References - University of San Diego

BIOL 451W Lab - Fall 2007
Benthos References
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Levin, L.A. and J.D. Gage. 1998. Relationships between oxygen, organic matter and the diversity of bathyal
macrofauna. Deep-Sea Research Part II 45: 129-163.
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Parry, D.M., M.A. Kendall, A.A. Rowden and S. Widdicombe. 1999. Species body size distribution patterns of
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Ramey, P.A. and P.V.R. Snelgrove. 2003. Spatial patterns in sedimentary macrofaunal communities on the
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Progress Series 262: 215-227.
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meiofauna in its biogeochemical environment: The case of an Antarctic coastal sediment. Journal of the Marine
Biological Association of the United Kingdom 78: 411-434.
BIOL 451W Lab - Fall 2007
Benthos References
Witte, U. 2000. Vertical distribution of metazoan macrofauna within the sediment at four sites with contrasting
food supply in the deep Arabian Sea. Deep-Sea Research Part II 47: 2979-2997.
Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M., M.A. Kendall, J.M. Weslawski, M. Klages and T. Soltwedel. 2004. Depth gradients
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