Communication & Language, Literacy

Reception Class
Curriculum Summary Sheet
Summer Term 1 2013
Communication & Language, Literacy
This half term we will be focusing on using non-fiction books and the internet to find out
information about the countries we are focusing on in our Topic work. The children will learn
how to use a contents page and index page to find information quickly. Children will have the
opportunity to look at the features of non-fiction books, such as headings and the illustrations
and then use this to help them assemble their own class information book. We will continue our
work on sentence building in our writing and our reading will focus on non-fiction texts.
How you can help your child at home:
Encourage your child to visit the local library and perhaps borrow books relating to the
countries we are visiting with Granny.
Continue to support your child with his/her reading at home and encourage them to regularly
work on learning the letters and sounds for Phonics.
In maths we will be continuing to develop addition and subtraction skills ~ combining and taking
away groups of objects, counting on and back on the number line and a range of number facts
including doubling and halving and counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10. The children will be using
these skills to solve a variety of number problems involving money and measures. Some of our
work will also be involved with ordering and using language to compare numbers and their value.
We will be working more on shape this half term where the children will be encouraged to name
common 2D and 3D shapes and use mathematical language to describe their properties.
How you can help your child at home:
Encourage your child to use their addition and subtraction skills to solve simple problems e.g.
There are 6 brown cows in the field and there are 5 white cows. How many altogether? I buy
an apple for 6p. How much money have I got left from 10p?
Count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s ~ use coins, socks, gloves to help your child see that they are adding
2/5/10 more each time.
Expressive Arts and Design
This half term we are using the story of ‘My Granny went to Market’ to help develop children’s
knowledge and experiences of different countries. In art we are learning about the life of
Monet. We will be painting in the style of Monet and using our knowledge of colour mixing. We
will be learning to weave so that we can make a giant magic carpet! Our music activities this half
term are focused on exploring timing and rhythm.
Physical Development
PE this half term will be linked to music and movement. We will focus on using the ‘Bubbles’
materials and use music from a range of different countries. Skills linked to fine motor and
gross motor development will be of great focus – handwriting, threading, weaving, travelling
skilfully, etc.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
This term is all about recognising, naming and dealing with feelings in a positive way. Children
will be encouraged to think about themselves, learn from their experiences and recognise what
they are good at. We will talk about how our behaviour affects other people. We will discuss
rules that keep us safe, including a week focusing on ‘People Who Help Us.’
Understanding of the World
We are learning about different places starting with where we live. Maps and globes will be used
to identify where we are and places we have travelled to. We will be finding out about where we
live here in Chorley and further afield, such as London. On the magic carpet we will visit
different countries ~ France, Africa, Russia, Austrailia and Mexico. We will look at similarities
and differences to our own country ~ houses, school, food and clothes.
We will be developing our word-processing skills using a programme called Textease. We will be
learning to use upper and lower case letters and move on to printing our work.
This half term we will be thinking about our own cultures and those of other people. Our focus
for this half term will be ‘Our World and Jesus.’
Home Learning Activities
To give your child the best possible start to reading and writing, we recommend that parents
hear their child read daily. Five minutes each evening will have an enormous impact on your
child’s learning and also their confidence as young readers.
Home learning activities will consist of the following;
Daily reading,
Letter sounds and High frequency words (e.g. a, had, the, was, etc).
A learning log activity (more information about this soon)
We look forward to sharing our learning journey with you!
Many thanks,
Mrs Moon (Reception Class Teacher).