November 2014 - Education Queensland

November 2014
Executive leaders, public
sector employees
Teachers, school leaders
Teachers, school leaders
Oral History Queensland: Oral History Basics Workshop
This workshop facilitated by Professor Helen Klaebe will cover the basics of doing oral history
including interview techniques, ethics and permissions, file management and transcribing. Bookings
are essential. For more information contact Suzanne Mulligan, Oral History Queensland on 3376
1865 or visit their website.
Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE) 2014 Conference: Sustainability –
Smart Strategies for the 21C
This conference will feature David W. Orr, an environmentalist and author who is active in many
areas of environmental studies, including environmental education and environmental design.
Keynote speaker will be Paul Gilding, author of The Great Disruption. The conference will also
feature Tasmania’s innovative six-star green star Sustainability Learning Centre, The Institute for
Marine and Antarctic Research Division, CSIRO’s Antarctic Division, and The Millennium Seed Bank
at the Botanical Gardens. For more information the conference organisers on (03) 6234 7844 or visit
the conference website.
BiiG Regional Innovation Forum and Public Service Commission Spring Leaders Forum:
Ideas into action
The Business Innovation and Improvement in Government (BiiG) forum aims to bridge the gap
between innovation and outcomes – when you have a great idea, what do you do with it and how do
you progress it? Professor Peter Shergold, Chancellor of the University of Western Sydney will
facilitate sessions during the Innovation Forum from 9am to 1pm. The PSC Spring Leaders Forum
will follow this event This forum will be an inspirational and discussion-based development
opportunity for our sector’s leaders. For more information and to register contact BiiG or visit their
Neuroscience for Educators Seminar: Early Childhood (0-8 years) – A User’s Guide to the
Brain: Doling What Matters Most for a Child’s Developing Mind
This morning seminar presented by Dr Michael C Nagel, will help participants understand the
developing brain of children and adolescents and explore the latest research in practical terms. For
more information contact Salli-Anne Hart, The Smith Family on 0468 988 644 or to purchase tickets
visit their website.
Neuroscience for Educators Seminar: Junior Secondary – What Makes Them Tick?
Understanding and Educating the Developing Adolescent Brain
This afternoon seminar presented by Dr Michael C Nagel, will help participants understand the
developing brain of children and adolescents and explore the latest research in practical terms. For
more information contact Salli-Anne Hart, The Smith Family on 0468 988 644 or to purchase tickets
visit their website.
Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Web Conference: Continuing Professional
Queensland University of
Technology, Kelvin Grove
Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart
Rydges, Townsville
Bond University, Gold Coast
Bond University, Gold Coast
Web conference
Teachers, school leaders
Executive leaders, public
sector employees
Executive leaders
Executive leaders
School leaders,
executive leaders,
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
Development Framework – Module Six Part 3
Fully registered teachers are required to undertake continued professional development. In this
three-part series participants will find out about the requirements of this process and reflect on
continuing professional practice. In this one-hour session participants will reflect on personal
professional development goals. They will be given opportunities to explore a range of resources to
support ongoing professional learning. For more information contact the QCT on 3377 4777 or visit
their website.
Australian Play, Imagination & Learning Institute (APILI): Fair Play Seminar
This seminar will explore how play and games can and do contribute to the wider culture, examine
the persistent blind spots that prevent us from better realising this potential, and take some crucial
first steps in helping to overcome those oversights and develop the opportunities we are missing. For
more information contact APILI or visit their website.
UQ Business School: New Manager Short Course
This course is designed for supervisors, managers or team leaders who are looking for essential
knowledge and skills in leadership and management. It covers key areas such as managing task and
performance, handling conflict, teams, communication, personal and leadership styles, motivation
and delegation. For more information contact Brad May, Development Manager, UQ Business
School on 3346 7111 or visit their website.
