Format for Faculty Workplan Proposal

Format for Faculty Workplan Proposal
__________ ACADEMIC YEAR
I). Teaching and Advising:
A. Teaching Assignment(s)
Identify your teaching assignments for this academic year as
outlined in the following categories:
1. Course-Based Instruction: (including classroom instruction,
studio and laboratory instruction, physical education activity instruction,
assigned tutoring/help sessions)
 Identify fall, intersession, spring, and summer coursebased instruction to which you are assigned by course
name, number, and credit hours.
 Identify your role(s) with the course (primary instructor,
team teaching, lab assistant, course coordination, etc).
 Indicate number of years that you have been involved
with the course.
2. Project-based instruction: (including graduate thesis,
dissertation, independent study/project, course by arrangement,
individual study, group project)
Identify fall, intersession, spring, and summer projectbased instruction to which you are assigned by name of
course, by number of students and by number of
semester hours per student
Identify your role(s) with the project based instruction
(chair, committee member, within or outside of
When applicable, indicate number of semesters that you
have been involved with the individual project.
3. Field-based instruction: (including fieldwork, pre-practicum,
practicum, internship, clinical internship, projects)
Identify fall, intersession, spring, and summer fieldworkbased instruction to which you are assigned by name of
course, by number of students and by semester hours per
Identify the number of required visits/observations per
student/experience/course and extraordinary time
commitments associated with the field-based instruction.
Indicate any additional requirements specified by the
accrediting body or added individual student-faculty
conferences or scheduled group seminars associated with
the field-based instruction.
4. Co-curricular instruction: (including coaching an athletic team,
coordinating/directing a student production).
Identify fall, intersession, spring, and summer cocurricular instruction to which you are assigned by name
of team/production and number of students involved.
Identify your role(s) with the co-curricular instruction
(head coach, assistant coach, director).
Indicate additional responsibilities associated with the
co-curricular instruction (recruiting, choreography, set
production, etc.) for which you are responsible.
5. Academic advisement of assigned advisees:
Identify fall, intersession, spring, and summer assigned
advising and number of students for whom you are
6. Assigned academic support of students: (including SHS learning
center and SC writing center)
7. Other teaching tasks:
B. Goals for Teaching:
For each of the teaching tasks identified above, identify goals for
this academic year. Be sure to include any of the following:
Any revisions anticipated in content areas for courses for
this upcoming academic year.
New courses being developed;
Instructional resources or materials being developed for
integration into your course(s). List any resources or
materials that need to be acquired to achieve this goal,
including special equipment and/or continuing education to
maintain or update your knowledge base;
Update on practical skills associated with teaching tasks;
Special preparation related to teaching needed for the next
academic year.
C. Assessment Methods and Criteria:
Faculty members should regularly collect data and feedback that
provides an assessment of their teaching effectiveness. During their evaluation
years, all faculty members will collect student feedback in all their assigned
classes using the SIRII student opinion questionnaire, (see above). Additional
feedback and assessment data should also be collected on a regular basis through
peer reviews of teaching, department chair/campus director’s observations, and
through other qualified sources of information and assessment.
II). Scholarly Endeavor
Describe all scholarly activity relating to the following areas. This area
has a broad definition and its content requires discussion with the Department
Chairperson for inclusion of specific scholarly tasks in workplan.
Publication/Presentation (including publication of articles,
reviews, abstracts; presentations at local/state/regional/national
professional organizations; invited and/or peer reviewed).
Research/Dissemination (including conducting research, analysis
and documentation of formal research, preparation for
publication/presentation of formal research).
Professional development (including attendance at workshops,
clinics, or courses not part of a degree program; graduate level
study; work related to internally- or externally-funded grants,
fellowships or awards received, including Appleton, Faculty
Development, Reassigned Time, Sabbatical; professional
consultation; clinical work for skill development or maintaining
discipline relevancy or certification; continuing education/
specialty certification).
Creative production (as in choreography, writing, musical
composition, art work).
Other scholarly or creative activities.
Goals For Scholarly Activity:
Identify goals for this academic year relating to the areas of scholarly
activity that were selected from the list above. Include resources needed for
accomplishment of the goal where indicated.
Assessment of Scholarly Activity:
Faculty members should regularly collect data and feedback that provides
an assessment of their scholarly activity. Identify proposed methods and criteria
for assessing scholarly activity.
III. Service Activities:
Describe activities that relate to college, community and professional
service. This area requires discussion with the Department Chairperson and
agreement on the specific service tasks that can be included in the workplan.
College Service: (including all-college committees, task forces,
special projects; departmental service such as, committees, student
activities, recruitment/admissions work, and public/alumni
relations; administration service, such as serving as Department
Chairperson, School Director, Program Coordinator/Director,
Clinical Experience/Fieldwork Coordinator, Coordinator of multisection course or General Education Requirement).
Job-related community service: (including activities with human
service agencies, charities, schools, community organizations that
are part of workload assignment). (NOTE: Faculty who engage in
voluntary service activities are encouraged to include them on their
curriculum vitae and to identify them in applications for tenure,
promotion, and sabbatical leave.)
Professional service: (including serving as officer of a regional or
national professional organization; committee member of local,
state, regional, or national organization; editor of professional
journal; consultant for outside agency/institution; and, giving
lectures or presentations on campus for other programs or majors;
providing consultation, in-service programs, workshops, or
educational/ programs on campus or for agreed upon
Other professional service.
Goals for Service Activities:
Identify your goals for this academic year relating to the areas of service
that reflects the college, community and professional involvement identified in
the workload plan service tasks.
Assessment of Services Activities
Faculty members should regularly collect data and feedback that provides
an assessment of their service activities. Identify proposed criteria, procedures
and processes for assessing agreed upon service tasks.
IV. Comments or Special Considerations:
Include for each workplan category any special adjustment factors which
need to be considered in assessing the teaching tasks, (such as the number of
separate preparations, whether or not it is your first year of teaching, whether a
course is new or being taught by you for the first time, size of class, whether the
number of hours of preparation or the number of hours of student assessment
are unusual, and whether courses are graduate or undergraduate), the scholarly
endeavor tasks, and the service tasks.
Department Chair/Campus Director
Faculty Member
Approved by School Dean