DRAFT FOR STAKEHOLDER REVIEW AND COMMENTS Methodology for assessment and mapping of FRESH WATER ecosystems state and their services in Bulgaria 1. Introduction 1.1. What is this methodology about? The current methodology is not aimed at completing the full cycle of ecosystem service valuation and reporting. It delivers a practical step-bystep guidance to the process of: 1. Assessing the state of the Fresh water ecosystems 2. Assessing the Fresh water ecosystems’ potential to deliver ecosystem services (biophysical valuation). The methodology is relevant to Fresh water ecosystems on the entire territory of Bulgaria although its implementation will differ between NATURA 2000 zones and areas outside NATURA 2000 due to different data availability, land use and the spatial distribution of ecosystems. It will form a part of a wider national methodological framework (under development) which details the theoretical background behind the ecosystems approach practiced in Bulgaria, as well as the necessary steps to undertake towards fulfilling Action 5 of the EU Biodiversity strategy to 2020. 1.2.Who is this methodology for? This methodology is to be used by: Organizations and scientists who perform ecosystems status assessment and biophysical valuation of ecosystem services. Such organizations are expected to include the beneficiaries/partners under the programmes that have set aside funding for the national 1|Page process of ecosystems mapping and assessment – for NATURA 2000, the Operational Programme Environment 2014-2020 and outside NATURA 2000 – programme BG03 Biodiversity and ecosystem services 2009-2014 National or local authorities who wish to contribute data they produce to the Bulgarian biodiversity information system Project promoters and partners under other projects, including for example research organizations and NGOs, who wish to perform more detailed ecosystem and ecosystem services assessment and biophyslical valuation on a regional or local scale in smaller scale pilots Data users wishing to understand the contents and collection method of data, including but not limited to, organizations involved in environmental reporting, regional and local authorities, environmentally responsible companies, NGOs, and other stakeholders. 1.3.How to use this methodology? The methodological framework provides a combination of information on relevant information sources that may be of interest to a wider circle of stakeholders, while the current methodology is dedicated to specific guidance to assessing ecosystem status and ecosystem services (including data collection and verification, and mapping guidance). The wider introductory parts are more likely to be of interest to policymakers and the general public. The more targeted use defined in the current methodology will be mostly needed by professionals involved in the national mapping and assessment exercise. As the current methodology is a living document, comments are welcome in order to shape it as a national, widely reviewed and adopted guidance document. 5. Typology of ecosystems in Bulgaria 2|Page 5.1. Detailed ecosystem typology of fresh water ecosystems in Bulgaria A selection of EUNIS classification on level 2 is proposed for detailed typology as level 3 for target ecosystem type. Descriptions and relations to other classification systems of proposed subtypes of are offered in Table 2. Table 3. Fresh water ecosystem typology (Level 3) 1. Subtype Description Nomenclature(s) FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS Rivers = lotic (hydro) ecosystems, incl. riparian zones Water courses of all kinds (streams, brooks, creeks, irrigation canals) EUNIS (SEBI, Baseline), WWF, MA Lakes (marshes, water reservoirs) = lentic (hydro) ecosystems, incl. littoral zones & fringing communities Water bodies incl. coastal lakes (without permanent connection to the sea) EUNIS (SEBI, Baseline), WWF, MA, CLC HRL small water bodies ECRINS 5.2. Data 5.2.1. Existing data sources – Annex 5 - NATURA 2000 habitat mapping - Scientific publications - EU data sources - National data (MOEW, Басейнови дирекции, Общини) 5.3. Mapping of ecosystem types Indicators and ecosystem services attributive fields Output: Map of ecosystem types in Bulgaria – level 3/4 3|Page 6. Assessment of fresh water ecosystem condition 6.1. Assessment of Ecosystem condition - fresh water Step 1: Identify the indicators of ecosystem condition for the given ecosystem type - levels 3/4 Step 2: Identify the parameters of each indicator Step 3: Collecting data – national data sets – Annex 5 Step 4: How to assess Step 5: Fulfill the matrix (by Burkhard ) Step 6: Map of assessment of ecosystem condition Output: Map of assessment of ecosystem condition Methods to