NEW SOUTH WALES TECHNICAL AND FURTHER EDUCATION COMMISSION NSW Course Number: 9071 NSW Version Number: 4 Qualification Code: 91349NSW _____________________________ Certificate I in Access to Work and Training _____________________________ Accreditation Date: 01-Dec-2006 Expiry of Accreditation: 31-Dec-2011 SOCIAL INCLUSION & VOCAT ACCESS VOCATIONAL ACCESS PROGRAM AREA Certificate I in Access to Work and Training A. General information 1. Proponent NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access 2. Address NSW TAFE Commission 1 Oxford St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010 3. Contact details Manager Vocational Access Social Inclusion and Vocational Access Skills Unit PO Box 707 Broadway NSW 2007 Phone: 02 9217 4293 Fax: 02 9217 3918 4. Type of submission 4.1 Course submission type Accreditation 5. Copyright information Material in this course syllabus is the property of the State of NSW, Department of Education and Training, NSW TAFE Commission, Social Inclusion and Vocational Access Skills Unit copyright, and subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. A licence is required to: - use this material for training delivery - reproduce in part or whole - incorporate a significant part of the material into a derivative such as, an Enhancement, Contextualisation, Supplementary or Compilation - on-sell or license, in part or whole, to a third party. Not all of the units of competency associated with this course may be State of N.S.W. copyright. For information about the copyright and licensing of particular units of competency refer to the specific unit of competency documentation. 6. Course licensing and franchise arrangements Licensing and franchising arrangements should be negotiated with the copyright owner. For information related to the licensing of the State of NSW, Department of 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 2 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training A. General information Education and Training copyright materials, contact: Social Inclusion and Vocational Access Skills Unit PO Box 707 Broadway NSW 2007 Phone: (02) 9217 4293 Facsimile: (02) 9217 3918 7. Accreditation authority TAFE NSW under delegation from VETAB 8. Classification information ANZSCO Code: ANZSIC Code: Field of Education: NSW Course Number: NSW Version Number: GEN20 8432 120599 9071 4 Non-Industry Specific Training Technical and Further Education Employment Skills Programmes Certificate I in Access to Work and Training 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 3 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information 1. COURSE NAME AND QUALIFICATION 1.1 Course qualification and name Certificate I in Access to Work and Training 1.2 Nominal duration: 360 hours The hours for this course and the units of competency within it are only indicative. Total hours will depend on the target group and the electives chosen. Completion requires 260 - 360 hours. The number of hours may vary depending on factors such as target group needs, learners' entry level knowledge and skills, elective units of competency selected and duration of work placement if applicable. 2. COURSE DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Industry and market needs TAFE NSW Access Employment, Education and Training (AEET) Framework ------------------------------------------------------------------This course is part of the TAFE NSW Access Employment, Education and Training (AEET) Framework which includes accredited courses at AQF 1 to 3. These courses have been developed to enable learners to gain access to employment, education and training. The TAFE NSW Access Employment, Education and Training (AEET) Framework is a response to national and international research on the importance of Employability Skills. Qualifications in the Framework contain units of competency clustered according to the Employability Skills Framework proposed by the Business Council of Australia (BCA) and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), the use of which has been endorsed by the National Training Quality Council (NTQC). The Certificate I in Access to Work and Training specifically addresses these Employability Skills. The AEET Framework has been designed to meet the needs of people needing to access pathways to vocational and further education. These target groups include: * Aboriginal people * mature aged people * people with disability * second chance learners * women * youth at risk * people from a language background other than English (LBOTE) * people living in rural, regional and remote areas. These learners may enrol in the course for support in: * further developing their Employability and/or vocational skills * seeking paid or unpaid work * clarifying career goals 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 4 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information * developing specific skills required for entry to vocational training. The development of AEET qualifications has been based on extensive consultations with internal and external industry and community stakeholders in NSW and other states, institute customers and a National Network of TAFE Leaders in Access and General Education. The new suite of qualifications will replace a number of module based courses that had similar outcomes. These new qualifications will provide flexibility for Institute delivery and enhance the range of outcomes for learners accessing employment or further study. Background to the development of the AEET Framework --------------------------------------------------Employability Skills -------------------Industry consultation, as well as national and international research, has produced a particular focus on the importance of Employability Skills since the release, in March 2002, of the paper Employability Skills for the Future. This paper and subsequent work, sponsored by BCA and ACCI, have resulted in the development of a proposed Employability Skills Framework. This Framework has been endorsed by the National Training Quality Council (NTQC). In Australia, the High Level Review of Training Packages(2004)found that the incorporation of generic/employability skills is one of the most significant design issues for Training Packages. Target groups ------------The NSW VET Plan 2006 - 2008 identifies key targets under the Bilateral Agreement between the State and Federal Governments' Council of Australian Governments (COAG). Three Commonwealth targets that are likely to require increased effort are: * enrolments by 45 to 64 year olds * enrolments by 20 to 24 year olds * Indigenous enrolments at Certificate III and above. To achieve these targets there is a need to provide flexible training and contextualised recognition to attract the diversity of students from within the three target groups. Addressing specific critical needs and skills gaps, particularly for existing workers, can be achieved through customised recognition, skills set training and packaging of units of competencies. Visible links between training and employment opportunities are critical to the development of qualifications in Access and General Education. Skills shortage areas --------------------The current National Industry Skills Report (Department of Education, Science and Training May 2006) highlights industry areas with reported skills shortages in areas such as agrifood, child care, residential aged care, construction, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics and electrical trades, hairdressing, and real estate. As potential students are located to fill these skills shortages they may have a range of employability skills or pre employment training requirements that will need to be addressed. For this to occur, courses need to be flexible and enable the achievement of identified industry and employability competencies. This will provide learners with a pathway into specific industry areas. Proposed strategies identified in the National Industry Skills Report (Department of Education, Science and Training May 2006) to address Skilling Australia's Workforce (SAW) Legislation 2005 include: * increasing the number of prevocational courses as pathways to enter 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 5 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information * * * * * * industries establishing new ways to recognise and record skills, training and qualifications increasing flexible delivery modes to meet the needs of small and medium enterprises, part time casual and seasonal workers and those at rural and remote locations improving development and delivery of short courses to meet industry needs enabling individuals to acquire cultural and language skills as well as the ability to manage diversity supporting individuals to assume greater responsibility for own training and career development increasing enrolments in higher qualifications. The Employment and Workplace Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work) Bill 2005 and the Family and Community Services Legislation Amendment (Welfare to Work) Bill 2005 have set in place new arrangements for sole parents, people with disabilities, long-termed unemployed and mature age unemployed. The AEET Framework courses, including this one, provide a vehicle that will support people affected by this legislation to develop the skills they need to enter or re-enter the workforce. Research conducted within TAFE NSW strongly supports the provision of Access and General Education (A&GE) qualifications as employability skills developed are seen nationally as critical to effective business operations, social cohesion and meaningful employment. The research identifies that A&GE qualifications provide a range of pathways to work, further education, vocational training and Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) in a supportive environment. The AEET Framework is developed on the same principles as a Training Package and contains the same components as a Training Package: Competency Standards, Assessment Guidelines and Qualifications Framework. The move from accredited modular based courses to a framework of units of competency: * demonstrates a commitment to the Training Package philosophy and unit based enrolment in TAFE NSW * provides a consistent and transparent process for course development and delivery for all mainstream TAFE learners, including those from A&GE target groups * provides benchmarks for mutual recognition and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) of units of competency. The qualifications will include: * existing national units of competency * TAFE NSW units of competency addressing employability skills and informed by existing curriculum * TAFE NSW units of competency related to the skills and knowledge needed for the new qualifications and for identified target groups. The structures and content of the qualifications have been informed and reviewed by the AEET Reference Group, TAFE NSW Institutes, TAFE NSW Equity Units, Aboriginal Education Training Directorate, National Network of Leaders in Access and General Education and Peak industry and community groups for Access and General Education. The Social Inclusion and Vocational Access Skills Unit personnel consulted extensively with internal and external stakeholders throughout the project. Feedback from these consultations identified that the qualifications need to enable Institutes to meet current and emerging needs of individuals and 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 6 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information communities. The qualifications meet these needs by providing: * flexibility * multiple pathways * capacity for contextualisation. Consultations identified that 'badged' courses, identifying the course by its target group, may not be in the best interests of learners since such qualifications can be perceived as less rigorous in the market place and may therefore create barriers for learners seeking work or recognition. The new suite of qualifications will replace existing courses and add capacity for Institutes to respond to emerging markets. In order to meet identified market needs, the following qualifications provide a pathway into this qualification: * Statement of Attainment in Access to Work and Training * Statement of Attainment in Skills for Work and Training Consultation with Stakeholders -----------------------------The development of this course, as part of the AEET Framework, was informed by extensive consultations with the following internal and external stakeholders, in keeping with the principles of Training Package development: * AEET Framework National Reference Group: o Institute Director, TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute o General Manager, TAFE NSW Business o Director, TAFE NSW Social Inclusion and Vocational Access Skills Unit o Chief Executive Officer, Innovation and Business Skills Australia o Chief Executive Officer, Manufacturing Skills Australia o Federal TAFE President, Australian Education Union o Secretary, TAFE Teachers' Association o Equity Representative, National Quality Council o Director, Victorian Qualifications Authority o Associate Director, TAFE NSW Primary Industries and Natural Resources Curriculum Centre o Director, Community and Migrant Education, NSW Department of Education and Training o Dean of Studies, General Education, TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute o Vice-President, NSW Adult Literacy and Numeracy Council o Product Manager, Product Services and General Education, Product Research and Development, Open Learning Institute, TAFE Queensland o A/Associate Director, TAFE NSW Equity Strategy and Programs * National network of TAFE leaders in Access and General Education: o Director, Social Inclusion and Vocational Access Skills Unit, TAFE NSW o Senior Consultant, Product Services, TAFE Queensland o Product Manager for Creative Industries, IT & GE, TAFE Queensland o Senior Project Officer, Education Services & Programs, DFEEST, South Australia o Curriculum Officer, Curriculum Support Services Network, Challenger TAFE, Western Australia o Director, School of Social Sciences, Chisholm TAFE, Victoria o Dean of Communication & Community Services, CIT, ACT o Coordinator VET Programs, Centre of Access & ESL, Charles Darwin University, Northern Territory o Pathway Manager, Institute of TAFE, Tasmania * TAFE NSW Institute Faculty Directors * TAFE NSW Deans of Studies * TAFE NSW Multicultural Education Unit * Directors of Studies, TAFE NSW ELICOS Centres * TAFE NSW Head Teachers and teaching staff. 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 7 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information Detailed information about the industry and community consultations for new qualifications within the AEET Framework Project is available from TAFE NSW Social Inclusion and Vocational Access Skills Unit Intranet 2.2 Review for re-accreditation Consultation conducted as part of the development of the AEET Framework identified that the philosophy, intent and outcomes of a number of courses and statements of attainment will be replaced by the Certificate 1 in Access to Work and Training. Courses being replaced are: * 90366NSW Certificate I in Career Access (11205) (a stranded course which includes 9 separate courses) * Statement of Attainment in Employment Skills (9422) * Statement of Attainment in Work Opportunities for Women (4195). * 90789NSW Certificate I in Work Skills(9870) * Statement of Attainment in Work Skills (4127) * Statement of Attainment in Learning by Contract(4995) The AEET Framework review identified that the existing module based courses had overlapping content and duplication of outcomes. These courses offered limited flexibility and capacity to allow Institutes to respond to local needs and changing contexts. The review also identified the need for qualifications previously offered to a target group at a single level to be available across AQF levels 1 to 3 to provide greater flexibility. The Certificate 1 in Access to Work and Training provides the AQF 1 level qualification in this new suite of courses. Skilling Australia's Workforce and Welfare to Work legislation, identified the need for education and training to address skills gaps, retraining needs and employability skills. This requires qualifications that provide a broad range of vocational units of competency that can be combined with units of competency that address employability skills to help learners achieve realistic employment outcomes. The Certificate I in Access to Work and Training has a flexible structure that enables customisation for delivery to a range of learners as well as specific target groups. Relevant units of competency within the course can be selected and clustered to create a local program to address local target group needs. These groups may include: * Aboriginal people * mature aged people * people with a language background other than English (LBOTE) * people with a disability * second chance learners * youth at risk * women * people living in rural, regional and remote areas. Their * * * * * goals may include: retraining for a change in employment accessing paid or unpaid work gaining skills to improve community or workplace participation gaining skills to assist access to further training planning employment or training pathways. Units of comptency specifically addressing the needs of women have been included in the course structure to allow training organisations to package suitable programs to meet the needs of groups of women wishing to retrain or access 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 8 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information further study. Similar consultation was conducted with TAFE NSW stakeholders involved in entry level course provision for learners with a disability and Aboriginal learners to ensure that the units of competency included in the Certificate 1 in Access to Work and Training will allow for local course customisation and packaging for these groups of learners. The flexible structure, target groups and delivery contexts possible in this qualification reflect advice received during consultation with Institutes. This qualification responds to emerging practices in Institutes to customise, brand and market qualifications for specific target groups and local needs. Consultation with TAFE NSW Curriculum Centres has identified appropriate nationally endorsed units of competency which have valid standing within this qualification. Transition Arrangements ----------------------This course replaces: * 90366NSW Certificate I in Career Access (11205) (a stranded course which includes 9 separate courses) * Statement of Attainment in Employment Skills (9422) * Statement of Attainment in Work Opportunities for Women (4195). * 90789NSW Certificate I in Work Skills(9870) * Statement of Attainment in Work Skills (4127) * Statement of Attainment in Learning by Contract(4995) It will not be possible to enrol new students in these courses from 1 January 2007. Students currently enrolled may either continue in the old course or enrol in the new qualification carrying advanced standing for modules they have completed that map to units of competency in the new qualification, depending on circumstances in Institutes. 3. COURSE OUTCOMES 3.1 Course outcomes This course provides a pathway to work, community participation, and further education and training (eg. Certificate II in Skills for Work and Training, Training Package qualifications and Year 10 equivalent Certificate II in General and Vocational Education). It may also be contextualised for overseas qualified professionals seeking development or consolidation of employability skills in English. Learners will develop a range of skills and knowledge to achieve the following key course outcomes: * identify realistic education/employment options and appropriate educational pathways * participate in a formal, supported or self-managed learning environment * improve opportunities for community participation and contributing to a diverse society * identify RPL opportunities for work and life experiences. In addition, depending on electives chosen, learners will achieve one or more of the following outcomes: * enhance communication skills for accessing and maintaining employment * develop skills to retrain or enter the workforce (including entry level vocational skills) 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 9 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information * * provide articulation into further education and training at AQF levels 1 and 2 develop fundamental core employability and vocational skills to achieve chosen options. The structure of this qualification enables customisation for delivery to specific target groups. The course can be locally 'badged' and marketed to one or more identified groups eg Aboriginal people, mature aged workers, people with language background other than English (LBOTE), people seeking career change or skills enhancement, people seeking paid or unpaid work, people with disability, second chance learners, women, Youth at Risk or groups of learners in a workplace. The course structure includes: * units of competency addressing the full range of employability skills (TAFE NSW developed units of competency from the AEET Framework - these units of competency can be identified by a TAFE NSW code with a prefix NSWT.) * units of competency relating to employability skills from current training package qualifications. These units of competency can be identified by their Training Package code. * vocational units of competency from current training package qualifications. * AEET Framework targeted content/specialist units of competency. 3.2 Competency standards No nationally endorsed competency standards exist for Access and General Education. However in creating this qualification national units of competency from a range of Training Packages have been included in the structure or have informed the development of AEET Framework units of competency. The qualification contains TAFE NSW units of competency developed by Social Inclusion and Vocational Access Skills Unit as part of the Access Employment Education and Training (AEET) Framework and in accordance with the current Training Package Development Handbook. National units relating to employability skills have been incorporated where their delivery and assessment requirements are appropriate for the contexts in which the qualification will be delivered. Other national units of competency have informed the development of TAFE NSW employability skills units of competency, to provide a learning pathway that will enable learners to achieve national units of competency. The NSW units of competency will build a pathway to the related national units of competency and Training Package qualifications. When learners complete units of competency from Training Packages, they will achieve credit transfer/advanced standing into Training Package qualifications in which the units of competency are included. Advice on appropriate clustering of units of competency is provided in the AEET Framework Implementation Guide. Information on mapping of TAFE NSW developed units of competency to national units of competency and articulation pathways to Training Package qualifications, will be detailed in AEET Framework Implementation Guidelines. The units of competency comprising the AEET Framework were developed by: * rationalising existing module stock * identifying gaps in existing stock * identifying duplication in proposed units of competency * clustering like units of competency in order to establish scaffolding of competencies and to identify overlap. 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 10 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information A profile of each proposed unit of competency was then documented which indicated its proposed title, description, content and scope, and its relationship to current and proposed stock or to any nationally endorsed unit of competency. To ensure consistency in standards across the language and literacy related units of competency, their development was informed by and content aligned with the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) indicators of competence. 