Chapter 8 Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance Cell – smallest unit of life that can independently reproduce itself How do living cells reproduce themselves? Chromosomes Bacteria – nucleoid -> 1 chromosome (circular) Eukaryotes – nucleus (double-membraned) which contains chromatin Chromosomes -> Genes -> traits Bacteria and Archeae versus Eukarya Binary Fission Asexual Reproduction v. Sexual reproduction Asexual reproduction – simply mitosis; no exchange of genetic material Sexual reproduction – DOES INVOLVE exchange of genetic material between the parent cells; allows for genetic variation between parents and the offspring Cell Cycle Role of the Nucleus Parent Cell -> Daughter Cell Mitosis in Eukaryotic Organisms Somatic Cells – cells of the tissue/body/organism Gametic Cells – undergo meiosis Primary oocyte (female) Primary spermatocyte (male) Reproduction: cells arise only from preexisting cells (Dr. Rudolf Virchow in 1858) Unicellular organism - > unicellular organism Multicellular organisms Sexual reproduction: Once Male sperm cell penetrates female egg cell, a zygote (fertilized egg) is formed. Zygote starts to divide and divide and divide and … to form the embryo Cell differentiation 3 basic cell types of the embryo Mesoderm: muscles; circulatory system Endoderm: digestive system + repro sys Ectoderm: skin and nervous system Prokaryotes Binary fission 1 chromosome -> 2 chromosomes Synthesize more cell wall, more cell membrane Chromosomes of eukaryotic organisms 1 chromosome –> will duplicate into two sister chromatids (held together by the centromere) Cell Cycle Interphase – 90%/ metabolic activity G1 phase: first gap -> cell growth S phase: DNA synthesis e.g., humans have 46 chromosomes in their somatic cells liver cell in S phase 46->92 chromosomes G2 phase: second gap -> cell growth M phase: Mitosis -> cell division Don’t want mistakes when replicating chromosomes MITOSIS IS AN ACCURATE PROCESS Checkpoints G1 checkpoint G2 checkpoint M checkpoint Interphase – cell growth; period of synthesis; Chromatids have replicated; organelles have replicated; “getting ready” Prophase – 1st stage in mitosis Nuclear envelope starts to disappear Chromatin starts to condense Nucleolei disappear Start to see the formation of mitotic spindle Start to see centrosomes separate Prometaphase – 2nd stage in mitosis Chromatin becomes coiled /folded/visible Chromosomes visible Centrosomes are now polarized (1 at each end of the cell) Spindles are starting to connect the centrosome with the chromosomes via the kinetochore Microtubules are going to aid in pulling the chromosomes across the cell Metaphase – 3rd stage in mitosis All the chromosomes are lined up at the metaphase plate (center of the cell) Anaphase – 4th stage in mitosis Daughter chromosomes -are split and move across the cell to the opposite pole Cell becomes elongated Motor proteins- aid in motion of daughter chromosomes across the cell Telophase – 5th stage in mitosis See separation of nuclear material See formation of “two” cells See formation of nucleoli See formation of nuclear envelope In animal cells – formation of a cleavage furrow Cytokinesis Cleavage furrow – will start to pinch off the daughter cells so that they become “new, independent cells” Cytokinesis: plant versus animal Cytokinesis – when parent cell finally splits into two “genetically” identical daughter cells Animal cell: form a cleavage furrow – contracting ring of microfilaments Plant cell: vesicles start to form in the center of cell which will form the cell plate -> divide the parent cell into two daughter cells -> cell membrane AND cell wall are formed Anchorage, cell density and chemical growth factors Surface area How many cells per unit volume Chemical growth factors (e.g., growth stimulating hormone) Growth Factors signal the cell cycle control system Checkpoints G1 – most important Growth factor (outside the cell) -> combines receptor protein -> relaying of “cell receiving growth factor” through relay proteins – cell continues to grow G0 – non-dividing state G2 checkpoint: occurs just before mitosis begins M checkpoint Were the number of chromosomes properly doubled? Normal cell division Abnormal cell division Hyperplasia – greater cell division for a particular tissue that could be due to stress, environment Neoplasia – leads to carcinoma Cysts Tumors Benign Malignant Metastatis – spreading of cancerous cells throughout the body