provide national level indicators that take into account spatial diversity have to be assessed and developed based on spatial databases available at national and European level (CORINE, GMES) and for the purposes of facilitating international comparison. Table 4 Rationales of ecosystem state (conditions) indicators Ecosystem conditions Rationales Biotic diversity Spatial or temporal variability of resources. Biotic diversity is caused by organisms. It may occur even in absence of abiotic heterogeneity. Positive relationships between plant species habitat heterogeneity and animal species diversity are well documented on different scales (Davidowitz&Rosenzweig, 1998), but empirical and theoretical studies have showed contradictory results (Tews et al., 2004). Effects of biotic heterogeneity may vary considerably depending on what is perceived as a habitat by the species group studied. Structural attributes of the vegetation that constitute habitat heterogeneity for one group may be perceived as habitat fragmentation by another taxonomic group (e.g. Okland, 1996).To determine biotic factors and wetland habitat heterogeneity the following indicators are proposed: 4|Page Abiotic heterogeneity Energy budget *Matter budget Water budget “Plant diversity” , “Animal diversity”, “Invasive species”, Possible indicator is: “Other biotic heterogeneity indicators (NATURAlness etc.)” Spatial or temporal variability of abiotic resources and factors. Abiotic heterogeneity has abiotic origin. To determine abiotic factors and abiotic heterogeneity the following indicators are proposed: “Soil heterogeneity”, “Hydrological heterogeneity” “Distwetlandce regime”, Possible indicators are: “Geomorphological heterogeneity”, “Other abiotic heterogeneity indicators” Energy is the lifeblood of ecosystems and of the biosphere as a whole. At the most fundamental level, what ecosystems do is capture and transform energy. To account energy budget in wetlands ecosystems possible indicators are: “Energy balance (capture, storage)”, “Entropy production”, “Metabolic efficiency”, “Other energy budget indicators” Matter budget describes the cycle in which matter is transformed from one state to another within the components of wetland ecosystems. To account matter budget in wetland ecosystems the proposed indicator is : “Matter storage” Other possible are: “Matter balance (input, output)” “Element concentrations (other state variables)” “Efficiency measures” The cyclical movement of water between the atmosphere and the ground surface in wetland areas, considering precipitation, evaporation, and runoff. The following indicator is proposed: “Water balance (input, output)”, Other possible are: “Water storage”, “Other state indicators”, 5|Page “Efficiency measures” State (Conditions) indicators assess environmental states (climatic, chemical, physical, biological state of habitat) in fresh water ecosystems. We have defined and quantified 44 indicators that are relevant for the fresh water ecosystem conditions. The indicators represent the ecosystems structure and ecosystem processes of fresh water ecosystems types. The table with selected state indicators of fresh water ecosystems is presented as Annex 6. Step 3: Collecting data – national data sets – Annex 5 Given the broad spectrum of scientific disciplines that cover the concept of ecosystem services, a full assessment of the impact of drivers and pressures on the provision of ecosystem services requires an interdisciplinary data combining approach. It requires coupling large scale environmental data sets or even very complex models that simulate processes taking place in the atmosphere, watersheds, soils and ecosystems with models that simulate socio-economic and agricultural systems in close relation with the consequences of resource use on land dynamics. Such integrated assessment needs to be translated into suitable indicators for wetland ecosystem functions and services and subsequently to the benefits obtained from these services. Some of data underlined are highly relevant for establishing indicators (Statistics, reports, remote-sensing, EU and national database), but other data sources as additional measurements must also be utilized: MOEW - ExEA - CORINE project, national data bases – Annex 5 Scientific publications Insitu data Additional remote sensing data EU data sources Step 4: How to assess 6|Page Table 5. Ecosystem state indicator assessment template Indicator type Indicator group Indicator Units Asessment scale Category n 0-2 species 1 (very bad)* Abiotic Red list plant species Structural Biotic ………… Bio Matter flow production …….. Functional Number/ UTM grid quadrat T/haY-1 10÷20 t 2 (bad) Water flow ……. …….. ni = 3 *indicated condition: 1 – very bad; 2 – bad; 3 – moderate; 4 – good; 5 – very good Explanation: for every indicator, according to the indicator measurement an expert assessment in figures from 1to 5 is assigned, according to the scale: 1 – very bad; 2 – bad; 3 – moderate; 4 – good; 5 – very good. The assessment figures for every indicator measured arethen summed up ( ni). 