FPA-395_01 : PROPOSALS Dear dieter, here after the first draft proposal for FPA-395_02. This is mainly a list of proposals to be discussed and agreed. 1) AGH : ITER steel material were irradiated in 6Li 14MeV converter in Maria reactor. Samples were so active that some of them are going to be measured from now on. AGH manages to get SANDII unfolding code to better assess neutron spectrum in converter with the use of measured activation foils. AGH proposal is a detailed analysis of ITER materials activation, details to be further discussed 2) NPI : To continue the work on the gas production cross-section on further EUROFER components (we are considering W, Ta, Mn, V, C). A recent contribution by KIT (Analyses of shielding benchmark experiments using FENDL-3 cross-section data starter library for ITER and IFMIF applications, by Keitaro Kondo, Ulrich Fischer, Pavel Pereslavtsev and Arkady Serikov) made us NPI consider about TIARA-like transmission experiments at our energies (20-35MeV) with the focus on the O-16, (we wonder whether this last activity fits better to SINBAD related work) 3) KIT : To include, as far as feasible, another neutron transport benchmark experiment in the next grant. Proposed options: 1. A benchmark experiment on a pure Cr assembly. We discussed such a proposal previously (even "pre-GRT-395") but discarded it finally because of too high material costs of Cr. The arguments in support of such an experiment are still valid. Other things are changing - sometimes rapidly. Maybe it is feasible now ? 2. Utilize the materials that you already have available (Cu, W, ...) for a somewhat "design-oriented" experiment revealing new features/characteristics. Option 2.1: W/Cu experiment: This would be related to the divertor target (W: armour, Cu: heat sink). The layers should then be very thin - not really good for a neutron transport benchmark experiment. On the other hand, the W/Cu layer could be backed by a steel assembly (representing to some extent: divertor cassette, shielding material). This would affect the spectrum in both the W and the Cu layer. Would be worth to check experimentally. (The impinging neutron source spectrum should be shaped with a source reflector like you applied it in some other experiment). Option 2.2: W/PE experiment (PE/perspex as solid surrogate of water). W mixed with an efficient neutron moderator (like water or PE) is one of the best shielding materials. Such a solution might be used in a power/DEMO reactor. The PE, arranged in layers between the W layers, would provide a very soft neutron spectrum which will extend over the W resonance range down to, possibly, thermal energies- if the assembly is thick enough and sufficient neutrons can survive the resonance captures. The spectrum should actually change quite rapidly from the front to the back. Would be very interesting to see if we can predict the spectrum (and responses in W) with sufficient accuracy ! NOTE: Ulrich would favour Option-2.2 since such an experiment looks very interesting and is really missing. 4) JSI : 1- Jointly with AGH: As the follow-up of the previous activity, JSI is proposing the detailed analysis of the TLD measurements performed in TRIGA last year. As reported the TLDs provided by Władysław Pohorecki were measured in addition to the Mn and Au foils planned in the action. Corrections specific to the irradiation of TLDs (flux perturbation due to a large amount of Cd and glass, accounting of impurities in glass, detailed irradiation history etc) have to be evaluated to allow a proper comparison and judge the consistency between the T measurements by TLD and estimations based on Mn foil irradiations. The main objective is the analysis and interpretation of the TLD measurements performed on a voluntary bases and investigate the consistency between the Mn and TLD results. 2- As in the past JSI could participate with the sensitivity/uncertainty pre-analysis in the preparation or selection of benchmark configurations and post-analysis. Ivo, thinks that shielding materials involving O and W (& Cr if feasible), as proposed by KIT and ENEA would be of interest. 3. (Re-)evaluation of benchmarks in SINBAD, both those already included and/or new benchmarks, such as FNG-HCLL and Rez benchmarks. KIT KIT proposals for further discussion: 1.) Measurement of fast neutron and gamma ray spectra in the assemblies Ulrich proposed (where suitable. The available detector has a size of 1.5" x 1.5"). 2.) Continue to study, development and test of self-powered neutron detector(s) (SPND) for the neutron flux monitoring inside the ITER TBM. This will be achieved by means of the construction and test of a prototype of a new SPND more suitable to operate in a TBM neutron flux spectrum. The selection of this new SPND represents the output of the previous grant GRT-56 and FPA-395-SG-1. 3) Neutronics-related work for a TBM-NAS such as particular rabbit design/composition and irradiation tests 4) Study of SiC detectors suitable to operate and to withstand high temperature fields such as those expected in ITER. Particular focus would be on cabling and processing electronics. Tests with 14 MeV neutron irradiation with the detector heated at high temperature will be performed. This activity depends on the availability of already manufactured SiC diodes (production of new SiC diodes is most likely not possible with the usual funding) ENEA 1 - New neutronics experiment a) design oriented mock-up experiment on divertor using real ITER monoblocks, b) “water activation experiment” by developing a similar system as in JAEA/FNS experiment with water loop /active gamma spectrometer and shield but properly designed to verify and evaluate the uncertainty on the estimation of the prediction of ITER dose level in port cell due to water activation. We also supports KIT proposals (especially 2.2). However the question of costs is crucial as the ENEA financial situation do not allow us to spend too much money. We started an internal check to verify which materials are available (e.g. tungsten) and which should be the cost for a new experiment in support of divertor studies. We hope to have more data and a more clear vision at the next Paris Meeting. Of course we are interest to all the phases of the new experiment, from its design to irradiation and measurements at FNG including pre and post analysis. 2- We propose the continuation of the effort related to the development of diamond detectors in view of their installation at JET during the DT campaign in 2018. This is the continuation of present effort, in particular we need to concentrate on the development of proper electronics and the assessment of present design so to improve the present results as well as study the problem of calibrating the detector for on-line tritium measurement. 3- SPND : in collaboration with KIT we plan to study the Be-emitter SPND and to complete further studies on the Cr emitter SPND (some discussions are ongoing with ISIS and ILL lab. to see whether it could be possible to test these detectors at high neutron fluxes). Tests for diamond detectors are considered too. 4- We propose the development and validation of special nuclear data library for Direct one step method based on FENDL-3 for shutdown dose rate calculations in ITER (in collaboration with L. Petrizzi , EC)