CONSULTANT IN PAEDIATRIC HAEMATOLOGY WITH AN INTEREST IN STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION ROYAL HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN INFORMATION PACK REF: 34558D CLOSING DATE: NOON 10TH OCTOBER 2014 1 SUMMARY INFORMATION POST: CONSULTANT IN PAEDIATRIC HAEMATOLOGY WITH AN INTEREST IN STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION BASE: ROYAL HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN Applications are invited for the post of Consultant in Paediatric Haematologist with an interest in stem cell transplantation based at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow. The Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, is the largest paediatric teaching hospital in Scotland and is a world leader in the provision of child health services. It provides care, not only for children resident within Greater Glasgow, but is also a tertiary referral centre for children from the West of Scotland and, in some sub-specialties, including stem cell transplantation, for the whole of Scotland. The successful applicant will join the existing team of four haematologists and three oncologists to provide a secondary and tertiary haematology and oncology service to the West of Scotland. On call responsibilities will be for both the paediatric haematology and oncology clinical services and the haematology and blood transfusion laboratory service. Applicants must possess full GMC registration, a licence to practice and be eligible for inclusion in the GMC Specialist Register. Those trained in the UK should have evidence of higher specialist training leading to CCT in Haematology, have appropriate experience in paediatrics and possess a Postgraduate qualification (MRCPCH, MRCP or equivalent), or be eligible for specialist registration (CESR) or be within 6 months of confirmed entry from date of interview. Non UK applicants must demonstrate equivalent training. 2 ACUTE DIVISION WOMEN & CHILDREN’S DIRECTORATE Further Particulars of the Post of Consultant in Paediatric Haematology with an interest in Stem Cell Transplantation , RHSC, Yorkhill JOB DESCRIPTION This document is split into the following sections: 1. Information on paediatric services in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde General description of children’s services (section 1) Paediatric Services (section 2) 2. Information on the job and the selection process The Job Itself/Description of Service and Contacts (section 3) Personal Specification Terms and Conditions of Service Further information (section 6) The overall job pack also contains documentation around equal opportunities monitoring. 3 SECTION 1 CLYDE CHILDREN’S SERVICES ACROSS NHS GREATER GLASGOW AND The Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow The Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, is one of the largest paediatric teaching hospitals in the UK and the largest in Scotland. It provides secondary care for more than 900,000 people resident within the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area, and tertiary care for the 3m people living across the West of Scotland. There are 17 nationally designated services delivered from the hospital including cardiac surgery, stem cell and renal transplantation, Extracorporeal Life Support (ECLS) and complex airway management. The hospital provides care for children from newborns up to around 16 years of age. There is a complement of up to 266 beds, which include 23 integrated neonatal medical and surgery cots. There are 16 nationally funded intensive care beds and 6 high dependency beds within an integrated critical care facility. This facility has the physical capacity to extend to 26 integrated critical care beds. A new theatre complex comprises of 7 full theatres, scope room and dental suite. The Emergency Department currently sees over 43,000 patients per year. All paediatric medical and surgical subspecialties are represented, including general medical paediatrics, cardiology, neonatology, neurology, nephrology, respiratory, endocrinology, gastroenterology, immunology and infectious diseases, dermatology, haematology, oncology, rheumatology, metabolic medicine, audiology, ophthalmology, ENT surgery, orthopaedics and general paediatric and neonatal surgery. There is a neonatal retrieval service. The hospital provides a national ECMO service and is the centre for all paediatric cardiac surgery, bone marrow transplantation and renal transplantation in Scotland. A selection of child and adolescent psychiatry facilities are located within the campus. In its role as a major academic institution, the Division is home to a number of University departments as well as internationally acclaimed research groups. The hospital provides the major Undergraduate Paediatric Teaching facility for the University of Glasgow and accommodates the University Departments of Child Health, Child and Family Psychiatry, Human Nutrition, Paediatric Pathology, Paediatric Biochemistry and Paediatric Surgery. There is on site clinical audit and research and development support to assist with departmental research projects. The diagnostic imaging department located within RHSC provides ultrasound, CT, MRI and isotopic studies on