August 5, 2010 Dear Partners ACGME Program Directors, Please read this memo carefully for important information regarding: 1) Requirements for trainee selection and transfer 2) Recruitment of international medical graduates: (IMGs) & non-US citizens 3) Materials to be provided to applicants who interview with your program 1) TRAINEE SELECTION and TRANSFERS: Institutional Policies on Trainee Selection a. Partners Trainee Selection Policy: ACGME Policies on Trainee Selection: The complete ACGME Policy on trainee selection can be found by clicking the link below: Please review this policy and be aware that enrollment of a non-eligible resident can lead to citations or withdrawal of ACGME accreditation. ACGME programs may only select applicants who have or will have graduated from a: Medical school in the US or Canada accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) College of osteopathic medicine in the United States accredited by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) Medical school outside the United States AND completed a Fifth Pathway program provided by an LCME-accredited medical school Medical school outside the United States/Canada, AND WHO HAVE obtained (prior to appointment) EITHER a full, unrestricted Massachusetts medical license OR a valid certificate from the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates. As stated in the Institutional policy on trainee selection, please review your RRC Program-specific rules for any additional requirements (such as prerequisites) at b. Please note the responsibilities of program directors regarding trainees transferring to and from Partners GME programs in the "Guidelines for Resident Transfers Resident Transfer Guidelines: pdf c. USMLE Completion: Revised 10/09 Please note that the Partners USMLE completion policy is more stringent than BORM regulations. If you wish to extend an offer to an applicant who does not fulfill the Partners USMLE completion requirements, contact Irina Knyshevski for BWH programs and Georgi Bland for MGH programs. For more information about USMLE, click here: . 2) RECRUITMENT of IMGs/Non-U.S. CITIZENS: Overview of visa options for clinical trainees: Obtaining visas for clinical trainees can pose some challenges, including delays. The most common causes for delay are obtaining exam results (especially from USMLE), Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine licensing problems, and/or delays at the Embassy. Security checks at US Consulates are mandatory. “Premium processing” (i.e., 15 day process time) expedites visa application processing through the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), for a fee. Please contact the Partners Office for International Staff, Scholars and Students (PIO) at 617-726-9211 to discuss candidates who may need H1-B visa sponsorship. For J-1 visas, please contact Dale Parechanian in the MGH MGPO/Medical Staff Office (formerly the MGH Registrar's office) at 617-726-5316 or Joanna Hazell in BWH Physician Services at 617-582-1192. Specific requirements are listed below for the most common visa types: F-1 Visa: Students ("plus one year" GME) Foreign nationals holding an F-1 visa who have graduated from a U.S. medical school are eligible for one year of practical training on the F-1 visa (often an internship year). Such employment must be an extension of their academic studies. Students obtain an employment authorization document (EAD) identification card with the dates of validity inscribed. A change of visa status will be needed to continue employment (i.e., residency/fellowship training) beyond the expiration date on the EAD. Often, students apply for H-1B visas for continued employment. There is no guarantee of visa issuance. J-1 Visa: Exchange Visitors Program (Clinical) The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) is solely authorized by the United States Department of State (DOS) to sponsor foreign national physicians as exchange visitors (J-1s) in accredited programs of graduate medical education or training. Visa documents are issued by ECFMG and submitted directly to a US Consulate for entry permits. Exchange Visitors (J-1s) are eligible to stay for the length of time required for accreditation (or, with permission, the length of time required to complete a longer GME program), up to a maximum of seven years. Advancement is required each year in the approved program, and an annual renewal is required to ensure that all requirements are being met. Physicians are required to return home for at least 2 years following training. Foreign national physicians seeking ECFMG sponsorship must fulfill a number of requirements in order to be eligible for a J-1 visa, as listed here: Revised 10/09 ECFMG Sponsorship The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) generally extends sponsorship to International Medical Graduates (IMGs) only if the trainee will be enrolled in a nationally accredited program. If you require additional years of training beyond accreditation, you will need to obtain formal approval of the “non-standard” training from the Partners Education Committee AND provide documents to support the trainee's visa application. These should be in place at least three months prior to the anticipated appointment date for the ECFMG trainee. Please contact Georgi Bland ( if you need an application for Partners approval of non-ACGME training years. For more information, please click here: . H-1B Visa: Professionals in Specialty Occupations The H-1B is a temporary nonimmigrant visa defined as a “specialty occupation” visa, which permits professionals to work in the U.S. for three years, with a possible maximum stay of six years upon approved extension. The Immigration Act of 1990 opened the door for foreign physicians to perform clinical work via the H-1B visa. Eligibility relies upon successful completion of the following: 1. Graduates of International Medical Schools: USMLE Step I and Step II (to include CK and CSA exams), as well as Step III. a Massachusetts medical license (limited or full) AND a valid ECFMG Certificate (Canadian medical school graduates are exempt from the ECFMG certificate requirement) 2. Graduates of U.S. Medical Schools: Proof of graduation AND a Massachusetts medical license The H-1B application involves both the U.S. Department of Labor and the Immigration and Naturalization Service. The Partners Office for International Staff, Scholars and Students (PIO) prepares the visa applications (after the applicant and the Program Director complete necessary forms and provide documentation). The program is responsible for paying filing fees associated with H1B visas. 3) MATERIALS TO BE PROVIDED TO INTERVIEWEES: Please be sure to provide the following documents to all who interview with your program, in writing, prior to the rank order list certification deadline: A comprehensive description of your program, with specific content as described in the document titled “Key Elements to Include in a GME Program Description”, be provided to ensure a full understanding of the program and it’s expectations of matriculants. ments.pdf The following link provides the documents listed below: ACGME contract template Policy Attachments to the Contract Eligibility for Appointment USMLE Completion Policy Overview of the Partners Lease Guaranty program. Detailed information is available post-match. Additionally, you must provide relevant program-specific policies (such as drug testing policies), as well as department-specific information regarding meals, call rooms, laundry services, etc. Revised 10/09 Please manage the distribution of the materials above in the way that works best for your program. Some programs have chosen to send the information in the official invitation to interview (using the sent item as proof); others ask applicants to sign letters of receipt in person at interviews (on paper); others send an email after interviews with a web link, and use “read receipts” as acknowledgement. Regardless of the method you choose, our ACGME programs are required to document that interviewees have received the required information. Thank you for your attention, and please call if you have questions. Cheryl Reif Project Manager Graduate Medical Education Mass General Hospital; Brigham and Women's Hospital 7 Whittier Place, Suite 108, Boston, MA 02114-1408 617-643-6381 (phone) 617-643-4748 (fax) THE INFORMATION TRANSMITTED IN THIS EMAIL IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PERSON OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR PRIVILEGED MATERIAL. ANY REVIEW , RETRANSMISSION, DISSEMINATION OR OTHER USE OF OR TAKING OF ANY ACTION IN RELIANCE UPON, THIS INFORMATION BY PERSONS OR ENTITIES OTHER THAN THE INTENDED RECIPIENT IS PROHIBITED. IF YOU RECEIVED THIS EMAIL IN ERROR, PLEASE CONTACT THE SENDER AND DELETE THE MATERIAL FROM ANY COMPUTER. Revised 10/09