)בטיחות )מידע בטיחות החמרה (( מידע על החמרה הודעה על הודעה 30/8/2010 :תאריך MULTIHANCE :שם תכשיר באנגלית 04 30033 00120 : מלטיהנס:מספר רישום דקסון בע"מ:שם בעל הרישום השינויים בעלון מסומנים על רקע צהוב רופא בעלון ללרופא בעלון ים/ים המבוקש/פרטים על השינוי טקסט חדש טקסט נוכחי 1 ml of solution for injection contains: gadobenic acid 334 mg (0.5M) as the dimeglumine salt. [gadobenate dimeglumine 529 mg = gadobenic acid 334 mg + meglumine 195 mg]. Osmolality at 37C: 1.97 osmol/kg Viscosity at 37C: 5.3 mPa.s Solution for injection. Clear aqueous solution filled into colourless glass vials. Osmolality at 37C: 1.97 osmol/kg Viscosity at 37C: 5.3 mPa.s This medicinal product is for diagnostic use only. MultiHance is a paramagnetic contrast agent for use in diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the liver and Central Nervous System (CNS) indicated for: 1 ml of solution for injection contains: gadobenic acid 334 mg (0.5M) as the dimeglumine salt. [gadobenate dimeglumine 529 mg = gadobenic acid 334 mg + meglumine 195 mg]. Osmolality at 37C: 1.97 osmol/kg Viscosity at 37C: 5.3 mPa.s Solution for injection. Clear aqueous solution filled into colourless glass vials. Qualitative and quantitative composition MultiHance is a paramagnetic contrast agent for use in diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the liver and Central Nervous System (CNS): Therpeutic indications Multihance is indicated MRI of the liver for the detection of focal liver lesions in patients with known or suspected primary liver cancer (eg. hepatocellular carcinoma) or metastatic disease. Multihance is also indicated for the MRI of the brain and spine where it improves the detection of lesions and provides diagnostic information additional to that obtained with unenhanced MRI. פרק בעלון Pharmaceutical form Multihance is indicated for the detection of focal liver lesions in patients with known or suspected primary liver cancer (eg. hepatocellular carcinoma) or metastatic disease. Multihance is also indicated for the MRI of the brain and spine where it improves the detection of lesions and provides diagnostic information additional to that obtained with unenhanced MRI. MRI of the liver: the recommended dose of MultiHance injection in adult patients is 0.05 mmol/kg body weight. This corresponds to 0.1 mL/kg of the 0.5 M solution. liver: the recommended dose of MultiHance injection in adult patients is 0.05 mmol/kg body weight. This corresponds to 0.1 mL/kg of the 0.5 M solution. MRI of the brain and spine CNS: the recommended dose of MultiHance injection in adult patients is 0.1 mmol/kg body weight. This corresponds to 0.2 mL/kg of the 0.5 M solution. CNS: the recommended dose of MultiHance injection in adult patients is 0.1 mmol/kg body weight. This corresponds to 0.2 mL/kg of the 0.5 M Posology and method of administration solution. MultiHance should be drawn up into the syringe immediately before use and should not be diluted. Any unused product should be discarded and not be used for other MRI examinations. To minimise the potential risks of soft tissue extravasation of MultiHance, it is important to ensure that the I.V. needle or cannula is correctly inserted into a vein. Liver and Brain and Spine: the product should be administered intravenously either as a bolus or slow injection (10 ml/min.). Without dilution. Post-contrast imaging can be performed immediately following bolus injection (dynamic MRI). In the CNS the imaging window has been shown to be up to 60 minutes after the administration. In the liver delayed imaging can be performed between 40 and 120 minutes following the injection, depending on the individual imaging needs. MultiHance should be drawn up into the syringe immediately before use and should not be diluted. Any unused product should be discarded and not be used for other MRI examinations. To minimise the potential risks of soft tissue extravasation of MultiHance, it is important to ensure that the I.V. needle or cannula is correctly inserted into a vein. The injection should be followed by a saline flush. Post-contrast imaging acquisition: Liver Brain and Spine Dynamic imaging; Immediatley following bolus injection. Delayed imaging: Between 40 and 120 minutes following the injection, depending on the individual imaging needs. Up to 60 minutes after the administration. The product should be administered intravenously either as a bolus or slow injection (10 ml/min.). Without dilution. Post-contrast imaging can be performed immediately following bolus injection (dynamic MRI). In the CNS the imaging window has been shown to be up to 60 minutes after the administration. In the liver delayed imaging can be performed between 40 and 120 minutes following the injection, depending on the individual imaging needs. MultiHance should be drawn up into the syringe immediately before use and should not be diluted. Any unused product should be discarded and not be used for other MRI examinations. To minimise the potential risks of soft tissue extravasation of MultiHance, it is important to ensure that the I.V. needle or cannula is correctly inserted into a vein. The injection should be followed by a saline flush. Special Populations Impaired renal function Use of MultiHance should be avoided in patients with severe renal impairment (GFR < 30 ml/min/1.73m2) and in patients in the perioperative liver transplantation period unless the diagnostic information is essential and not available with non-contrast enhanced MRI (see section 4.4). If use of MultiHance cannot be avoided, the dose should not exceed 0.1 mmol/kg body weight when used for MR of the brain and spine or MR-angiography