3.3 General competencies Employability Skills are built into all workplace, further study and community capacity building competencies. Trainers and assessors should ensure that they are addressed in training and assessment. The Employability skills applicable to this course are outlined below: 1. National Employability SKills Communication ------------that contributes to productive and harmonious relations between employees and customers. Learners will develop oral and written communication skills appropriate to a workplace, community or education context. Example of application in the following unit: BSBCMM101A - Apply basic communication skills. Teamwork -------that contributes to productive working relationships and outcomes. Learners will develop skills and knowledge to participate effectively in a team in a workplace, community or education context. Example of application in the following unit: NSWTCOM102B - Communicate orally with others about routine matters. Problem solving --------------that contributes to productive outcomes. Learners will develop skills and knowledge to use problem solving strategies in a workplace, community or education context. Example of application in the following unit: NSWTPBL101B - Use basic problem solving strategies. Initiative and enterprise ------------------------that contribute to innovative outcomes. Learners will develop skills and knowledge to identify and implement workplace roles and responsibilities and develop knowledge of work practices. 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 11 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information Examples of application in the following units: NSWTINT101B - Identify features and sources of effective leadership NSWTINT102B - Identify job opportunities. Planning and organising ----------------------that contribute to long-term and short-term strategic planning. Learners will develop skills and knowledge to plan, prepare and participate in activities in a work, education or community context. Examples of application in the following units: BSBLED101A - Plan skills development NSWTPLG103B - Plan a short project NSWTPLG107A - Plan for education and employment. Self-management --------------that contributes to employee satisfaction and growth. Learners will develop skills and knowledge to enhance their ability to manage their personal, work, community or education needs Examples of application in the following units: NSWTSFM101B - Use effective personal presentation skills NSWTSFM103B - Prepare for an interview NSWTSFM110B - Access community service providers. Learning -------that contributes to ongoing improvement and expansion in employee and company operations and outcomes. Learners will develop skills and knowledge to participate in education and training and identify learning goals. Examples of application in the following units: NSWTLRN101B - Organise personal learning environment NSWTLRN102B - Formulate an initial learning plan NSWTLRN105B - Apply learning strategies at work. Technology ---------that contributes to effective execution of tasks. Learners will develop skills and knowledge to use technology to develop a range of written and oral communication skills in a work, community or education context. Examples of application in the following units: NSWTTCH101B - Develop literacy using technology NSWTTCH102B - Apply skills to use emerging technology NSWTTCH103B - Use everyday technology. 2. The following additional Employability Skills have been identified by Social Inclusion and Vocational Access Skills Unit, TAFE NSW as apart of the Access 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 12 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information Employment and Education Training (AEET Framework project): Personal safety and security ---------------------------that contributes to an awareness of personal safety and security. Learners will develop skills and knowledge to take responsibility for personal safety and security that meets their needs within a workplace, community or education context. Example of application in the following unit: BSBOHS201A - Participate in OHS processes Ethics and ethical practice --------------------------that contributes to an awareness of ethical principles and practice. Learners will develop skills and knowledge to apply confidentiality and respect for the rights and needs of others in a workplace, community or education context. Example of application in the following unit: NSWTETH204A - Identify ethical issues in the workplace. Sustainability -------------that contributes to an awareness of concepts of natural, human and social capital. Learners will develop skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to a diverse society in a workplace, community or education context. Example of application in the following unit: NSWTSUS101B - Engage with a socially diverse environment in everyday contexts. 3.4 Recognition given to course Not applicable. 3.5 Licensing and regulatory requirements Not applicable. 4. COURSE STRUCTURE 4.1 Outline of course structure To achieve the award of Certificate I in Access to Work and Training, the core unit of competency from Group 1, at least one unit of competency from one subgroup in Group 2 and at least 240 hours of elective units of competency must be completed. These electives may be chosen from Groups 2, 3 and/or 6. This course consists of six groups. 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 13 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information Group 1 contains a core unit of competency to help learners plan for their program of study in this course and future training or employment outcomes. This unit of competency must be achieved. Group 2 contains 5 subgroups of units of competency clustered against groups of Employability Skills (Communication and team skills, problem solving and self management skills, planning organising and learning skills, technology skills, and the AEET Developed Employability Skills - initiative, enterprise and ethical behaviour skills, personal safety security and sustainability skills). At least one unit of competency in one sub group must be achieved. Group 3 contains additional elective units of competency which can be counted towards course completion. Units of competency in this group include units for target groups and units addressing content/specialist skills and knowledge. Group 4 contains enrichment AEET Framework AQF 2 units of competency. Units of competency from this group do not count towards course completion. However, they may count towards completion in the Statement of Attainment in Access to Work and Training. Group 5 contains bridging units of competency - enabling level AEET Framework units of competency. These units of competency do not count towards course completion. However, they may count towards completion in the Statement of Attainment in Access to Work and Training. Group 6 contains elective vocational units of competency (AQF 1-2) that are appropriate for integrated and/or project based delivery with one or more units of competency from Groups 2 and 3, or for stand alone vocational study of one or more units of competency. These are additional electives which can be counted towards course completion. Overall, the compulsory core unit of competency plus elective hours to a total of at least 240 hours must be achieved for course completion. Learner support - Students requiring support to meet their learning goals will need to co-enrol in the Learner Support Course (9999). Course Elective Completion : At least 240 hours of elective module/units must be completed. These may be chosen from groups 2, 3, 6 Group 1 CORE All module/units must be completed Module/Unit Code NSWTPLG107A National Module Code Module/Unit Name Plan for education and employment Nom Hrs 20 Group 2 AEET LEVEL 1 EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS 1 subgroup must be completed Subgroup 1 COMMUNICATION AND TEAM SKILLS At least 1 module/unit must be completed 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 14 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information Module/Unit Code BSBCMM101A NSWTCOM101B NSWTCOM102B NSWTCOM106B NSWTCOM111B NSWTCOM114B NSWTCOM116B NSWTLSG101B NSWTNMY104B NSWTNMY105B NSWTNMY106B NSWTNMY107B NSWTNMY108B NSWTNMY109B NSWTNMY110B NSWTNMY111B National Module Code Module/Unit Name Apply basic communication skills Participate in small informal group discussions Communicate orally with others about routine matters Use basic information literacy Respond to signs and sources of conflict in everyday contexts Communicate with customers about simple routine matters Present information to a small group Listen and respond in everyday contexts Use data handling in highly familiar contexts Use number skills in familiar contexts Use measurement in familiar contexts Use maps, shape and space in familiar contexts Use data handling in familiar contexts Use number skills in familiar and some unfamiliar contexts Use measurement in familiar and some unfamiliar contexts Use maps, shape and space in familiar and some unfamiliar contexts Use data handling in familiar and some unfamiliar contexts Make informed personal financial decisions Manage personal financial aspects of work Use a basic calculator Apply a limited range of mathematical problem solving strategies Read and identify basic information in highly familiar contexts Apply basic critical literacy skills Read and interpret a range of familiar texts Identify and use literacy for vocational and community engagement Speak clearly in everyday contexts Give and respond to instructions in everyday contexts Identify basic teamwork skills Apply basic spelling strategies Write short texts to convey meaning in highly familiar contexts Write for creative purposes in a familiar context Write about a familiar topic Write texts to convey information in everyday contexts NSWTNMY112B NSWTNMY113B NSWTNMY114B NSWTNMY115B NSWTNMY116B NSWTRDG103B NSWTRDG104B NSWTRDG105B NSWTRDG111A NSWTSPG101B NSWTSPG102B NSWTTMW102B NSWTWTG102B NSWTWTG104B NSWTWTG106B NSWTWTG107B NSWTWTG108B Nom Hrs 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 20 20 40 40 20 20 40 40 18 20 40 40 40 15 20 20 20 30 40 40 40 40 Subgroup 2 PROBLEM SOLVING AND SELF MANAGEMENT SKILLS At least 1 module/unit must be completed Module/Unit Code BSBWOR202A NSWTPBL101B NSWTSFM101B NSWTSFM102B NSWTSFM103B NSWTSFM104B NSWTSFM105B NSWTSFM106B NSWTSFM107B NSWTSFM110B NSWTSFM111B NSWTSFM202B NSWTSFM203B National Module Code Module/Unit Name Organise and complete daily work activities Use basic problem solving strategies Use effective personal presentation skills Prepare and write job application documents Prepare for an interview Review education and training outcomes Identify job opportunities and training pathways Identify essential options for living in Australia Identify common issues related to living in Australia Access community service providers Prepare for skills recognition Participate in work experience Evaluate work experience Nom Hrs 20 20 20 20 20 4 20 20 20 20 30 30 20 Subgroup 3 PLANNING AND ORGANISING AND LEARNING SKILLS At least 1 module/unit must be completed 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 15 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information Module/Unit Code NSWTCOM103B NSWTLRN101B NSWTLRN102B NSWTLRN103B NSWTLRN104B National Module Code Module/Unit Name Investigate forms of communication media Organise personal learning environment Formulate an initial learning plan Identify key areas for study purposes Identify link between current study and broader learning environment Apply learning strategies at work Participate in the learning environment Gather, organise and record information Organise a meeting Plan a short project Review a short project Carry out a short project Set realistic personal goals Identify work placement opportunities in industry and the community NSWTLRN105B NSWTLRN107B NSWTPLG101B NSWTPLG102B NSWTPLG103B NSWTPLG104B NSWTPLG105B NSWTPLG106B NSWTPLG203B Nom Hrs 30 20 20 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Subgroup 4 TECHNOLOGY SKILLS AND INITIATIVE & ENTERPRISE SKILLS At least 1 module/unit must be completed Module/Unit Code BSBLED101A ICAU1128B ICAU1204B NSWTINT101B NSWTINT102B NSWTINT103B NSWTINT105B NSWTINT106B NSWTINT107B NSWTINT202B NSWTTCH101B NSWTTCH102B NSWTTCH103B NSWTTCH104B NSWTTCH105B NSWTTCH106B NSWTTCH107B National Module Code Module/Unit Name Plan skills development Operate a personal computer Locate and use relevant online information Identify features and sources of effective leadership Identify job opportunities Develop a basic awareness of workplace practices Support children in early literacy and numeracy development Plan for workplace change Develop and implement a basic contract for learning Work with a mentor Develop literacy using technology Apply