Thamesford TAG Gravel Pit Update for General Mtg

Thamesford TAG Gravel Pit Update for General Mtg. Feb.20/08
1) The article in the February Village Voice; “Another New Gravel Pit, This is “The
Real Deal” Thamesford submitted by Thamesford(TAG) has been a wake up call
to both residents of the Village of Thamesford and surrounding area. There has
been a lot of response back to the Chair Larry and I know local political officials
are being contacted.
2) Previous Letters were sent Jan 4/08 and mid Jan/08 to both Township of Zorra
and County of Oxford Councils asking specific questions as follows;
-whatever the end use of the property final winds up being it should be in support of
the intent of the Oxford Official Plan is this not correct? Further if there is a
secondary plan already in the the hands of municipality(Township/County), TAG are
requesting a copy.
-the Banner Road Pit application for a pit will result in a Lake with a 30 meter buffer
area around the Lake. How is this a benefit to the Township and the County and
directly the Village of Thamesford?
-requesting that a public meeting and the open house be held on two separate dates
-requesting that and economic impact study be done by both the Township of Zorra
with the loss of development land, future tax dollars and stalling growth in the
Thames Springs development with 300 vacant lots. Further, from the County of
Oxford perspective, also loss of tax dollars from potential property taxes and lack of
use of infrastructure buried under the recently reconstructed Banner Road.
-OMB after its review and recommendations, stated that decisions made by local
councils should bear more weight.
3) Next events for the committee are delegations by TAG
Township of Zorra Council on March 4th and County of Oxford Council on March
Theme of the delegation is recommending that a cumulative impact of gravel pits,
starting with the Banner Road Pit and it would be required for future pits establishing
around the Village of Thamesford boundaries.
Digest of presentations are not finalized to date
4) Committee is investigating purchasing a full page in the April Village Voice.
This ad will have a link (add a form letter website) so people can use it similar to a
Committee has a couple of drafts to work on, nothing finalized to date.
5) We finally have a flow chart/ road map of the process, that we would like to share
with the public. Have samples to show tonight. Intention is to insert in the
Thamesford website in future.
6) Possible date of public meeting/open house in late April but that date seems fluid.
Submitted by committee members; Larry Taylor, Lori Goldhawk, Marie Hominick,
Keith Cosby and Bill Semeniuk