site. All imaging is now film-less and is accessed through the PACS system. Specialist laboratory services have relocated to the new laboratory complex at the Southern General Hospital 4 (SGH) site, but appropriate laboratory services will remain at the RHSC site until the hospital relocates in 2015. Other Paediatric services in NHSGG&C There are currently three maternity hospitals in Greater Glasgow and Clyde; Princess Royal Maternity Hospital, Southern General Hospital and the Royal Alexandra Hospital, all with neonatal intensive care facilities. Paediatric neurosurgery has historically been located in the Institute of Neurosciences at SGH, but recently co-located to the RHSC site. There is one children’s ward at the Royal Alexandra Hospital providing local care for the children of Paisley. There is an extensive range of specialist community based children’s services across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Specialist Children’s Services are managed within community health and social care partnerships, these services are closely linked to primary care and social care services. New Children’s Hospital A new children’s hospital is being built on the Southern General Hospital site and this will be co-located with a new adult hospital and a re-developed maternity hospital. The predicted commissioning date for the new children’s hospital and re-location of RHSC Glasgow is summer 2015. The adult stem cell transplant unit will also relocate to this site facilitating a closer relationship of the two transplant programmes. Cytogenetics and diagnostic molecular haematology are located on this site. SECTION 2 PAEDIATRIC SERVICES Clinical Leadership Medical services are a key component of integrated hospital paediatric services within the Women and Children’s Directorate (of the Acute Operating Division, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde). Dr Jim Beattie (Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist) is the Associate Medical Director for Women’s and Children’s Services Dr Philip Davies (Consultant Paediatrician) is the Clinical Director for Medical Paediatrics. 5 National Service Contracts The Royal Hospital for Sick Children hosts a number of paediatric national services including paediatric intensive care. These national services are listed below: Paediatric Cardiac Surgery Paediatric Interventional Cardiology Brachial Plexus Surgery Complex Airways Extracorporeal Life Support (ECLS) Paediatric Intensive Care Transport Paediatric Intensive Care (in conjunction with RHSC Edinburgh) Renal Transplant Stem Cell Transplant SECTION 3: THE POST Title: Consultant Paediatric Haematologist with an interest in Stem Cell Transplantation National Networks and Services Managed Service Network for Children & Young People with Cancer (MSN CYPC): In Scotland, cancer services for children and young people (CYPC) until their 25th birthday in Scotland are provided within a Managed Service Network. Whilst care is delivered in 3 treatment centres – Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen – and 3 shared-care centres – Dundee, Inverness & Dumfries, the MSN acts as a cohesive single service for all children and young people with cancer in Scotland to deliver equity of care irrespective of geography or age. Weekly national MDT meetings take place by videoconference or teleconferencing for leukaemia and stem cell transplantation. The Cancer Plan for CYPC was launched by the Cabinet Secretary in March 2012. Professor Gibson is the Clinical Lead of the MSN and the department has representation on the Executive Group and all Steering committees. National Managed Clinical Network for Haemoglobinopathies: The paediatric haemoglobinopathy service at Yorkhill is part of the SPAH (Scottish Paediatric and Adult Haemaglobinopathy) National Managed Clinical Network which was established in April 2011. The Lead Clinician Post alternates between paediatrics and adults and is currently an adult haematologist - Dr Beverley Roberson, Consutlant Haematologist, Aberdeen. There are several working sub-groups including one designated to paediatric 6 clinical services. The network supports regular nationals MDT meetings which are conducted via video-conferencing as well as educational meetings for different professional groups. Both the Network and the clinical service at Yorkhill have close links with the national newborn blood spot screening programme for sickle cell disease which is based at the Southern General Hospital Site. Paediatric transcranial doppler scanning and Ferriscan are centrally funded and are provided at Yorkhill as national services. National Designated Service: The Stem Cell Transplantation Programme is a national service with National Service Division (NSD) recognition and funding. It has JACIE and HTA accreditation as both an allogeneic and autologous clinical transplant centre and collection site for bone marrow and directed cord blood collection. It is currently undergoing NSD review. The Department The clinical Haematology and Oncology service is part of the Medical Directorate and this post resides within the Medical Directorate. The department provides care for children with leukaemia, solid tumours, bleeding disorders and a range of