and should not exceed 0.05 mmol/kg body weight when used for MR of the liver. More than one dose should not be used during a scan. Because of the lack of information on repeated administration, MultiHance injections should not be repeated unless the interval between injections is at least 7 days. Elderly (aged 65 years and above) No dosage adjustment is considered necessary. Caution should be exercised in elderly patients (see section 4.4). … Caution is advised in patients with renal impairment (creatinine clearance <30 ml/min). … Impaired renal function Prior to administration of MultiHance, it is recommended that all patients are screened for renal dysfunction by obtaining laboratory tests. There have been reports of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) associated with use of some gadolinium containing contrast agents in patients with acute or chronic severe renal impairment (GFR<30ml/min/1.73m2). Patients undergoing liver transplantation are at particular risk since the incidence of acute renal failure is high in this group. As there is a possibility that NSF may occur with MultiHance, it should therefore be avoided in patients with severe renal impairment and in patients in the perioperative liver transplantation period unless the diagnostic information is essential and not available with non-contrast enhanced MRI. Haemodialysis shortly after MultiHance administration may be useful at removing MultiHance from the body. There is no … Caution is advised in patients with renal impairment (creatinine clearance <30 ml/min). … Special warnings and special precaution for use evidence to support the initiation of haemodialysis for prevention or treatment of NSF in patients not already undergoing haemodialysis. Elderly As the renal clearance of gadobenate dimeglumine may be impaired in the elderly, it is particularly important to screen patients aged 65 years and older for renal dysfunction. Pregnancy There are no adequate data from for the use of gadobenate dimeglumine in pregnant women. Animal studies Studies in animals have shown reproductive toxicity at repeated high doses (see section 5.3). The potential risk for humans is unknown. MultiHance should not be used during pregnancy unless the clinical condition of the woman requires use of gadobenate dimeglumine clearly necessary. Lactation Gadolinium containing contrast agents are excreted into breast milk in very small amounts (see section 5.3). At clinical doses, no effects on the infant are anticipated due to the small amount excreted into milk and poor absorption from the gut. Continuing or discontinuing breast feeding for a period of 24 hours after administration of MultiHance should be at the discretion of the doctor and lactating mother. Although it is not known to what extent gadobenate dimeglumine is excreted in human milk, it is known from animal experiments that minimal amounts, less than 0.5% of the administered dose were transferred via milk from mother to neonates. Although the clinical relevance of this observation is unknown, breast-feeding should be discontinued prior to the administration of MultiHance and should not be recommenced until at least 24 hours after the administration of MultiHance. The following adverse events were seen during the clinical development of MultiHance among 2637 adult subjects. There were no adverse reactions with a frequency greater than 2%. System organ classes Nervous system disorders … System organ Rare (1/10,000, 1/1,000) Hyperaesthesia, tremor, intracranial hypertension, hemiplegia Common (≥1/100, There are no adequate data for the use of gadobenate dimeglumine in pregnant women. Studies in animals have shown reproductive toxicity (see section 5.3). The potential risk for humans is unknown. MultiHance should not be used during pregnancy unless clearly necessary. Pregnancy and lactation Although it is not known to what extent gadobenate dimeglumine is excreted in human milk, it is known from animal experiments that minimal amounts, less than 0.5% of the administered dose were transferred via milk from mother to neonates. Although the clinical relevance of this observation is unknown, breastfeeding should be discontinued prior to the administration of MultiHance and should not be recommenced until at least 24 hours after the administration of MultiHance. The following adverse events were seen during the clinical development of MultiHance among 2637 adult subjects. There were no adverse reactions with a frequency greater than 2%. System organ Rare (1/10,000, classes 1/1,000) Nervous system Hyperaesthesia, disorders tremor … System organ Common (≥1/100, classes 1/10) Undesirable effects classes Vascular disorders … System organ classes Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders … System organ classes Gastrointestinal disorders … System organ classes General disordes and administration site conditions 1/10) Vasodilation Rare (1/10,000, 1/1,000) Dispnoea N.O.S., laryngospasm, wheezing, pulmonary congestion, pulmonary oedema Rare (1/10,000, 1/1,000) Constipation, faecal incontinence, necrotising pancreatitis Common (≥1/100, 1/10) Injection Site Reaction, feeling hot Vascular disorders … System organ classes Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders … System organ classes Gastrointestinal disorders … System organ classes General disordes and administration site conditions Vasodilation Rare (1/10,000, 1/1,000) Dispnoea N.O.S., laryngospasm, wheezing, pulmonary congestion Rare (1/10,000, 1/1,000) Constipation, faecal incontinence Common (≥1/100, 1/10) Injection Site Reaction Also reported were single individual serious incidents include