Green County EMS

Green County EMS
March 4, 2013
Membership Meeting
Members Present: Nicolas Bergum, Kerrie Brugger, Jennifer Bystry, Sarah Dennis, Robert Derby, Mark
Dombkowski, Cindy Engle, Nicole Fehringer, Bob Fleege, Tina Gibson, Mike Grebner, Brandi Hagen,
Brittney Hansen, Rodney Hicks, Steve Hummel, Jody Makos, Corrin McMannes, Amanda Nusbaum, Lynn
Pendergrass, Dan Perdue, Mary Pilling, Colleen Rear, Carrie Schwartz, Scott Stewart, Adrian Strothman,
Roxanne Strothman, John Vetterli, Bev Wartenweiler, Jeff Wiegel, Tom Crook, Ryan Cessna, Michelle
Genthe, Josh Popanz, Kay Carter, Donna Flannery, Loren Homb, Donna Wolfe, Debbie Bennett, Liz Detra,
Tammy Hartwig, Robert Higbee, Diane Heindel, Cindy Fagen, Dan Nufer. Mary Austin.
Member Excused: Lynne Bass, Scott Davis, Kristina Jordan, Sara Krull, Patricia Miller, Rachel Trumpy,
Katherine Vetterli.
Meeting Called to order: 18:33 meeting called to order by Chief Nufer
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of February meeting Minutes: Motion to Approve February Minutes by Nicole Fehringer,
Seconded by Tina Gibson. Motion Carried.
Mary Austin: New Form for patients at Pleasant View Nursing Home. PACO (patient advanced care
order). Trial Period. May decrease the number of times ambulance gets called to facility especially if
patient doesn’t want to be transported. Should be a bright green color. This will follow the patient.
Doesn’t replace a DNR bracelet at this time. If we have issues with this, let Mary Austin know and she
will pass on information. Question asked if we should scan this form. Answer: Go ahead and scan (get
copy at ER). The EPIC system at ER will be flagged stating PACO form would be in place.
Chief’s Report: Dan Nufer
Signature form – explain when patient cannot sign – continues to be a problem in run reports.
Fund Raising – We are at 100% for the Inter-family. Other fund raising is on its way.
Run Sheet- sign run sheet even if you don’t transport.
If you have a child for your transport, Mom does not sit on cot and hold baby.
Please look through your run report
Next of Kin – put on report. On refusals – get next of kin information.
Fill out the Service Defined Questions
I-99 pain meds – needs extra information on last page of run sheet – seal#, medication, etc.
Attachments – reduce size and go to gray scale.
Resident/non-resident: If patient lives in our service area, they are considered resident.
Monthly run statistics: 125 calls for February. 7 calls over 6 minutes (3 were 802 and 4 801 calls)
Ideas for improvement: Contact Dan.
Assistant Chief Report – Mary Pilling for Tina Jordan
Policy – Special Situations – Motor Vehicle/Farm Machinery/Industrial Incidents
Board Report: Carrie Schwartz
Brad Grebner – Is doing is Eagle Scout project and raising money for GCEMS - Purchase of smart
boards for training.
Fund Raising – Robie Wayne will be here March 6 and 7. Dave and Mary Deininger are the
General Chairs for fund raising. Several committees are set up. Pacesetter gift category starts
today and Major gifts category begins April 15 with community category in May.
LOA – Sarah Dennis until May 15. Corrin McMannes LOA extended. Mackenzie McCauley until
March 31
Nick Bergum is doing the hiring search which is still in process – strong candidates have applied.
Next board meeting on March 18 at 5pm.
Diane Heindel spoke – We need to amend Articles of Incorporation. We would like as many
members here as possible on April 1 so that voting can be done at that time (6:30 on 04/01/13).
Forms take about 4 weeks to get from the State of WI and we need tax deductible status so
donors are more ready to donate.
Corporation meeting May 6 – If any bylaw changes need to be done, get to Dan or Carrie ASAP.
