Halloween Pumpkin Acrostic Directions: 1. Go to the following Website: http://Jefferson.twpunionschools.org/subsites/mkatz 2. Click on Computers and then click Assignments. Click on the File: Halloween Pumpkin Acrostic. Next Click Open. Next, Click on the Button on the top of your screen that says, Enable Editing. 3. Save the file into your Homeroom folder as: “Your Name” Halloween 4. Change the Top, Bottom, Left and Right Margins to 1.0”. 5. Next, where you see the word Name: , replace the words with your 1st and Last Names. 6. Next, in the Pumpkin, replace the words “Type here” with words or a sentence that creates a poem that relates to Halloween. (The first letter of each sentence will be a letter from the word Pumpkin.) 7. Block all of the text that you just typed in the pumpkin and change the Font Size to 16 points and Font to Segoe Script. 8. Next, change the font color of every other line in the pumpkin to Orange. 9. Next, Block your Name and Change: a. the Font to MS UI Gothic b. the Font Size to 20 c. the Font Color to Orange. d. Bold and Underline your name with a solid Orange Underline. 10. Next, add an appropriate Border around the outside of the page. (Be sure it is in Halloween colors) 11. In the Upper-Right Corner of the page, add a Word Art that reads Happy Halloween. 12. Change the color of the Word Art to be Orange and Outlined in Black. 13. Add 4 Halloween themed Clip Arts around the outside of the Pumpkin. (Be sure to format the Clip Arts so they do not change the way the page looks or move words!) 14. Use the Spelling and Grammar button to check your Document for errors. 15. Use the Print Preview button to see that the entire Document fits on one page and that there are no errors before you print. 16. Save your work. Objective: SWBAT create and edit a Halloween Pumpkin Acrostic in Microsoft Word utilizing various functions formatting and layout tools. Criteria 2 4 6 8 10 Margins 4 or more Mistakes 3 or more Mistakes were found within were found within the Margins. the Margins. 2 Mistakes were found within the Margins. 1 Mistake was found within the Margins. Zero Mistakes were found within the Margins. Font Type, Size, and Color 4 or more Mistakes were found within the Font Types, Sizes and Color. 3 mistakes were found within the Font Types, Sizes and Color. 2 mistakes were found within the Font Types, Sizes and Color. 1 mistake was found within the Font Types, Sizes and Color. Zero mistakes were found within the Font Types, Sizes and Color. Clipart and WordArt 4 or more Mistakes were found within the ClipArt and WordArt. 3 mistakes were found within the ClipArt and WordArt. 2 mistakes were found within the ClipArt and WordArt. 1 mistake was found within the ClipArt and WordArt. Zero mistakes were found within the ClipArt and WordArt. Bold, Underline, and Page Borders 4 or more mistakes were found within the Bold, Underline, and Page Borders. 3 mistakes were found within the Bold, Underline, and Page Borders. 2 mistakes were found within the Bold, Underline, and Page Borders. 1 mistake were found within the Bold, Underline, and Page Borders. Zero mistakes were found within the Bold, Underline, and Page Borders. Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Print Preview and Save 4 or more mistakes were found within the Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Print Preview and Save. 3 mistakes were found within the Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Print Preview and Save. 2 mistakes were found within the Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Print Preview and Save. 1 mistake was found within the Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Print Preview and Save. Zero mistakes were found within the Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Print Preview and Save. Total Grade Total points Total Points