Volunteer Information This document is designed to provide some information to those wishing to become a volunteer at Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. It provides an overview of key points and issues and serves as additional information to training and supervision provided for the role. It reflects the information available at the time of writing (January 2012) and some information may become out-ofdate and subject to review. As a volunteer you should abide by the Volunteer Charter. 1. Staff-volunteer relations Volunteering should be a fulfilling and enjoyable experience and provide an opportunity for an individual to develop constructive relationships with a variety of people. When entering a ward or department, you should report to the person in charge of the shift or team. If you leave the ward/department, make sure someone knows where you are going and for how long. Some areas will be informal in using first names, but ensure you know the titles of clinical staff. At the same time, if you prefer to be addressed as Mrs, Miss or Mr, let people know. Ensure that you have familiarised yourself with the duties of the volunteer role you are undertaking and your training is completed. 2. Professional Demeanour and Appearance When arriving to work as a volunteer, ensure you are wearing your ID badge and are dressed appropriately for your duties. In clinical areas you should observe infection control principles of bare below the elbows. Clinical staff will challenge any inappropriate dress and you may be asked to leave the ward/department. Under the supervision of staff, wear appropriate protective clothing, e.g. gloves, aprons. Your demeanour should always be approachable, polite and friendly. Always introduce yourself to staff, patients and members of the public in any conversation. You should address all patients using Mr, Mrs, Miss unless they themselves suggest an alternative name. If other members of staff use a patient’s first name, you cannot assume it is appropriate for you to do so. If asked a question you cannot answer, explain that you need to consult a member of staff and will get back to them – then do it. Don’t give your opinions on health matters, treatments, medication, individual members of staff or teams/services to patients and/or members of the public. Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 1 Volunteer Information M. Lord Jan 2012 Volunteer Information 3. Equal opportunities and diversity Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have a Single Equality Scheme in place. The Scheme outlines how the trust strives to ensure fairness and equality in access to health care and employment. The Scheme also sets out how we plan to address any potential for discrimination or unfairness. It is our commitment to meeting the duties placed upon us by the equality legislation covering of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. The Scheme also takes account of the Human Rights Act and carer’s rights. 4. Recruitment and selection The Quality Improvement Matron will maintain records of applications for Volunteer work. When a volunteer is required by a ward, department or volunteer scheme, contact is made via the Quality Improvement Matron. Where an individual approaches a ward or department for volunteer work, they will be re-directed to the Quality Improvement Matron. It is important to ensure the safety and security of patients, staff and visitors by maintaining certain standards. These standards include the following in respect of potential volunteer workers. References Two satisfactory references are obtained for every volunteer prior to commencement. These are recorded and held on file. Police Check/Criminal Records Bureau Disclosure To comply with the Criminal Records Bureau Code of Practice, all potential volunteers will be required to apply for disclosure at enhanced level, as they will be working with vulnerable adults. Interview Having submitted an application, potential volunteers will be interviewed and references, health and police checks are completed. Only after all these are completed satisfactorily, will the volunteer be appointed. Prior to commencement, volunteers will be introduced to the responsible nominated supervisor and/or the Head of Department. Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 2 Volunteer Information M. Lord Jan 2012 Volunteer Information Health Check All potential volunteers will complete a health declaration form and a health risk forms to be assessed by the Occupational Health Department. In some cases vaccination may be recommended. Any vaccinations required will have to be provided by the volunteer’s’ own general practitioner. The outcome will be maintained on file. Minimum Age No person under the age of 16 will be engaged for volunteer work within the Trust, unless specifically agreed with the Quality Improvement Matron and Head of Department, and only in non-clinical areas. This is separate from any work experience scheme running. 5. Induction and training Once recruited as a volunteer you will attend a core training session which includes mandatory topics, health & safety, manual handling and fire safety. Volunteers will update fire safety training annually and will attend health & safety/manual handling updates every three years. Further training for specific volunteer roles will be given. As a volunteer you must attend the training as specified. Training records will be retained by the Quality Improvement Matron. A document for you to keep a record of training you attend will be provided. 