NWP SAF SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT RECORD Originator: Anton Verhoef Organisation: KNMI Date submitted: October 2015 Deliverable name: PenWP Previously released version number: v1.9 (beta) New version number: v2.0 Type of Release: [X] ORIGINAL [ ] MAJOR CHANGE [ ] MINOR CHANGE DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION Synopsis (one-line summary): Development of a software package to calculate ocean surface wind vectors from Ku-band pencil beam scatterometer level 2a data. Description: The Pencil Beam Wind Processor (PenWP) is a software package written in Fortran 90 for handling data from the SeaWinds (on QuikSCAT or ADEOS-II), OSCAT (on Oceansat 2), HSCAT (on HY 2A) and RapidScat (on the International Space Station) scatterometer instruments. PenWP is intended to be a generic wind processor for Ku band pencil beam scatterometer data. It will be adapted to handle data from future instruments like the OSCAT successor ScatSAT once they become available. PenWP generates surface winds based on pencil beam radar backscatter data. It allows performing the ambiguity removal with the Two-dimensional Variational Ambiguity Removal (2DVAR) method and it supports the Multiple Solution Scheme (MSS). The output of PenWP consists of wind vectors which represent surface winds within the ground swath of the scatterometer. Input of PenWP is Normalized Radar Cross Section (NRCS) data. These data may be near real-time. The input files of PenWP are in BUFR. Conversion programs are included in the package to convert Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) data from various instruments to BUFR. Output is written using the SeaWinds BUFR template or the KNMI BUFR template with generic wind section. Moreover, PenWP needs Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model winds as a first guess for the Ambiguity Removal step. These data need to be provided in GRIB 1 or GRIB 2 format. The PenWP software is to a great extent based on existing routines that have been developed in earlier (NWP SAF and other) projects, e.g. for the processing of ERS, ASCAT, SeaWinds and OSCAT scatterometer data. These routines are part of the so-called genscat library and include functionality for Wind Inversion, Ambiguity Removal and GRIB and BUFR data handling. PenWP is the successor of OWDP (the OSCAT Wind Data Processor) and as such, its version numbers are larger than the highest released OWDP version number (1.1) DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL Prior SG approval required: YES If “YES” - SG decision Summary of decision: Date: Team Leader approval Name: Ad Stoffelen Date: October 2015 NWP SAF Manager approval Name: Chiara Piccolo Date: 2 November 2015 Review action Assessment of RapidScat wind data quality SCIENTIFIC REVIEW (see DPSD section 3.1.2) Description, references, etc. Verhoef, A., J. Vogelzang and A. Stoffelen, RapidScat wind validation report version 1.1, SAF/OSI/CDOP2/KNMI/TEC/RP/228, EUMETSAT, 2015. OSI SAF RapidScat winds Operational Readiness Review (ORR) In the OSI SAF ORR, carried out in February and March 2015, the RapidScat wind processing which is done in near-real time by PenWP, has been reviewed. User USER REQUIREMENT REVIEW (see DPSD section 3.1.2) Description of requirement (reference to helpdesk?) Maintain and develop capability to process existing and new operational wind scatterometers consistently. The scatterometer data processors’ main application is to form the cores of observation operators for assimilating scatterometer data within operational NWP models. The software must be fast enough for near real time (NRT) processing. PenWP is meant to be a generic wind processor for all current and historic pencil beam Ku-band scatterometry missions: SeaWinds, OSCAT, HSCAT and RapidScat. It will be adapted to support future missions as well. Activity Performed Test Folder created Performed by … Name: Anton Verhoef Date: March 2014 DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLE RECORD Approved Comments … (including document references, file locations and a justification if the activity has not been performed) Sample OSCAT and NWP data was put in penwp/tests directory Module test programs have been created ‘on the fly’ as a part of the development of the modules, see chapter 2 of the PenWP Test Report. Beta-testers appointed Performed by … Name: Anton Verhoef Ten beta testers volunteered to test the package. See report NWPSAF-KN-BT-003 Date: June 2015 Product Specification generated Top Level Design generated Test Plan generated Performed by … Name: Anton Verhoef Approved by … Name: Ad Stoffelen The Product Specification is in the PenWP Product Specification, NWPSAF-KN-DS-002 Date: January 2014 Date: January 2014 It was decided to create a generic wind processor for all Kuband pencil beam scatterometers. Performed by … Name: Anton Verhoef Approved by … Name: Ad Stoffelen The Top Level Design is in the PenWP Top Level Design, NWPSAF-KN-DS-001 Date: January 2014 Date: January 2014 The SDP, AWDP and OWDP TLDs are used for PenWP as well. Performed by … Name: Anton Verhoef Date: March 2015 PenWP Test Plan and Test Report, NWPSAF-KN-TV-008 Module Design generated and approved Module tests recorded in Test Folder Performed by … Name: Anton Verhoef Approved by … Name: Ad Stoffelen The Module Design is in the PenWP Top Level Design, NWPSAF-KN-DS-001 Date: January 2014 Date: January 2014 The SDP, AWDP and OWDP MDs are used for PenWP as well. Performed by … Name: Anton Verhoef PenWP Test Plan and Test Report, NWPSAF-KN-TV-008 Date: April 2015 Integration tests recorded in Test Folder Performed by … Name: Anton Verhoef PenWP Test Plan and Test Report, NWPSAF-KN-TV-008 Date: April 2015 Validation tests recorded in Test Folder Performed by … Name: Anton Verhoef Date: April 2015 PenWP Test Plan and Test Report, NWPSAF-KN-TV-008 Portability tests recorded in Test Folder Performed by … Name: Anton Verhoef PenWP Test Plan and Test Report, NWPSAF-KN-TV-008 Date: April 2015 Beta testing completed, reports and responses recorded in Test Folder Managed by … Name: Anton Verhoef PenWP Beta Testers Report, NWPSAF-KN-BT-003 Date: October 2015 APPROVAL FOR RELEASE DRI required: YES If “YES” - DRI outcome Summary of outcome: Date: November 2015 The Board recommends to Steering Group to authorise the delivery of this software package, and to task the Project Team to make it available to users as soon as possible together with the user documentation related, and to inform users on the NWP SAF webpage. Team Leader approval Name: Ad Stoffelen Date: November 2015 NWP SAF Manager approval Name: Samantha Pullen Date: November 2015 SG release authorization Evidence: Date: December 2015 DISTRIBUTION Release Date: December 2015 Comments: