RGB-Net: Lagomorph Genomics workshop Chairman: Luca Fontanesi Dept. of Agro-Food Science and Technology and Centre of Genome Biology, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy Dear Lagomorph Scientists, I am pleased to invite you to the RGB-Net workshop focused on Lagomorph Genomics. RGB-Net is a recently funded European Union COST Action: “A Collaborative European Network on Rabbit Genome Biology: RGB-Net” RGB-Net aim is to create networks of scientists working on rabbit and, in general, Lagomorph genomics and biology. It includes more than 100 scientists in 20 European Countries, as well as USA, Japan, China, Taiwan and South Africa. Its activities are divided in Working Groups. Working Group 4 is focused on wild lagomorph genomics, genetic conservation and management. RGB-Net is organizing this workshop in order to present its aims and to create new networks in the lagomorph scientific community. The program of the workshop is divided in a few communications and open discussion: 9.45 - 9.50: Introduction of the workshop (Luca Fontanesi) 9.50 - 10.05: Presentation of the COST Action: A Collaborative European Network on Rabbit Genome Biology - RGB-Net (Luca Fontanesi) 10.05 - 10.25: Population genomics of wild lagomorphs (Mihajla Djan) 10.25 - 10.55: Coffee break 10.55 - 11.10: How Conservation Genomics can improve the preservation of wild lagomorph populations (Paulo Célio Alves) 11.10 - 11.25: How funneling of genetic diversity maintains functional integrity in Lepus MHC (Zissis Mamuris) 11.25 - 11.40: Wild lagomorphs in Italian peninsula: current situation and future perspectives (Cristiano Vernesi & Ettore Randi) 11.40 - 11.55: Lagomorph genomics and zooarcheology (Vlatka Cubric Curik) 11.55 - 12.15: Round table 12.15 end Please bring with you ideas on how to apply high throughput sequencing technologies and approaches to investigate Lagomorph genomes for different purposes, including transcriptome analyses. Integrations of research programs from different groups could create new opportunities and networks considering that RGB-Net can fund short term scientific missions and meetings in this field. For more details and information please contact the Chair of RGB-Net (luca.fontanesi@unibo.it). I would like to thank the organizers of the 4 th World Lagomorph Conference who made it possible to have this workshop.