
ADEC Committee, Task Force & Oversight Descriptions
Mission Statement
The Association for Death Education and Counseling is an international professional organization
dedicated to promoting excellence in death education, care of the dying, and bereavement counseling and
support. Based on quality research and theory, the Association provides information, support, and
resources to its multicultural, multidisciplinary membership and, through it, to the public.
1. Name of Committee or Task Force or Manager
Awards Committee
2. Purpose of Committee, Task Force or Manager (scope of responsibilities)
The Awards Committee solicits nominations for the following annual awards: Death
Education, Clinical Practice, ADEC Service, and Research Recognition and chooses
recipients for these awards each year. The Awards Committee considers possible
nominations for the Special Contribution award (not awarded every year).
3. Chair/Manager Reporting Relationships (where fit is within the organizational
The immediate past president is a member of the committee and functions as liaison to the
Board. The chair is chosen by the Committee.
4. Composition (by position or other qualifications rather than name; length of
Members of the Awards Committee must be members of ADEC. The composition is two
award recipients, two members who have been members of ADEC for at least four years and
have attended at least one conference in the past 5 years and the past president, who does
not serve as chair. The past president serves for 1 year, and other members may serve for 3
years. The terms should be staggered. The current President appoints members needed
each year to bring the committee membership to 5.
5. Authority (what committee/task force/ position has authority to do)
The Awards Committee solicits nominations from the membership and chooses the recipients
according to the following awards criteria:
Criteria for Death Educator Award
Expertise in the field as demonstrated by: advanced academic degrees, professional
honors, awards, reputation in one’s discipline.
Excellence in teaching as demonstrated by: judgment of peers, department chair, dean
and /or academic department, development of teaching materials, new courses, and
student evaluations.
Scholarly ability as demonstrated by: publication record and/or membership on editorial
boards of scholarly journals in the field of dying, death and bereavement.
Continuing growth as demonstrated by: keeping abreast of changes in the field and/or
being at the cutting edge of developing ideas in the field.
ADEC membership not required.
Candidate must submit the following 1) CV or resume; (2) 200 word biography, written to
highlight the specific award for which they are nominated; (3) commitment to attend the
next conference in order to guarantee personal acceptance of the award as a way to
emphasize the high honor of being chosen.
Criteria for Clinical Practice Award
Excellence in clinical practice as demonstrated by: honors, awards, reputation in one’s
area of specialization, judgment by peers, supervisors and/or administrators, clients.
Contributions to the field as demonstrated by: innovations in practice, dissemination of
knowledge based on personal experience and/or research, leadership in organization
focusing on clinical practice as it relates to dying, death and bereavement.
Continuing growth as demonstrated by: keeping abreast of changes in the field and/or
being at the cutting edge of developing ideas in clinical practice.
ADEC membership not required.
Candidate must submit the following 1) CV or resume; (2) 200 word biography, written to
highlight the specific award for which they are nominated; (3) commitment to attend the
next conference in order to guarantee personal acceptance of the award as a way to
emphasize the high honor of being chosen.
Criteria for the Research Recognition Award
Conducting research that adds/contributes significantly to the body of knowledge in
studies concerning death and loss.
Demonstrating an ongoing consistent record of research and publication in the area of
death education and/or grief counseling.
Research has been subject to peer review (accepted for publication in a refereed journal,
reviewed by a grant funding agency, or accepted for presentation at a conference
sponsored by a professional association in which proposals for presentation have been
reviewed prior to acceptance.)
Findings have been cited by other researchers or authors.
Findings have served as a foundation upon which prominent theories or practices have
been constructed.
ADEC membership not required.
Candidate must submit the following 1) CV or resume; (2) 200 word biography, written to
highlight the specific award for which they are nominated; (3) commitment to attend the
next conference in order to guarantee personal acceptance of the award as a way to
emphasize the high honor of being chosen.
Criteria for ADEC Service Award
Excellence in service to ADEC as demonstrated by: consistent committee participation
and other high-quality efforts to benefit the growth and development of the association.
Contributions to the activities of the association as demonstrated by: innovating
association programs, conducting workshops, assisting with conferences, serving the
Must be an ADEC Member
Candidate must submit the following 1) CV or resume; (2) 200 word biography, written to
highlight the specific award for which they are nominated; (3) commitment to attend the
next conference in order to guarantee personal acceptance of the award as a way to
emphasize the high honor of being chosen.