benign haematological conditions for patients, predominantly from the West of Scotland. The department houses the National Stem Cell Transplant Unit and is the Regional Paediatric Haemophilia Centre. There are approximately 70 new patients with cancer annually, of which a third will have leukaemia. All eligible patients are entered into NCRI clinical trials. The department is an Innovative Therapies for Cancer Consortium (ITCC) centre and delivers Phase II trials for Scotland. Paediatric Haematology is provided by 4 Consultant Haematologists. Within this compliment there are specialist interests - one consultant has an interest in haemophilia, haemostasis and haemoglobinopathies, a second in adolescent haematology, a third in leukaemia and stem cell transplantation and a fourth is 0.9 WTE academic. The Stem Cell Transplantation Programme is a national service with National Service Division (NSD) recognition and funding. It has JACIE and HTA accreditation as both an allogeneic and autologous clinical transplant centre and collection site for bone marrow and directed cord blood collection. The programme is supported by a SCT data manager, CNS and Quality Manager. The service is delivered by a Consultant Haematologist and an Associate Specialist and this post holder will complete the team.There are close relationships with the Regional Stem Cell Processing laboratory, the Regional Transfusion Centre and Apheresis Service and the Paul O’Gorman Scottish Leukaemia Research Laboratory. The adult Stem Cell Transplant service will co-locate on the Southern General Site and closer working relationships will be encouraged where possible. The molecular laboratory haematology laboratory on the SGH site provides a Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) 7 service to Scotland, Ireland, Newcastle and Liverpool and a chimeric service for SCT. There is an EFI accredited tissue typing laboratory whose location is yet to be agreed. The haemoglobinopathy service cares for approximately 50 children and adolescents with sickle cell disease and 8 transfusion dependent thalassaemia patients. The service is delivered by a consultant haematologist and a Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialist. The postholder will join this team. Children attend the day care unit for red cell transfusions. There is a monthly sickle cell disease clinic which runs concurrently with Transcranial Doppler scanning as a one stop clinic. Children from out with Glasgow also attend this clinic for TCD scanning and in some cases e.g. children from Dundee, for tertiary clinical review. There are 4 surgeons on-site who have an interest in oncology, all of whom insert port-a-caths and hickmen lines. Radiotherapy facilities are at the nearby West of Scotland Beatson Oncology Centre and two Consultant Clinical Oncologists support this service. The West of Scotland Blood Transfusion Service provides an apheresis service for harvesting peripheral blood stem cells for intensive chemotherapy support. Specialist in-house Paediatric Renal, Respiratory, Cardiology, Gastro-Enterology and Endocrinology Consultants support the Unit. There is an on site Intensive Care and High Dependency Unit. The clinical work is supported by a full range of laboratory services. Haematology / Blood Bank provide a comprehensive range of investigations, including marrow diagnosis, haemostasis and thrombosis investigations, flow cytometry and molecular genetics. The Radiology Department has ultrasound, CT and MRI scanning facilities and nuclear medicine. There is access to interventional radiology. The Histopathology service is provided by 3 Paediatric pathologists. Medical Genetics is sited within the new laboratory complex at the Southern General Hospital. Clinics: Clinics are held weekly for on treatment leukaemia, haemophilia /haemostasis and haemoglobinopathy, twice weekly for general haematology, fortnightly for long term follow up leukaemia and stem cell transplantation and monthly for lymphoma . There are two weekly theatre lists; one for bone marrow, lumbar puncture and intrathecal administration and one for central line insertion/removal. Unit Facilities: The dedicated Haematology/Oncology Unit (Schiehallion Ward) opened in 1996. It has 22 inpatient beds, of which 18 are single occupancy cubicles, plus two 2-bed cubicles. In addition, there is a recently refurbished 6-bedded TCT Unit with recreational facilities for teenagers between the age of 13-16yrs in another ward (Ward 7a). All inpatient beds allow for a parent to be resident 8 24 hours a day. Four cubicles are fitted with laminar air flow to support Stem Cell Transplant. There is a comprehensive Day Care Unit with both consulting rooms and day-care beds. There are separate waiting facilities for Stem Cell Transplant patients who also have a separate facility for infusion therapy. There is an on-unit Pharmacy Suite, with dedicated oncology pharmacists, for the preparation of drugs including cytotoxic chemotherapy. Chemocare is in place with ongoing development. There is an on-unit classroom which provides both primary and secondary education. There are generous supported play facilities, in both inpatient and outpatient areas. There is a small suite for resident