UQ Business School: Leadership Styles and Practice
This course examines the connections between actions, attitudes and values, and effective
management and leadership behaviours. Using contemporary knowledge and a variety of practical
tools and frameworks, this course is designed to give participants the knowledge and skills to
identify, analyse and enhance leadership styles at an individual, group and organisational level. For
more information contact Brad May, Development Manager, UQ Business School on 3346 7111 or
visit their website.
Queensland Government Spring Leaders Forum
This inspirational, discussion-based development opportunity will celebrate, challenge and empower
our leaders. Topics include; how do we drive outcomes that deliver for our customers, how do we
build a workforce for the future, what is fact and what is fiction and how do we empower leaders and
make it easier to lead. To register click here, or for more information visit the Public Service
Commission’s website.
MultiLit - MiniLit Workshop
This two-day workshop trains teachers in the delivery of MultiLit’s MiniLit program which targets
struggling young readers in Year 1. MiniLit is an evidence-based Tier 2 early literacy program that
can be delivered to up to four students per group and is comprised of 80 carefully structured lessons.
The workshop provides easy to implement practical advice; video of live demonstrations; extensive
practice through role-play and help in developing your own road map for your school. MultiLit is a
research initiative of Macquarie University. For more information contact MultiLit on (02) 9888 3818
or visit their website.
2014 World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) – Imagine-Create-Learn: Creativity at the
Heart of Education
The 3-day summit offers a unique opportunity to find out about the most cutting-edge practices in
education, network with high-level people from all sectors and from all countries, and to actively
participate in building the future of education. For more information visit the WISE website.
ACER MajorsPTI Certification
This Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) certification is a two-step course which
provides an in-depth understanding of each of the 16 personality types described by Carl Jung and
Isabel Myers. The MajorsPTI is an excellent instrument for coaching and team development
State Library of Victoria,
UQ Business School, Brisbane
Roma Explorers Inn, Roma
Doha, Qatar
All employees
School leaders, teachers,
public sector employees
Executive leaders, senior
All employees
Teachers, curriculum
leaders, school support
Executive leaders
Executive leaders
purposes. For more information contact ACER Customer Service on (03) 9277 5445 or visit their
BiiG Speaker Series: 21st Century Government as a Social Machine
The UK Cabinet Office and RMIT in the US are investing heavily in researching and building "social
machines" for government. But what is a "social machine” and what can it do for public services?
Dr Anni Rowland-Campbell, an Australian developer in Web Science, is accompanying Dr Thanassis
Tiropanis - one of the architects of the UK project headed by the inventor of the World Wide Web Time Berners Lee - around Australia to explain why government needs to be involved in the science
of "Social Machines", and its links to Open Data, Big Data Analysis, and the delivery of public
services across all agencies. For more information contact Rebecca Hannan, Business Innovation &
Improvement in Government (BiiG) or visit their website.
KidsMatter Primary: Implementation support and network meeting
These two workshops provide an opportunity for sharing of experiences in implementing KidsMatter.
In addition to building networks and collegial support, these workshops also provide additional
professional learning and support from KidsMatter staff to enhance the implementation process. For
more information contact KidsMatterQld on 3512 8500 or visit their website.
Public Service Commission: Thought Leaders Seminar – Delivering better outcomes
This free two-hour seminar with David Albury will enable participants to devise and implement
innovative solutions to pressing problems at lower costs and incubate innovative processes and
scale them from pilots to system-wide changes. For more information contact the Public Service
Commission on 3003 2800 or visit their website.
SPELD Queensland Workshop: AD/HD Dispelling the Myths and Controversies – Improving
Teacher Knowledge and Learning Outcomes for Students with AD/HD
This two-hour session, presented by Dr Kathryn Gibbs will cover how to enhance the presence,
participation and learning of students identified as having AD/HD. For more information contact
SPELD Qld on 3394 2566 or visit their website.
Department of Justice and Attorney-General Dispute Resolution Training: Mediator
This three-day training will help you develop greater self-awareness of your strengths and
weaknesses. It also prepares you for the National Mediator Accreditation Assessment, which takes
place on the final day. For more information contact the Department of Justice and Attorney-General
on 3239 6277 or visit their website.