ADEC Lifetime Achievement Award
This award is designed to honor an outstanding individual in the area of death, dying, grief and
loss who has had a national or international impact on the field and has dedicated his/her
professional life to the development and improvement of death education, caring for the dying
person, and grief counseling.
Nominee must have made a significant contribution to the development and/or understanding of
thanatology that historically has and will continue to distinguish his/her work.
Criteria for Lifetime Achievement Award
1. The award may be presented to a deserving individual each year at the annual conference.
However, the Awards Committee may also decide not to give out the award in any given year if,
in their discretion, there are no deserving candidates nominated.
2. The award can be presented to either a member or a non-member.
3. The nominee must have at least 25 years of service in the field of thanatology.
4. The award may recognize a significant contribution with a definable body of work through one
or more of the following:
theory development
presentations at professional conferences
professional practice
5. The Lifetime Achievement Award is the only award for which a deceased person may be
6. The Awards Committee shall determine who receives the award(s) and shall inform the board
of their decisions.
7. Candidate must submit the following 1) CV or resume; (2) 200 word biography, written to
highlight the specific award for which they are nominated.
Lifetime Achievement Award Nominating Procedures
Self-nominations will not be accepted.
Nominating letters should address the nominee's qualifications for this award and
contributions to the fields of death education, counseling, research and/or caring for the
THREE (3) letters of support should be included from individuals who are knowledgeable
about the candidate’s professional accomplishments.
The nomination must address the nominee's qualifications for this award and
contributions to the study and practice of thanatology. Material supporting the candidate’s
achievements, such as professional articles, publication lists, etc., may be submitted.
The candidate’s curriculum vitae should be included in the nomination packet.
In the event that the nominee is deceased, it is the responsibility of the person
nominating the individual to provide the necessary information supporting the
nomination. In addition, the nominating individual should have contact with a family
member or friend who, if chosen, will accept the award.
ADEC membership not required.
200 word biography, written to highlight the specific award for which they are nominated.
*Selected award recipients are strongly urged to attend the Annual Conference, at which
the award will be presented. In the event the recipient is not able to attend, he/she is asked
to identify someone who will accept the award on his/her behalf. [Those who cannot
attend the conference may be held over as a nominee until the following year. Special
exceptions for illness or disabilities will be at the discretion of the Awards Committee.]*
Non-voting Board members (Forum Editor, Credentialing Chair, Student Initiative
Committee chairs) are eligible to receive awards.
The committees’ operations are confidential.
6. Limitations on authority (what committee/task force/manager does not have
authority to do)
Members may not receive an award while they serve on the Awards Committee.
7. Association policies impacting committee/task force/manager function (relevant
votes the Board of Directors has taken)
The Board has voted to allow deceased persons to be nominated for the Special Contribution
award only. The Board has required that the persons receiving the awards travel to the
conference to accept in person.
8. Interactions, influences, & interdependencies with other Committees
The Awards Committee works with the Conference Co-chairs to determine when during the
conference that the awards will be presented. Recipients of past awards and criteria for
selection for awards are listed on the ADEC website.
9. Job products (what work the committee/task force/ manager accomplishes during
a year)
The committee organizes the effort to solicit nominations, evaluate the nominees, and bestow
4 or 5 awards to qualified recipients at the annual conference each year.
10. Description of operations (how committee/task force/manager works)
Determine when calls for nominees go out and (to what venues. The committee
communicates by conference call and e-mail to organize the call for nominations and to
evaluate the nominees. The committee contacts the recipients and the runners-up to inform
them of the results.
11. Questions and Open Issues
See above sections as well as the following:
1. Lack of clarity regarding the Special Contribution Award and the Contribution to the Field
Award. The website indicates that both awards have been given. Criteria are listed for
only the Special Contribution Award. Should these awards remain separate, or should
they be combined?
12. Person completing form
Helen S. Chapple and Jack LoCicero
Updated Illene Noppe Cupit/Carla Sofka
13. Date
June 5, 2008, Rev. August 1, 2012 Rev. March 1, 2013