parents of bedrooms, a kitchen and a sitting room. There is also parent accommodation in an adjacent Ronald McDonald House and family rooms solely for haemato-oncology patient use at Cruachan House, run by CLIC-Sargent. Activity Outcome (RHSC – Glasgow): Solid tumour new patients per annum 20 - 25 Brain tumour new patients per annum 20 - 25 Leukaemia new patients per annum 20 – 25 Haemoglobinopathy (total numbers) 58 Transplants: Autologous 3-5 Allogeneic 10-15 Sibling 2-4 Unrelated 8 - 12 Medical Staff: i) Consultants: Prof Brenda Gibson, Consultant Haematologist Dr Elizabeth Chalmers, Consultant Haematologist Dr Nicholas Heaney, Consultant Haematologist Dr Christina Halsey, Consultant Haematologist Dr Milind Ronghe, Consultant Oncologist Dr Dermot Murphy, Consultant Oncologist Dr Jairam Sastry, Consultant Oncologist Dr Fiona Cowie, Consultant Clinical Oncologist commitment Dr Richard Jones, Consultant Clinical Oncologist commitment Full time Full time 5 sessions University Full time Full time Full time Sessional Sessional 9 ii) Other Medical Staff: 1 Associate Specialist with interest in Stem Cell Transplantation 3 Staff Grades – 2.2 WTE who work predominantly in DCU and OP clinics. A 4th post is about to be appointed. There are 2 foundation doctors Year 2, 1 grid oncology trainee, 1 /2 adult haematology trainees and 2/3 paediatric trainees. These numbers are subject to variation. Middle grade staff do not participate in the general medical paediatric on-call rota, but provide dedicated out-of-hours cover to the Haemato-Oncology Unit up to 22:00hrs Monday to Friday and 9:00 to 22:00hrs Saturday and Sunday. Overnight cover is provided by The Out of Hours Hospital Service. The Haematology Department is a recognised part of the West of Scotland Specialist Haematology trainee rotation with trainees attached to the department for a 6-month period. Similarly Paediatric Oncology Department is recognised as a Training Centre for Oncology Grid trainees. iii) Nursing: All nursing staff are appropriately experienced and trained in caring for children with haemato-oncology conditions. The department benefits from the employment of two Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Research Nurse and two Nurse Educators. In addition there is a Stem Cell Transplant nurse who coordinates patient care during transplant. There are also Nurse Specialists responsible for haemophilia care and haemoglobinopathy. There are 4 outreach Nurse Specialists providing support in the community, including chemotherapy administration, throughout a child’s treatment as well as in the palliative care phase. iv) Social Work: The CLIC-Sargent Fund provides social work support for HaematoOncology patients. v) Data Management and Secretarial Staff: There is secretarial support provided to the Haemato-Oncology Consultants. 3 data managers provide clinical trial and administrative support to the team, plus one stem cell transplant data coordinator. The role of the data-manager includes the registration and computerised collection of patient related information. In addition, there are dedicated paediatric physiotherapy, psychology, occupational therapy and dietetics staff. 10 Shared Care Shared care arrangements currently exist between Yorkhill and various District General Hospitals around Scotland. Regular shared-care clinics take place in Raigmore and Dumfries and Galloway. Shared care units provide varying levels of support, including blood count monitoring, treatment of febrile neutropenia and bolus chemotherapy administration. This reduces travelling and disruption to families, without compromising quality of care. They also have an important role in the delivery of palliative care. A transition clinic is run with the Beatson Oncology Centre for teenagers, with age of transition dependent on educational needs and choice. Library and Education Facilities i) The Hospital has its own medical library on site. Electronic journal access is facilitated in conjunction with NHS Glasgow e-library project and also through the University of Glasgow. ii) The Glasgow University Library is ten minutes walk from the Yorkhill site. SECTION 4: DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The appointee will be expected to care for patients in cooperation with the existing haematology team and to implement areas of special interest which complement the work of the Department. The two areas where the appointee will be expected to play a major role is haemoglobinopathy and stem cell transplantation. The SCT programme currently transplants patients with leukaemia and a range of benign haematological disorders, including haemoglobinopathy. The indications for stem cell transplantation are expanding to include a wider range of haemoglobinopathy, disorders of immunodeficiency and metabolic disorders . The appointee will share responsibility for inpatient care and participate in clinics. The appointee must commit to supporting trial activity and collaborating in appropriate local, national and international research. The successful candidate will be expected to organise their workload and operate an appointment system in a manner that is consistent with good clinical practice. The Consultant will be expected to undertake the administrative duties necessary to the tasks listed above, to the care of his/her patients and to the running of the service. 