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Years 6-7 Numeracy
workshop – Developing proportional reasoning in Years 6 and 7
This workshop will address some of the common error patterns identified through analysis of
Queensland’s 2014 NAPLAN data and provide teachers with a toolkit of strategies, hands-on
activities and resources that can be used to teach ratio and proportion and provide targeted support
to students. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Government Spring Leaders Forum – Morning Session
This inspirational, discussion-based development opportunity will celebrate, challenge and empower
our leaders. Topics include; how do we drive outcomes that deliver for our customers, how do we
build a workforce for the future, what is fact and what is fiction and how do we empower leaders and
make it easier to lead. To register click here, or for more information visit the Public Service
Commission’s website.
Queensland Government Spring Leaders Forum – Afternoon Session
This inspirational, discussion-based development opportunity will celebrate, challenge and empower
our leaders. Topics include; how do we drive outcomes that deliver for our customers, how do we
build a workforce for the future, what is fact and what is fiction and how do we empower leaders and
111 George Street, Brisbane
Brisbane Catholic Education
Centre, North Lakes
111 George Street, Brisbane
Queen Alexandra Home,
Brothers Leagues Club Cairns,
Executive leaders
All employees
School leaders
Teachers, curriculum
leaders, school support
Executive leaders, public
sector employees
Teachers, curriculum
leaders, school support
make it easier to lead. To register click here, or for more information visit the Public Service
Commission’s website.
Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Web Conference: Transitioning to Full Registration
(Provisionally Registered Teachers) - Module Two Part 3 Applying for Full Registration
A focus of this workshop is to explain the online process for provisionally registered teachers to apply
and move to full registration. For more information contact the QCT on 3377 4777 or visit their
Public Service Commission: Masterclass – Delivering better outcomes
This free two-day Masterclass with David Albury will enable participants to devise and implement
innovative solutions to pressing problems at lower costs and incubate innovative processes and
scale them from pilots to system-wide changes. For more information contact the Public Service
Commission on 3003 2800 or visit their website.
EIDOS 10th National Public Policy Congress: G20
This one-day event will celebrate good policy with particular focus on the current major issues. It will
consist of various sessions to identify the most pressing policy issues in Australia, advancing on
these discussions and providing recommendations. Kerry O’Brien will be interviewing key speakers
including the Secretary for Finance, professor Jane Halton PSM. For more information contact
EIDOS on 3009 7900 or visit their website.
OneChannel Web Conference: Lead Innovate Improve Series: 3 of 4 – Engaging and working
with your community
Lead principals will share strategies and success stories on how they engage and work with their
community to build a culture of high expectations and positive partnerships. For more information
and to register, visit OneChannel.
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Years 2-3 Numeracy
workshop – Teaching subtraction in Years 2-3
This numeracy workshop will explore the developmental pathway in subtraction and identify common
error patterns and demonstrate research-based teaching strategies and hands-on activities to help
develop students’ understanding of subtraction. Participants will develop a toolkit of teaching
strategies, hands-on activities and resources for teaching subtraction. For more information contact
the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
State Library of Queensland: Design Minds 2 Day City Workshop – Rethinking our city:
Imagining a Better Brisbane for 2050
This event in collaboration with Kelvin Grove State College invites Year 6 and 7 students and their
teachers to become ‘Future Thinkers’. Participants will investigate the priorities of The Queensland
Plan, local government processes and future urban design scenarios to collaboratively reimagine a
new world Brisbane City for 2050. Throughout the workshop, participants will work in collaborative
teams under the mentorship of practicing designers and design educators, tertiary design students
and KGSC artist/designers-in–residence. The workshops will culminate in the construction of a large
scale model of a Brisbane city of the future for public display. For more information contact the State
Library of Queensland on 3840 7666 or to register visit their website.
Melbourne Business School – Mt Eliza Executive Education: Senior Managers Program
This program fills the gap for senior managers who are seeking practical strategies to improve
performance in their operational area. It will explore all facets of leadership success, including
decision-making, change, communication, organisational culture and systems thinking. For more
information contact the Mt Eliza National Enquiry Centre on 1800 006 680 or visit their website.
