NHS Education for Scotland

NHS Education for Scotland
NHS Scotland Allied Health Professions Resources
- Radiographyhttp://www.elib.scot.nhs.uk
Managing knowledge to support the patient journey
1. Subscription Databases
2. Free Databases
3. Journals
4. Books
5. Free websites
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1. Subscription Databases
The following databases can be accessed from the ‘Databases’ link on the e-Library
AMED (Allied and Complementary Medicine)
A unique bibliographic database, covering a selection of journal in complementary medicine,
palliative care, and several professions allied to medicine. Coverage 1985 - current. Access is
available to NHS affiliated staff and students from all sectors.
Use ATHENS username and password.
Biomedical Reference Comprehensive Collection
Biomedical Reference Collection: Comprehensive provides doctors, research scientists,
students, clinical specialists and managers with access to nearly 900 full text journals,
including full text for more than 850 peer-reviewed publications, covering such disciplines as
clinical medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system and the
preclinical sciences. When this citation database is viewed via EBSCOhost there is the ability
to link to full text for articles contained within the Biomedical Reference Collection:
Comprehensive database.
Use ATHENS username and password.
The Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health (CINAHL) database provides authoritative
coverage of the literature related to nursing and allied health. Coverage: 1982 - current.
Access is available to NHS affiliated staff and students from all sectors.
Use ATHENS username and password.
A major biomedical and pharmaceutical database covering the following fields: drug
research, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, toxicology, clinical and experimental human
medicine, health policy and management, public health, occupational health, environmental
health, drug dependence and abuse, psychiatry, forensic medicine, and biomedical
engineering/instrumentation. Widely used biomedical and pharmaceutical databases because
of its currency and in-depth indexing. Coverage: 1980 - current. Access is available to NHS
affiliated staff and students from all sectors.
Use ATHENS username and password.
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One Portal One Password One Pathway to Learning
MD Consult
MD Consult contains over 40 Elsevier journals, Mosby Year Books, Clinics of North
America, over 40 of the world’s most renowned reference books, patient education handouts,
practice guidelines, educational resources, software for your PDA and much more. Clinicians
search the entire database with a single easy-to-use and fast MEDLINE search in order to get
authoritative answers. There is no other way to consult a multiple sources of medical
literature this fast. We trust that your usual discretion will be used with regard to the patient
handouts, which have not been validated by NHS Scotland, and with the practice guidelines
which are largely American in origin.
Use ATHENS username and password.
MEDLINE is the U.S. National Library of Medicine's (NLM) premier bibliographic database
covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care
system, and the preclinical sciences. Coverage: 1966 - current. Access is available to NHS
affiliated staff and students from all sectors.
Use ATHENS username and password.
Nursing and Allied Health Comprehensive Collection
Nursing & Allied Health Collection: Comprehensive is a valuable resource for nursing and
allied health professionals, students, educators and researchers. This database contains nearly
400 full text journals covering the areas of nursing, biomedicine, health sciences, consumer
health and allied health disciplines.
Use ATHENS username and password.
Science Direct
Search across 1,600 fulltext journals including medical neuroscience, life sciences, and
psychology collections.
Your old Science Direct password will continue to work but for simplicity we advise you to
apply for an ATHENS password.
ZETOC provides access to the British Library's Electronic Table of Contents of current
journals and conference proceedings.
Use ATHENS username and password.
2. Free Databases
Produced by the National Cancer Institute in the US; this bibliographic database contains
more than 1.8 million citations and abstracts from over 4,000 different sources including
biomedical journals, proceedings, books, reports and doctoral theses. The database contains
references to cancer literature from 1963 to present and is updated with approximately 10,000
records every month.
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One Portal One Password One Pathway to Learning
Combined Health Information Database
Composed of 16 databases in areas of interest like cancer and Alzheimer's disease but also in
hard-to-find specialities like skin disease, complementary medicine, deafness, oral health,
weight control, and more. This database is produced by the US National Institutes of Health
HONmedia - medical images
HONmedia is an unique repository of over 3,000 medical images and videos, pertaining to
1,700 topics and themes. This peerless database has been created manually by HON and new
image links are constantly being added from the world-wide Web. HON encourages users to
make their own image links available via the "Submit an image" service.
3. Journals
Listed below is a list of radiography-related electronic journals that you can access through
the ‘Journals’ link on the e-Library homepage.