11 Managerial: The management responsibility of the post-holder will be to the Clinical Lead of Haemato-Oncology, who is responsible to the Clinical Director of Medical Paediatrics. Clinical Audit and Clinical Governance: The post-holder must be aware of clinical governance and clinical risk management and take an active part in their implementation, including audit. The Consultant will take an active part in the department audit and governance arrangements. On-Call Commitment: The appointee will be required to provide a 1 in 7 out of hours Consultant cover for haematology and oncology patients plus a 1 in 5 out of hours cover for laboratory and laboratory related clinical advice. An independent SCT rota operates, in which the appointee will be expected to participate. The laboratory cover when the hospital co- locates with adult facilities in 2015 have yet to be agreed. Leave: 6 weeks and 10 days per year of statutory public holidays (pro-rata to contract need). Consultants who have completed seven years service in the consultant grade will receive two additional days leave. Absence must be planned in advance by discussion with consultant colleagues. Research: The Royal Hospital for Sick Children is a teaching hospital affiliated to the University of Glasgow. Excellent research facilities are available, and the Consultant will be expected to initiate and participate actively in research projects and to supervise clinical research by trainees. The Division encourages all Consultants to contribute to research in their specialties, whether in basic or clinical areas or in the evaluation of health-care. Collaboration with University clinical and pre-clinical departments is particularly encouraged. The Division has a Research and Development Support Unit and a Director for Research and Development. Teaching: The appointee will take part in active postgraduate education programmes. This involves running education programmes for junior staff, (both for inservice training and post graduate examinations), local educational programmes which contribute to CPD and involvement in interagency education and training. 12 The appointee will take part in the teaching and assessment of medical students, particularly during the third, fourth and fifth years of their medical course. There will also be a variable requirement to teach postgraduates and other professionals including nurses, health visitors and professions allied to medicine. As a paediatric sub-specialist in a major children’s teaching hospital it is expected that the appointee will take an active role in education of undergraduate and postgraduate students and in the training of clinical staff. In particular, the Department provides the paediatric haematology training to Specialist Trainees in Haematology, supervised by the West of Scotland Post Graduate Committee in Haematology. The Unit is accredited as a Paediatric Oncology Training Centre. The hospital has extensive Postgraduate educational sessions, including a weekly Grand round and a half-day session dedicated to CPD activities. The appointee will be expected to participate in the Department’s weekly educational session. Continuous Professional Development: Continuous professional development is supported according to the guidance of the Royal College of Pathology. Active participation in clinical audit will be an important part of the post. Clinical audit in the hospital is supported by an Audit Department with appropriate staff. Work Programme The work programme attached to this job plan is detailed in Appendix A which is expected to be subject to some variation on discussion with the appointee. Agreement should be reached between the appointee and the Clinical Director with regard to the scheduling of the Supporting Professional Activities. General Provisions The appointee will be expected to work with local managers and professional colleagues in the efficient running of services and will share with Consultant colleagues in the medical contribution to management. Subject to the 13 provision of the Terms and Conditions, the appointee will be expected to observe the Health Board’s agreed policies and procedures, drawn up in consultation with the profession on clinical matters, and to follow the standing orders and financial instruction of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. In particular, where the appointee manages employees of the Trust, he/she will be expected to follow the local and national employment and personnel policies and procedures. He/she will be expected to make sure that there are adequate arrangements for hospital staff involved in the care of his/her patients to be able to contact the appointee when necessary. All medical and dental staff employed by NHSGGC must comply with all Hospital Health and Safety Policies. The appointee will have responsibility for the training and supervision of (junior) medical staff who work for him/her and will devote time to this activity on a regular basis. If appropriate, he/she will be named in the contracts of doctors in training grades, as the person responsible for