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Years 6-7 Numeracy
workshop – Developing proportional reasoning in Years 6 and 7
This workshop will address some of the common error patterns identified through analysis of
Web conference
Powerhouse Performing Arts
Centre, Brisbane
OneChannel web conference
Brothers Leagues Club Cairns,
The Edge Auditorium, Cultural
Centre, South Bank
Mt Eliza, Victoria
Metro Hotel Ipswich International,
Executive leaders, public
sector employees
Teachers, curriculum
leaders, school support
Teachers, curriculum
leaders, school support
Teachers, specialist
literacy leaders, school
All employees
School leaders, teachers,
school staff
Executive leaders, school
leaders, public sector
Executive leaders, public
sector employees
Queensland’s 2014 NAPLAN data and provide teachers with a toolkit of strategies, hands-on
activities and resources that can be used to teach ratio and proportion and provide targeted support
to students. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Melbourne Business School – Mt Eliza Executive Education: Maximising Your Leadership
Potential Program
This program addresses specific leadership challenges and prepares participants to achieve results
by leading others. For more information contact the Mt Eliza National Enquiry Centre on 1800 006
680 or visit their website.
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Years 2-3 Numeracy
workshop – Teaching subtraction in Years 2-3
This numeracy workshop will explore the developmental pathway in subtraction and identify common
error patterns and demonstrate research-based teaching strategies and hands-on activities to help
develop students’ understanding of subtraction. Participants will develop a toolkit of teaching
strategies, hands-on activities and resources for teaching subtraction. For more information contact
the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Years 6-7 Numeracy
workshop – Developing proportional reasoning in Years 6 and 7
This workshop will address some of the common error patterns identified through analysis of
Queensland’s 2014 NAPLAN data and provide teachers with a toolkit of strategies, hands-on
activities and resources that can be used to teach ratio and proportion and provide targeted support
to students. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Higher-order
questioning: What NAPLAN Reading test data tells us
This workshop will focus on key messages from NAPLAN test data for reading, identification of
higher-order question types in the NAPLAN Reading tests, teaching strategies to improve student
performance on these higher-order questions and understanding the new SunLANDA online
analysis tool. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Epilepsy Queensland Workshop: Understanding Epilepsy and Midazolam
The topics covered in this 2-hour workshop include introduction to epilepsy, recognising the types of
seizures, seizure management, minimising triggers, first aid and emergency situations and intranasal
and Buccal Midazolam administration. For more information and to register, contact Epilepsy
Queensland on 3435 5000 or 1300 852 853 (outside Brisbane) or visit their website.
KidsMatter: Getting Started for Action Teams
This session provides information about the content of KidsMatter, its underpinning mental health
concepts and processes and tools for aiding implementation of KidsMatter while supporting school
priorities and strategic planning. Schools receive all the resources to begin the KidsMatter journey.
For more information contact KidsMatter on 1800 543 767 or visit their website.
UQ Business School: Leading Organisational Change
This program explores how business leaders can design, deliver and evaluate change, from
establishing a compelling vision and communicating plans to building a sense of urgency and
overcoming resistance. The focus is upon the three stages - unfreezing, change and then refreezing,
where changes are 'locked down' in new behaviours and values. Participants will learn how to apply
knowledge, skills and influence to achieve lasting change to make organisations more innovative and
high performing. For more information contact Brad May, Development Manager, UQ Business
School on 3346 7111 or visit their website.
UQ Business School: Winning the War for Talent
This program explores many of the common myths that surround HR and arm participants with their
own targeted one-page action plan that will make people the heart, soul and balance sheet of their
Mt Eliza, Victoria
Toowoomba Motel and Events
Centre, Toowoomba
Toowoomba Motel and Events
Centre, Toowoomba
Red Bridge Motor Inn, Woombye
Gold Coast Neurology, Benowa
Lakelands Golf Club, Merrimac
Teachers, literacy
coaches, school leaders
Teachers, school leaders
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
Executive leaders, public
sector employees
Teachers, specialist
literacy leaders, school
organisation. Participants will analyse their own people practices and learn practical innovations that
they can immediately use to attract, recruit and retain more great people. For more information
contact Brad May, Development Manager, UQ Business School on 3346 7111 or visit their website.
