North Pointe Townhome Association Special Board Meeting – Grimes Public Libarary, Grimes September 1, 2010 Present at the meeting were Jeff Bramble and Pam Ireland of Edge Property Management, President Dirk Von Stein, Treasurer Shayla Sievers, Alternate Kirk Schmitt and Secretary Stacey Haylett. Homeowners present include: (Pam feel free to insert that information here) The meeting was called to order by President at 7:30pm at Grimes Public Library. Agenda 1. 2010 YTD Financial Review with Projections Jeff reviewed the 2010 Year to Date financial statement. Please see the financial statement for details of profit and loss through August 2010. Issues that have impacted the Associations 2010 Finances include: -significant snow removal throughout the Winter -snow and ice caused damages needing repairs -lightening strikes caused damage to sprinkler systems in a buildings -installation of dog waste stations requires regular upkeep -significant rainfall this Summer was a blessing and a curse; irrigation costs were down, however, the excessive rain caused water grass and crab grass to invade the lawn. a. Projection of Future Dues - No vote was taken regarding any changes for dues at this meeting. Issues were discussed that may influence the need to change monthly dues in the future. Reserve funds ideally will cover 2-3 months of operating expenses for the association in order to account for unforeseen expenses throughout the year. At the time of our meeting, it is projected that we will fall short of this ideal 2-3 month reserve by $18,800.00. -A special assessment was discussed as a way to help the association get back on track financially to cover a specific expense, which would be a one time assessment, versus increasing dues on a monthly basis. Again, no votes have been made regarding dues at this time. Dues will be discussed at our Annual Meeting in November. b. Past due Association Dues - Several homes are significantly past due on their monthly dues. Liens have been filed on their homes until those funds can be recouped by the Association. Services will be limited to homes that are not current on their dues, including but not limited to snow removal. 2. Update on Unfinished Units At this time, no action is being taken on the empty lots and unfinished foundation within the Association. Vision Bank/Ames Community Bank currently owns the property and to the best of EDGE’s knowledge, there are no current prospects for building to resume within the current year. Upkeep of the area, such as mowing and weeding was discussed, as it impacts the curb appeal of current homes for sale. Jeff reported that he feels that the current property owner would be receptive to upkeep issues as they come up and EDGE will address them on behalf of the Association as requested. 3. Groundskeeping Issues a. Lawn Care, including pet urine -Urine burn on the lawn is a significant issue. Homeowners are responsible for the damage that their pet’s waste causes to the landscaping. In order to alleviate this problem, it is recommended that homeowners do not take their dogs to the same place to void every time. It is also recommended that pet owners with pets causing significant urine burn look into alleviating the issue with a daily pill that can be found at any local pet store, such as PetSmart or PetCo, or talk to your vet about your options. -Issues regarding the bags being refilled on the waste stations was addressed. Edge will contact the contractor emptying the stations to ensure that bags are being replaced in a timely manner. -Irrigation: the irrigation system had a rain sensor installed so it should no longer run in the rain. If you notice that the irrigation system is running during a pouring rain, please contact Edge Property Management. b. Deck Staining -Staining/sealing of decks was voted on and approved by the board last meeting, but has not yet been completed. Issues were raised regarding our projected financials and the board voted to put off staining decks. In the Spring, the budget will be reviewed and a vote will again be held on whether to continue with this project. The decks will not all be stained in the same year. Homes on the Northern side of the association will be completed first, as they are older and have had time to cure. Homes on the southern side of the association will be addressed following the completion of the first phase. c. Drainage issues: Unit 102 Unit #102 has significant drainage problems due to the design of the landscaping around the unit. Due to the excessive run off, thaw and free cycle, the driveway has incurred significant damage and run off drains into the garage. Repairs are planned for the driveway and to re-grade the land between the two buildings. Discussion of the cost of this repair was discussed and the home owner agreed to wait until Spring to start the repairs. d. Snow Removal Plans Bids will be taken beginning in October for snow removal. We collect bids each season for snow removal. Costs for snow removal vary widely. It was discussed that homeowners would like for snow removal to be completed by 6am. Edge will negotiate terms with the winning bid. Discussion ensued on how to keep snow removal costs down. Suggestions included frequency of removal as well as not having the contractor do the sidewalks, since they are infrequently used. We do need to continue to remove snow on the sidewalks due to liability concerns if someone falls and gets hurt. Snow removal does not occur unless we get at least 3 inches of snow. 4. Covenants Review: a. Pet Restrictions: Animals are not allowed to run free. They must be leashed at all times. They are not to be chained or tied up outside in common spaces. Owners are responsible for their pet’s waste and any damage incurred on the common space by their pet. A fine of $25 per instance may be assessed for any pet waste not cleaned up by the owner of said pet. The association has the right to require the removal of a pet if the pet becomes a legal nuisance or unreasonably disturbs the quiet enjoyment of the properties. b. Storage of Personal Property: No personal property of any kind is to be stored outside the home. This includes toys, boats, campers, trailers, snowmobiles, bicycles, tricycles, etc. All personal property belonging to a homeowner shall not be stored in or on the common elements (including but not limited to all driveways and streets). Garages are not intended to be storage spaces and should be used to park tenant vehicles. c. Visitor/Guest Parking: Lines are slated to be painted this spring in the vistor/guest parking spaces. All parking spaces for visitors/guests are intended to be temporary in nature, reserved for guests and shall not be used by owners. All guests staying for extended periods should park in the driveway of their host. d. Default in Payment of Common Expenses (Dues): Dues are scheduled to come due on a yearly basis and as homeowners with EDGE Property Management, we are afforded the privledge to pay them on a monthly basis. Dues not paid by the 15th of the month will be assessed a late fee. If dues are not paid in a timely and efficient manner, a lien may be placed on your home until said dues are up to date. Services to your home may cease, including but not limited to lawn care, snow removal, trash and recyclable services. e. Prohibited Activities: No unlawful, noxious or offensive activities shall be carried on in any Condominium or elsewhere. If a nuisance is reported, the board of directors shall determine the unreasonableness of the noise or disturbance to others. Daycare, childcare services, music lessons and tutoring is specifically prohibited. *Any questions or concerns regarding the covenant and/or violations thereof should be directed to Pam with EDGE. Next meeting: November 2010 Pam will send out an e-mail to coordinate a time and date for this meeting. On current the agenda: Review budget Election for 2 board positions