overseeing their training and as the initial source of advice to such doctors on their careers. Details of Arrangements for Applicants to visit hospital All email addresses – Professor Brenda Gibson, Clinical Lead and Consultant Paediatric Haematologist, Tel 0141 201 9307, email Dr. Elizabeth Chalmers, Consultant Paediatric Haematologist, Tel 0141 201 9308, email Within the Women and Children’s Directorate the following list of useful contact names and addresses are available: Kevin Hill, Women and Children’s Services, RHSC, Tel Number 0141 201 0473 Dr Jim Beattie, Associate Medical Director, RHSC, Tel number 0141 201 0515 Dr Philip Davies , Clinical Director Hospital Paediatrics and Neonatology, Tel Number 0141 201 0128 Mrs Elaine Love, Head of Nursing, RHSC, Tel Number 0141 201 0006 Mr Jamie Redfern, General Manager, Women and Children’s Directorate, RHSC, Tel Number 0141 201 9273 14 REVIEW OF JOB PLAN Job Plan A formal job plan will be agreed between the appointee and their Clinical Lead, on behalf of the Medical Director prior to commencement. The job plan will be based on the provisional timetable shown at Appendix A. Provisional assessment of Programmed Activities in Job Plan For a whole-time contract: Direct Clinical Care 9 PAs on average per week (includes clinical activity, clinically related activity, predictable and unpredictable emergency work) Supporting Professional Activities 1 PAs on average per week (includes CPD, audit, teaching and research) 15 Provisional Weekly Timetable AM PM Monday Ward Duties/DCU Clinical related activity Tuesday SPA MDT/BM:LPs/Laboratory Wednesday Ward Duties/SCTQM General haematolology/ Sickle cell – sickle cell is once per month Friday SCT clinic/DCU SCT Planning Haemoglobinopathy MDT& MCN paediatric sub-group Meetings are Friday pm (not weekly) 2 DCCs OOH : on call for haematology Lab, ward and transplant. This would involve weekend ward rounds, 1:4 Notional half day/week Direct Clinical Care Fixed sessions: Ward Rounds Clinics Multi-disciplinary Meetings Day Care consultations Laboratory SPA Activities 2 2 1 2 1 1 The post attracts an 8% availability supplement. 16 Person Specification for Consultant in Paediatric Oncology Qualifications Experience Ability Audit Research Management Teaching Personal qualities Other requirements Essential Requirements Full GMC Registration and licensed to practice MRCP or MRCPCH or equivalent FRCPath On the Specialist Register for Haematology or with CCT due within six months of interview date Haematology training should include two years of experience in paediatric haematology Basic child protection training Ability to offer expert clinical opinion on all aspects of paediatric haematology Desirable Requirements Further qualification e.g. MD/PhD thesis APLS General Paediatric experience Some experience in paediatric oncology to facilitate out of hours cover A special interest in stem cell transplantation and haemoglobinopathy Computing skills Commitment to team approach and multidisciplinary working Counselling and communication skills Evidence of participation in clinical audit Evidence of initiating, and understanding role of audit in progressing and concluding improving medical practice audit projects with a Understanding of clinical risk management documented change in and clinical governance practice Active research interests Evidence of initiating, progressing and concluding research projects with publication Commitment to participating in and Evidence of management understanding of the management training process Evidence of teaching medical students Organisation of and junior doctors (undergraduate and/or postgraduate) teaching programmes Evidence of further training in educational techniques Evidence of ability to work both in a team Evidence of leadership in and alone previous projects Flexible approach focussed on service delivery Commitment to continuing professional development Satisfactory Immigration Status Occupational Health Service clearance Disclosure Scotland or appropriate Police 17 Check Ability to meet on-call requirements and regional commitments 18 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE The conditions of service are those laid down and amended from time to time by the Hospital and Medical & Dental Whitley Council. TYPE OF CONTRACT Permanent GRADE AND SALARY Consultant £ 76,001 £ 102,465 per annum (pro rata) New Entrants to the NHS will normally commence on the minimum point of the salary scale, (dependent on qualifications and experience). Salary is paid monthly by Bank Credit Transfer. HOURS OF DUTY Full Time 40.00 SUPERANNUATION New entrants to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde who are aged sixteen but under seventy five will be enrolled automatically into membership of the NHS Pension Scheme. Should you choose to "opt out" arrangements can be made to do this via: REMOVAL EXPENSES Assistance with removal and associated expenses may be given and would be discussed and agreed prior to appointment. EXPENSES OF CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT Candidates who are requested to attend an interview will be given assistance with appropriate travelling expenses. Re-imbursement shall not normally be made to employees who withdraw their application or refuse an offer of appointment. TOBACCO POLICY NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operate a No Smoking Policy in all premises and grounds. DISCLOSURE SCOTLAND CONFIRMATION OF ELIGIBILITY TO WORK IN THE UK This post is considered to be in the category of “Regulated Work” and therefore requires a Disclosure Scotland Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG) Membership. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) has a legal obligation to ensure that it’s employees, both EEA and non EEA nationals, are legally entitled to work in the United Kingdom. Before any person can commence employment within NHS GGC they will need to provide documentation to prove that they are eligible to work in the UK. Non EEA nationals will be required to show evidence that either Entry Clearance or Leave to Remain in the UK has been granted for the work which they are applying to do. Where an individual is subject to immigration control under no circumstances will they be allowed to commence until the right to work in the UK has been verified. ALL applicants regardless of nationality must complete and return the Confirmation of Eligibility to Work in the UK Statement with their completed application form. You will be required provide appropriate documentation prior to any appointment being made. 19 REHABILITATION OF OFFENDERS ACT 1974 The rehabilitation of Offenders act 1974 allows people who have been convicted of certain criminal offences to regard their convictions as “spent” after the lapse of a period of years. However, due to the nature of work for which you are applying this post is exempt from the provisions of Section 4 of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions Orders 1975 and 1986). Therefore, applicants are required to disclose information about convictions which for other purposes are “spent” under the provision of the act in the event of employment, failure to disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary action by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Any information given will be completely confidential. DISABLED APPLICANTS A disability or health problems does not preclude full consideration for the job and applications from people with disabilities are welcome. All information will be treated as confidential. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde guarantees to interview all applicants with disabilities who meet the minimum criteria for the post. You will note on our application form that we ask for relevant information with regard to your disability. This is simply to ensure that we can assist you, if you are called for interview, to have every opportunity to present your application in full. We may call you to discuss your needs in more detail if you are selected for interview. GENERAL NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operates flexible staffing arrangements whereby all appointments are to a grade within a department. The duties of an officer may be varied from an initial set of duties to any other set, which are commensurate with the grade of the officer. The enhanced experience resulting from this is considered to be in the best interest of both NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and the individual. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES The postholder will undertake their duties in strict accordance with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Equal Opportunities Policy. NOTICE The employment is subject to three months’ notice on either side, subject to appeal against dismissal. MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE In terms of NHS Circular 1989 (PCS) 32 dealing with Medical Negligence the Health Board does not require you to subscribe to a Medical Defence Organisation. Health Board indemnity will cover only Health Board responsibilities. It may, however, be in your interest to subscribe to a defence organisation in order to ensure you are covered for any work, which does not fall within the scope of the indemnity scheme. 20 FURTHER INFORMATION For further information on NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, please visit our website on View all our vacancies at: Register for Job Alerts at: Applicants wishing further information about the post are invited to contact Brenda Gibson on 0141 232 1880 whom visiting arrangements can also be made. HOW TO APPLY To apply for these posts please include your CV and names and addresses of 3 Referees, along with the following documents; (click on the hyperlinks to open) Medical and Dental Application and Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form Declaration Form Regarding Fitness to Practice Immigration Questionnaire Alternatively please visit and click on the “How to Apply” tab to access application for and CV submission information. RETURN OF APPLICATIONS Please return your application by email to or to the recruitment address below; Medical and Dental Recruitment Team NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Recruitment Services, 1st Floor Modular Building, Gartnavel Royal Hospital 1055 Great Western Road GLASGOW G12 0XH CLOSING DATE The closing Date will be noon 10th October 2014 21