BIRMINGHAM RACING COMMISSION BREEDING AND DEVELOPMENT FUND AUTHORITY Pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-65-34 of the Code of Alabama, 1975 as amended the Birmingham Racing Commission (the "Commission") hereby creates the Birmingham Racing Commission Breeding and Development Fund (the "Fund") to carry out such rules and regulations as the Commission shall adopt from time to time for the purpose of promoting the breeding, raising, and racing of horses in Alabama. Also pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-65-34, the Commission hereby designates the Fund as official registry of Alabama-Bred horses, which registry shall be administered by the Fund pursuant to such rules and regulations as may be adopted from time to time by the Commission. I. INTERPRETATION The rules in this article shall be administered by the Fund and questions of interpretation and intent shall be determined by the Fund Administrator. II. ADMINISTRATION Procedures for establishing compliance with or satisfaction of such rules shall be established by the Fund and administered by its administrator. REGISTRATION No foal or horse of racing age shall be considered as an "Alabama-Bred" unless such horse is so registered with the Fund. Should the Fund Administrator be satisfied that grounds exist to cancel or void a registration he may so determine and order any monies of the Fund due any person as a result of such questionable registration held, and if paid, to be returned to the Fund for proper disposition. In addition, pending such determination, the Fund Administrator shall be empowered to order retention of such monies as may be payable as a result of any questionable registration, for proper disposition, upon its final registration. SANCTIONS For good cause shown the Fund Administrator may order that any individual shall be disqualified from participating as a beneficiary of the Fund for such time as it may determine appropriate. 1 DEFINITIONS Definitions. As used in this article, the following shall mean: 1. Alabama-Bred. A horse registered with the fund and qualified under these rules. 2. Alabama Stallion. A stallion which is standing in the State of Alabama at the time he is bred and which is owned or leased by a resident of the state and which is registered with the Fund. 3. Breeder. The owner of the mare (dam) at the time such mare gives birth to a foal. 4. Dam. The female parent of a horse. 5. Foal. The offspring of a sire and dam; being born. 6. Foaled. Born. 7. Fund. The Birmingham Racing Commission Breeding and Development Fund. 8. Horse. Except where from the context it appears otherwise, shall mean, horse, stallion, mare, gelding, ridgling, colt, or filly. 9. Quarterhorse. A horse registered or qualified for registration with the American Quarter Horse Association. 10. Sire. The male parent of a horse. 11. Standardbred. A horse registered or qualified for registration as a Standardbred with the U.S. Trotting Association. 2 12. Thoroughbred. A horse registered or qualified for registration as a Thoroughbred by The Jockey Club. REGISTRATION AS ALABAMA-BRED FOR HORSES FOALED PRIOR TO JANUARY 1, 1991. In order to qualify as Alabama-Bred, a horse foaled prior to January 1, 1991 must be have been foaled by a mare in the State of Alabama and such be reflected on the certificate of foal registration of the recognized registry for that breed and said foal be registered with the Fund as provided in Section XIV. REGISTRATION AS ALABAMA-BRED FOR HORSES FOALED JANUARY 1, 1991 AND THEREAFTER. A horse foaled in Alabama after January 1, 1991, shall also qualify for registration as an Alabama-Bred if its dam is domiciled in the State of Alabama as defined in Section X, said foal is registered with the fund as provided in Section XIV and was foaled in the State of Alabama and such birth is reflected on the certificate of registration of the recognized registry for that breed. TRANSFER OF REGISTRATION. Any change or transfer of ownership of Alabama-Breds must be recorded with the Fund Administrator prior to the running of the race in which the owner may be entitled to earn owner awards. DOMICILED. To qualify as "domiciled" in Alabama as such term is used in Section VIII, a mare shall be present and available for examination within the state, except that: A. Mares may be removed from the state for racing or medical treatment elsewhere, however, the Fund Administrator must receive notice of both departure and return in writing. B. Mares may be removed from the state for purposes of sale, however, the Fund Administrator must receive notification within 30 days of such removal in writing. 3 C. Mares may be removed from the state after January 1, 1991 for the purpose of being serviced by a Stallion but must return to her domicile by July 31 of the year bred and the Fund Administrator must be notified of such return in writing. PROOF OF QUALIFICATIONS. It shall be the burden of the applicant to establish satisfactory proof to the Fund Administrator that a horse is qualified under these rules for registration. Should a question arise subsequent to registration as to the validity of such registration, it shall be the burden of the party or parties asserting such validity to establish validity thereof. DUTY TO COOPERATE. It shall be the duty of every person concerned with the steps required for registration to cooperate with the Fund, its employees and agents in their attempt to verify eligibility requirements including, but not limited to: 1. Affording such access to the premises and place where any horse may be seen and inspected during regular business hours; 2. Furnishing relevant information and records as may be requested concerning eligibility requirements; 3. Attendance and participation at interviews or proceedings concerning the eligibility of any horse for which such person may be able to furnish relevant information. 4. Such other reasonable requests as may be made from time to time. If the Fund Administrator finds that a person has failed to cooperate as required in this action, he may impose such sanctions as he deems appropriate, including disqualifying such person from owners awards, breeders awards, stallion owner awards, and purses earned in Alabama-Bred races. BIRMINGHAM RACING COMMISSION. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prevent the Birmingham Racing Commission upon request of the Fund Administrator, or upon its own initiative, from conducting an investigation into the registration requirements established by these rules and/or the participation by any individual in such process. All money deposited into the Birmingham Racing Commission's Breeding and Development Fund, either as registration fees or Breeding Fund fees collected from the Pari-mutuel race tracks under the authority of the Birmingham Racing Commission, will be subject to use and distribution according to State law and the policies of the 4 Birmingham Racing Commission. REGISTRATION OF ALABAMA-BRED FOALS. To be eligible for breeder awards, foals must be registered with the Fund. Deadlines for registration are as follows: a) Prior to January 1, 1991: Foals born prior to January 1, 1991 will qualify for breeder awards if registered with the Fund before entering the race for which they can earn such award money. b) After January 1, 1991: Foals born on or after January 1, 1991 will qualify for breeder awards if registered with the Fund by December 31 of the year born. c) Late Registration: Foals and horses of racing age may be registered after the above date by paying a late fee as called for under Section XVIII (c). DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION OF ALABAMA STALLIONS An Alabama Stallion is defined as a Stallion permanently quartered in Alabama and annually registered with the Fund. Stallion Awards are payable to the owner or lessee as registered with the Fund only. Deadlines for registration are as follows: Prior to January 1, 1995. a) Alabama Thoroughbred and Quarterhorse Stallions can qualify for awards earned by foals born prior to January 1, 1995 if both foal and stallion are registered with the Fund prior to the entry date of foal's first race in which awards can be earned. After January 1, 1995. b) Alabama Thoroughbred Stallions and Quarter Horse Stallions can qualify for awards earned by foals born on or after January 1, 1995 if said stallions are registered with the Fund by January 1 of the year the foal is conceived or within 30 days of commencing stud duty in Alabama and the foal is registered as provided under Section XIV. ELIGIBILITY OF STALLION AWARDS Alabama Stallions receive awards only for progeny registered with the Fund as stipulated in Section XIV. Alabama Quarterhorse Stallions can qualify for awards earned by foals born after January 1, 1991 and prior to January 1, 1995 if said stallions are registered with the Fund prior to the entry date of the first race in which the foal can earn such award money. 5 Should an Alabama Stallion die, or leave the state, his owner at the time of death will not be disqualified from future awards earned by the stallion's progeny after the death or departure of said Stallion. REQUIREMENT FOR ASSOCIATIONS TO OFFER RESTRICTED RACES. Each edition of the condition book of each Association or contract operator licensed by the Birmingham Racing Commission shall contain at least two races for every five days of racing covered by the condition book which shall be restricted to registered AlabamaBred horses and at least one such race shall be a maiden race. The Racing Secretary of the Association may determine the other conditions of the race such as distance, weights, and claiming prices, if any. The Racing Secretary may declare these races "off" in the event that there are fewer than eight (8) qualified separate betting interests entered by the close of entries for the racing day on which said races are scheduled. The amount of money used as purse supplements for restricted Alabama-bred races may be adjusted as necessary in each condition book by a Purse Committee composed of the Fund administrator, the Presiding Steward, the Racing Secretary, and the Executive Secretary of the Commission. FEE SCHEDULE FOR REGISTRATION OF HORSES WITH THE BIRMINGHAM RACING COMMISSION BREEDING AND DEVELOPMENT FUND. All fees must be paid on time and in full for the registered horse to qualify for awards from the Fund. The schedule of fees necessary to register for the Birmingham Racing Commission Breeding and Development Fund will be: a. Stallions standing in Alabama; an annual registration fee of $40.00 b. All Foals: One time fee of $40.00 if registered by December 31 of year foaled. c. Late registration fees for foals registered after previously listed deadlines in the Rules of the Birmingham Racing Commission Breeding and Development Fund will be as follows: As yearling $100.00 2 years old $200.00 Older $300.00 d. Each transfer of ownership: $10.00 Fee SCHEDULE OF DISBURSEMENTS. 6 All disbursements of monies from the Fund will be approved by the Fund Administrator as authorized by and under the policies of the Birmingham Racing Commission. The order in which disbursements from the Fund will be paid is: 1. 20% of the aggregate amount of all monies deposited into the Fund from the pari-mutuel handle will be set aside for payment to the Schools of Veterinary Medicine of Auburn and Tuskegee Universities no later than sixty (60) days after the end of the calendar year in which they are collected; 2. Administration and management costs as to operating the Fund; 3. Special Grants or Reserves as may be approved by the Fund and Birmingham Racing Commission; 4. Owner awards to be paid to owners of registered Alabama-Bred horses as defined herein which finish first, second, third or fourth in "open" parimutuel races run at any racetrack under the jurisdiction of the Birmingham Racing Commission. Ten percent of first place owner’s awards will be deducted and paid to the jockey riding the winning horse. 5. Breeder awards to be paid to breeders of registered Alabama-Bred horses which finish first, second, third or fourth in either "open" or "registered Alabama-Bred" races run at any track under the jurisdiction of the Birmingham Racing Commission. 