Adult Intake Packet Personal Information Name _________________________________________________Date____________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________State _______________ Zip code ______________ Phone (hm)__________________ (wk) _____________________ (cell) ____________________ Preferred number for messages and appointment reminders?_______________________________ E-mail ______________________________ Social Security # ____________________________ Age _____ Date of birth ___________ Birth Gender: F M NG Identified Gender: F M NG ☐ Married ☐ Partnership ☐ Single ☐ Separated ☐ Divorced ☐ Widowed Live with: ☐ Spouse or partner ☐ Parents ☐ Children ☐ Friends ☐ Alone Occupation _______________________ Hours per week ________ Retired _______ Years _____ Employer _____________________________________________________________________ What is your ethnic heritage and/or cultural upbringing?__________________________________ Have you seen a Naturopathic Physician before? Yes_____ No______ Which one?____________________________________________________________________ How did you hear about this clinic?__________________________________________________ May we thank them for the referral? Yes________ No ________ Has any other family member already been a patient at the clinic?___________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: _____________________________________________________________ Relationship _____________________________________ Phone ________________________ CONTEXT OF CARE REVIEW Successful health care and preventive medicine are only possible when the physician has a complete understanding of the patient physically, mentally and emotionally. The nature of your responses to the following questions will help me understand your needs and how to help you reach your health goals. Your time, thoughtfulness and honesty in completing this overview will greatly aid me to assist your health needs. 1) Why did you choose to come to this clinic? What do you know about our approach? 2) What three expectations do you have from this visit to our clinic? What long term expectations do you have from working with our clinic? What expectations do you have of me personally as your physician? 3) What is your present level of commitment to address any underlying causes of your signs and symptoms that relate to your lifestyle? (Rate from 0 to 10, with 10 being 100% committed) 0% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 100% 4) a) What behaviors or lifestyle habits do you currently engage in regularly that you believe support your health? (please list) b) What behaviors or lifestyle habits do you currently engage in regularly that you believe are selfdestructive lifestyle habits: (please list) 5) What potential obstacles do you foresee in addressing the lifestyle factors which are undermining your health and in adhering to the therapeutic protocols which we will be sharing with you? 6) Who do you know that will sincerely support you consistently with the beneficial lifestyle changes you will be making? Current Health History Do you have a Primary Care Provider? Y / N If yes, please give their name, location, and phone number:________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Are you currently receiving other forms of healthcare (massage, physical therapy, etc)? Y / N If yes, for what and from whom: ____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ If no, when and where did you last receive medical or health care?__________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What was the reason?_____________________________________________________________ What are your most important health problems? List as many as you can in order of importance: 1)________________________________________________________________ 2)________________________________________________________________ 3)________________________________________________________________ 4)________________________________________________________________ 5)________________________________________________________________ 6)________________________________________________________________ 7)________________________________________________________________ Do you have any known contagious diseases at this time? Y N If yes, what?___________________________________________________________________ Family History Do you have a family history of any of the following (please circle)? Cancer Kidney Disease Tuberculosis IBD Asthma/Hayfever/Hives Diabetes Epilepsy Stroke Allergies Alcoholism Heart Disease Anemia Arthritis Osteoporosis Glaucoma Eczema High Blood Pressure Mental Illness Any other relevant family history?__________________________________________________ Childhood Illnesses Please circle whether you had any of these as a child: Scarlet fever Mumps Chicken pox Diptheria Rheumatic fever Measles German measles Mononucleosis Polio Tetanus Measles/Mumps/Rubella Hospitalization, Surgery, Imaging What hospitalizations, surgeries, X-Rays, CAT Scans, EEG, EKG’s have you had? __________________year:______ ___________________year: ______ __________________year:______ ___________________year:_______ __________________year:______ ___________________year:_______ Allergies Are you hypersensitive or allergic to... Any drugs?_____________________________________________________________________ Any foods?_____________________________________________________________________ Any environmentals or chemicals?___________________________________________________ Exposures Have you had daily or prolonged exposure to any toxic chemicals, paints, lead, mercury? Y N If yes, what type and when? ______________________________________________________ Second hand smoke? If yes, for how long? ________________________ Current Medications Please list any prescription medications, over the counter medications, vitamins or other supplements you are taking? 1)__________________________________ 5)__________________________________ 2)__________________________________ 6)__________________________________ 3)__________________________________ 7)__________________________________ 4)__________________________________ 8)__________________________________ General Height:_________ Weight:________ lbs. Weight 1 year ago:_______________________ lbs. Maximum Weight:__________________ When:____________________________________ When during the day is your energy the best?_________________ worst?__________________ Typical Food Intake Breakfast:________________________________________________________________ Lunch:__________________________________________________________________ Dinner:__________________________________________________________________ Snacks:__________________________________________________________________ Drinks:___________________________________________________________________ REVIEW OF SYSTEMS Y= Yes, present condition. N=No, never had the condition. P=Problem of the past. General Dizziness Y P N Night Sweats Y P N Fatigue Y P N Head Headaches Y P N Migraine headaches Y P N Jaw/TMJ problems Y P N Skin Rashes Y P N Eczema, hives Y P N Color Changes Y P N Musculoskeletal Joint Pain Y P N Muscle Spasms Y P N Weakness Y P N Neurological Fainting Paralysis Numbness/tingling Loss of Memory Y P N Y P N Seizures Y P N Emotional Mood Swings Y P N Depression Y P N Nervousness Tension/stressed Y P N Y P N Anxiety Y P N Endocrine Excessive thirst Excessive hunger Cold intolerance Heat intolerance Y P N Y P N Thyroid problems___________ Diabetes__________________ Y P N Y P N Y P N Y P N Respiratory/Cardiovascular Cough Y P N Shortness of breath Y P N Asthma Y P N Heart Disease Y P N Low/High blood pressure________________________ Chest pain Blood Clots Y P N Y P N Gastrointestinal Diarrhea Y P N Blood in stool Y P N Constipation Nausea/Vomiting Y P N Y P N Stomach pain Y P N Urinary Incontinence Frequent infections Y P N Painful Urination Y P N Testicular masses Y P N Sexual difficulty Y P N Y P N Male Reproductive Hernias Y P N Female Reproductive Age of first menses__________ Age of last menses (if menopausal)_______ Length of cycle_______ Duration of menses__________ Date of last annual exam______ Number of pregnances___________ Number of live births________ Number of miscarriages_______ Number of abortions_____________ Birth Control Y N P If yes, what type?