skills to use emerging technology Use everyday technology Prepare to access the Internet Prepare to access a personal computer Prepare for word processing Prepare to use email Nom Hrs 20 15 20 20 20 20 20 30 50 30 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 Subgroup 5 AEET FRAMEWORK DEVELOPED EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS At least 1 module/unit must be completed Module/Unit Code NSWTETH204A NSWTPSS101B NSWTPSS102B NSWTPSS103B NSWTPSS104B NSWTPSS105B NSWTSUS101B NSWTSUS102A NSWTSUS103A NSWTSUS104A National Module Code Nom Hrs Identify ethical issues in the workplace 20 Read basic safety signs 20 Apply safety awareness and literacy skills for driving 20 Respond to common accidents 20 Demonstrate awareness of workplace safety issues and processes 20 Use workplace texts related to safety 30 Engage with a socially diverse environment in everyday contexts 20 Participate in a vocational learning environment 50 Plan for personal sustainability 20 Plan for active citizenship 20 Module/Unit Name 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 16 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information Module/Unit Code NSWTSUS105A NSWTSUS106A NSWTSUS107A NSWTSUS108A NSWTSUS109A NSWTSUS110A NSWTSUS111A NSWTSUS115A National Module Code Module/Unit Name Explore community networks Plan for community engagement Participate in a community project Contribute to a community project plan Identify strategies for lifelong learning Contribute to group goal setting Access a community learning group Investigate environmentally sustainable practices in a range of contexts Investigate community issues Prepare to mentor NSWTSUS205A NSWTSUS206A Nom Hrs 20 20 30 30 20 30 40 10 20 20 Group 3 CONTENT/SPECIALIST UNITS OF COMPETENCY These are additional electives which can be counted towards course completion Module/Unit Code NSWTABL101B NSWTABL102B NSWTABL103B National Module Code Module/Unit Name Provide information on Aboriginal cultural values Investigate local Aboriginal community issues Present information on the impact of invasion and colonisation of Australia Access adaptive technology Apply basic historical methods Identify current issues in Australia Identify geographical features of Australia Identify significant people and events in Australia's history Identify key aspects of government in Australia Use basic signed English to participate in a limited range of everyday exchanges Work safely in a science learning environment Carry out science investigations into aspects of personal health Investigate science concepts related to familiar everyday activities Use science concepts to develop an action plan to minimise waste Follow hygienic domestic kitchen practices for personal sustainability Prepare healthy basic foods for personal sustainability Plan healthy food practices for personal sustainability Plan strategies to access work and education for women Identify factors which impact on the lives of women NSWTDTY103B NSWTHMN101B NSWTHMN102A NSWTHMN103A NSWTHMN104A NSWTHMN105A NSWTLNG213B NSWTSCN101B NSWTSCN102B NSWTSCN103B NSWTSCN104B NSWTSUS112A NSWTSUS113A NSWTSUS114A NSWTWMN101B NSWTWMN102B Nom Hrs 30 36 36 30 40 20 20 20 20 48 4 40 40 40 20 90 9 36 20 Group 4 AEET LEVEL 2 UNITS OF COMPETENCY These are enrichment modules/units and do not count towards course completion Module/Unit Code BSBCMM201A BSBCUS201A BSBINN201A BSBOHS201A NSWTCOM201A NSWTCOM202A NSWTCOM203A NSWTCOM206B NSWTCOM210B National Module Code Nom Hrs Communicate in the workplace 20 Deliver a service to customers 30 Contribute to workplace innovation 35 Participate in OHS processes 20 Prepare & orally deliver stories for a purpose 30 Document and communicate personal and community stories 40 Demonstrate awareness of cultural protocols for communicating 25 with an Aboriginal community Record routine written information 20 Analyse different views/attitudes/perspectives presented in the 20 Module/Unit Name 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 17 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information Module/Unit Code National Module Code Module/Unit Name media Use strategies to transform personal conflict Use intercultural communication skills Use negotiation skills in routine contexts Communicate with customers in a range of contexts Write personal texts in literary forms Conduct a simple investigation Respond to literary and non-literary texts Write a range of imaginative and critical English texts Report on an extended investigation Analyse a range of literary and non-literary texts Compose creative texts Operate in a diverse study environment Access support services in a diverse study environment Provide leadership in routine contexts Identify workplace rights and responsibilities Develop and implement plan for education and employment Devise strategies for own learning Interpret information for study purposes Use research and revision skills Listen and respond in a range of contexts Source and organise information for a purpose Participate effectively in an informal meeting Investigate work and training practices in industry and the community Maintain personal safety and security Read and respond to routine texts Use self advocacy skills Devise strategies for living in Australia Evaluate strategies for living in Australia Speak effectively in a range of contexts Give and respond to instructions in a range of contexts Deliver an informal presentation Communicate cultural diversity through stories Engage with a socially diverse environment in a range of diverse contexts Investigate the principles of ecosystems and sustainability Investigate community action to contribute to sustainability Read and respond to text in digital and online contexts Communicate using emerging technologies Write routine work related texts Communicate information using visual techniques NSWTCOM211B NSWTCOM212B NSWTCOM213B NSWTCOM214B NSWTEGL201B NSWTEGL202B NSWTEGL203B NSWTEGL204B NSWTEGL205B NSWTEGL206B NSWTEGL208B NSWTETH201B NSWTETH202B NSWTINT201B NSWTINT203B NSWTLRN201B NSWTLRN202B NSWTLRN203B NSWTLRN204B NSWTLSG201B NSWTPLG201B NSWTPLG202B NSWTPLG204B NSWTPSS201B NSWTRDG201B NSWTSFM201B NSWTSFM206B NSWTSFM207B NSWTSPG201B NSWTSPG202B NSWTSPG203B NSWTSPG204B NSWTSUS201B NSWTSUS202B NSWTSUS203B NSWTTCH201B NSWTTCH202B NSWTWTG201B NSWTWTG202B Nom Hrs 20 20 20 20 18 18 18 18 18 18 36 10 10 20 20 20 6 10 10 20 20 20 30 20 20 30 20 20 20 20 20 30 20 25 20 20 20 20 20 Group 5 ENABLING SKILLS UNITS OF COMPETENCY BRIDGING UNITS Module/Unit Code NSWTDTY101B NSWTDTY102B NSWTNMY101B NSWTNMY102B NSWTNMY103B NSWTNMY117B NSWTNMY118B NSWTNMY119B NSWTNMY120B NSWTNMY121B NSWTNMY122B NSWTNMY123B NSWTNMY124B National Module Code Module/Unit Name Identify own adaptive technology needs Plan to use adaptive technology Use number skills in highly familiar contexts Use measurement in highly familiar contexts Use maps and identify shapes in highly familiar contexts Use volume and capacity measurement in personally relevant contexts Use mass measurement in personally relevant contexts Use length measurement in personally relevant contexts Use clocks and calendars in personally relevant contexts Use temperature measurement in personally relevant contexts Recognise and use money in personally relevant contexts Use basic number skills in personally relevant contexts Use further basic number skills in personally relevant contexts 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Nom Hrs 10 18 40 40 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Status: Approved 18 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information Module/Unit Code NSWTRDG101B NSWTWTG101B NSWTWTG105B National Module Code Module/Unit Name Apply skills to read English script Apply skills for writing English script Write basic information in highly familiar contexts Nom Hrs 40 40 40 Group 6 VOCATIONAL ELECTIVES These are additional electives which can be counted towards course completion Module/Unit Code AURC270103A AURE100064A AURT200108A AURT270278A AURV225908A AURV229749A AURV231649A AURV231786AA AURV231809BA AURV281508A BSBADM101A BSBFIA303A BSBIND201A BSBINM202A BSBITU101A BSBITU102A BSBITU201A BSBITU202A BSBOHS201A BSBWOR204A CHCAC317A CHCAC318A CHCCOM201C CHCICS302A CHCICS303A CHCOHS312A CHCORG303A CPCCBL2001A CPCCBL2002A CPCCBL3001A CPCCCM1005A CPCCCM2005A CPCCCO2002A CPCCCO2003A CPCCOHS1001A CPCCOHS2001A CPCCVE1001A CUVCOR01A CUVVSP04A CUVVSP14A CUVVSP26A CUVVSP34A CUVVSP44A CUVVSP50A FNSICGEN305B HLTFA201A ICAU1128B ICAU1130B ICAU1131B ICAU1132B National Module Code Module/Unit Name Apply safe working practices Remove and tag automotive electrical system components Carry out servicing operations Use and maintain workplace tooling and equipment Carry out panel repairs Prepare spray painting materials and equipment Prepare vehicle/component/equipment for customer use Wash/clean vehicle body and door cavities Clean and finish vehicle interior trim and seats Carry out spot welding procedures Use business equipment and resources Process accounts payable and receivable Work effectively in a business environment Handle mail Operate a personal computer Develop keyboard skills Produce simple word processed documents Create and use spreadsheets Participate in OHS processes Use business technology Support older people to maintain their independence Work effectively with older people Communicate with people accessing the services of the organisation Participate in the implementation of individualised plans Support individual health and emotional well being Follow safety procedures for direct care work Participate effectively in the work environment Handle and prepare bricklaying and blocklaying materials Use bricklaying and blocklaying tools and equipment Lay paving Carry out measurements and calculations Use construction tools and equipment Use concreting tools and equipment Carry out concreting to simple forms Work safely in the construction industry Apply OHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry Undertake a basic construction project Source concept for own work Apply techniques to produce ceramics Apply techniques to produce drawings Apply techniques to produce jewellery Apply techniques to produce paintings Apply techniques to produce prints Apply techniques to produce sculpture Maintain daily financial/business records Provide basic emergency life support Operate a personal computer Operate a spreadsheet application Operate a database application Operate a presentation package 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Nom Hrs 12 18 12 30 32 32 24 16 20 36 15 60 20 15 20 30 40 25 20 20 22 40 20 30 40 30 22 40 40 40 36 40 40 20 6 16 40 18 36 36 36 36 36 36 20 8 15 15 20 15 Status: Approved 19 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information Module/Unit Code ICAU1133B ICAU2005B ICPMM263B ICPPP224B LMFCR0001B LMFCR0003B LMFSF1001B LMFUP1001B LMFUP2001B LMTCL1001B LMTCL2001B LMTCL2003B MEM05004C MEM05007C MEM05012C MEM18001C MEM18002B RTC1006A RTC1202A RTC1302A RTC2012A RTC2026A RTC2209A RTC2301A RTC2304A RTC2701A RTC2705A RTE1005A RTF1004A RTF2014A RTF2015A RUV2101A RUV2102A RUV2106A RUV2107A SIRXCCS001A SIRXCCS002A SIRXCLM001A SIRXICT001A SIRXIND001A SIRXMER001A SIRXOHS001A SIRXRSK001A SIRXSLS001A SITHACS005A SITHACS006A SITHCCC001A SITHCCC002A SITHCCC003A SITHCCC004A SITHCCC005A SITHCCC007A SITHCCC031A SITHFAB010A SITHFAB012A SITXCOM001A SITXCOM002A SITXEVT003A SITXOHS001A SITXOHS002A TLIA1107C TLIA1307C TLIA2107C TLID107C TLID207C TLID307D National Module Code Module/Unit Name Send and retrieve information using web browsers and email Operate computer hardware Access and use the Internet Produce pages using a page layout application Follow safe working policies and practices Carry out measurements and calculations Produce basic soft furnishing accessories Complete a basic upholstery project Use upholstery sector hand and power tools Produce a simple garment Use a sewing machine Identify fibres and fabrics Perform routine oxy acetylene welding Perform manual heating and thermal cutting Perform routine manual metal arc welding Use hand tools Use power tools/hand held operations Support nursery work Support landscape work Assist with routine maintenance of machinery and equipment Plant trees and shrubs Undertake propagation activities Install, maintain and repair fencing Undertake operational maintenance of machinery Operate and maintain chainsaws Follow OHS procedures