South Glos Consortium Ltd Cardiology Review Report January 2010 Compiled by Dr Richard Berkley This information will be available electronically on the South Glos Consortium website on: under construction Quick wins for practices included in this edition: o Information and contacts for cardiology o Please avoid named cardiologist unless exceptionally required; it is causing problems! o Urgent referrals should be sent via Choose and Book – using fax referrals is known to create duplicates. A faxed request will not be seen any sooner than an urgent referral via Choose and Book. o Beware of the dangers of creating duplicate Choose and Book referrals o Direct access for tests is available – referral for cardiology tests at NBT can be requested by fax or via ICE. Referrals for tests to UHB can be made using the Choose and Book system o Treating heart failure aggressively works. Avoid the trap of under-treatment; use the Community Heart Failure Service to help you. The following chart shows your practice GP referral rate per 1000 to Cardiology, NBT for 2009/10, cumulative as at Q2. Obviously the referral numbers are still relatively small, but this graph will become a more accurate and robust method of comparison over time. However, in the meantime, it may indicate that your practice might be an outlier and may help inform your in-house discussions. Please note we have been advised by the PCT to use unweighted list size population when comparing by specialty. Cardiology GP Referrals to NBT cumulative as at Q2 2009/10 per 1000 (unweighted) population 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 1 L81642 L81029 L81649 L81127 L81047 L81130 L81042 L81134 L81639 L81055 L81050 L81018 L81079 L81036 L81026 L81024 L81118 L81632 L81046 L81117 L81106 L81063 L81014 L81052 L81103 L81048 L81028 L81019 0.00 L81657 Ref/1000 pop 12.00 South Glos Consortium Ltd Cardiology Review Report January 2010 Compiled by Dr Richard Berkley Background information – The cardiologists have been keen to engage, and adjust service delivery and find new ways of working. There have been some changes in management which has given a temporary hold up but a number of things are in the pipeline. With the development of Yate, there are opportunities to introduce change and the BNSSG community is working specifically on a model for community cardiology. This is looking to shift care closer to home, streamline and simplify access to various cardiac services and work to improve the pathway for patients needing specialist cardiac input. As part of this, the idea of helping to manage referrals to ensure patients get to the right place first time, and also facilitating discharge, is being addressed. The timescale for this is realistically too far away to make a difference in this financial year, but all the work that is being done locally will also feed in to that wider process. We have met and had email contact with the cardiologists at NBT and a number of initiatives are being considered which will hopefully make an impact more quickly as detailed below and in the introduction. What we can do in primary care? – well quite a lot really …… o o o o o o o Please LOOK CAREFULLY at the referral criteria for the Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic. People have been referred there inappropriately, in wheelchairs or with atypical chest pains. This will lead to duplication and extra charges. The conditions treated and exclusions are outlined within Choose and Book under “Rapid Access Chest Pain Service – Cardiology” and “One Stop Chest Pain Service – Cardiology”. Recently an influx of patients being referred to Dr Papouchado by fax and C&B has led to a specific pressure on his clinics. For fastest waiting times please refer generically to cardiology and DO NOT REFER TO NAMED CONSULTANT UNLESS REALLY NECESSARY. Generic referrals are triaged by consultants so can be directed to the most appropriate clinician Urgent referrals should be sent via the Choose and Book system. If there are concerns that the patient has not been booked a soon enough appointment or an expedite appointment request needs to be made, please fax a letter detailing the clinical reasons for the sooner appointment to Mary Harris, Out-Patient Co-ordinator at NBT – Fax 0117 323 6164. Faxing the referral will not mean that the patient is seen any sooner than sending the referral on the Choose and Book system. If an urgent referral needs to be faxed, please make it clear when sending the paper copy, as it is not always clear that the action has already been taken, which can lead to duplicate appointments. The only instance where a fax should be sent