PROPERTIES OF A SYSTEM FeO-SiO2-CAO-MgO BY RESULTS OF COMPUTER EXPERIMENT Voronov V.I., Voronova L.I., Rizhov N.I., Gusev A.I. Kurgan state university, Kurgan, The summary The outcomes of computer experiment for a multicomponent slag system FeO-SiO2-CaOMgO are considered. The simulation was carried out by program complex “Slag Melt”, realizing calculations in a complex model, including cluster quantum-chemical, molecular-dynamic and statistical-geometrical simulation with use of the approaches of the polymeric theory of scorias. Four makeups of scorias are investigated at different temperatures. The structural characteristics of the short-range order (function of radial distribution of atoms, distribution of coordination numbers, distribution functions of angles between bonds, average lengths of bonds, coordination numbers, angles between bonds) are defined, the features of nanostructure (are found polyanions of a different degree of complexity, their distribution functions on characteristic parameters are constructed, the time of life of polyanions is calculated) a thermodynamic properties (heat capacity, compressibility, expansions ratio) is calculated, the kinetic transfer coefficients (diffusion constants and viscosity) are found, the characteristics of polimerisation of a system are defined at temperatures close to melting temperatures. The comparison of model outcomes with the experimental data displays the satisfactory consent. Introduction In work some outcomes of computer experiment on exploration structural - responsive properties of melts of a system FeO-SiO2-CaO-MgO are given. These melts are characteristic for smelting processes of steels in oxygen converters, in steel-teeming ladles, Martin ovens. In particular, the values of heat capacities of such scorias are necessary in thermal accounts of processes between metal and scoria, for exposition of interaction of scoria with fire-resistant lining. The important property of a melt is its dynamic viscosity and its association on temperature. The outcomes of simulation of structure of the presented scorias will allow not only to know about their structure, but also to solve a number of tasks connected to interaction of scorias to refractories. The computer experiment was carried out with the help of a program complex “Slag_Melt” [6], realizing a complex computer model, which contains a number of component, provides different stages of complex MNDO-MD-SG simulation. The structure of a complex model is presented in Tab. 1. 76 At complete realization of model Table 1.The structure of a complex MNDOin the complex MNDO-MD-SG MD-SG model experiment it is possible to receive a Cluster quantum-chemical model: is realized with series of practically important outcomes: the help of semiempirical quantum-chemical parameters of potential functions; method MNDO thermodynamical parameters; transport (modified neglect of diatomic differentional properties; structure of melts with overlap) different levels of approximations, characteristic of polymerisation a Ionic or ionic - covalent model of oxide: a system, visualization of a history of life parametrization of peak-a-boo potentials by methods of a model system. of many-dimensional optimization, on a base of an MNDO-simulation. At the first basic MNDO–datas array stage the parametrization of potential functions in ionic (IM) or in ionic Particles model: is realized in molecularcovalent (ICM) model was made and dynamic experiment then it used in molecular-dynamic experiment. The type of potential Two-level model of structure (short-range function was determined by attributes of order, nanostructure): is realized in the statisticala particle and conditions formulated in geometrical (SG) experiment ICM. [3] For calculating of potential Model of structure by the “Covalent bonds network parameters was made quantum-chemical covering method” (CBNC) MNDO simulation in a cluster approximation for silicium-oxygen Model of process of polymerisation by the complex anions of a different degree of method of distribution functions of polyanionic complexity: SikOlМеm(An), where Me – complexes Fe, Ca, Mg; A – pseudo-atom closing torn bonds in a cluster, the inferior Calculation of polimeric theory of scorias indexes are determined using parameters by the results of statistical-geometrical stoichiometrical reasons and vary from 1 modelling up to 20. The parameters of potential functions determining interparticle interaction in a system FeO-SiO2-CaO-MgO in ionic and ionic – covalent model are given in table 2. Here m, q and - characteristics of an ion: m weight q – effective charge, - radius of a hard orb, dО, 0 – equilibrium distance Si-O and angle O-Si-O, kit, kit – force constant of two and three-partial interactions, n – exponent in aside–part of potential. Table 2 Attributes of model particles and parameters of potential functions Systems Si-O- Fe-Ca-Mg Model Ion ICM IM -//-//-//- Si O Fe Ca Mg m, 10-26, kg 4,66 2,66 9,33 6,57 4,05 q, el. un. 2,92 -1,46 1,46 1,46 1,46 , nm 0.022 0.128 0.06 0.102 0.065 dО, nm 0,162 - 77 kit, N/m 200 - 0,grad 109,5 - kit, H/m 150 - N 10 - MD-simulation. In tab. 3 the data-ins of simulation are given. The density () of a modeled system is calculated from molar volumes of the appropriate solid phases, with increase on 10%. There are