SANTA MONICA COLLEGE Course Outline for Nursing 10 Course Title: Nursing Skills Units: 2 IGETC Area: CSU GE Area: Transfer: CSU Date Submitted: May 2002 Updated: October 2006 I. COURSE Description: COREQUISITIES: Nursing 10 L PREREQUISITES: Admission to Nursing Program, English 1, Anatomy 1, Physiology 3, Microbiology 1 The focus of this introductory nursing fundamental course is to provide the beginning student with clinical skill performance in providing nursing assistance in meeting patient/client self-care deficits. Emphasis is placed on assisting the student in learning to use the Nursing Process and Orem’s Model as the framework for the development of critical thinking and assessment skills while implementing basic nursing care. Basic nursing care will be rendered to the geriatric patient/client with universal self-care deficits in a non-acute environment. II. REQUIRED TEXTS Potter, P. A. & Perry, A.G. (2005) Fundamentals of Nursing 6th edition, Mosby, St. Louis, Mo. SMC Nursing Handbook, Current Issue Leuckenotte, A G.(2000). Gerontological Nursing, 2nd edition, Mosby, St. Louis, MO. III. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: . Describe criteria necessary to perform fundamental nursing skills safely for the older adult unable to meet ADLs. . Identify the relationship between normal physiological changes associated with aging and the universal self-care requisites of the older adult. Develop psychomotor skill and utilize the Nursing Process to assess the adult patient. Formulate nursing diagnoses based on Orem’s Model in order to provide the required nursing assistance of adults with varied cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. Describe legal and ethical implications of the nursing care. Develop psychomotor skills in meeting the self-care deficits of older adults with varied levels of pain. Explain the concepts of death and dying as related to the patient, family and health care provider from varied ethnicities, cultures and religions. Perform a health assessment of the older adult. Prepare and administer oral medications in the HSLC. IV. THEORETICAL OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Profession of Nursing a. Discuss the historical development of professional nursing b. Discuss the modern definitions, philosophies, and theories of nursing practice. c. Describe education programs for becoming a registered nurse. d. Describe practice settings for nurses. e. Describe the roles and functions of a nurse. f. List the 5 characteristics of a profession and discuss how nursing demonstrates these characteristics. 2. Communication a. State the difference between the nursing and medical interview. b. Discuss factors affecting the interview. c. Utilize effective interviewing techniques d. Group communication techniques in order to illicit action and listening responses from the client. e. Describe ineffective interviewing techniques. 3. Attitudes about Aging a. Describe “Graying of America” demographics. b. Discuss ageism. c. Delineate myths about aging. d. Discuss successful aging e. Discuss spirituality and the older adult. 4. Theories of Aging a. Discuss the change in focus regarding factors that influence aging. b. List the major biological theories of aging. c. Describe the major psychological theories of aging. d. Identify factors that promote a healthy aging process. 5. Functional Assessment a. Define functional assessment. b. Describe characteristics of functional decline. c. Identify co-morbid conditions that impact functional status. d. Assess function of older adults. e. Plan to promote/maintain optimal function in older adults. 6. Sensory changes/communication in older adults a. Appreciate elements for effective communication. b. Identify sensory loss barriers to communication and barrier breakers. c. Identify cognitive barriers and barrier breakers. d. Identify psychological barriers and barrier breakers. e. Discuss the use of language translators. 7. Falls a. Describe demographics of falls with older adults. b. Identify risk factors for falls. c. Identify evaluation components for falls. d. Discuss interventions to prevent falls. 8. Pressure Ulcers a. Identify the incidence/prevalence of pressure ulcers in the older adult. b. Perform a risk assessment for pressure ulcers. c. Define the staging used to assess pressure ulcers. d. Plan care for the prevention of pressure ulcers. e. Plan care for the treatment of pressure ulcers. 