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: NAPLAN Spelling
workshop – Making sense of it in Years 7 and 9
This workshop will focus on the spelling system, error analysis as an insight to teaching and learning
and an introduction to the new SunLANDA online analysis tool. For more information contact the
QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
The Science of Learning Research Centre (SLRC) Seminar Series: Motor learning and
This seminar will be delivered by Associate Professor Ross Cunnington at the Queensland Brain
Institute, The University of Queensland. For more information contact the SLRC or to register visit
their website.
Epilepsy Queensland: Understanding Epilepsy Workshop
The topics covered in this three-hour workshop include introduction to epilepsy, recognising the types
of seizures, seizure management, minimising triggers, first aid and emergency situations and
information about the resources available. For more information and to register, contact Epilepsy
Queensland on 3435 5000 or 1300 852 853 (outside Brisbane) or visit their website.
MultiLit Reading Tutor Program Workshop
This one-day workshop trains teachers in the delivery of the MultiLit Reading Tutor Program which
targets students in Year 2 through to young adults who have not acquired the basic skills needed to
become functional readers. The program covers Word Attack Skills, Sight Words and Reinforced
Reading and will teach students how to generalise into connected text, as well as assisting in
improving students’ reading accuracy, fluency and comprehension. An easy to follow lesson format is
employed which is explicit, structured and systematic in approach. Book selection is addressed
within the workshop. MultiLit is a research initiative of Macquarie University. For more information
contact MultiLit on (02) 9888 3818 or visit their website.
Epilepsy Queensland: Understanding Epilepsy Workshop
The topics covered in this three-hour workshop include introduction to epilepsy, recognising the types
of seizures, seizure management, minimising triggers, first aid and emergency situations and
information about the resources available. For more information and to register, contact Epilepsy
Queensland on 3435 5000 or 1300 852 853 (outside Brisbane) or visit their website.
Southern Cross University (SCU) Legal Research Workshop for Legal Studies Teachers
This hands-on one-day workshop is designed to assist Legal Studies teachers to help students
navigate free online legal resources. It will include an overview of the available resources, instruction
on effective research strategies and a case study. For more information contact Jane Gilmour, SCU
on (02) 6620 3800 or visit their website.
Melbourne Business School – Mt Eliza Executive Education: Leadership Development
This program develops leaders who are capable of bridging levels and functions in the organisation,
leading other managers and turning strategy into action. For more information contact the Mt Eliza
National Enquiry Centre on 1800 006 680 or visit their website.
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Using your writing data
– Understanding the NAPLAN marking guide
This workshop is designed to give schools insight into their 2014 NAPLAN Writing data by unpacking
the Persuasive Writing Marking Guide. Participants will be offered the opportunity to independently
mark scripts that will allow them to become a NAPLAN writing marketer for 2015 if they wish to do
so. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Arundel Hills Country Club, Gold
Level 7 Auditorium, Queensland
Brain Institute, St Lucia Campus
Southern Cross University, Gold
Coast Campus, Bilinga
Mt Eliza, Victoria
Gladstone Police Citizens Youth
Club, Gladstone
Teachers, curriculum
leaders, school support
Public sector employees
Executive leaders
Executive leaders
All employees
Teachers, curriculum
leaders, school support
Public sector employees
Executive leaders
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Years 2-3 Numeracy
workshop – Teaching subtraction in Years 2-3
This numeracy workshop will explore the developmental pathway in subtraction and identify common
error patterns and demonstrate research-based teaching strategies and hands-on activities to help
develop students’ understanding of subtraction. Participants will develop a toolkit of teaching
strategies, hands-on activities and resources for teaching subtraction. For more information contact
the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
BiiG Network: Public Sector Innovation Workshop – Introduction to Innovation - Putting your
ideas into action
This Business Innovation and Improvement in Government (BiiG) workshop is aimed at those who
are new to public sector innovation and are seeking to learn how to put ideas into action. For more
information contact Rebecca Hannan, Manager BiiG Network on 0407 817 690 or visit their website.