presented: a melting temperature (Тmelt), temperature of simulation (T1mod, Т2mod), molar volume (). Т1mod of compositions were selected with overflow on 30-40 K above Тmelt of the given composition, and Т2mod approximately on 100 K. Table 3. Data-ins of simulation Slag 1 2 3 4 Тmelt, К composition FeO 20 20 20 25 CaO 50 50 50 40 SiO2 30 25 20 20 Т1mod, Т2mod, , kg/m3 , 10-4 m3/mole К К MgO 5 10 15 1903 1873 1813 1773 1939 1911 1842 1809 1933 1878 3210 3200 3200 3200 0.188 0.185 0.182 0.182 At MD-simulation the classical approach, approximating of the differential equations on a method Beemen was used; periodic boundary conditions of Born-Carman, volume of cube depend on a density of a melt, number of particles in the cube ~ 1500, temporal step 0.5*10-15s. A primal destacking of particles on a crystal lattice SiO2, heating-up of a system up to 5000К, for security of a free diffusion of particles and running off up to a melting temperature on 5000 steps. The phase of thermostabilisation, at Тmod made 300 steps, phase of a thermodynamic equilibrium - 20 macrosteps and 250 microsteps. Thus length of a segment of a trajectory in configuration space for any temperature point made 5000 steps. The homogenization for thermodynamical characteristics was carried out on 10 macrosteps, consisting from 500 microsteps. The number of the initial moments of homogenization ACF made 1000 (for ACF of speed) and 2000 (for others ACF) steps. For all compositions the error of saving of a full energy did not exceed 0,05 %, the error of saving of a kinetic energy made 1-3 %, that is quite accepted for MD-simulation. SG-simulation. Is realized on a base of statistical-geometrical information processing about coordinates of modeled particles on each configuration. Allows to investigate structure with different levels of detailing (short-range order, nanostructure), to find structural groupings of a different degree of complexity, to describe process of polymerisation / depolymerisation of a melt on a base of the distribution functions of polyanionic complexes, to determine correlations composition-structure-characteristic with engaging of the polymeric theory. The modern theory of metallurgical melts represents metallurgical scoria as ionic covalent system with processes of polymerization. The degree of polymerization influences all characteristics of a melt. We have applied to exploration of structure singularities of polymerizing melts a method of localization of polyanionic complexes. The model system is consisting from cations – network formers, cations - modifying agents and atoms of oxygen of a different type. In a model system was found elementary structural groupings (ESG), their join in more complex structural groups of the different form and complexities. In outcome on each configuration the coordination numbers and their distributions, function of an angular distribution of atoms, fraction of nonbridging, bridging and free atoms of oxygen, an absolute number of different polyanions and selfcontained structures, charge of them are determined. Then the distribution functions of polyanionic 78 complexes on a series of characteristic parameters (рaram), identifying complexes (Т) are constructed: name - type of a complex, is determined by number of varied particles in it, N - " length of a complex ", its total number of particles, N cat , N O , N O , NO - amount of cations – network formers, atoms of oxygen, nonbridging and bridging atoms of oxygen in a complex. In a model calculated: degree of polymerization, constant of polymerisation, fractions of different polyanions, ionic fraction of free oxygen, activity of participating oxides. 0 Outcomes of structural exploration. The structural characteristics of the short-range order. For all types of particles depending on makeup the partial functions of radial distribution are received. In a fig. 1 the partial functions of radial distribution for Me-O, where Ме = Si, Fe, Ca, Mg and O-O are given. All partial RDF have the legibly expressed first peaks. The maxheight of peaks in a system is observed for bond Si-O (~18) their average half-width does not exceed 0,02 nm. The second peaks in investigated melts practically are not expressed. That speaks about lack of the second coordination sphere on Si-O. The first peaks RDF for remaining Ме-O also are explicitly expressed, but is much lower (~5,6-4,5) and it is wider, than for Si-O, the second peaks practically are absent. Relative height of these peaks practically does not depend on makeup of a melt. The first peak RDF for О-О wide also is daubed, does not exceed values 2,8. Besides were received RDF for Si-Si, Si-Me, Ме-Ме. For all couples of cations relative height of the first peaks does not exceed 2,5 units, and half-width about 0,5А. That speaks about weak correlation in a disposition between cations. The Me ions chaotically moving inside a melt, being mainly in an oxygen environment. Depending on composition the character of RDF essentially does not vary. The marked singularities of RDF allow speak about presence of the short-range order in melts. 79 Figure.1. Radial distribution functions (RDF) for 1: Si-O, 2: Fe-O, 3: Ca-O, 4: Mg-O, 5: O-O. In figures 2-3 the average distances L between particles (bond length) and coordination numbers Z are given depending on composition. Average distance for Si-O is equal 0.164 nm, for Ме-O place in a range of values 0.2-0.25 nm, near to values in pure oxides. The coordination number Si-O in all a range of compositions is stored constant and equally to four, that speaks about presence of elementary tetrahedral complexes. The remaining coordination numbers also practically do not vary. Figure 2. Bond lengths. Figure 3. Coordination numbers. The average angles Si-O-Si and O-Si-O between bonds on a base of angle distribution functions were calculated. These values also practically do not depend on composition and are equal approximately: the angle Si-O-Si is equal 109, angle O-Si-O in breaking points 135-140, that correlates with persistence of coordination numbers. The more detailed information about nanostructure of a melt is determined through a method «covalent bonds network covering» [5]. 0 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,2 0,4 0,6 Si (10 and more) Si (10 and more) Si (4-9) Si (4-9) lifetime Si (3) Si (2) lifetime Si (3) portion portion Si (2) Si (1) Si (1) 0 0 50 100 150 200 a) 20 40 60 b 80 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 0 Si (10 and more) 0,2 0,4 0,6 Si (10 and more) Si (4-9) Si (4-9) lifetime Si (3) Si (2) lifetime Si (3) portion portion Si (2) Si (1) Si (1) 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 c) 0,0 80 d) 0,2 0,4 0,6 0 Si (10 and more) 0,2 0,4 0,6 Si (10 and more) Si (4-9) Si (4-9) lifetime Si (3) Si (2) lifetime Si (3) portion portion Si (2) Si (1) Si (1) 0 20 40 0 60 20 40 60 80 e) f) Figure 4. Fractions of complexes with the different contents of atoms Si and their times of life: a) slag 1, b) slag 2, c) slag 3 Т=933 К, d) slag 4 Т=1848 К, e)slag 3 Т=842 К, f) slag 4 Т=1809 К On Fig.4 the outcomes of calculating of a fraction of polyanions of a different degree of complexities received by a method CBNC are given. The entry Si(n) means, that the complex contains n of atoms Si. The received outcomes testify about weak polymerization of melts. For all compositions predominate silica-oxygen complexes of low dimension containing 1-3 atoms of network formers. The fraction of ortho groups SiO44- makes from 25 % up to 35%. Are present di-ortho groups Si2O7, which fraction makes up to 25 % from total number of complexes. It is possible to assume, that it is an index of presence in a system pyrosilicates. Besides the composition contain polyanions Si(3) (rings) and larger groupings Si(4-9) and Si(1023). The time of life of complexes is insignificant. For any temperature there is a stationary process of transferring of one complexes in others, interchanging of atoms of oxygen, shattering and reduction of polyanions. 0,7 free nonbridgin bridgin 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 1 2 3(1) 3(2) 4(1) 4(2) Figure 5. Fractions of oxygen of a different type 81 On Fig.5 the data on distribution of free (О2-), nonbridging (O-) and bridging (О0) oxygen are given depending on composition of a melt. The presence of all types of atoms of oxygen is marked. For all compositions the nonbridging oxygen concentration is more than 60%. The concentration of free oxygen (О2-) is from 20 % up to 40 %. The concentration of bridging oxygen is low from 10 % up to 15 % that characterizes degree of polymerization of a system. A dimensional grid is not observed in one composition. At simulation of melts some thermodynamical characteristics were received which are given on Fig.6. The unit measures, appropriate everyone parameter are enumerated below: intrinsic pressure P_in(kbar); molar heat capacity at constant pressure Cp(Joule/(mol*К); factors: thermal expansions Alp(bar/K), an adiabatic compressibility Bs(10-12m2/N), thermal pressure (7) Alv(10-6m2/N). 80 P_in Cp Bs Alp Alv 60 40 20 0 1 2 3(1) 3(2) 4(1) 4(2) Figure 6. Thermodynamical characteristics For all compositions of a modelled system the heat capacity at constant volume Сv always is less, than the heat capacity at constant pressure Сp and always is positive. All received thermodynamical characteristics unsignificantly differ from makeup to makeup, that speaks about proximity of their thermodynamic properties. D, 10^-9, m^2/c; Vis,10^-5 Pa*c D(Si) D(O) D(Fe) D(Ca) 3(1) 3(2) D(Mg) Vis 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 1 2 4(1) 4(2) Figure 7. Diffusion constants of ions and shift viscosity 82 For an estimation of transport properties of melts of a system the diffusion constants Dal through mean square displacement of atoms were calculated. The diagram of received dependence of a diffusion constant from composition of a slag is on fig.7. D(Si) remains practically constant in all a range of compositions and has the smallest value as contrasted to by other ions. The diffusion constants Fe, Mg, Ca are 1,5-2 times more than D(Si). The correlation between D(Si) and D(O) is observed, that is connected to existence in all compositions of steady complexes SiO4. In the same figure the values of factor of shift viscosity are given which have values of the order (0.5-2)*10-9Pa*s. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The work is executed by support RFBR, grant № 01-07-96506 REFERENCES 1. Mitra S.K: 'Molecular dynamics simulation of silicon dioxide glass'. Phyl.Mag. B 1982 45(5) 529-548. 2. 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