LIN 1310 Outline for Second Test O&A: Chapter 5: The test covers pages 132-155 But not Section 5.33 Do insertion pages 151-152 Study Guide: Pages 103-123 You should have read: CER: Jacobs and Rosenbaum, Pp. 183–188, “What Do Native Speakers Know About Their Language?” Notes on the website: Syntax First Notes and Trees after Syntax Power Point Corrected slides 148 and 154 Don’t forget to review trees for sentences containing perfect ‘have’ and progressive ‘be’. 1 Breakdown of Test Part 1: Theory and Definitions 30 True/False questions (30 points) Part 2: Node labels for words and phrases 10 multiple choice questions (10 points) You will be given an English sentence with a bracketed portion. You will be required to choose the correct node label in the tree immediately above the bracketed portion in the case of single word or the node label in the tree that encompasses the entire bracketed portion in the case of a phrase. Example: 1. The customer paid for the [book]. A. preposition B. adverb C. determiner D. complementizer E. noun The customer paid [for the book]. A. prepositional phrase B. noun phrase C. relative clause D. determiner E. modifier 2 Part 3: X’ schema 10 multiple choice questions (10 points) You will be given an English sentence with a bracketed portion. - You will be required to identify the role of the bracketed portion in the X’ schema. Example: 1. The customer paid for the [book]. A. head B. complement C. noun clause D. specifier E. modifier 2. The customer paid [for the book]. A. head B. complement C. noun clause D. specifier E. modifier The best way to handle parts 2 and 3 is to draw the phrase structure tree for the sentence somewhere on your test questionnaire. Then you can refer to your tree to determine the answers to the multiple choice questions. 3 4 Part 4: Deep Structure Trees 4 True/False questions (8 points) You will be shown a syntactic tree and asked in True/False format if it is the correct D structure tree for a particular sentence. Sentences could be declaratives or questions and may be simple or complex. Example: 1. The tree (shown below) is the D structure for the sentence ‘Can the children sing?” True False 5 CP C’ C +Q IP I’ NP I VP -pst N’ Det the V’ N children V can sing 6 Part V. Move Transformations 6 multiple choice questions (12 points) NB: Pay attention to the order in which we do the Moves for the sentences we derive. The Moves must be carried out in the correct order. Example: On the next page you will find the correct D-structure for the sentence: “Can the children sing?” Answer the following questions with respect to that tree. 1. The first move transformation required to derive the sentence ‘Can the children sing?” is: A. Verb Movement B. Inversion C. Wh-movement D. Trace insertion E. None 2. The second move transformation required to derive the sentence ‘Can the children sing?” is: A. Verb Movement B. Inversion C. Wh-movement D. Trace insertion E. None 3. After the application of the first move transformation, the tree for the sentence “Can the children sing?” will contain a trace (t) in place of the following element in the original D-structure tree: A. can B. children C. the children D. sing E. there will be no trace 7 CP C’ C +Q IP I’ NP I VP -pst N’ Det the V’ N children V can sing 8