is if the patient is being seen within the next couple of days Take care with Choose and Book, particularly if the patient is already in the system. Patients have fed back concern and confusion when appointments are made through Choose and Book, only to have an appointment cancelled again as they already have an appointment. Please use the DIRECT ACCESS routes for requesting certain tests. In particular please be aware you can request an echo directly using an X-ray form and, if you are referring for ? murmur, this might be the best start. Please remember to use the Community Heart Failure Service to help make an accurate diagnosis to aid you in the management of heart failure. It is a difficult job to titrate the more sick patients, but careful management and maximising medications and lifestyle interventions can reduce admissions by up to 30%. A selection of patients may also benefit from special pacemakers (Biventricular Pacing) which can have very significant impacts on patient outcomes, admission rates, death and QoL. 2 How to refer to Cardiology Services o There are two types of Chest Pain Services - Rapid Access Chest Pain Service (patient seen within 2 weeks when they meet all of the criteria on the form) or the One Stop Service (for patients seen within 5-6 weeks when patients meet some of the criteria). To refer to the Rapid Access Service, please send the referral via Choose and Book (enter a priority of 2WW and a problem of “Chest Pain”). To refer to the One Stop Service, please send the referral via Choose and Book (enter a priority of “Urgent” and a problem of “Chest Pain”). PLEASE NOTE EXCLUSIONS FROM THE RACPC, patients sent here who are unsuitable will end up having duplicate appointments which is unsatisfactory for the patient - and costly! RACPC exclusions are as follows: Atypical chest pain or deteriorating angina (refer to Southmead General Cardiology Service) Acute MI or unstable angina (refer as emergency admission) o Community Heart Failure Service is currently not available on Choose and Book, please continue to fax referrals. Referral criteria is attached with this newsletter. Community Heart Failure Service – Fax 0117 908 2310 o Secondary Care Heart Failure Clinic is now available on Choose and Book. To access the service, please enter a problem and select the following service: Secondary Care Heart Failure Service - Heart Failure Service - Southmead - RVJ o Palpitations Clinic is now available on Choose and Book. To access this service, please enter a problem of “palpitations” on Choose and Book and select the service: Palpitations Clinic - Cardiology - Frenchay - RVJ o Syncope Clinic is now available on Choose and Book. To access this service, please enter a problem of “syncope” on Choose and Book and select the service: Syncope Clinic - Cardiology - Southmead - RVJ. o Community Heart Failure Service, Cardiac Genetics, Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) and Diagnostic Tests/Pathology are the only clinics not available on the Choose and Book system What can NBT do to help us? - Again a lot of goodwill has been shown o We are working on discharge and clinic letters, with our main focus being on reducing follow up rates o Improved information flow from RACPC (Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic) should be ready any time with computer printouts rather than handwritten info This sounds like a lot of work but it is vital we work together trying to streamline referrals, reduce unnecessary ones and manage follow ups alongside our secondary care colleagues. Please can you discuss the contents of this report at your monthly meetings and work within the suggested changes – thank you! 3 Contacts for NBT Cardiology Consultants For general advice please contact NBT switchboard and ask for Cardiology Specialty Registrar: NBT SWITCHBOARD: 0117 970 1212 or 0117 950 5050 Cardiologists based at Frenchay Dr Philip Boreham: 0117 340 6652 (PA/Sec) Dr Ben Farrow 0117 340 3109 (PA/Sec) Dr Mark Papouchado 0117 340 6510 (PA/Sec) Available: Fridays a.m. (do not email) Cardiologists based at Southmead Dr Paul Walker 0117 323 5288 (PA/Sec) 0117 323 4310 (direct) Available: between 12 – 1 p.m. most days Dr Andrew Skyrme-Jones 0117 3232 5548 (PA/Sec) Dr Shahid Aziz 0117 323 5366 (PA/Sec) When attempting to contact consultants, it is likely you will be able to speak directly with them at the above times. If you leave a message, please give a mobile number for the return call. If this is not possible, please state a time when you will be available to speak with the consultants to save them the rigours of our switchboards and reception staff 4