necrotising pancreatitis, pulmonary oedema, intracranial hypertension and/or hemiplegia. Laboratory abnormalities such as Also reported were single individual serious hypochromic anaemia, leukocytosis, incidents include necrotising pancreatitis, leukopenia, basophilia, hypoproteinaemia, pulmonary oedema, intracranial hypertension hypocalcaemia, hyperkalaemia, and/or hemiplegia. hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia, Laboratory abnormalities such as cited above albuminuria, glycosuria, haematuria, include hypochromic anaemia, leukocytosis, hyperlipidaemia, hyperbilirubinaemia, leukopenia, basophilia, hypoproteinaemia, hypocalcaemia, hyperkalaemia, hyperglycaemia serum iron increased, and increases in serum transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, or hypoglycaemia, albuminuria, glycosuria, lactic dehydrogenase, and in serum haematuria, hyperlipidaemia, creatinine and were reported in equal or hyperbilirubinaemia, serum iron increased, and less than 0.4% of patients following the increases in serum transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, lactic dehydrogenase, and in serum administration of MultiHance. However these findings were mostly seen in patients creatinine and were reported in equal or less with evidence of pre-existing impairment than 0.4% of patients following the of hepatic function or pre-existing administration of MultiHance. However these metabolic disease. findings were mostly seen in patients with … evidence of pre-existing impairment of hepatic function or pre-existing metabolic disease. In marketed use, adverse reactions were … reported in fewer than 0.1 % of patients. Most commonly reported were: nausea, In marketed use, adverse reactions were vomiting, signs and symptoms of reported in fewer than 0.1 % of patients. hypersensitivity reactions including Most commonly reported were: nausea, anaphylactic shock, anaphylactoid vomiting, signs and symptoms of reactions, angioedema, laryngeal spasm hypersensitivity reactions including and rash. anaphylactic shock, anaphylactoid reactions, Injection site reactions due to extravasation angioedema, laryngeal spasm and rash. of the contrast medium leading to local Injection site reactions due to extravasation of the contrast medium leading to local pain or burning sensations, swelling and blistering have been reported. Isolated cases of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) have been reported with MultiHance in patients co-administered other gadoliniumcontaining contrast agents (see Section 4.4). … pain or burning sensations, swelling and blistering have been reported. MultiHance can has been shown to be removed by haemodialysis. However there is no evidence that haemodialysis is suitable for prevention of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) dialysable. Pharmacotherapeutic group: paramagnetic contrast media, ATC code V08CA08 … MultiHance has been shown to be dialysable. In CNS imaging MRI of the brain and spine, Multihance enhances normal tissues lacking a blood-brain barrier, extra axial tumors and regions in which the blood-brain-barrier has broken down. In the pivotal phase III clinical trials in this indication, off-site readers reported an improvement in level of diagnostic information in 32-69% of images with Multihance, and 35-69% of images with the active comparator. 3 years From a microbiological point of view, the product should be used immediately after drawing into the syringe. 5 mL, 10 mL, 15 mL and 20 mL of a clear aqueous solution filled into colourless type I glass vials with elastomeric closures, aluminium sealing crimps and polypropylene caps. Not all pack sizes may be marketed. MultiHance should be drawn up into the syringe immediately before use and should not be diluted. Before use, examine the product to assure that the container and closure have not been damaged, the solution is not discoloured and no particulate matter is present. In CNS imaging, Multihance enhances normal tissues lacking a blood-brain barrier, extra axial tumors and regions in which the blood-brain-barrier has broken down. In the pivotal phase III clinical trials in this indication, off-site readers reported an improvement in level of diagnostic information in 32-69% of images with Multihance, and 35-69% of images with the active comparator. 3 years When MultiHance is used in conjunction with an injector system, the connecting tubes to the patient and the relevant disposable parts should be disposed after each patient examination. Any additional instructions from the respective equipment manufacturer must also be adhered to. The peel-off tracking label on the vials should be stuck onto the patient records to enable accurate recording of the gadolinium contrast agent used. The dose used should also be … Pharmacotherapeutic group:ATC code V08CA08 … 5 mL, 10 mL, 15 mL and 20 mL of a clear aqueous solution filled into colourless type I glass vials with elastomeric closures, aluminium sealing crimps and polypropylene caps. MultiHance should be drawn up into the syringe immediately before use and should not be diluted. Before use, examine the product to assure that the container and closure have not been damaged, the solution is not discoloured and no particulate matter is present. Any unused product should be discarded. Not all pack sizes may be marketed. Overdose Pharmacodynamic properties Shelf life Nature and contents of container Interaction for use/handling Special precautions for disposal and other handling recorded. For single use only. Any unused product should be discarded. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.