6. Expenses Bus fares between home and the Trust can be reimbursed to volunteers. Claims are made via the General Office – appropriate proof of journey is necessary as well as an ID badge. Car mileage may also be reimbursed at rates agreed by the Trust and authorised by the relevant Head of Department. 7. Benefits Volunteers will be provided with a Volunteers Trust ID badge and be able to utilise most discounts advertised to staff: Discounted meals at the food court at Warrington Hospital and in the dining area at Halton Hospital. 10% discount at the Stock Shop on Warrington site Reduced rate pantomime tickets which we offer to staff Staff subsidised tickets to the Theatre If NHS email account can register with NHS Discounts Access to Joanne Drewitt, Working Lives Advisor for advice on childcare and carers’ information Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 3 Volunteer Information M. Lord Jan 2012 Volunteer Information Discounted Entry to Gulliver's World/ Camelot Theme Park 8. Support and supervision All volunteers will have a named person to offer support and guidance, and to resolve queries. This will usually be a senior member of the team where you are volunteering. This person is first contact for non-urgent queries and advice. The Quality Improvement Matron will act as Volunteer Coordinator, organising recruitment, selection, training and placement of volunteers. A range of health and other professionals will participate in training of volunteers and are responsible for providing information based on best practice and at an appropriate level of authority and complexity for volunteers. Employment references may be provided by the named supervisor or the Quality Improvement Matron, only after you have volunteered for an amount of time that enables you to demonstrate the attributes and skills that would need to be observed for the reference. 9. Problem-solving procedures If there is an incident, or you have a concern in the course of working as a volunteer, you must raise it with the shift or team leader at the time. If you feel that your concerns have not been heard, or you can’t approach the shift/team leader, contact the Quality Improvement Matron in the Corporate Nursing Department, or if not available, the Divisional Matron. If you are involved/named in a complaint or incident, you may be asked to write a statement. Support will be provided by your named supervisor or the Quality Improvement Matron. Clinical or other supervisory staff may approach you if they have concerns about your performance. This should be done in a constructive manner with the aim of ensuring patient safety and comfort. They might prefer to approach your named supervisor to talk to you. This should be seen as an opportunity to learn. Any issues of grievance raised by a volunteer or conduct issue in relation to a volunteer will be investigated and dealt with by the Quality Improvement Matron and/or Deputy Director of Nursing /Director of Nursing. This will include decisions on whether a volunteer should be removed from the Trust register. In circumstances leading to removal, the individual will have a right of appeal to a higher level which will be binding. Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 4 Volunteer Information M. Lord Jan 2012 Volunteer Information 10. Insurance The Trust holds Employers & Public Liability Insurance cover with the National Health Service Litigation Authority (NHSLA) for all volunteer workers engaged by the Trust for duties carried out as specified in the Role Descriptions held by the Quality Improvement Matron. Volunteers engaged and organised by an external volunteer organisation are covered by Public Liability Insurance held by that volunteer organisation. Volunteers using their own vehicles as part of their voluntary work must confirm that their own insurance policy covers this. Both Volunteering England and the Community Transport Association provide a standard form which volunteers can use to inform their insurance company that they are using the vehicle during their voluntary activities. For more information, visit: www.volunteering.org.uk www.communitytransport.com/ 11. Confidentiality As is expected of all Trust staff, volunteers must respect confidentiality. During your involvement with the Trust you may have access to confidential information relating to patients, staff or Trust business. You are expected to comply with the Trust’s policy on Data Protection and Confidentiality and the conditions contained within the honorary agreement signed by you on commencement of your service at the Trust. Information concerning staff, patients or Trust business should not be discussed, except in the performance of normal duty. In addition, Trust records must never be left in such a manner that unauthorised persons can obtain access to them and must be kept securely when not in use. 12. Data protection Information on volunteers will be kept in line with Caldecott principles and the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Acts. Records of volunteers will be retained by the Quality Improvement Matron. 13. Policy A Volunteer Workers Policy has been developed and is available on request or on the Trust Intranet site. Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 5 Volunteer Information M. Lord Jan 2012