OHS026 Safe Work Procedure Faculty/Division Medicine Document number STGCL.SWP.73.1 School/ Divisional Unit St George Clinical School Initial Issue date 15/04/10 Current version 1.0 Current Version Issue date: 15/04/2010 Next review date 15/04/2012 The Writing Safe Work Procedures Guideline (OHS027) should be consulted to assist in the completion of this form. Safe Work Procedure Title and basic description Title: Standard Cell Culture Techniques Description: This technique is widely applied in a variety of assays which include cytotoxic assay, tube formation assay, actin staining and RhoA activation assay. Associated risk assessment title and location: Standard Cell Culture Techniques Describe the activity or process This SWP outlines the correct procedure to be followed for standard cell culture. Read the Risk Assessment attached and the relevant MSDSs before carrying out this procedure. Procedures: Cell culture (Subculture): i. 1A9 cells, a subclone of the A2780 human ovarian carcinoma cell line, are maintained in RPMI1640 (Sigma) media, supplemented with 10% foetal bovine serum (FBS) (JRH) and 1% penicillin/ streptomycin (Sigma). ii. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) are maintained in EGM Bulletkit (Lonza): M199 (Sigma) (1:1 v/v) media, supplemented with 10% foetal bovine serum (FBS) (JRH). iii. The cells are grown as attached cultures in the humidified CO2 incubator at 37oC and 5% CO2, and are subcultured upon reaching 70-80% confluence. iv. The spent medium is removed. v. The cells are washed with sterile PBS without Ca2+/Mg2+. vi. Sufficient amount of 0.05% (for 1A9)/ 0.5% (for HUVEC) Trypsin/ EDTA is added onto the flask. vii. The flask is left to incubate in the humidified CO2 incubator at 37oC and 5% CO2 for < 5 minutes. viii. The flask is examined under the inverted microscope to ensure that all the cells were detached and floating ix. The cells are resuspended in fresh medium to inactivate the effect of Trypsin/ EDTA. x. The cell suspension is centrifuged at 1,100 rpm (200g) for 5 minutes at room temperature. xi. Supernatant is then discarded and the tube is replaced with fresh media. xii. Cell quantification is performed using 0.4% Trypan Blue to differentiate the viable cells from the dead cells. xiii. Cells are then transferred to new flasks containing fresh medium and left to incubate in the humidified CO2 incubator at 37oC and 5% CO2. Remark: HUVEC revived from cryotubes are seeded onto flask pre-coated with 0.1% gelatin (Sigma). Subsequent passages are seeded onto ordinary flasks. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 of 3 Safe Work Procedure Date Effective: 01/01/2007 Uncontrolled document when printed Current Version: 1.2, 15/08/2007 List all resources required including plant, chemicals, personal protective clothing and equipment, etc Equipments: Class II Biological Safety Cabinets Centrifuge Centrifuge tubes Drug vial Haemocytometer (with cover slips) Inverted microscope Micropipettes Pippette aid 2ml/ 5ml/ 10ml/ 25ml serological pipettes Tips Water Bath Chemicals: Culture media 80% v/v ethanol Foetal Bovine Serum (JRH) Gelatin (Sigma) Penicillin/ streptomycin (Sigma) 0.4% trypan blue (Sigma) 0.5% or 0.05% trypsin/EDTA (Sigma) PBS PPCE: Gloves Gown List potential hazards and risk controls including specific precautions required Refer to relevant risk assessment form. List emergency shutdown instructions List clean up and waste disposal requirements Before cell culture: i. Wear the correct PPCE at all times ii. Switch on the UV lamp for UV irradiation as part of the aseptic techniques (at least 15 minutes). Please ensure that the protective shield is tightly attached to the biosafety cabinet. iii. The safety cabinet should be turned on about 10-20 minutes before being used. iv. Wipe down all surfaces with 80% ethanol (v/v) before each use. v. Keep the safety cabinet as free of clutter as possible because this will interfere with the laminar flow air pattern. vi. Thaw media, trypsin/EDTA and PBS to 37oC using the water bath. After cell culture: i. Wipe down all surfaces with 80% ethanol (v/v) after each use. ii. Switch on the UV lamp for UV irradiation as part of the aseptic techniques (at least 15 minutes). Please ensure that the protective shield is tightly attached to the biosafety cabinet. iii. Treat culture wastes with 1% hypochloride (total volume) and leave treatment for at least 30 minutes before transfer to the culture waste container. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 of 3 Safe Work Procedure Date Effective: 01/01/2007 Uncontrolled document when printed Current Version: 1.2, 15/08/2007 List legislation, standards and codes of practice used in the development of the SWP MSDS OH & S policies Supervisory approval, training, and review Supervisor: Peter Galettis Signature: Supervisor: Signature: Supervisor: Signature: Supervisor: Signature: Supervisor: Signature: Supervisor: Signature: Plant custodian: Peter Galettis Signature List competency required – qualifications, certificates, licencing, training - eg course or instruction: Researcher to attend trainings as follow: Induction program Laboratory Safety Awareness PC2 Bio Training Hazardous Substances OHS Awareness for Employees St George Hospital Annual Mandatory Training SWP review date: 15/04/2010 Responsibility for SWP review: Steven Lim ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 of 3 Safe Work Procedure Date Effective: 01/01/2007 Uncontrolled document when printed Current Version: 1.2, 15/08/2007