Work effectively in the industry Support horticultural production Support gardening work Prepare and maintain plant displays Prepare turf surfaces for play Work in the animal care industry Follow OH&S procedures in an animal care environment Assist with food preparation Provide basic first aid for animals Apply point-of-sale handling procedures Interact with customers Organise and maintain work areas Operate retail technology Work effectively in a retail environment Merchandise products Apply safe working practices Minimise theft Sell products and services Prepare rooms for guests Clean premises and equipment Organise and prepare food Present food Receive and store kitchen supplies Clean and maintain kitchen premises Use basic methods of cookery Prepare sandwiches Operate a fast food outlet Prepare and serve non alcoholic beverages Prepare and serve espresso coffee Work with colleagues and customers Work in a socially diverse environment Process and monitor event registrations Follow health, safety and security procedures Follow workplace hygiene procedures Package goods Receive goods Despatch stock Shift materials safely using manual handling methods Shift a load using manually-operated equipment Handle dangerous goods/hazardous substances 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Nom Hrs 15 25 20 30 20 20 50 50 40 37 12 18 18 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 15 10 20 20 20 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 20 20 20 15 10 20 25 45 25 5 6 6 55 6 60 15 30 20 15 20 10 20 22 22 22 8 22 22 Status: Approved 20 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information Module/Unit Code WRBFS201B WRBFS202B WRFO201B WRFO203B National Module Code Module/Unit Name Demonstrate retail skin care products Design and apply make-up Provide service to floristry customers Prepare and display floristry stock Nom Hrs 25 40 30 30 4.2 Requirements to receive the qualification To achieve the award of Certificate I in Access to Work and Training, the core unit of competency from Group 1, at least one unit of competency from one subgroup in Group 2 and overall at least 240 hours of elective units of competency must be completed. These may be chosen from Groups 2, 3 and/or 6. 4.3 Exit points 4.4 On-job requirements There are no formal workplace requirements for this qualification. Depending on the delivery and assessment context and on the needs of the target group, some units of competency selected for the qualification may have workplace requirements. 4.5 Customisation The flexible structure of this course enables it to be customised for delivery in a range of contexts to meet the needs of any target group. Although the course contains only one core unit of competency, units of competency relating specifically to a target group and/or to an identified range of skills and knowledge, can be packaged to achieve specific outcomes. In general, all customisation must be consistent with the NTQC Guidelines for the Customisation of Accredited Courses. Customisation of units will require meeting the relevant Training Package rules for customisation. 4.6 Entry requirements No formal entry requirements. PLEASE NOTE Entry requirements are the minimum qualifications, attributes, skills and /or experience that students must have to enter a course. Selection criteria should be applied if demand exceeds the supply of places. 4.7 Recognition of prior learning At enrolment, learners should be advised of the availability of Recognition of Prior learning and be given appropriate support and assistance in this process. 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 21 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information Learners should be given assistance and the details of the evidence they need to provide to meet the assessment requirements of the specific unit of competency for which they are seeking Recognition. (Refer to individual Unit of Competency for details.) Prior skills and knowledge may have been obtained through: * formal training in Australia or overseas * work and/or life experience in industry and the community. Because of the profile of some of the learners who will enrol in this course, those wishing to seek recognition will require support and advice on the range and type of evidence which would be required for the units they want to seek Recognition against. Models on how to present the information and what documents need to be verified would assist learners in this process. 5. ASSESSMENT 5.1 Assessment strategy IMPORTANT NOTE FOR INSTITUTES Most Unit Guides comprising this course are Level 1 units which include fully developed training and assessment strategies. TAFE NSW Institutes should refer to each Unit Guide when finalising training and assessment strategies for the course as a whole. It should be noted however, that training and assessment strategies have not been developed for Level 2 units. Institutes intending to offer Level 2 units must hold appropriate training and assessment strategies in order to comply with the relevant AQTF 2007 Essential Standards for Registration. General Assessment Information -----------------------------The emphasis of assessment is on collection of sufficient evidence, teacher/trainer judgment and holistic assessment against unit of competency purpose. The focus is on the clustering and integration of areas of knowledge, skills and attitudes, rather than on a "checklist" or atomistic approach. Detailed information on assessment is provided in each unit of competency. Assessment strategies must meet the: * expected work/community outcomes of the qualification * competency standards that make up the qualification * needs of the target group/s to which the qualification is delivered * appropriate assessment methods that suit the needs of the target group/s. Assessment must be contextualised to meet the needs of the particular context in which performance is being assessed. Assessment should only address those variable circumstances, listed in the Range Statement, which apply to the chosen context. Language, literacy and numeracy demands of assessment should not be greater than those required on the job. An individual's access to the assessment process should not be adversely 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 22 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information affected by restrictions placed on the location or context of assessment beyond the requirements specified. Reasonable adjustments can be made to ensure equity in assessment for people with disabilities. Adjustments include any changes to the assessment process or context that meet the individual needs of the person with a disability, but do not change competency outcomes. Such adjustments are considered 'reasonable' if they do not impose an unjustifiable hardship on a training provider or employer. When assessing people with disabilities, assessors are encouraged to apply good practice assessment methods with sensitivity and flexibility. NOTE: In the case of delivery and assessment of units of competency imported from Training Packages, see Unit Guides for specific requirements. 5.2 Assessment Methods and Tools -------------------------------Assessment context -----------------Assessment may take place in the classroom, in a community setting, in the workplace or in a simulated workplace environment. Where relevant, assessment will be undertaken according to the requirements of the relevant Training Package. Units of competency within this qualification can be assessed face to face, distance, in an on-line environment or in a blended learning and assessment environment. Individual or clusters of units of competency can be assessed on or off the job or in a simulated workplace environment. Assessment may be conducted by a: * teacher/ trainer/assessor * trainer/assessor from another vocational area (for Group 6 units) * qualified assessor in a work or community context. The use of an assessment panel or peer or self assessment may be used where appropriate for specific units of competency. Assessment methods -----------------Assessment must be contextualised to meet the needs of the particular context in which performance is being assessed. Assessment should only address those variable circumstances, listed in the Range Statement, which apply to the chosen context. Assessment methods should closely reflect workplace demands (eg literacy) and the needs of particular groups (eg people with disabilities, and people who may have literacy or numeracy difficulties such as speakers of languages other than English, remote communities and those with interrupted schooling). Certificate I in Access to Work and Training is an entry level course and targets learners who may have had interrupted schooling or who may be unfamiliar with a formal learning environment. Assessment strategies adopted need to be closely linked to the teaching learning cycle. Assessment in units of competency within this course will generally occur throughout the course rather than all being concentrated at the end of the course. Assessment methods may vary according to the requirements of the units of competency selected within the qualification. Refer to the units of competency for details. 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 23 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information Assessment tools ---------------Assessment tools provide a means of collecting the evidence that assessors use in making judgments about whether candidates have achieved competency. Assessment tools need to include: * instructions for assessors * instructions for candidates * evidence collection methods/tools. There is no set format or process for the design, production or development of assessment tools. Assessors may use prepared assessment tools, such as those specifically developed to support the units of competency within this qualification, or they may develop their own. Whether assessors use prepared assessment tools or develop their own tools, assessors need to ensure they are benchmarked, or mapped, against the current version of the relevant unit of competency. Evidence collection methods --------------------------A broad range of evidence collection methods/tools are appropriate for this course. Teachers/trainers need to make judgements about which tools are appropriate for the learner group and context, according to the assessment requirements of each unit of competency. Where units of competency from Training Packages are selected, assessors also need to comply with assessment guidelines in the specific Training Package. Refer to individual unit guides for advice. Evidence collection methods/tools appropriate for assessing competency in this qualification include: * collection of work samples/portfolio * strategic questioning/interviews * practical demonstration/observation * simulation/role play * work based learning project * project/assignment/case study/written tasks * training record book, logbook, diary or journal * third party reports of on-the-job performance or authenticated prior achievements * audio or video recording * self or peer assessment. Some units of competency have been developed specifically for the needs of a target group. Assessment strategies must be appropriate for the target group, the assessment context and the purpose and outcomes of the qualification. For example: NSWTABL101B Provide information on traditional Aboriginal Cultural values should be assessed with consideration of Aboriginal learning styles. NSWTDTY101B Identify own adaptive technology needs will require consultation with the appropriate disability support person such as a Teacher/Consultant. Assessment in specific contexts ------------------------------Assessment methods and tools must take into account learner characteristics, learning styles and opportunities to collect evidence. For example: * distance delivery may require assessment strategies that reflect 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 24 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information * * learners' isolation and ability to collect and provide evidence Aboriginal learners will require assessment strategies that are appropriate for Aboriginal learning styles and demonstrate an awareness of Aboriginal perspectives. Some units of competency require assessors to be Aboriginal or for assessors to work as part of an assessment team with an appropriate Aboriginal person delivery in a community context may benefit from integrated, project based assessment strategies incorporating multiple units of competency. Access and Equity ----------------Assessment methods should reflect workplace demands (eg literacy) and the needs of particular target groups (eg people with disabilities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, women, people with a language background other than English). For further information on equity principles see: * the relevant Training Package assessment guidelines * AQTF 2007 Essential Standards for Registration - Standard 2 * legislative policies, including the following, which require that all government departments ensure that social and physical barriers are removed: * Disability Discrimination Act (1992), * Racial Discrimination Act (1975) Where RTOs have specialised equity staff (for example Disabilities Teacher Consultants, Aboriginal Coordinators, Women's Strategy Coordinators, Harassment Officers, Multicultural Coordinators) they may be consulted for further advice. The focus of the adjusted assessment should be on enabling the learners to demonstrate that they have achieved the unit of competency purpose, rather than on the method used. Refer to Section B6 Delivery in this document for more detailed guidelines on implementing equity principles in assessment and reasonable adjustment. 