Acta obstetrica et gynecologica scandinavica
Acta obstetrica et gynecologica scandinavica - supplementum
Acta orthopaedica scandinavica
Acta radiologica - supplementum
Acta radiologica (formerly Acta radiologica diagnosis)
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology
American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics
American orthoptic journal
Annals of the ICRP
Australasian radiology
Best practice and research clinical obstetrics and gynaecology
BJOG: An international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology
BMC medical imaging
BMC nuclear medicine
BMJ (British medical journal)
British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology
Canadian association of radiologists journal
Cardiovascular radiation medicine
Cardiovascular and interventional radiology
Cardiovascular ultrasound
Clinical imaging
Clinical nuclear medicine
Clinical obstetrics and gynaecology
Clinical orthopaedics and related research
Clinical positron imaging
Clinical radiology
Clinical radiology extra
Computerized medical imaging and graphics
Current opinion in obstetrics and gynaecology
Current opinion in orthopaedics
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European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging
European journal of obstetrics and gynecology and reproductive biology
European journal of radiology
European journal of radiology extra
Evidence based obstetrics and gynecology
Evidence based oncology
Free radical biology and medicine
Ginecologia y obstetricia de mexico
Gynaecological endoscopy
Gynecologic oncology
Gynecologie, obstetrique et fertilite
Health physics: the radiation safety journal
Imaging decisions
International journal of gynecological cancer
International journal of gynecological pathology
International journal of gynecology and obstetrics
International journal of radiation biology
International journal of radiation oncology biology and physics
Investigative radiology
Journal of clinical ultrasound
Journal of computer assisted tomography
Journal of gynecologic surgery
Journal of magnetic resonance (formerly Journal of magnetic resonance, series A)
Journal of magnetic resonance, series A
Journal of magnetic resonance, series B
Journal of obstetric, gynecologic and neonatal nursing
Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology
Journal of orthopaedic nursing
Journal of orthopaedic research
Journal of orthopaedic trauma
Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology
Journal of pediatric orthopaedics
Journal of the American academy of orthopaedic surgeons
Journal of the society for gynecologic investigation
Journal of thoracic imaging
Journal of vascular and interventional radiology
Magnetic resonance imaging
Medical image analysis
Molecular imaging and biology
Nuclear medicine and biology
Nuclear medicine communications
Obstetric anaesthesia digest
Obstetrical and gynecological survey
Obstetrics and gynecology
Obstetrics and gynecology clinics of North America
Orthopaedic nursing
Orthopedic clinics of North America
Primary care update for OB/GYNS
Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Psychiatry research: neuroimaging
Radiologic clinics of North America
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Radiotherapy and oncology
Reviews in gynaecological practice
Topics in magnetic resonance imaging
Ultrasound in medicine and biology
Ultrasound in obstetrics and gynaecology
4. Books
Listed below is a list of radiography-related electronic books that you can access through the
‘Books’ link on the e-Library homepage.
Atlas of interventional pain management
Waldman (1998)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password
Danforth’s obstetrics and gynecology
Scott, De Saia, Hammond (8th Edition. 1999)
Provider : OVID Online
Use Athens password
DeLee and Drez’s orthopaedic sports medicine
DeLee, Drez (2nd Edition. 2003)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password
Diagnostic radiology: a textbook of medical imaging
Grainger, Allison, Adam (2001)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password
Imaging in oncology
Curati, Cosgrove, Lipton (1998)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
Interventional pain management
Waldman (2nd Edition. 1998)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password
Interventional ultrasound in obstetrics, gynaecology, and the breast
Santolaya-Forgas, Lemery (1998)
Provider : NET Library
Use Athens password
Manual of rheumatology and outpatient orthopedic disorders
Paget, Kibofsky, Beary (4th Edition. 2000)
Provider : OVID Online
Use Athens password
Local restrictions apply - only available to NHS Glasgow
NHS Scotland e-Library www.elib.scot.nhs.uk
One Portal One Password One Pathway to Learning
Obstetrics: normal and problem pregnancies
Gabbe, Niebyl, Simpson (4th Edition. 2002)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password
Radiographic imaging for regional anesthesia and pain management
Raj, Lou, Erdine (2003)
Provider : MD Consult
Use Athens password
What to order when: pocket guide to diagnostic imaging
Eisenberg, Margulis (2nd Edition. 2000)
Provider : OVID Online
Use Athens password
3D Reconstructed Images of Spiral CT for Maxillofacial Tumor Measurements (Free
Internet Textbook)
3D Reconstructed Images of Spiral CT for Maxillofacial Tumor Measurements is an electronic
textbook on the use of three-dimensional spiral CT images in preoperative planning and
evaluating postoperative outcomes in cases of cancer of the face and jaw. It studies the
precision and accuracy of volumetric and linear measurements of tumours using 3D-CT
reconstructed images. The book includes tables of results. It is written by Marcelo G. P.
