SYSC5603 (ELG6163) Digital Signal Processing Microprocessors

SYSC5603 (ELG6163) Digital Signal Processing
Microprocessors, Software and Applications
[Ackenhusen99] J. G. Ackenhusen, Real-time Signal Processing: Design and
Implementation of Signal Processing Systems, Prentice Hall, 1999.
[Constantinides04] G. A. Constantinides, P. Y. K. Cheung, W. Luk, Synthesis and
Optimization of DSP Algorithms, Academic Publishers, 2004.
[Chassaing05] R. Chassaing, Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the C6713
and C6416 DSK, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
[Kester03] W. Kester, Mixed-Signal and DSP Design Techniques, Analog Devices,
Newnes, 2003.
[Kuo05] S. M. Kuo, W. S. Gan, Digital Signal Processors: Architectures,
Implementations, and Applications, Prentice Hall, 2005.
[Lapsley97] P. Lapsley, J. Bier, A. Shoham, E. A. Lee, DSP Processor Fundamentals:
Architecture and Features, IEEE Press, 1997.
[Meerbergen] J. van Meerbergen, Embedded Multimedia Systems in Silicon,, Technology Eindhoven, Department ICS,
Division ES.
[Meyer04] U. Meyer-Baese, Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate
Array, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2004.
[Mitra06] S. K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing, A Computer-Based approach, McGraw
Hill, 2006.
[Oppenheim98] A. V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer, Discrete-time signal processing, 2nd
edition, Prentice Hall, 1998.
[Parhi 99] K. K. Parhi, VLSI Signal Processing Systems, Design and Implementation.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1999. Slides
[Shenoi06] B. A. Shenoi, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Filter Design,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006.
[Smith97] S. Smith, The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing,
California Technical Publishing, 1997.
[Sriram00] S. Sriram, S. S. Bhattacharyya, Embedded Multiprocessors: Scheduling and
Synchronization, Marcel Dekker Inc., 2000.
[Wanhammar99] Lars Wanhammer, DSP Integrated Circuits, Academic Press, San
Diego, 1999.
Journal papers
[Adams04] L. Adams, “Semiconductor options for real-time signal processing,” EDN,
November 25, 2004, p. 87-94.
[Allen05] R. Allen, “Compiling high-level languages to DSPs: automating the
implementation path,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 22, no 3, pp. 47-56, 2005.
[Bondalapati00] K. Bondalapati, V. K. Prasanna, Reconfigurable Computing:
Architectures, Models and Algorithms (PDF),Current Science: Special Section on
Computational Science 78(7), April 2000.
[Cravotta05] R. Cravotta,” EDN 2005 DSP Directory: Targeted DSPs take aim,” EDN,
[Duhamel90] P. Duhamel, M. Vetterli, “Fast Fourier Transform: A tutorial review and a
state of the art”, Signal Processing 19, pp. 259-299, 1990
[Eyre00] J. Eyre, and J. Bier, "The evolution of DSP processors," IEEE Signal Processing
magazine, March 2000, vol. 17, no.2, pp. 43-51.
[Fridman00] J. Fridman, "Sub-word parallelism in digital signal processing -- applying
the TigerSHARC architecture," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 2735, March 2000.
[Guerra96] L. M. Guerra, Behavioral Level Guidance Using Property-Based Design
Characterization, Ph.D. thesis, Berkeley, 1996.
[Hu92] Y. H. Hu, “CORDIC-based VLSI architecture for digital signal processing,”
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, July 1992, pp. 16-35.
[Jerraya04] A.A. Jerraya, W. Wolf,” The What, Why, and How of MpSOCs,” from
Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips, Morgan Kaufman, 2004
[Kim95] S. Kim, K. Kum, and W. Sung. Fixed-Point Optimization Utility for C and C++
Based Digital Signal Processing Programs. In Workshop on VLSI and Signal Processing,
Osaka, November 1995.
[Kumar05] R. Kumar, D. M. Tullsen, N.P. Jouppi, P. Ranganathan, “Heterogeneous Chip
Multiprocessors,” IEEE Computer, Volume: 38, Issue: 11, pp. 32-38, 2005.
[Li03] W Li, Studies on implementation of low power FFT processors, Thesis,
Linköpings University, 2003
[Liu71] B. Liu, “Effect of Finite Word Length on the Accuracy of Digital Filters - A
Review,” IEEE Trans. on Circuit Theory, Vol. 18, No 6, Nov. 1971
[McFarland88] Michael C. McFarland, Alice C. Parker, Raul Camposano, "Tutorial on
high-level synthesis", Proceedings of the 25th ACM/IEEE conference on Design
automation, pp. 330-336, June 1988.