6. DELIVERY OF COURSE 6.1 Delivery modes A range of delivery modes are possible and will vary according to the nature of the learner group, local need and availability of resources. Institutes may also have the opportunity to utilise Interactive Distance Learning (IDL). NOTE: In the case of delivery and assessment of units of competency imported from Training Packages, see Unit Guides for specific requirements. Delivery modes may include face to face, distance, online or blended and delivery may be on or off the job or in a simulated workplace environment. The qualification may be gained through either full-time or part-time study. Delivery Context ---------------This qualification can be delivered in a range of settings including: * classroom 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 25 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information * * * * workshop community facility workplace distance, including on-line. As an entry level course it is important that the concept of learner centred learning is adopted. This means that the needs of the learner should be the starting point for negotiating the course/unit of competency focus, the delivery and assessment strategies, the course timetable and other educational issues related to the course and specific units of competency selected. This approach will help reinforce learner confidence. Appropriate teaching and learning strategies should be selected according to learner need and delivery context. Teaching and learning strategies may include: * group activities and projects * individual projects * research and reading * fieldwork, site visits, excursions * scenarios/case studies * guest lecturers/student or group presentations * demonstrations/simulation * workshop activities * personal writing (journals, diaries, log books, blogs, web journals) * oral and written exercises * storytelling * reflection and self assessment. Some units of competency are designed to meet aspects of skills and knowledge for particular target groups and are only appropriate to be included in delivery context for the target group concerned. For example: * NSWTABL101A - Provide information on traditional Aboriginal cultural values * NSWTABL102A - Investigate local Aboriginal community issues * NSWTDTY101A - Identify own adaptive technology needs * NSWTDTY102A - Plan to use adaptive technology * NSWTDTY103A - Access adaptive technology * NSWTWMN101B - Plan strategies to access work and education for women. Delivery strategies in some Aboriginal units of competency involve the sharing of learners' own experience and knowledge as well as giving learners the opportunity to hear from a range of Aboriginal guest speakers including Aboriginal Elders and leaders. An organisation or individual planning to train or assess Aboriginal units of competency would be expected to work closely with the local Aboriginal community. In particular, it is vital to ensure respectful integration of any local cultural knowledge or protocols that will inform the implementation of the units of competency. The units of competency also recognise that there is no single Aboriginal culture. Some learners undertaking this course could be considered educationally disadvantaged in that they have not gained the required Employability Skills to participate in work or further training. The range of individual learner needs in course groups may vary considerable. Some of the individual issues that learners may be dealing with which may require teachers to modify delivery strategies include: * lack of experience in an Australian, adult learning environment * high demands on learners' time due to work and family commitments * homelessness * lack of ability to concentrate due to medication, stress, tiredness * issues related to relocation and trauma (as in the case of refugees and 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 26 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information * * newly arrived learners) varied learning styles which require specific attention to teaching styles specific disabilities. Delivery of Training Package units of competency -----------------------------------------------Vocational units of competency are listed in Group 6 according to the Curriculum Centres sponsoring the units of competency and/or in skills cluster subgroups. RTOs need to liaise with relevant vocational sections for advice on: * appropriate clustering of vocational units of competency * delivery sequence * assessment requirements * resource requirements * teacher/assessor qualifications to meet the Training Package requirements. Some units of competency may have pre-requisites or co-requisites and details are provided in the units of competency. Integrated delivery ------------------Integrated delivery of units of competency can lead to educational advantages, as well as efficiencies in delivery and assessment. It is desirable to group employability and/or technical units of competency for integrated delivery and assessment to reflect authentic skills clusters in a workplace, education or community context. Teachers/trainers are free to design a delivery and assessment program for this course to meet local needs and resources, providing course completion requirements are met. Appropriate packaging of units of competency for integrated delivery will depend on the: * needs and abilities of the target group * context in which the units of competency are being delivered and assessed * assessment requirements of the units of competency concerned. For detailed advice on appropriate integration of units of competency for assessment refer to: * unit guides for the units of competency in the qualification * course implementation advice, available from Social Inclusion and Vocational Access Skills Unit. Delivery for specific target groups ----------------------------------The following information provides a series of suggestions about how units of competency could be selected and clustered to suit the needs of specific learner groups. Further models of customising the course for learner groups is provided in course implementation advice, available from Social Inclusion and Vocational Access Skills Unit. Delivery patterns should be designed to assist and enable learners to maximise opportunities to gain recognition for work and life experience through RPL. Courses for Women ----------------(Focus on career education and access to employment.) Course may include: * Planning unit of competency: Plan for education and employment 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 27 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information * * * * * Skills self assessment: eg Identify job opportunities and training pathways Specific units of competency for women: eg Identify factors which impact on the lives of women Presentation skills: eg Use effective personal presentation skills Technology skills: eg Operate a PC Relevant vocational unit/s of competency. Course for Aboriginal People ---------------------------(Focus on foundation skills to support learners moving into a range of vocational directions and provide preparation for apprenticeships and traineeships.) Course may include: * Educational planning unit of competency: Plan for education and employment and Plan skills development * Aboriginal specific units of competency such as: Provide information on Traditional Aboriginal Cultural values or Investigate local Aboriginal community issues * Foundation skills units of competency such as: Read and interpret a range of familiar texts or Apply a limited range of mathematical problem solving strategies * Vocational units of competency such as the Horticulture cluster. Mature Age People 45 years plus ------------------------------(Focus on skills for long term unemployed or those returning to the workforce.) Course may include: * Educational planning unit of competency: Plan for education and employment and Plan skills development * Job seeking such as: Identify job opportunities and training pathways * Technology such as: Develop literacy using technology * Communication such as: Apply basic communication skills * Initiative such as: Work with a mentor. People with a Disability -----------------------(Focus on skills for people with disability to access training and work opportunities.) Course may include: * Educational planning unit of competency: Plan for education and employment * Goal setting: Set realistic personal goals * Learning support: Formulate an initial learning plan or Identify learning support needs * Adaptive technology: Identify adaptive technology needs * Skills self assessment: Identify job opportunities and training pathways * Presentation skills: Use effective personal presentation skills. Learners participating in a Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL ------------------------------------------------------------------------program) -------(Focus on workplace literacy skills development and communication skills.) 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 28 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information Course may include: * Educational planning employment * Literacy development everyday contexts * Communication skills * OH&S such as: Follow unit of competency: Plan for education and such as: Write texts to convey information in such as: Communicate in the workplace Workplace Safety procedures. Where vocational units of competency are delivered, or where the qualification is delivered in a workplace, a relevant Occupational Health and Safety unit of competency should be included in the delivery pathway. Where there is no appropriate industry specific OHS unit of competency, delivery should include the unit of competency NSWTPSS201B Maintain personal safety and security. This unit is appropriate for delivery in qualifications across AQF I -3. Access and Equity ----------------Equity principles must be incorporated in the development and implementation of all qualifications. These principles recognise the need for participation of people from all backgrounds (including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people with disabilities, women, people from a language background other than English, youth and people from low socio-economic backgrounds). Legislative policies which underpin RTO obligations on equity include: * Disability Discrimination Act (1992), * Racial Discrimination Act (1975) * Sex Discrimination Act (1984) The delivery of this course should be adjusted to incorporate equity principles, including the principle of reasonable adjustment. Equity principles and the principle of reasonable adjustment are generally achieved through a combination of good teaching practice and, where necessary, additional arrangements. Applying equity principles and reasonable adjustment principles in teaching practise may involve: * presenting lesson material in a variety of formats * catering for different learning styles * sequencing material in an order that is comprehensible to the learner