Queensland Government Spring Leaders Forum
This inspirational, discussion-based development opportunity will celebrate, challenge and empower
our leaders. Topics include; how do we drive outcomes that deliver for our customers, how do we
build a workforce for the future, what is fact and what is fiction and how do we empower leaders and
make it easier to lead. To register click here, or for more information visit the Public Service
Commission’s website.
Queensland Government Spring Leaders Forum
This inspirational, discussion-based development opportunity will celebrate, challenge and empower
our leaders. Topics include; how do we drive outcomes that deliver for our customers, how do we
build a workforce for the future, what is fact and what is fiction and how do we empower leaders and
make it easier to lead. To register click here, or for more information visit the Public Service
Commission’s website.
Developing Performance: Practical Performance Conversations Workshop
This free interactive one-day workshop supports the implementation of the Developing Performance
Framework. It will support participants in preparing for developing performance conversations,
aligning developing performance plans with relevant capability frameworks and exploring practical
tools to develop more confidence and effectiveness. For more information and registration forms,
contact Workforce Capability and Performance Unit on 3513 6528 or visit the Developing
Performance website.
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Years 6-7 Numeracy
workshop – Developing proportional reasoning in Years 6 and 7
This workshop will address some of the common error patterns identified through analysis of
Queensland’s 2014 NAPLAN data and provide teachers with a toolkit of strategies, hands-on
activities and resources that can be used to teach ratio and proportion and provide targeted support
to students. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
BiiG Network: Public Sector Innovation Workshop – Leading for Innovation
This Business Innovation and Improvement in Government (BiiG) workshop will give public sector
leaders insights into the new meta skills that leaders need in order to catalyse innovation, the nexus
between leadership and innovation and how to build a culture of innovation. For more information
contact Rebecca Hannan, Manager BiiG Network on 0407 817 690 or visit their website.
Melbourne Business School – Mt Eliza Executive Education: Finance for Non-Financial
Managers Program
This program demystifies finance in an accessible, relatable environment. Participants will gain a
working knowledge of the key financial tasks they need to fulfil as a manager. They will become
confident with financial terms and processes, and will hone their financial sense to know when things
are going well – and when something is not right. For more information contact the Mt Eliza National
Seagulls Resort, Townsville
80 George Street, Brisbane
Ocean International, South
Red Earth Hotel, Mount Isa
Education House, Brisbane
Seagulls Resort, Townsville
63 George Street, Brisbane
Carlton, Victoria
All employees
All employees
Teachers, specialist
literacy leaders, school
Teachers, curriculum
leaders, school support
Executive leaders
Public sector employees
Executive leaders
Enquiry Centre on 1800 006 680 or visit their website.
Queensland Epilepsy Symposium: Thinking outside the box!
Guest speakers for this symposium include Professor Chris DeGiorgio, Professor Terence O’Brien
and Professor Christian Gericke. Topics covered include new and future treatments for people with
epilepsy, trigeminal nerve stimulation, benefits of syndrome orientated AED therapy, and generic
medications – implications for the future. . For more information and to register, contact Epilepsy
Queensland on 3435 5000 or 1300 852 853 (outside Brisbane) or visit their website.
Epilepsy Queensland Workshop: Understanding Epilepsy
The topics covered in this half-day workshop include introduction to epilepsy, recognising the types
of seizures, seizure management, minimising triggers, first aid and emergency situations and
information about the resources available. For more information and to register, contact Epilepsy
Queensland on 3435 5000 or 1300 852 853 (outside Brisbane) or visit their website.
