Two new land planarian species (Geoplana, Tricladida

Focus on the details: morphological evidence supports new cryptic land flatworm (Platyhelminthes) species
revealed with molecules
Material and methods
Obama ladislavii (von Graff, 1899)
Material studied. We received in loan two wet specimens of Obama ladislavii from the Zoologisches Museum Hamburg (ZMH), Germany, preserved in ethanol. Because they were labelled with
the single code V5270, we added A or B to each specimen to distinguish each other. We analysed
the external morphology of specimen ZMH V5270-A in ethanol; next, we cut it into fragments,
each containing the anterior end, the ovaries, the pre-pharyngeal region, the pharynx, and the copulatory apparatus. We cleared the specimen ZMH V5270-B in clove oil to observe the shape of the
eyes and their distribution. In the Naturhistorisches Museum Vienna (NHM), Austria, we also studied (a) the external morphology of the type NHM 4073, a single specimen labeled as "Typus", preserved in a vial with ethanol; (b) the external morphology of a specimen 47 mm in length, which is
one of the three worms put together in the same vial. Since there is no individual identification, we
designated as NHM 4071-A the specimen 47 mm in length; (c) the gross anatomy of the pharynx
and copulatory apparatus of two specimens labelled as NHM 2737-B; thus, for distinguishing them,
we named them NHM 2737-B2-a and NHM 2737-B2-b; (d) the gross anatomy of the pharynx of
specimen NHM 2737-C; (e) the gross anatomy of the copulatory apparatus of specimen NHM
2737-AI. We further analysed specimens of O. ladislavii studied by C. G. Froehlich (1959). The following specimens deposited in ZMH and NHM were collected in Taquara (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), S 29°39'00.0" W 050°48'21.6"; H. v. Ihering col. ca. 1895 (Graff, 1899, p.300). ZMH V5270A: Anterior end: traverse sections on 22 slides; a piece containing ovaries: horizontal sections on 58
slides; pre-pharyngeal region: traverse sections on 19 slides; pharynx and copulatory apparatus: sagittal sections on 77 slides; posterior end in 80% ethanol. ZMH V5270-B: Entire specimen cleared in
clove oil. NHM 4073: preserved in 70% ethanol; NHM 4071-A: preserved in ethanol and cleared
with clove oil; NHM 2737-B2-a: sagittal sections of pharynx and copulatory apparatus; NHM
2737-B2-b: sagittal sections of pharynx and copulatory apparatus; NHM 2737-C: horizontal sec-
tions of the pharynx on 9 slides; NHM 2737-AI: traverse sections of pharynx and copulatory apparatus on 106 slides. MZUSP 681 (field number F1418): Parque Nacional da Serra de Itajaí, Blumenau (Santa Catarina, Brazil), S 27o02'54.1" W 49o05'31.4" Coll. F. Carbayo et al., 5. Jan. 2008,
sagittal sections of copulatory apparatus on 18 slides. MZUSP PL 752 (field number F3346): Parque Estadual da Serra do Tabuleiro (São Bonifácio, Santa Catarina, Brazil), S 27o50'34" W
48o55'33" col. F. Carbayo et al., 17. Jan. 2009, sagittal sections of the pharynx and copulatory apparatus on 17 slides. MZUSP PL 764 (field number F3391): Floresta Nacional de São Francisco de
Paula (São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), S 29o25'38.5" W 50o23'54.2" Coll. F.
Carbayo et al., 21. Jan. 2009, sagittal sections of copulatory apparatus on 19 slides. MZUSP PL
769 (field number F): Floresta Nacional de São Francisco de Paula (São Francisco de Paula, Rio
Grande do Sul, Brazil), S 29o26'10.6" W 50o22'25.3" Coll. F. Carbayo et al., 22.Jan.2009, sagittal
sections of pharynx plus copulatory apparatus on 49 slides. MZU PL.00174: Taquara (Rio Grande
do Sul, Brazil), S 29° 38′ 47″ W 50° 46′ 33″, Coll. S. V. Amaral, 02. Nov. 2011, traverse sections of
the anterior end of the body on 51 slides; traverse sections of the pre-pharyngeal region on 36
slides; sagittal sections of the pharynx on 144 slides; sagittal sections of the copulatory apparatus on
65 slides. MZU PL.00175: Montenegro (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), S 29° 41′ 20″ W 51° 28′ 01″,
Coll. I. R. Hack, 15. Nov. 2011, traverse sections of the anterior end of the body on 36 slides; traverse sections of the pre-pharyngeal region on 17 slides; sagittal sections of the pharynx on 58 slides;
sagittal sections of the copulatory apparatus on 49 slides. Sagittal sections of copulatory apparatus
on two slides of specimen illustrated in the figure 24 (Froehlich, 1959). Sagittal sections of copulatory apparatus on four slides of specimen illustrated in figure 25 (Froehlich, 1959). Sagittal sections
of pharynx on one slide studied by Froehlich (1959).