[Moretti05] G. Moretti,” Design complexity requires system-level design,” EDN, 2005.
[Parker96] D.A. Parker, K.K. Parhi , “Area-efficient parallel FIR digital filter
implementations,” Proceedings of International Conference on Application Specific
Systems, Architectures and Processors, 1996. ASAP 96.
[Parhi89] K.K. Parhi, “Algorithm transformation techniques for concurrent processors,”
Proc. IEEE, vol. 77(12), pp. 1879–1895, December 1989.
[Parhi89_2] K.K. Parhi and D.G. Messerschmitt, “Pipeline interleaving and parallelism in
recursive digital filters,” IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing, vol. 37(7),
pp. 1099–1135, July 1989.
[Parhi92] K. K. Parhi, C.-Y. Wang, and A. P. Brown, “Synthesis of control circuits in
folded pipelined DSP architectures,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 27, pp. 29-43, Jan.
[Parhi95] K. K. Parhi, High-level algorithm and architecture transformations for DSP
synthesis, The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Vol 9, pp 121-143, 1995
[Richards04] M. A. Richards, and G. A. Shaw, "Chips, Architectures and Algorithms:
Reflections on the Exponential Growth of Digital Signal Processing Capabilities,"
Submitted to IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2004
[Rabay98] J. M. Rabay et al (Ed.), “VLSI Implementation Fuels the Signal Processing
Revolution,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Jan. 1998.
[Seshan98] N. Seshan, “High VelociTI Processing,” IEEE Signal Processing Mag, March
1998, pp. 86-101 (Tutorial on TMS320C6000 VelociTI Advanced VLIW Architecture)
[Sung95] W. Sung, K. Kum, “Simulation Based Word Length Optimization Method for
Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processing Systems,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 43,
pp. 3087 -- 3090, Dec. 1995.
[Thiele05] L. Thiele, E. Wandeler; S. Chakraborty, “Performance analysis of
multiprocessor DSPs: a stream-oriented component model,” IEEE Signal Processing
Magazine, Vol. 22, no 3, pp. 38-46, 2005.
[White89] S. A. White, "Applications of distributed arithmetic to digital signal
processing: a tutorial review," IEEE ASSP Magazine, Vol. 6, no. 3 , July 1989, pp. 4 19.
[Wiangtong05] T. Wiangtong, P.Y.K. Cheung, W. Luk, “Hardware/software codesign: a
systematic approach targeting data-intensive applications,” IEEE Signal Processing
Magazine, Vol. 22, no 3, pp. 14-22, 2005.
Other documents
[Lall05] N. Lall, E. Cigan, “Plug and Play Design Methodologies for FPGA-based
Signal Processing,” FPGA and Programmable Logic Journal, 2005.
[Philips] Philips Semiconductors, “An Introduction To Very-Long Instruction Word
(VLIW) Computer Architecture.”
[AlteraDSP] Altera, DSP Literature, 2005.
Interesting courses and sites
[Brodersen03-Slides] R.W. Brodersen EECS 225C VLSI Signal Processing, Course notes,
Berkeley, 2003.
[Dahnhoun02-Slides] N. Dahnhoun, 31611 Real Time Signal Processing, Slides for the
TMS320C6000 Teaching ROM, Bristol University, 2002.
[DSPPrimer-Slides] The DSPforFPGAs Primer, University of Strathclyde, Scotland, UK,
August 2005.
[Hsiung05-Slides] Pao-Ann Hsiung, SoC Design Flow and Tools, Course notes, National
Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, 2005.
[Hu04-Slides] Yu Hen Hu, ECE 734 VLSI Array Structures for Digital Signal Processing,
Course notes, University of Wisconsin, 2004.
[Meerbergen-Slides] J. van Meerbergen, Embedded Multimedia Systems in Silicon,, Technology Eindhoven, Department ICS,
Division ES.
[Takala05] J. Takala, TKT-3516 Signal Processors, Lecture slides, Tampere University
of Technology, 2005.
[Verbauwhede00-Slides] Ingrid Verbauwhede, EE213A Advanced Digital Signal
Processing Circuit Design, Course notes, UCLA, 2000.
Implementing DSP Designs in FPGAs, Altera Labs, System On A Chip Research Group,
University of New Brunswick.