MultiLit - MiniLit Workshop
This two-day workshop trains teachers in the delivery of MultiLit’s MiniLit program which targets
struggling young readers in Year 1. MiniLit is an evidence-based Tier 2 early literacy program that
can be delivered to up to four students per group and is comprised of 80 carefully structured lessons.
The workshop provides easy to implement practical advice; video of live demonstrations; extensive
practice through role-play and help in developing your own road map for your school. MultiLit is a
research initiative of Macquarie University. For more information contact MultiLit on (02) 9888 3818
or visit their website.
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Using your writing data
– Understanding the NAPLAN marking guide
This workshop is designed to give schools insight into their 2014 NAPLAN Writing data by unpacking
the Persuasive Writing Marking Guide. Participants will be offered the opportunity to independently
mark scripts that will allow them to become a NAPLAN writing marketer for 2015 if they wish to do
so. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Years 2-3 Numeracy
workshop – Teaching subtraction in Years 2-3
This numeracy workshop will explore the developmental pathway in subtraction and identify common
error patterns and demonstrate research-based teaching strategies and hands-on activities to help
develop students’ understanding of subtraction. Participants will develop a toolkit of teaching
strategies, hands-on activities and resources for teaching subtraction. For more information contact
the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Government Spring Leaders Forum
This inspirational, discussion-based development opportunity will celebrate, challenge and empower
our leaders. Topics include; how do we drive outcomes that deliver for our customers, how do we
build a workforce for the future, what is fact and what is fiction and how do we empower leaders and
make it easier to lead. To register click here, or for more information visit the Public Service
Commission’s website.
Queensland Parliament Seminar: Committees @ Work
This half-day seminar will provide the most up-to-date and practical information on the reform and
modernisation of Queensland’s parliamentary committee system and its impacts on public sector
officers. The structure and purpose of the new portfolio-based committees will be outlined, together
with the role of parliamentary committees. Keynote speakers include the Clerk of the Queensland
Parliament, the Deputy Clerk and senior committee office staff. For more information email
Queensland Parliament or visit their website.
Melbourne Business School – Mt Eliza Executive Education: Accelerated Development for
Managers Program
Queensland University of
Technology, Gardens Point
Campus, Brisbane
Gabba Towers, Woolloongabba
RSL, Stanthorpe
Metro Hotel Ipswich International,
Conference Centre, Rockhampton
Parliament House, Brisbane
Mt Eliza, Victoria
24 November
-23 January
All employees
Teachers, curriculum
leaders, school support
Executive leaders
Teachers, school
leaders, teacher aides
Teachers, curriculum
leaders, school support
All employees
Public sector employees
This program provides participants with user-friendly frameworks and approaches to develop their
teams, increase organisational effectiveness and accelerate development. It will provide practical
tools and best-practice strategies to increase performance, implement business plans and deliver
outstanding results. For more information contact the Mt Eliza National Enquiry Centre on 1800 006
680 or visit their website.
Japan Foundation: J-Basic Online for Teachers
The Japan Foundation provides an eight-week online course for teachers with a basic level of
Japanese who would like to build their language skills. Through this course teachers will develop a
working knowledge of Japanese grammatical structures and build their confidence and skills in using
Japanese effectively in the classroom. For more information contact the Japan Foundation or visit
their website.
Developing Performance: Practical Performance Conversations Workshop
This free interactive one-day workshop supports the implementation of the Developing Performance
Framework. It will support participants in preparing for developing performance conversations,
aligning developing performance plans with relevant capability frameworks and exploring practical
tools to develop more confidence and effectiveness. For more information and registration forms,
contact Workforce Capability and Performance Unit on 3513 6528 or visit the Developing
Performance website.
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Years 6-7 Numeracy
workshop – Developing proportional reasoning in Years 6 and 7
This workshop will address some of the common error patterns identified through analysis of
Queensland’s 2014 NAPLAN data and provide teachers with a toolkit of strategies, hands-on
activities and resources that can be used to teach ratio and proportion and provide targeted support
to students. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Government Spring Leaders Forum
This inspirational, discussion-based development opportunity will celebrate, challenge and empower
our leaders. Topics include; how do we drive outcomes that deliver for our customers, how do we
build a workforce for the future, what is fact and what is fiction and how do we empower leaders and
make it easier to lead. To register click here, or for more information visit the Public Service
Commission’s website.