7|Page An index of ecosystem performance (IP) is then calculated, as the ratio of the sum of the indicator assessment figures to the maximum possible indicator sum: - ni/ni(max) Where: ni – maximum of indicator assessment, i.e. 5 (ni) ni(max) – sum of the maximum of indicator assessment (i.e. nх5) IP – takes values between 0 and 1) Step 5: Fulfill the matrix (by Burkhard ) The template of the matrix with the proposed subtypes is attached as a excel format in ANNEX 6 (by Burkhard, B.; Kroll, F.; Nedkov, S. & F. Müller 2012a. Mapping supply, demand and budgets of ecosystem services. Ecological Indicators 21, 17–29) 7. Assessment of ecosystem services Ecosystem service assessments on various temporal and spatial scale in fresh water ecosystems can support generation of maps of where ecosystem services are supplied and /or demand, quantify the likelihood and its probable impact on ecosystem functions and service supply/demand, and understand the value and flow of benefits to human populations. Assessment of ecosystem services in fresh water ecosystems focuses on indicators of final ecosystem services as developed in MAES (2013). Additional indicators and relevant parameters are listed in table 8 in order to support more detailed assessment if needed for specific case-studies. The indicators for most provisioning services provide for a more complete understanding of the service than for most regulating and cultural services. Step 1: Indicators for Ecosystem services assessment for fresh waters The Table 8. Additional optional indicators, which could be applied in assessing and mapping ESs in fresh water ecosystems is presented as Annex 8 Step 2: Collect data – national datasets – Annex 5 Step 3: How to assess Table 9. Capacity for fresh water ecosystem services 8|Page Potential Capacity for ES Group of services Type of services Local climate regulation Regulating ecosystem services Ecosystem type 1 Realized ES Capacity (RES) ES Capacit y (ESC) IP 3 0.6 0.12 4 0.6 0.16 5 0.6 0.2 Ecosystem type 2 ES Capacit y IP Ecosystem type 3 Realized ES capacity ES Capacity IP RESi/ RES(max) Global climate regulation Flood protection Etc. Crops Provisionin g ecosystem services Livestock Timber Etc. Cultural ecosystem services Recreation & aesthetic values Забележка: 1) Може да се използва IP индекса за корекция на потенциалния капацитет на дадената екосистема да дава ЕУ като се умножат. Това дава третата колонка „Realized ES capacity” (RES) по всяка услуга: RES = ESC x IP За цялата екосистема: RES = (ESC x IP)/RESi(max) – в този случай обаче трябва да се изработи скала за оценка по стойностите от тази колонка – например: от 0 до 0.3 - low; от 0.31 до 0.6 - medium от 0.61 до 1.00 – high 9|Page Realized ES capacity 2) Втори вариант да не се използва RES. Тогава остават само първата колонка ESC. Step 4: Fulfill the matrix The ecosystem service matrices consist of ecosystem services on the xaxis and geobiophysical spatial units (e.g. the CORINE 8 land cover types used here) on the y-axis. At the intersections, the different spatial units’ ecosystem service potentials were assessed on a scale from 1 (no relevant supply or demand) to 5 (maximum relevant supply or demand) for a hypothetical ‘normal’ European landscape at one time point in summer before harvest. For further description of the method see Burkhard et al. (2009 and 2012a). The normalization to this relative 1-5 scale aims at making different ecosystem services (measured and assessed by various indicators and units) comparable with each other. The template of the matrix with the proposed subtypes is attached as a excel format in ANNEX 7. MAPPING Step 8: Mapping Improvement of maps and quantifications. Site comparison: local peculiarities, spatial variations, times series Map compilation for the different sites, showing spatial patterns of ecosystem integrity and service. Mapping the ecosystems subtype state – layers and symbolization Mapping the ecosystem services – layers and symbolization Combining maps between ecosystem types LIST of ANNEXES Annex 1 Terms definitions Annex 2 List of acronyms Annex 3 Table of ecosystem types 10 | P a g e Annex 4 Map of ecosystem types Annex 5 National data sets Annex 6 Table 6 – Ecosystem state indicators Annex 7 Matrix for assessing of ecosystem state and ecosystem services (by Burkhard) Annex 8 Common table – indicators of ESS Annex 9 References 11 | P a g e