalytically removes oxides of nitrogen. This tube is not weighed at any time during the
The third tube, contains brown granules of soda-asbestos for absorption of carbon
dioxide. Some magnesium chlorate(VII) is also present to prevent any water loss from the sodaasbestos. The first and third tubes are reweighed at the end of the combustion. The increases in
their weight respectively give the weights of water and carbon dioxide produced.
Nitrogen Determination.
The method used in this part of the analysis is one of the many modifications of the
technique devised by Kjeldahl (pronounced Keldall) for analysis of brewing grain at the
Carlsberg laboratories in 1883.
The Kjeldahl analysis for nitrogen gives best results when the element is present in an
amino (—NH2) group. Since we do not always know the chemical nature of a material for
analysis, the first operation on a weighed sample is to heat it gently for 30 minutes with a
mixture of reducing agents containing red phosphorus, hydriodic acid (HI), and even the
aluminum cup in which the sample was weighed. Note that the long neck of the special Kjeldahl
flask acts as an air condenser at this stage. Examples of two reactions which may occur are
shown below. A nitro compound is used for illustration only.
RNO2 + 6H+ + 2Al  RNH2 + 2H2O + 2Al3+
RNO2 + 6HI  RNH2 + 2H2O + 3I2
Concentrated sulfuric acid is now added, and the mixture is heated to boiling. This drives off all
the iodine, and the nitrogen in the amino compound is slowly converted to ammonium ions. The
conversion is speeded up by the addition of about 0.5g of a mixture containing mercury(II)
sulfate as a catalyst and potassium sulfate to raise the boiling point of the sulfuric acid. At the
end of this digestion, a colorless liquid remains together with some white solid.
The nitrogen from the original compound is largely present at this state as ammonium sulfate or
ammonium hydrogen sulfate.
CnH2n+1NH2 + mH2SO4  nCO2 + (m-l)SO2 + 4nH2O + NH4HSO4
The entire contents of the flask are transferred into a Markham still and sodium hydroxide and
sodium sulfide solutions added to form an upper layer. No mixing is encouraged at this stage to
avoid premature loss of ammonia. The black precipitate which forms at the interface of the two
layers is mercury(II) sulfide, the formation of which releases any ammonia trapped as a
mercury(II)-amine complex:
Hg(NH3)22+ + S2-  HgS + 2NH3
When steam is passed through, complete mixing takes place and ammonia is released:
NH4+ + OH-  NH3(g) + H2O
The steam distillation continues for six minutes with the ammonia gas being absorbed in a boric
acid solution:
NH3(g) + H3BO3  NH4+H2BO3After the condenser has been carefully rinsed with distilled water, the ammonium borate is
titrated using 0.100 M hydrochloric acid and a mixed indicator of methyl red and bromocresol
green. The color change is from blue-green to a faint pink color.
H2BO3- + H+  H3BO3
Although this analysis involves multiple steps, the final results are that the number of moles of
HCl used in the titration is the same as the number of moles of NH3 produced by the unknown
(second) sample.
Empirical Formula by Microanalysis
Name ________________________________
Date _________
Partner ________________________________
Section _________
Report Grade ______
Carbon and Hydrogen Analysis
Weight of first sample and Pt boat
Weight of Pt boat
Final weight of CO2 absorption tube
Initial weight of CO2 absorption tube
Weight of CO2 produced
WEIGHT OF CARBON (show calculations)
Final weight of H2O absorption tube
Initial weight of H2O absorption tube
Weight of H2O produced
WEIGHT OF HYDROGEN (show calculations)
II. Nitrogen Analysis
Weight of Al cup and second sample
Weight of Al cup
Volume of 0.100 M HCl to determine NH3 (mL)
Moles of HCl used
Moles of NH3 (= moles of HCl used)
WEIGHT OF NITROGEN (show calculations)
Percent Composition (show calculations)
I. % Carbon __________
(from first sample)
II. % Nitrogen __________
(from second sample)
% Hydrogen __________
(from first sample)
III. % Oxygen __________
(by difference)
Empirical formula
Answer _________