GS 107: Physical Science Ð Astronomy

Portland Community College - Rock Creek Campus - 17705 NW Springville Rd - Portland, OR 97229
CRN # 40790
Instructor: Jerry Tobin
Classroom: Bldg 7, Room 223
Meeting times: Tue 7:00 p.m. – 9:50 p.m. & Thur: 6:00 p. m. – 7:00 p.m. (Lecture)
Thursday: 7:00 p.m. – 9:50 p.m. (Lab)
503 690-8725
Office hours: None – please contact me as above to arrange to meet with you.
Textbook: Fundamentals of Physics, 7th edition, Halliday, Resnick and Walker.
Topics: The focus this term is on Mechanics. We will cover Chapters 1 – 12 in the text.
Some chapters are covered only in part.
Course Description: An introduction to physics using algebra, trigonometry, and calculus.
Topics include mechanics, vectors, energy, force and energy, momentum, and rotation.
Prerequisites: MTH 251 and MTH 252 (may be taken concurrently).
Homework: A list of homework questions for the quarter has been included. The answers
to all the questions are in the text or have been included in the homework handout. The
homework will not be collected or graded. We will usually spend some time each week
going over homework questions with which you are having trouble – please come to
class each week prepared with your requests. It is your responsibility to keep up with
the homework.
Lab exercises: (10 points each) .............. 80
Exam 1 (Chap 1 – 3) ............................... 40
Exam 2 (Chap 4 – 6) ............................... 40
Exam 3 (Chap 7 – 9) ............................... 40
Final Exam (comprehensive): ................. 80
TOTAL points available ....................... 240
A: 90 – 100%
B: 80 – 89%
C: 70 – 79%
(33 1/3 %)
*(2/3) = 80 (33 1/3 %)
(33 1/3 %)
D: 60 – 69%
F: 0 – 59%
 Laboratories: Each week during the lab you will do “hands-on” Physics, working in groups.
The labs supplement the material in the text and provide a good opportunity to “put it all together”.
 Lab manual: available online at:
 Attendance is mandatory. If you miss more than 3 Labs you will not have fulfilled the minimum
requirement for passing this class.
 Be on time for your labs. Attendance will be taken 15 minutes after the lab begins and only
those present will receive credit for that lab.
 You must compile a lab report for each lab performed which is due at the beginning of the next
Lab. You should follow the guidelines in “General Instructions for Lab Reports” in the Lab manual
when preparing your report.
 FAQ’s:
 You can make up for one missed lab at a make-up lab at the end of the quarter.
 Lab reports not turned in or turned in late will get zero. You may hand one lab report in
up to one week late (should be accompanied by your one “Late Coupon”).
 Cheating: If you copy the Lab report of another student (including your partners) both parties
involved will get zero for that Lab – no exceptions! If it happens a second time, the matter will
be forwarded to the Dean, and both people can expect to fail this class.
Midterm Exams: There will be three midterm exams. Many of the problems in these exams will be
similar in nature to your assigned homework problems.
 I retain the prerogative to drop an atypical score at my discretion. For some students, this
will mean that your lowest midterm score will be dropped. However, no student should rely on
this because two low scores can be expected to result in both being retained for grade
 If you miss a midterm you will score a zero for that exam unless there has been a prior
agreement with me for a contingency plan.
 There will be no make-up exams unless prearranged with me.
 The midterms are closed book but you may bring one 3” x 5” notecard (writing on both sides)
and a calculator to each midterm. I will be strict about the size of your card.
 Final Exam:
 The final will take place on Thursday, Dec 15 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
 The final will be comprehensive.
 You may bring in 4 notecards, the three from your previous exams and one new one.
Cheating: Any form of cheating on an exam will result in a score of zero for that exam and puts you at
risk of being expelled from this course.
Instructional ADA statement: If you have a disability and need an accommodation, please make
arrangements to meet me outside of class. PCC Students requesting accommodations must provide
documentation of disability and work with The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) at 977-4341.
Flexibility Statement: Assignment/exam calendars may be changed in response to institutional, weather,
and class problems.
PHY 211: Tentative Schedule
1: 09/27 LECTURES
2: 10/04 LECTURES
3: 10/11 LECTURES
4: 10/18 LECTURES
5: 10/25 LECTURES
6: 11/01 LECTURES
7: 11/08 LECTURES
8: 11/15 LECTURES
9: 11/22 LECTURES
Intro, Chap1, Chap 2: 1-D Motion
Lab 1: Measurement and perceptions
Tu: Chap 2, Chap 3: Vectors,
Th: Chap 4: 3-D motion &
Homework review: Chap 1 & 2
Lab 2: Motion & Gravity
Tu: Chap 4 & Hmwk: Chap 2 & 3
Th: Chap 4
EXAM #1 (Chap 1-3), and
Lab 3: Projectiles
Chap 5: Newton's laws
Hmwk: Chap 4
Lab 4: Tension and Equilibrium
Tu: Chapter 5. Begin Chapter 6
Th: Chap 6: Friction, etc
Homework review: Chap 5
Lab 5: Friction and air drag
Tu: Chapter 7: Kinetic Energy
Th: Finish Chap 7
Chap 8: Potential Energy
Tu: EXAM #2 (Chap 4 – 6)
Lab 6: Science revises the Heavens
Th: Veterans’ Day - Campus Closed.
Chap 9: Momentum
Homework review: Chap 7
Lab 7: Conservation of energy
Finish Chap 9 & start Chap 10: Rotation
Homework review: Chap 8
10: 11/29 LECTURES
Tu: Chap 10 & Hmwk: Chap 9
Th: Chap 11
EXAM # 3 (Chap 7-9), and
Lab 9: Roller Derby
11: 12/06 LECTURES Tu: Chap 11 & Chap 12
Th: Homework review: Chap 11-12
Make-up Lab
Review on Tu FINAL EXAM Review on Tuesday
FINAL EXAM (Comprehensive) on Thursday
12/15/04 - 6:00 p.m.
This schedule is tentative. Any changes will be announced in class. If you fail to attend a class it is your
sole responsibility to determine what material and announcements you have missed. Ignorance of
announcements will not be accepted as an excuse.