Cavalcanti, Michael W. Vannier, Axel Ruprecht and Justo M. Bonomie, and published online
by Virtual Hospital at the University of Iowa.
CHORUS Collaborative Hypertext of Radiology (Free Internet Textbook)
CHORUS Collaborative Hypertext of Radiology is a quick reference hypertext for doctors and
medical students, covering diseases, radiological findings, differential-diagnosis lists,
anatomy, pathology and physiology. Chapters cover the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory,
gastrointestinal, genito-urinary and musculoskeletal system and multisystem entities.
Documents are indexed alphabetically by title and are interconnected by a network of
hyperlinks. There is a search facility. CHORUS is edited by Charles E. Kahn, Jr., MD and
published by the Department of Radiology, Medical College of Wisconsin.
CHORUS Collaborative Hypertext of Radiology: Cardiovascular System (Free Internet
CHORUS Collaborative Hypertext of Radiology: Gastrointestinal System (Free Internet
CHORUS Collaborative Hypertext of Radiology: Genito-Urinary System (Free Internet
CHORUS Collaborative Hypertext of Radiology: Multisystem Entities (Free Internet
CHORUS Collaborative Hypertext of Radiology: Musculoskeletal System (Free Internet
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CHORUS Collaborative Hypertext of Radiology: Nervous System (Free Internet
CHORUS Collaborative Hypertext of Radiology: Respiratory System (Free Internet
CHORUS Collaborative Hypertext of Radiology: Technical Stuff / Miscellany (Free
Internet Textbook)
Dermatology ImageBase (Free Internet Textbook)
The Dematology ImageBase is a database of dermatologic images, providing images of skin
diseases and conditions for use in teaching, listed alphabetically. The site is maintained by
the Department of Dermatology, University of Iowa.
Diagnosis of Disk Disease
Diagnosis of Disk Disease is an electronic textbook providing images of MRI and CT images
of diseases affecting the disks of the spine. It includes bulge, protrusion and extrusion. It is by
Georges Y. El-Khoury, M.D., a Professor at the Department of Radiology, University of Iowa,
and is published by the Virtual Hospital at the University.
ElectricGINucs?: nuclear medicine imaging of the gastrointestinal tract (Free Internet
ElectricGINucs?: Nuclear Medicine Imaging of the Gastrointestinal Tract is an electronic
textbook providing education on using nuclear medicine scintigraphy in diagnosing various
gastrointestinal disorders. It covers various procedures, and provides case studies, images
and videos. It is written by HelenAnne D'Alessandro and published by the Virtual Hospital at
the University of Iowa.
Electronic Textbook of Orthopaedics
This is an electronic textbook on orthopaedics for medical students and orthopaedic
specialists. Chapters cover paediatric orthopaedics, adult bone trauma, patello-femoral
instability, multiple neurofibromatosis, primary care for the spinal injured, radiology of the
musculoskeletal system, infections of bone and joints, basic sciences, the normal joint, the
abnormal joint, molecular genetics and immunology of orthopaedics, perioperative checks,
adult reconstruction (hip and knee), disorders of the foot and ankle in adults, orthopaedic
pathology, principles of management of spinal trauma and bone lymphomas.
Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy: 17th edition, section 5: Musculoskeletal /
Connective Tissue Disorders
The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy is a searchable electronic book which aims to
provide clinical information to physicians, medical students, nurses, pharmacists and other
health care professionals. This section provides chapters relating to disorders of the muscles,
skeleton and connective tissue, including arthritis, diseases of the bones and joints,
osteoparosis, rheumatism and other disorders and injuries. This is the 17th edition.
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Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, Section 18. Gynecology and Obstetrics
The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy is a searchable electronic book which aims to
provide clinical information to physicians, medical students, nurses, pharmacists and other
health care professionals. This section covers gynaecology and obstetrics. This is the 17th
Merck Manual of Medical Information: Section 5: Bone, Joint, and Muscle Disorders
The Merck Manual of Medical Information: Second Home Edition aims to provide detailed and
reliable medical information to patients and the general public. This section provides chapters
relating to disorders of the musculoskeletal system, including bone fractures, disorders of the
bones, joints and muscles and injuries. The book is searchable and has a complete index,
and is based on the textbook for professionals, the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy.
Normal Radiologic Anatomy: X-Ray, CT, MRI and Ultrasound (Free Internet Textbook)
Normal Radiologic Anatomy: X-Ray, CT, MRI and Ultrasound is an electronic textbook
providing radiological images of anatomical areas including the head and neck, thorax,
abdomen, pelvis, upper extremity and lower extremity. It is edited by James Livermore and
William Erkonen of the Department of Radiology, University of Iowa, and published online by
the Virtual Hospital at the University.
Pediatric abdominal mass imaging: imaging a child with an abdominal mass (Free
Internet Textbook)
Pediatric Abdominal Mass Imaging: Imaging a Child with an Abdominal Mass is an electronic
textbook on the radiologic evaluation of an infant or child suspected of having an abdominal
mass. It covers different approaches and gives illustrated case examples. It is by Simon C. S.
Kao, M.D., Professor of the Department of Radiology, University of Iowa, and is published by
the Virtual Hospital at the University.
Pediatric Non-Breath-Hold Cardiac MR Imaging (Free Internet Textbook)
Pediatric Non-Breath-Hold Cardiac MR Imaging is an electronic textbook on the anatomic
information provided by a non-breath-hold cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) technique in the
study of congenital heart disease (CHD) in infants and children. It covers hardware/software,
techniques and illustrated case studies. It is written by members of the Department of
Radiology at the University of Iowa, and published by the Virtual Hospital at the University.
Radiographic Anatomy of the Skeleton (Free Internet Textbook)
Radiographic Anatomy of the Skeleton is an online teaching resource providing radiographic
x-ray images of the skeleton. It covers the shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, pelvis and
hip, knee, ankle, foot, cervical spine and lumbar spine. Labelled and unlabelled images are
available. It is provided by the Department of Radiology at the University of Washington.
University of Iowa Family Practice Handbook: 4th edition, chapter 16: Orthopedics
The University of Iowa Family Practice Handbook is an electronic book on family medicine
and general practice, with chapters on specific subjects written by experts. It is aimed at
practising doctors but may be useful for medical students, assistants and nurses. This chapter
covers orthopaedics and disorders of the joints and skeletal system. The book is edited by
Mark A. Graber, MD and Matthew L. Lanternier, MD from the University of Iowa College of
Medicine, and is externally peer-reviewed by Mosby. It is published online by University of
Iowa Virtual Hospital. This is the fourth edition.
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Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics
This is an online textbook on orthopaedics and musculoskeletal disorders. It provides
illustrations, descriptions and notes on treatment and complications for various conditions and
systems of the body. There is also a section on medications. It has an alphabetical index and
subject indexes. The site also provides a search facility and links to related resources. It is
written by C.R. Wheeless, MD.
5. Free websites
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) provides education and practice
management services for orthopaedic surgeons and allied health professionals in the US,
serves as an advocate for improved patient care and informs the public about the science of
orthopaedics. The website provides information on the AAOS, health policy, research and
practice management. There are resources for continuing medical education (CME), a
catalogue of educational resources, a list of industry advertisers, and patient information on
orthopaedics. There is also information on AAOS journals. Additional features, including
full-text access to articles, are accessible only to members.
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is a professional
organisation which aims to serve as an advocate for quality health care for women; maintain
the highest standards of clinical practice and continuing education for its members; promote
patient education, understanding of and involvement in medical care; and increasing
awareness of the changing issues facing women's health care. The website provides
information on ACOG and its activities, and information on women's issues, technical issues
and government relations. There are also news releases, a search facility for patient
information leaflets and the electronic book Ethics in Obstetrics and Gynecology (2nd ed),
with chapters downloadable as PDF files (requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader). Additional
features are accessible only to ACOG members.
American College of Radiology
The American College of Radiology (ACR) is a professional organisation of radiologists,
radiation oncologists and medical physicists. It aims to make imaging safe, effective and
accessible, through accreditation, research, guidelines, education and advocacy. The website
provides information on ACR and its activities, covering education, economics, government
relations, research and standards. There are also job listings and publication details.