OneChannel Web Conference: Online Safety for Teachers
The Cybersafety and Reputation Management team provide teachers with an overview of recent
trends in use and misuse of social media, practical strategies in the area of cybersafety, digital
citizenship and the concept of a clean digital footprint. For more information contact Stephanie Poole,
Learning Technologies on 3034 5034 or visit the OneChannel website.
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Years 6-7 Numeracy
workshop – Developing proportional reasoning in Years 6 and 7
This workshop will address some of the common error patterns identified through analysis of
Queensland’s 2014 NAPLAN data and provide teachers with a toolkit of strategies, hands-on
activities and resources that can be used to teach ratio and proportion and provide targeted support
to students. For more information contact the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Epilepsy Queensland Workshop: Understanding Epilepsy and Midazolam
The topics covered in this 2-hour workshop include introduction to epilepsy, recognising the types of
seizures, seizure management, minimising triggers, first aid and emergency situations and intranasal
and Buccal Midazolam administration. For more information and to register, contact Epilepsy
Queensland on 3435 5000 or 1300 852 853 (outside Brisbane) or visit their website.
Queensland Parliament Seminar: Introduction to How Parliament Works
This half-day seminar is designed to give public sector officers (AO2-AO5) an overview of
Online course
Education House, Brisbane
Kedron Wavell Services Club,
Logan Entertainment Centre,
Central Logan
OneChannel web conference
Travelodge, Rockhampton
Cairns Base Hospital, Cairns
Parliament House, Brisbane
School leaders, teachers,
teacher aides, eLearning
coordinators, technical
support staff
Teachers, curriculum
leaders, school support
School leaders
Updated 28 October 2014
Queensland’s parliamentary system of government. Topics covered include the constitutional
provisions for state government, roles and structures of the Parliament, the Executive and the
Judiciary. During this seminar, officers will have the opportunity to observe the Parliament at work
and to participate in a session with a Member of Parliament about the work relationship between
Members of Parliament and the Public Service. A tour of the Parliament and its historical environs is
included. For more information contact Brenda Binotto, Queensland Parliament on 3406 7476 or visit
their website.
Information and Technologies Branch Regional Roadshow – North Queensland Region
This roadshow will deliver a range of presentations that support schools to explore opportunities for
innovative teaching and learning in classrooms through the adoption of ICT, engage regions and
ensure all schools are exposed to ITB services and evolving projects and support technology and
pedagogy in partnership with eLearning. For more information contact your Regional Technology
Manager or to register, visit their website on OnePortal.
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) Workshop: Years 2-3 Numeracy
workshop – Teaching subtraction in Years 2-3
This numeracy workshop will explore the developmental pathway in subtraction and identify common
error patterns and demonstrate research-based teaching strategies and hands-on activities to help
develop students’ understanding of subtraction. Participants will develop a toolkit of teaching
strategies, hands-on activities and resources for teaching subtraction. For more information contact
the QCAA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Science Teachers’ Association of Queensland (STAQ): Senior Science Conference
There will be 30 workshops available covering various topics from pendulums, to corrosion,
dissections and interesting ways of using technology. Keynote speakers will be A/Professor Bryan
Fry, venom specialist, and Dr Stephen Hughes, astrophysicist. For more information contact STAQ
or visit their website.
QASSP Fierce Conversations Workshop
The Queensland Association of State School Principals (QASSP) Fierce Conversations workshop is
about having genuine conversations that tackle the real issues in your school and get people working
together to achieve the results critical to success. For more information and to register contact
QASSP on 3831 7011 or visit their website.
Travelodge, Rockhampton
Queensland University of
Technology, Gardens Point
Taabinga State School, Kingaroy