Chuck Wellington will file for change of status for corporation.
County Commission Meeting: Carrie Schwartz
Meeting held Feb. 20 in Brodhead. Jody Makos did Back Raft presentation. Goal is to switch out
with First Response units – Mary Austin showing First Response units how to use. Pump is in
Green (KED) bag.
Emergency Management – Tana explained what is on the Decon trailer, Juda trailer, etc.
Health Dept – Roann Warden gave report – Regional exercise at Alliant Center June 7. Flu
season seems to be pretty much over at this time.
Gary Schenck gave report from Blackhawk Tech on curriculum
Monroe Clinic report – use GLASCOW scale on any trauma and update as condition changes.
Looking at new refusal forms – wording on form for possible ETOH/drug use (odor of alcohol
First Response Units – looking to redo report forms
BGM added to First Response scope of practice – Mary Austin reviewing with units
Merit Center having Fish Fry on March 29
CPR refresher – Albany in March
Fire School is August 9-11
Green County Sheriff’s Dept. has new dispatcher
Next meeting April 17 in Brooklyn
Compliance Officer Report: Bev Wartenweiler
Clean-up – sign-up on-line
Hours – if you need hours, call people to see if you can take hours from them
Training/Education Committee Report: Mary Pilling
WEMSA reports, by people who went to WEMSA, will be given at training meeting this month.
I-99 class is going well – exceptional group of individuals – they designed their own t-shirts.
March 16 – Advanced Skills – if you are enrolled in refresher or I-99 class, you do not have to do
skills, but must do poster boards. Advanced Skills is 8am to 12pm.
Looking into more types of trainings – let Mary know of any suggestions.
Training committee meeting before training meeting at 5:30 on the 18th of March.
Equipment/Maintenance Committee Report: Bob Fleege
Nitro Spray in black bag – none on shelf
Ed Crook wants to know about hard tip suction set-up.
Batteries in rigs – check # in rig – excessive amount found.
I-99s: Atropine is now in vials – draw it up yourself (not prefilled syringes). 1mg in 1ml in each
Look for short dated EPI – check dates!
Drivers – when changing battery from cot, take out of bin not from charger.
New nasal atomizer – for narcan. Will not be in rigs until everyone is trained. (Use after two
failed IV attempts). Cindy E.-atomizer is on clean-up sheets at this time.
I-99 – Morphine will be gone, probably by next month. Fentanyl will be used.
New Glucometer – look at it (salesman gave to us free)
Wash rigs!
Carrie Schwartz: pulse oximeter – if it blinks, change battery
Public relations: Cindy Engle
New Building Update: Four architects have been interviewed and have met with all of them. Ann
Hunter will speak with committee before signing contract.
Upcoming events: Run before you Crawl 3/9 8:30am to 11am; Pub Crawl that evening. 802 and
803 to be staffed 5pm to 3am. We transported over 130 people last year. 803 will count hours
for this event. March 17 Parade at 12:17pm; April 4-6 Home & Business show at SLICE, 5-7pm
Thursday, 9am-6pm on Friday and 10am-4pm on Saturday. Thurs April 11 8am to 3:30pm Reality
Check Program; August 3 Kids Triathlon; PARTY program at High School 09/21 and 9/25.
Recruitment: Kay Carter
Driver application will interview by end of week.
I-99 class has applicant – references out.
March Birthdays:
Nick Bergum – March 3; David Peacock – March 7; Rachel Trumpy – March 10; Kris Thomson – March
14; Loren Homb – March 20; Kay Carter – March 28.
Food Committee for April:
Rodney Hicks, Nick Bergum, Scott Davis, Donna Flannery, Mike Grebner, Trevor Johann, Josh Popanz,
Randy Rood.
Old/New Business: - NONE
Motion to Adjourn: Mike Grebner, Seconded by Nicole Fehringer. Motion Carried
Meeting Adjourned at 1936.
Respectfully Submitted:
Bev Wartenweiler, Compliance Officer