Additional features are accessible only to ACR members.
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American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
The American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO) aims to advance
the practice of radiation oncology by promoting excellence in patient care, providing
opportunities for educational and professional development, promoting research and
disseminating research results and representing radiation oncology in a rapidly evolving
socioeconomic healthcare environment. The website includes news, information on
education, meetings, government relations and healthcare economics. It also includes patient
information and links to related resources. Additional features are accessible only to members
Bristol Biomedical Image Archive
The Bristol Biomedical Image Archive (Bristol BioMed) is an online collection of about 8500
medical, dental and veterinary images for use in teaching and learning. To find images there
are basic, advanced and MeSH thesaurus searches, and browsing by keywords or terms
derived from the image descriptions. Thumbnail images are available, but free registration is
required to view full-size images. The archive is based at the University of Bristol.
British Institute of Radiology
The British Institute of Radiology (BIR) is a multidisciplinary learned society which aims to
forge links between medicine, science and industry to improve the detection and treatment of
disease. It provides and supports continuing professional development, education and
research in radiological sciences. The website provides information on BIR and its activities,
publications, education and resources including the library (with access to the online
catalogue). There are links to related sites.
British Orthopaedic Association
The British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) is a professional organisation which provides
education and practice management services for orthopaedic surgeons and health
professionals. The website provides information on BOA, news, online journal access, patient
education materials and links to related resources. Some features are accessible only to BOA
University of Cambridge: Department Radiology
The University of Cambridge and NHS Departments of Radiology are adjacent on the
Addenbrooke's Hospital site, with operational aspects including clinical services, teaching and
research being integrated. The department provides a wide range of modern imaging
resources and regular clinico-radiological conferences. The website provides information on
the department, research areas and bibliographies of papers published by members of the
department. There is also information on visiting the department for medical students
electives, observing radiologists, radiologists in training and locum posts, and links to related
Doctor's Guide to Radiology News
This site provides news from Doctor's Guide relating to radiology. It has updated information
on techniques, treatments and related issues.
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Edinburgh Orthopaedic Trauma Unit
The Edinburgh Orthopaedic Trauma Unit is a specialist unit based in the New Royal
Infirmary. It performs orthopaedic trauma surgery, has wide research portfolios and hosts the
Edinburgh International Trauma Symposium. The Scottish Orthopaedic Research Trust Into
Trauma (SORT-IT) is based within the unit. The website provides information on the unit,
details of publications (some with links to Internet sites), research activities, local practice
guidelines, training and links to related resources.
European Society of Gynecology
The European Society of Gynecology aims to to encourage and develop exchanges between
European gynaecologists; to share the medico-scientific experiences of its members; to
develop teaching and experimentation in Europe in all the fields of gynaecology; to study
ethical and social implications of the various branches of gynaecology. It encourages
meetings, cooperation, multicentre clinical trials. The website provides information on these
projects, links to medical reviews, databases, associations, companies and other related
websites, news and an email newsletter.
Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000
The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000, (IR(ME)R 2000) - came into
force on 13th May 2000 to implement the European Directive 97/43/Euratom (The Medical
Exposures Directive). This site provides guidance on the Ionising Radiation (Medical
Exposure) Regulations 2000 (the Regulations) and notes on good practice. The guidance is
not intended to be binding and cannot take the place of legal advice. This document is also
available in PDF format requires Adobe acrobat.
Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000 guidance
The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000 (IR(ME)R 2000) implement
European Directive 97/43/Euratom (The Medical Exposures Directive) in the UK, and aim to
protect patients by ensuring that all medical exposures to ionising radiation must be justified
prior to the exposure being made. This guidance from the Department of Health provides
information on the regulations and notes on good practice. It is in PDF format, requiring
Adobe Acrobat reader.
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) is a nonprofit
professional association which aims to promote communication, research, development, and
applications in the field of magnetic resonance in medicine and biology, and to develop and
provide channels and facilities for continuing education in the field. It holds annual scientific
meetings and sponsors educational and scientific workshops. The website provides
information on ISMRM and its activities, education, training and job opportunities.
Additional features are accessible only to ISMRM members.
Medical images and illustrations
This site provides links to Internet sites offering medical images, illustrations and similar
resources. Sites are listed under various specialties. The site is maintained by the Karolinska
Intitutet in Stockholm, Sweden.