group * providing information in plain English * using audio visual aids to support delivery * adjusting content for target group by breaking information and activities into smaller steps * assisting the learner(s) with reading by providing handouts using short sentences, pictures and plain English * providing learners with extra practice/time to acquire skills or read and write answers * providing extra demonstrations and explanations of skills and tasks * using a variety of communication modes to suit the group * customising learning materials to the target group(e.g. using pictures or graphic representation of the lesson content) 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 29 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information * * * * * ensuring learners fully understand their assessment tasks varying the assessment tasks to match the communication mode of the learner seeking advice and support from the relevant specialist staff, including Aboriginal Coordinators, Multicultural Coordinators, Disabilities Teacher Consultants providing additional teaching strategies such as learner support professional development for teachers in addressing the learning needs of all learners. Reasonable adjustment means a measure or action taken to provide substantive equality for a learner with a disability, including an aid, a facility, or a service that the learner requires. Additional arrangements as required by the learner may involve: * substitution of the medium of assessment/delivery (such as substituting an oral learning or assessment task for a written one for learners with an intellectual disability or a specific learning disability affecting their reading). * technical aids and the use of adaptive technology (such as screenreading software for learners with a vision impairment). * the use of large fonts in handouts and screen presentations * the use of an interpreter (for deaf learners who use Auslan or Signed English) * organising a more accessible room, set up or location * providing extra time in learning and assessment activities. Where RTOs have specialist equity staff (for example Disabilities Teacher Consultants, Aboriginal Coordinators, Women's Strategy Coordinators, Harassment Officers, Multicultural Coordinators) they may be consulted for further advice. Occupational Health and Safety -----------------------------TAFE NSW is committed to providing and maintaining a safe working environment for all its employees, learners and visitors. The NSW OHS Act 2000 and the NSW OHS Regulation 2001 require that any person delivering this course should take reasonable steps to develop and maintain a proactive risk management culture for a workplace environment and be aware of their obligations for the control of risks in the classroom, workshop or workplace. Teachers should incorporate in their delivery methods, an awareness of safety and security issues in the classroom, workshop or workplace. This should provide some of the essential underpinning knowledge required by learners to develop competencies in this course. Care should be taken to refer to suitable workplace texts for integration into delivery and assessment strategies. Strategies to identify, eliminate, control and monitor risks may include: * follow OHS guidelines issued by DET, Institute, college, campus and/or teaching section. * participate in hazard identification, risk assessment and control. * inform management through their supervisor of any risks to health and safety including the effectiveness of risk control systems. * participate in the development of Safe Work Method statements for all hazardous activities. * ensure that Material Safety data sheets are readily available. * ensure that equipment operating instructions are readily available. * cooperate with their supervisor to meet any requirement under the Act or regulation. 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 30 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information Resources for full or part time teachers ---------------------------------------Before generating new resources check with your supervisor, to obtain any existing resources. For more information and details of the OHS Act, OHS Regulation, Codes of Practice, Safety Guidelines and Safety Alerts refer to the Work Cover website on- or your college library. For specific OHS statement and advice, refer to the unit of competency OHS statement in the syllabus. 6.2 Resources AQTF 2007, Standard 1 requires the RTO to provide quality training and assessment across all of its operations. In particular: Element 1.3 requires that staff are consistent with the requirements of the Training Package or accredited course and the RTO's own training and assessment strategies (page 13, Users' Guide to the Essential Standards for Registration); Element 1.4 requires that training and assessment are conducted by trainers and assessors who: a) have the necessary training and assessment competencies as determined by the National Quality Council or its successors and b) have the relevant vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered or assessed. (Appendix 2, page 61, Users' Guide to the Essential Standards for Registration). 6.2.1 ESSENTIAL TEACHER QUALIFICATIONS --------------------------------------To deliver and conduct assessment in the units of competency in this course teachers/trainers must satisfy Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2007 and TAFE NSW requirements. Teachers/trainers must have a combination of: * * * vocational qualifications industry or related experience educational qualifications. VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS ------------------------Teachers/trainers/assessors must be able to demonstrate current vocational competence. Usually this requires completion of a relevant degree, diploma or other vocational qualification. The vocational competencies must be at least at the level of the competencies being delivered and/or assessed. Note - A person with a qualification in a vocational area that is different from the course in which the unit of competency is delivered may meet the requirements to deliver the unit of competency. As a guide, appropriate vocational qualifications for this course include the 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 31 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information following: * Degree with at least two years study relevant to the units of competency and industry, community or education context in which the qualification is being delivered and assessed OR * Any degree and postgraduate study relevant to the units of competency and industry, community or education context in which the qualification is being delivered and assessed OR equivalent qualification that will provide a teacher/trainer with the skills and knowledge (or units of competency) to deliver and conduct assessment in the relevant units of competency for the target group. In the case of national units of competency, teachers/assessors also need to meet the requirements of the relevant current Training Package. Refer to the Essential Teacher Qualification in Part 5.2 of the Unit Guides. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE ------------------Teachers/trainers must be able to demonstrate: * * * * a broad perspective and depth of understanding of the vocational area or community context in which the qualification is delivered, based on current and relevant experience in the industry or community. Usually this will be a minimum of three years experience gained no longer than five years previously. It may have been gained through employment, professional development, industry or community liaison, return to industry programs, community service or a combination of these and other relevant methods. high level interpersonal and communication skills as appropriate to the learner group awareness of the rights and needs of people from all backgrounds understanding of and commitment to improving opportunities for people to access work, education and training. In the case of delivery to Aboriginal people: * * delivery of some units of competency require Aboriginality teachers/trainers need to have awareness and understanding that sensitivities can relate to the diversity of the individual learner's needs and cultural background. TAFE NSW Requirements --------------------Teachers, trainers and assessors who are involved in on-line delivery and assessment should be competent on-line facilitators. Teachers, trainers and assessors should have current knowledge and awareness of access and equity issues relevant to learners' needs arising from a variety of factors including socio-economic status, disability status, ethnic background, race, family differences, sexual preferences and gender specific differences. The qualifications and experience required by teachers/trainers to deliver and 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 32 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information conduct assessments in this course may vary between units of competency. Refer to the individual unit guide documents for details specified for each unit of competency. The requirements comprise vocational qualifications, educational qualifications, and relevant experience. For specific qualifications and other requirements for appointment of full-time and part-time teaching staff, consult your Staff Services Unit for the relevant Teacher Designation requirements. NOTE: In the case of delivery and assessment of units of competency imported from Training Packages, see Unit Guides for specific requirements. 6.2.2 Specialised Facilities and Equipment -----------------------------------------Requirements vary depending on the core and elective units of competency chosen to meet the needs of the learner group and industry, community or education context. Work experience and partnering opportunities may require access to specialist equipment if delivery locations choose to offer units of competency requiring this. Facilities and equipment include: --------------------------------* * * * * * * * * * * * standard teaching rooms computer rooms workshop laboratory access to the Internet photocopier data projector access to laptop computers standard range of software applications video digital camera audio/sound recording equipment and tapes. Consumables include: * * * * * disks CD ROMS OHTs paper access to printing and laminating. 6.2.3 Texts and Resources ------------------------A comprehensive range of Teaching and Learning resources are detailed in Unit Guides - Section 5.1 Teaching and Learning Resources. Resources for Literacy ---------------------Successful outcomes for youth at risk - A Resource Kit ANTA, 2001, available or download from Barnard B, Kerr J, Wilson L, Writing Skills, AMES Bossard P, Holloway J, Mackey J To Write Too Right! Canberra Institute of Technology, 1997 = ideas for writing and some brief useful information about 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 33 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information punctuation, grammar and spelling. Takes a genre approach to writing. A good self help book for the post-beginner student Christie J, The Literacy Workbook for Beginners, AMES, 2005 First Click for Adult Literacy Students, Read Write Now, WA Dept of Education and Training, 2000 Useful web sites: ---------------- This is the Access Division website which holds a range of useful resources for teacher and = follow the links to teacher articles with texts for use by students and resources for teachers = follow links to learning English and teacher resources for worksheets and sites for second language learners = follow links to resources for teachers, health, education and science = James Cook University Effective Reading University of New England strategies for reading - reading effectively, reading critically reading efficiently, note taking etc ENCELTA Publications from Macquarie University for purchase of books = Microsoft educational stuff = Info about countries, message board, travel tips = download RTA practice test = NSW bus, train and ferry timetables = great for concrete maths activities links to games, strategy and educational sites = to create crosswords, word search games etc = free online collection of all books which are out of copyright = interesting Australian history website = sometimes useful free online encyclopedia