Radiation therapy – Cobalt treatments Chemotherapy Series of drugs, drug cocktails (mixtures) Surgury Leukemia – white blood cells Lymphoma – cancer of lymph nodes Lupus Humans 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) 44 autosomal chromosomes (22 homologous pairs) 2 sex chromosomes XX -> female XY -> male 2 sets of chromosomes – diploid 1 set of chromosomes – haploid ploidy -> chromosomal sets SOMATIC CELLS Mitosis: diploid parent cell to two diploid daughter cells Meiosis – cell division that is ONLY SEEN WITH GAMETIC CELLS -sexual reproduction - diploid parent cell to haploid daughter cells 46 -> 23 -genetic diversity Homologous chromosomes Tetrad Human Female 1 primary oocyte -> Meiosis I 2 secondary oocytes 1 secondary oocyte 23 chromosomes and most of the cytoplasm of the parent cell Other secondary oocyte 23 chromosomes -> hardly any cytoplasm 1 secondary oocyte -> Meiosis II 2 daughter cells 1 mature ovum (has all the cytoplasm of the original gamete) Other is another polar body Human Male 1 Primary spermatocyte -> 2 secondary spermatocytes (haploid, 23 chromosomes) -> 4 spermatids (haploid, 23 chromosomes) ->develop and mature into sperm cells Sperm cell -> delivery of the “goods” = chromosomes Meiosis – Sexual reproduction Separation of Homologous chromosomes Diploid to haploid state Interphase Meiosis I Prophase I – most complex phase of MI; 90% of the time required for meiosis Chromatin is coiling/condensing Synapsis occurs Homologous chromosomes come together and “pair off”: 2 homologous chromosomes, each with 2 sister chromatids -> tetrad Because of synapse process and closeness of these homologous pairs – possibility of “crossing over” -> source of genetic variability Metaphase I – chromosome tetrads aligning on the metaphase plate; spindles form and combine with the centromere (kinetochore) Anaphase I – migration of chromosomes toward poles Telophase I – chromosomes now at poles; cleavage furrow forming Cytokinesis – cells separate; chromosomes uncoil – might have nuclear envelope re-form Meiosis II Separation of sister chromatids Haploid to Haploid Prophase II – spindle forming; chromosomes moving toward the center of the cell Metaphase II – lining up of chromatids across the metaphase plate Anaphase II – migration of the chromatids toward the poles of the cell Telophase II – cleavage furrow starts to form Cytokinesis – cells split, each with haploid number of chromatids Differences between MITOSIS Asexual Reprod Somatic Cells Diploid to Diploid Daughter cells Genetically same As parent cell Stages Prophase Prometaphase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis Mitosis and Meiosis MEIOSIS Sexual Reprod Gamete Cells Diploid to Haploid Daughter cells are not genetically same 1 set of chrom Recombination Stages Meiosis I (Diploid to Haploid) Prophase I Tetrads form through synapse Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I Cytokinesis Meiosis II (like MITOSIS) Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II Cytokinesis Daughter cells are haploid Locus – place on chromosome that contains the gene responsible for trait Versions of genes: Alleles Homologous chromosomes can carry different versions of genes: carrying Allow for genetic variability – through crossing over Crossing over involves: tetrad (2 homologous chromosomes), chiasma Not two types of chromatids, but ….. four types of chromatids Two parental types of chromosomes 1 from mom 1 from dad Two recombinant chromosomes Karyotype Accidents – Non-disjunction Non-disjunction in Meiosis I n + 1 n+ 1 n–1 n-1 Non-disjunction in Meiosis II n + 1 n+ 1 n n Fertilization Egg: n+1 Sperm: n Zygote: 2n + 1 Abnormal Sex Chromosomes XY XX th normal male normal female XXY Klinefelter syndrome 1 out 2000 Female genetalia XYY meiosis in sperm formation XXX normal female XO Turner syndrome 1 out 2000 1 out of 1000 XXYY XXXY XXXXY Lethality Alterations of Chromosome Structure Deletion: part of chromosomes is deleted Lost fragment of chromosome Chromosome becomes shorter Duplication: part of chromosomes is replicated Fragment is replicated Chromosome becomes longer Inversion: two (adjacent) fragments of chromosome exchange places 2 fragments exchanging places Chromosome length remains the same Translocation: fragment from 1 chromosome breaks off and “travels” to another chromosome and binds with it Fragments break off and bind with another chromosome Chromosome length can be longer or shorter