6. Stallion Awards to be paid to owners of qualified Alabama Stallions which have sired registered Alabama-Bred horses finishing first, second, third or 7 fourth in "open" or registered Alabama-Bred races run under the jurisdiction of the Birmingham Racing Commission but only as provided in Sections XIV, XV, and XVI. 7. Purse supplements to be added to races restricted solely to registered Alabama-Bred horses. 8. Gathering analysis and publication of information pertaining to the breeding, raising and racing of horses in the State of Alabama. Payments for all awards will be made by the Fund Administrator no later than 90 days following the close of the live race meeting whenever practical. CALCULATION OF OWNER AWARDS. The total amount of funds available for owner’s awards will be established by the Birmingham Racing Commission prior to the commencement of live horse racing each season. These awards shall be disbursed as a percentage of purse money won by each registered Alabama-Bred horse first, second, third or fourth in "open" races conducted under the supervision of the Birmingham Racing Commission. Owners awards shall be paid to the owner of the horse, as registered with the fund, on the date such award is earned. 8 CALCULATION OF BREEDER AND STALLION AWARDS. Each breeder and Alabama Stallion owner will receive points based on the race record of the Alabama-Bred foal: Win = 4 Place = 3 Show = 2 Fourth = 1 At the close of each race meet, the points accumulated by each registered and qualified runner as well as each registered and qualified stallion will be totaled and this number will be used to determine the award amount due the breeder of Alabama registered foals, runners and the owner or lessee of registered stallions as a percentage of total points award money available. Example: If there is $20,000 available for breeder awards and all registered Alabama foals collectively earn 2000 points, each point will have a value of $10.00. If foal "A" earns 31 points, awards for its breeder will equal 31 x $10.00 or $310.00. Foal "B" earns 10 points; awards for its breeder will equal 10 x $10.00 or 100.00. The award amount due breeder shall be paid to the breeder of the horse as registered with the Fund. Stallion awards "travel with the horse" and all awards during a race meeting shall be paid to the owner or lessee of the stallion, as registered with the Fund, on the last live racing day of the 9 season in which the points were earned. Section 11-65-34 Horse breeding fund. Each commission shall establish a special fund to promote the breeding, raising and racing of horses in the state, which shall be known as "The _______ [name of the sponsoring municipality] Racing Commission Breeding and Development Fund." Each horse racing operator shall pay to its licensing commission a breeding fund fee for each month during which it conducts any horse racing events. For each horse racing operator, the breeding fund fee for any month shall be an amount equal to one-half of one percent [or, in the case of any such fee referable to any month during the period of three years immediately following such operator's receipt of an operator's license, one-quarter of one percent] of the horse racing handle for such operator for such month. The breeding fund fee payable by a horse racing operator for a given month shall be paid to the treasurer of the commission licensing such operator before the end of the succeeding month. All breeding fund fees received by a commission shall be deposited into its breeding fund. Twenty percent of the aggregate amount of breeding fund fees received by each commission in each calendar year shall be set aside for distribution to the schools of veterinary medicine of Auburn University and Tuskegee Institute. Each commission shall distribute the moneys so set aside on such schedule as shall be administratively reasonable and convenient, but in any event all such moneys referable to the breeding fund fees received in any calendar year shall be distributed not later than 60 days after the end of such calendar year. Each commission shall divide the 20 percent of the breeding fund fees required to be set aside for the schools of veterinary medicine at Auburn University and Tuskegee Institute between such schools in an equitable manner, taking into account the number of students served by each school, the financial needs of each school to maintain accepted academic standards, the nature and quality of equine research conducted at each such school and such other factors as such commission shall deem relevant in the circumstances; provided, however, that neither of such schools of veterinary medicine shall receive less than 25 percent of the total amount required to be set aside by the provisions of this paragraph in any calendar year. All moneys distributed to the schools of veterinary medicine at Auburn University or Tuskegee Institute pursuant to this paragraph shall be used exclusively for supportive research on the health and diseases of the horse. Each commission shall adopt rules and regulations governing the maintenance and administration of its breeding fund and the disbursement of the moneys deposited therein, provided that such 10 moneys may be used only for the purposes specified in the next preceding paragraph of this section and for the following additional purposes: (1) To provide awards to breeders and owners of Alabama-bred horses finishing first, second, third or fourth in pari-mutuel races run in the state; (2) To provide awards to stallion owners whose Alabama stallions have sired Alabama-bred horses finishing first, second, third or fourth in pari-mutuel races run in the state; (3) To provide purse moneys for races conducted exclusively for Alabama-bred horses under conditions which have been approved by such commission; (4) To advance and promote the breeding and raising of horses in the state by the publication and dissemination of information relating thereto; (5) To promote equine research through grants to universities within the state; and (6) To provide for the administration and management of such breeding fund. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to obligate any greyhound racing operator to pay any amount referable to the greyhound racing handle as a breeding fund fee. (Acts 1984, No. 84-131, p. 159, §34; Acts 1991, No. 91-187, p. 246, §30.) 11