9. Nutrition: Feeding the older adult a. Discuss the demographics of nutrition in older adults. b. Assess diet history and nutritional status of older adults. c. Evaluate the older adult for anorexia due to medications and depression. d. Identify optimal dining experiences. e. Plan care for self-feeding of the older adult. f. Plan mealtime considering cognitive/physical impairments. 10. Pain/Palliation a. Identify the incidence of pan in older adults b. Assess pain in the older adult c. Discuss barriers to pain relief. d. Identify problems/strategies to assess pain in older adults with cognitive impairments. e. Describe adverse consequences of pain f. Identify considerations in treating pain. g. Discuss pain management treatment strategies. h. Plan care for assessing and managing pain. 11. Cross-Cultural Influences a. Describe your own values and how values effect behaviors and beliefs. b. Acknowledge heterogeneity within groups of ethnic elders. c. Assess clients’ acculturation, education and income. d. Recognize cultural and religious beliefs, practices, life experiences and their influence. e. 12. 13. 14. Discuss family and support systems, roles, attitudes, and their influence on care Urinary Incontience a. Identify the prevalence and risk factors for urinary incontinence. b. Identify the causes of transient incontinence. c. Identify the types, signs, and symptoms of persistent urinary incontinence. d. Discuss treatment options for urinary incontinence. e. Assess the use of indwelling catheters. Bowel Elimination a. Identify the prevalence and risk factors for bowel incontinence. b. Identify the cause of bowel incontinence. c. Discuss treatment options for bowel incontinence. Ethical and Legal issues of older adult care a. Define key terms associated with legal and ethical issues. b. Explain the relationship between ethics and professional practice. c. Discuss the role of values in the study of ethics. d. Describe the basic philosophies of bioethics. e. Apply a method of ethical analysis to a clinical situation. f. Identify ethical issues and nursing implications 15. Critical thinking and the Nursing Process a. Discuss how critical thinking is used in nursing practice. b. Describe critical thinking attitudes used in clinical decision making. c. Explain how professional standards influence a nurse’s clinical decision making. d. Discuss the relationship of the nursing process to critical thinking. e. Define the nursing process. f. Define the steps of the nursing process g. Discuss purposes of each step of the nursing process h. Conduct a nursing assessment i develop a plan of care for a hypothetical client 16. Financing of the health care system a. Discuss the effects that managed care has had on health care services. b. Explain the rationale for regulatory and competitive approaches used to control health care cost. c. Describe the role of nurses in different health care settings d. Describe the role of nurses in promoting patient satisfaction. e. explain the levels of healthcare and levels of prevention. V. Methods of Presentation Lectures, discussions, demonstrations, return demonstrations, audio-visual aids, interviewing, and assigned reading from textbooks and journals, seminars, charting exercises, self-learning, laboratory, group discussions, clinical experiences, and written assignments, on line participation . VI. Course Content Coverage 12.5 Week 1 12.5 Week 2 12.5 Week 3 12.5 Week 4 12.5 Week 5 12.5 Week 6 12.5 Week 7 12.5 Week 8 Topic Orientation to Course Profession of Nursing Communication Attitudes about Aging Theories of Aging Functional Assessments Sensory Changes/Communication with Older Adults Falls Pressure Ulcers Nutrition: Feeding the older Adult Pain/Palliation Cross-Cultural Influences Critical Thinking and the Nursing Process Critical Thinking and the Nursing Process Urinary Incontinence Bowel Incontinence Ethical and Legal Issues of older adult care Financing the Health Care System Final Exam VII. METHODS OF EVALUATION 1. Students must pass BOTH the theory and clinical components in order to successfully pass N10 Skills in Nursing. 2. The student must successfully demonstrate and pass the assigned skills in the nursing laboratory and the clinical area by the stated deadlines. 3. Students must earn a grade of C or better in theory portion of the course. Exams are multiple choice, fill-in, short answer, essay, and graphing, group projects (if assigned) will be graded according to specified guidelines. THEORY GRADING SCALE: 100-92 % A 91-83 % B 82-75 % C 74-70 % 69-0 % D F Below 75% is considered failing in the SMC ADN Program.