created by ordinary people = useful for Australian searching = the Internet Movie Database (when you want to know the name of an actor or director of a film) Literacy topics, a large website, research, teaching adults and children = Australian Bureau of Statistics = Australian Council for Educational Research = search ARIS database where you can borrow teaching materials from a range of areas = DEST Literacy and Numeracy resources access%20material English and Maths resources for schools Available on TAFE NSW Intranet only. = ARIS Database ARIS Database where you can borrow teaching materials from a range of areas. Australian Federal Government, Investigating Immigration Issues = Australian Federal Government, Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities of Citizenship, = Myths & legends 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 34 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information activities = Skills Website Adult, literacy skills website setup by Janina Grzazek, Teacher in ABE, Liverpool TAFE. Contains a growing number of links to fun and practical activities for adult learners Literacy Webquests developed in by ABE in Illawarra for TAFE NSW only = Board of Studies for NSW!.htm = Training books available such as Read Write Now resource from Western Australia Dictionaries: information about how all types of things work and why = an easy to use dictionary and translator = a world wide dictionary search = a rhyming dictionary for all your poetry needs = Thesaurus website Jobs Online newspapers = Sydney Morning Herald newspaper = The Australian newspaper = The Daily Telegraph LEARNING -------Boomer, Lester, Onore and Cook. Negotiating the Curriculum: Educating for the 21st Century. The Falmer Press, 1992. = Canberra University Reading and Remembering, learning independently = James Cook University Effective Reading University of New England strategies for reading - reading effectively, reading critically reading efficiently, note taking etc ENCELTA Publications from Macquarie University for purchase of books = a resource generator, support resource for the National Framework from ANTA a site for Toolboxes = flexible learning toolboxes, supporting e-learning opportunities VOCATIONAL ---------- 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 35 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information Strategies for Success: Developing English Language Literacy and Numeracy in Vocational Courses, Foundation Studies Training Division, WSI TAFE, 1996 - no longer in print but available in most TAFE NSW Adult Basic Education sections CD ROMs ------Deadly Bay: Open for Work, TAFE NSW Access Division, 2001. = Literacy/Numeracy resource materials for Aboriginal and TSI young people, in context of 6 training areas: business, horticulture, recreation, seafood, hospitality and tourism Henry Sprays it Safe, TAFE NSW Access Division, 2005 Overdrive, TAFE NSW Access Division, 2005 a resource for Aboriginal and TSI people who are working or are interested in working in the automotive and repair industry Internet sites = How do I Study Effectively, Reading University of New England strategies for reading - reading effectively, reading critically reading efficiently, note taking etc INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ---------------------Hazell P, Untangling the Web, AMES NSW, 2005 Hajncl, L. and Livingstone, J., Getting Started in Word, AMES, Melbourne, 2001 American/English sites --------------------- = Museum of Hoaxes, Hoaxes, jokes & urban legends etc = Says You, Funny, silly words games = A huge number of weblinks to teaching materials =, Oxymorons =, Limericks = Cool Quiz, Quizzes and trivia = schoolhouse technology, free and demo software for developing worksheets = Arks self paced learning materials with some excellent resources for beginner IT, Numeracy and other basic skills = Kid Printables, print out note paper, word games, stickers etc 1047023911984 = Corel draw, Paint shop Pro free demo download = Thesaurus website = Tech Head Digital Stories for Digital storytelling on the Internet = Critical Issue: Using Technology to Enhance Literacy Instruction, discusses the future of e-literacy and the use of computers in the classroom and the development of new literacies related to the use of computers Refer to individual Unit Guides for resources specific to the unit of 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 36 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information competency. 7. ARTICULATION AND CREDIT TRANSFER 7.1 Articulation and credit transfer When you complete this course you will have advanced standing in a range of: - Access and General Education courses, depending on the electives successfully achieved including: * Statement of Attainment in Vocational and General Education (6513) * Certificate I in Preparation for Work and Study (6516) * Certificate II in Skills for Work and Training (9072) * Certificate II in Vocational and General Education (6512) - Certificate I and II training package qualifications, depending on the electives successfully achieved. This course will also provide the underpinning knowledge and skills for entry into qualifications in a range of industry areas, depending on electives selected. Where national units of competency are achieved, the learner is entitled to full recognition of these units of competency in any qualification in which they are included. 7.2 Training, education and career pathways When you complete this qualification you will have access to enhanced employment opportunities and career choices as well as skills and knowledge to access further education in a range of vocational qualifications. 8. ONGOING MONITORING AND EVALUATION Curriculum maintenance involves the review, monitoring and evaluation of a course, to evaluate its effectiveness and to advise on the continuing needs and requirements of industry and the community with specific consideration of changing technology. Social Inclusion and Vocational Access Skills Unit will monitor and evaluate the course during its period of accreditation or registration. It will collect information from a range of providers/stakeholders including teachers, learners, graduates, employers industry and community representatives, relevant ITABs/Skills Councils, on: * general relevance of the program to the intended vocational outcomes * specific strengths of the course * sections of the course that need to be reviewed or strengthened * suggestions for improvement * appropriateness of entry requirements and selection criteria * appropriateness of assessment strategies * need to address current industry developments and new technologies * monitoring changes to training packages where relevant * monitoring lists of resources to ensure that the lists are up to date, relevant and useful * monitoring additions and restrictions on additions of vocational units of competency. This information will be used to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency and 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 37 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training B. Course information appropriateness of the course and its delivery. Social Inclusion and Vocational Access Skills Unit will continue to liaise with industry and community peak bodies as well as RTOs as part of the ongoing development and revision of the this qualification within the AEET Framework. 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 38 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training C. TAFE NSW implementation requirements 1. TAFE NSW course(s) replaced by this course Course qualification and name: Course number: Duration: Approval Date: Expiry Date: Statement of Attainment in Work Opportunities for Women (WOW) 4195 200 hours 25-May-2000 31-Dec-2006 Course qualification and name: Course number: Duration: Approval Date: Expiry Date: Statement of Attainment in Employment Skills 9422 200 hours 21-Dec-2001 31-Dec-2006 Course qualification and name: Course number: Duration: Approval Date: Expiry Date: Certificate I in Work Skills 9870 450 hours 21-Dec-2001 31-Dec-2007 Stranded course qualification and name: Career Access Stranded course number: 11205 Duration: 360 hours Approval Date: 31-Oct-2000 Expiry Date: 31-Oct-2006 2. Handbook description This course is for people who want to develop their skills to: - access work and training - communicate and work well with others - retrain or gain vocational competencies - prepare for further education or training. You may do this by: - attending classes or workshops - learning by distance or on-line - taking part in workplace or community based activities. People seeking to enrol in the unit of competency, HLTFA201A, Provide basic emergency life support are advised that to successfully complete the unit they must be able to perform basic life support skills, for example control bleeding and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. People who have a disability that would prevent them from performing basic life support skills are advised that they will not be able to achieve the unit of competency. CAREER OPPORTUNITY: This qualification will help you to develop the skills and knowledge you need to access work and training opportunities. ARTICULATION: When you complete this course you will have advanced standing in a range of 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 39 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training C. TAFE NSW implementation requirements Access and General Education courses, depending on the electives you successfully complete, including: - Statement of Attainment in General and Vocation Education (6513) - 91346NSW Certificate I in Preparation for Work and Study (6516) - 91345NSW Certificate II in General and Vocational Education (6512) - 91347NSW Certificate II in Skills for Employment and Training (9072). This course will also give you the underpinning skills and knowledge for entry into a range of Certificate I and II Training Package qualifications depending on the electives you successfully complete. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS No formal entry requirements. 3. Student selection Not applicable. PLEASE NOTE Selection criteria are considerations which are applied where demand for a course exceeds available places. All students must meet entry requirements to be eligible for entry in a course BEFORE selection criteria are applied (see Section B, Course information, 4.6 Entry requirements). Selection methods are the tools used to evaluate students against the selection criteria. 4. Procedures for student selection Not applicable. 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 40 Certificate I in Access to Work and Training C. TAFE NSW implementation requirements 5. Course grading This qualification is ungraded 6. NSW recognition of prior learning Refer to Part B: Section 4.7 Recognition of prior learning. TAFE Advanced Standing Arrangements and/or Standard Exemptions which have been created in respect of units/ modules in this course are shown in Part B of the syllabus of each unit/ module. The unit/ module syllabus also provides information about appropriate evidence for assessing recognition applications. 7. Employer report Not applicable 8. Minimum essential course resources For details of teaching and learning resources and major texts and references refer to each unit/module. 8.1. Physical resources comments Refer to Part B 6.2.2 8.2. Human resources comments The teacher qualifications stated in Part B: 6.2.1 Human Resources are a guide to the minimum qualifications required by all teachers to deliver and conduct assessments in this course. For qualifications required to deliver and conduct assessments in individual unit/ modules in this course, consult individual unit/ module syllabuses. For specific qualifications and other requirements for appointment of full-time teaching staff, consult the relevant Teacher Designation requirements on LATTICE, through your Staff Services Unit. Social Inclusion and Vocational Access Unit in collaboration with the TAFE NSW Institutes will contribute to professional development to support the implementation of the new qualification. 9. Additional information 13/02/2016 (C)2010 NSW TAFE Commission - Social Inclusion & Vocat Access - Vocational Access Program Area unless otherwise indicated in point 5 in part A Status: Approved 41