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Medical Matrix
Medical Matrix is a medical Internet directory, providing sites that have been peer approved
and rated by physicians and medical librarians. Sites are also indexed and catalogued to
provide clinically relevant results. It provides simple and advanced search features and can be
browsed by topic. Registration is required to access the site.
National Radiological Protection Board
The statutory functions of NRPB are: by means of research and otherwise, to advance the
acquisition of knowledge about the protection of mankind from radiation hazards. to provide
information and advice to persons (including Government Departments) with responsibilities
in the United Kingdom in relation to the protection from radiation hazards either of the
community as a whole or of particular sections of the community. NRPB was also given the
power to: provide technical services to persons concerned with radiation hazards, make
charges for such services, and for providing information and advice.
Obgyn.net is an Internet resource for health professionals in obstetrics and gynaecology. It
provides information on new techniques and procedures, research, articles, news and general
OMNI Gynaecology
This website provides an alphabetical list of links to Internet resources on gynaecology, with
a description of each. The site is maintained by OMNI (Organising Medical Networked
Information), a health and medicine gateway for students, researchers, academics and
practitioners in the health and medical sciences.
OMNI Orthopaedics
This website provides an alphabetical list of links to Internet resources on orthopaedics, with
a description of each. The site is maintained by OMNI (Organising Medical Networked
Information), a health and medicine gateway for students, researchers, academics and
practitioners in the health and medical sciences.
OMNI Radiography, Diagnostic Imaging
This website provides an alphabetical list of links to Internet resources on radiography and
diagnostic imaging, with a description of each. The site is maintained by OMNI (Organising
Medical Networked Information), a health and medicine gateway for students, researchers,
academics and practitioners in the health and medical sciences.
OMNI Radiology
This website provides an alphabetical list of links to Internet resources on radiology, with a
description of each. The site is maintained by OMNI (Organising Medical Networked
Information), a health and medicine gateway for students, researchers, academics and
practitioners in the health and medical sciences.
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Orthopaedics Today International
Orthopaedics Today International is a journal for orthopaedic professionals providing news
on musculoskeletal health and disease. It publishes articles on disorders, treatments and
procedures. There is a list online articles from the current and previous issues, alphabetical
lists of editorials, pioneers and monographs published in the journal, and a search facility.
Free registration is required to view articles.
Radiation Research Society
The Radiation Research Society (RRS) is a US organisation which aims to encourage the
advancement of radiation research in all areas of the natural sciences; facilitate cooperative
research between the disciplines of physics, chemistry, biology and medicine in the study of
the properties and effects of radiation; and promote dissemination of knowledge in these and
related fields through publications, meetings and educational symposia. The website provides
information on RRS and its activities, tables of contents and annual indexes for the journal
Radiation Research, and links to related resources.
Radiotherapy Guidelines
This site provides links to guidelines and similar information on radiotherapy from various
organisations. It is a plain list with no descriptions.
Radiology Museum
This site provides images of cases in radiology, with accompanying descriptions and notes
and additional information on pathology. The images are categorised by systems of the body,
and can be browsed in order of pathology or anatomy. The site is created by Ian Maddison
and maintained by London South Bank University.
RadiologyEducation.com is a digital library of radiology education resources. It provides
links to Internet sites relating to radiology, including Radiology Textbooks, Teaching Files,
Anatomy and Embryology Atlases, MEDLINE and Radiology Journals and Continuing
Education, and resources for residents, medical students and patients. Sites are assessed for
quality, and can be browsed under general categories with more specific sub-headings.
Radiology InfoNet
Radiology InfoNet is an Internet resource for radiologists. It provides information on
imaging, including cases, articles, opinion and protocols; and information on practice
management. There is a service for asking questions to a panel of experts, with questions and
answers posted on the website. The site also provides resources for Continuing Medical
Education (CME), and links to related resources.
Radner's Radiology Central
Radner's Radiology Central is a directory providing links to Internet resources relating to
radiology. It has categories including educational resources, organisations, radiology
departments, journals and publications and other resources.
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Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
(RANZCOG) is a professional organisation. It provides training, qualification and
accreditation; continuing professional development; support and assistance; policy and
research; and information and communication services including the publication of The
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The website provides
information on the college, examinations, meetings, professional development, publications,
research and links to related resources.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) aims to improve and
maintain standards in the science and practice of obstetrics and gynaecology, through
education, examinations, training, research, conferences and evidence-based guidelines. It
also co-operates with government and other organisations on related health and medical
issues. The website provides information on RCOG and its activities; resources on good
practice including guidelines, statements and reports; the RCOG library and information
services, including access to the catalogue; and patient information. Additional features are
accessible only to members.
Royal College of Radiologists
This site contains a wide range of information on College activities and resources. All of this
section of the site is open to all users. The Members and Fellows area is only available for
medical professionals with a valid password. Includes Royal College of Radiologists at
'goingfora' patient information resource.
Radiological Society of North America
The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) aims to promote and develop the highest
standards of radiology and related sciences through education and research. It provides
educational programmes and materials, promotes research in all aspects of radiology and
related sciences and encourages cooperation. The website provides information on RSNA,
research, technology and patient information. There are also educational resources and access
to publications. Some features are accessible only to members.
Scottish Radiological Society
The Scottish Radiological Society is a society of diagnostic and therapeutic radiologists who
are working, or who have trained, in Scotland. Its aim is to promote the provision of best
practice in its specialty through regular dialogue and educational meetings. Includes access to
SRS-X, the radiology educational resource.
NHS Scotland e-Library www.elib.scot.nhs.uk
One Portal One Password One Pathway to Learning
Society of Radiographers
The Society of Radiographers (SoR) is a UK professional body and trade union, representing
radiographers and their professional, educational, public and workplace interests. The website
provides information on SoR and radiography, directories of undergraduate and postgraduate
courses in radiography and downloadable promotional films (in QuickTime format, requiring
a plugin/viewer). Additional features, including professional, membership, education,
continuing professional development (CPD) and employment information, job search and
online discussion forums, are accessible only to members.
SRS-X the SRS educational resource
The SRS-X site is hosted by the Scottish Radiological Society, but has a history going back to
early 1995. It started life as the UMDS Radiology Teaching Files, then became The X-ray
Files, before transforming into SRS-X. The main feature of the site is the collection of cases
presented either as unknowns, or by diagnosis, depending on whether you fancy a challenge.
Cases are listed in order, most recent first, but can be subdivided into topics (skeletal,
gastrointestinal, etc) by using the topic indexes instead of the main case index.
University of Bristol: Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
The Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Bristol is based in St
Michael's Hospital and aims to integrate basic and applied biomedical and health services
research within a setting in which patients are cared for and where undergraduate teaching
and postgraduate training are also taking place. The website provides information on research
in the areas Reproductive Medicine and Maternal and Fetal Medicine, undergraduate and
postgraduate teaching, lists of publications, information on meetings and seminars, general
information on the division and links to related sites.
University of Glasgow Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
The University of Glasgow Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology is based at Glasgow
Royal Infirmary. The website provides information on the department and on research,
teaching and seminars. It also provides interactive practice multiple choice questions, an
image gallery, a list of publications co-authored by members of the department since 1992
and links to related resources.
Von Hippel Lindau Disease: Genetic, Clinical and Imaging Features
This is a paper on Von Hippel Lindau disease (VHL), a hereditary condition that predisposes
patients to hemangioblastomas in the central nervous system and a variety of visceral
tumours. The paper covers developments in the genetics and imaging of VHL, major events
leading to the discovery of the gene for VHL and developments in Magnetic Resonance
Imaging, Computed Tomography and Ultrasound findings. It was published in Radiology
146:629-642 (March 1995).
Yahoo Obstetrics and Gynecology Directory
Yahoo! is an Internet search and directory service. This page provides links to websites
relating to obstetrics and gynaecology, including professional organisations, journals and
other information resources. There is a short description for each, and a search feature for this
category and the whole Web.
NHS Scotland e-Library www.elib.scot.nhs.uk
One Portal One Password One Pathway to Learning
Yahoo Orthopedics Page
Yahoo! is an Internet search and directory service. This page provides links to websites
relating to orthopaedics, including professional organisations, journals and other information
resources. There is a short description for each, and a search feature for this category and the
whole Web.
Yahoo Radiology Page
Yahoo! is an Internet search and directory service. This page provides links to websites
relating to radiology, covering diagnostic imaging and radiation oncology, including
professional organisations and other information resources. There is a short description for
each, and a search feature for this category and the whole Web.
NHS Scotland e-Library www.elib.scot.nhs.uk
One Portal One Password One Pathway to Learning