HUMAN FACTORS ISSUES IN IMPLEMENTATION OF AA TO COMPLEX SYSTEMS Kheng-Wooi Tan, David B. Kaber, and Jennifer M. Riley Mississippi State University Mississippi State, MS Mica R. Endsley SA Technologies Atlanta, GA This paper presents a constrained review of human factors issues relevant to adaptive automation (AA) including designing complex system interfaces to support AA, facilitating human-computer interaction and crew interactions in adaptive system operations, and considering workloads associated with AA management in the design of human roles in adaptive systems. This work is intended to compliment earlier reviews, which have offered detailed information on topics central to AA (including dynamic function allocation strategies and triggering methods). The review demonstrates the need for research into user-centered design of dynamic displays in adaptive systems. It also points to the need for discretion in designing transparent interfaces to facilitate human awareness of modes of automated systems. Finally, the review identifies the need to consider critical human-human (or crew) interactions as well as AA induced operator workload in designing adaptive systems. This work describes important branches of a developing framework of AA and contributes to the general theory of human-centered automation. INTRODUCTION Adaptive automation (AA) has been described as a form of automation that allows for dynamic changes in control function allocations between a machine and human operator based upon states of the collective human-machine system (Hilburn et al., 1997; Kaber & Riley, 1999). Interest in dynamic function allocation (or flexible automation) has increased within the recent past as a result of hypothesized benefits associated with the implementation of AA over traditional automation, or technology-centered automation such as alleviating the operator out-of-the-loop performance problem and associated issues including loss of situation awareness (SA) and high mental workloads. Though the expected benefits of AA are encouraging, there are unresolved issues regarding its use. For example, there is currently a lack of common understanding of how human-machine system interfaces should be designed to effectively support implementation of AA. A theory of human-centered automation closely related to AA is that complex systems should be designed to support operator achievement of SA through meaningful and taxing involvement of operators in control operations. In fact, AA has been proposed as a vehicle for moderating operator workload or maintaining it within predetermined acceptable limits, based on task or work environment characteristics, in order to facilitate and preserve good SA. Therefore AA can be considered a form of human-centered automation. Humancentered automation is concerned with SA because it has been found to be critical in terms of successful human operator performance in complex and dynamic system operations (Endsley, 1995). Unfortunately, the relationship between SA and workload presents a conundrum to designing automation. Under low workload conditions associated with high levels of system automation, operators may experience boredom and fatigue due to lack of cognitive involvement, or interest in, control tasks. Operators of autonomous systems are often forced into the task of passive monitoring of computer actions rather than active task processing. Decreased task involvement can compromise operator SA, and consequently, system performance under failure modes, because operators with poor SA may find it difficult to reorient themselves to system functioning during unpredicted events. Conversely, cognitive overload may occur when operators must perform very complex, or a large number of, tasks under low levels of system automation (e.g., manual control). Increasing task requirements beyond that which the human is cognitively capable of can lead to feelings of frustration and defeat, as well as a loss of confidence in ability to complete the task. The challenge for AA research is to identify the optimal workload level, or functional range, under which operator SA and total system performance will not suffer. The key issues that must be addressed to meet this need include determining how the design of automation or AA methods effect operator workload and how system information should be communicated to operators to facilitate SA. In general, optimal levels of workload may be defined as those resulting in good SA and associated with positive task outcomes including meaningful operator work experiences, improved system performance, and increased system safety. Studies have demonstrated positive results in terms of operator SA when applying AA as an approach to humancentered automation of complex systems (Kaber, 1997). Unfortunately, at this point there exists no theory of AA that can optimally address SA and workload tradeoffs across all types of complex systems (e.g., air traffic control, production control, and telerobotic systems). This paper seeks to address this issue by supporting the concept of human-centered automation offered above and presenting an understanding of aspects of the relationship of AA to SA and workload not previously explored in detail. WORKLOAD AND AA Unfortunately, it has been observed through empirical study of AA that operators of complex, dynamic systems may experience workloads above desired levels, based on system design, as a result of concentrating on control function allocations and maintaining task responsibilities simultaneously (Kaber & Riley, 1999; Scerbo, 1996). There are two general cases in which workload increases may occur in applications of AA. Operators may perceive increased cognitive load in monitoring computer management of function allocations between themselves and automated subsystems, in part because of anxiety about the timing of allocations and the need to complete a particular task during system operations, or an additional load on the visual channel in perceiving task-relevant information on "who is doing what". The second case of additional operator workload due to AA may involve the human managing function allocation or dynamically modulating the degree of system autonomy in addition to performing routine operations. Under these circumstances workload increases may be greater than associated with monitoring computer-based dynamic control allocations (i.e., AA). Kaber & Riley (1999) objectively assessed operator workload in dual-task performance using a secondary task measure. They found that AA of the primary task was associated with workload levels (secondary task performance) slightly greater than expected based on primary task control allocations. The authors' objective was to maintain secondary task performance as part of dual-task functioning within 20% of optimal secondary task performance observed during operations not requiring primary task control. Average experiment performance levels were within approximately 30% of optimal secondary task performance. Kaber & Riley (1999) attributed this to the need for subjects to monitor automated dynamic control allocations or to manage them, which was not considered in establishing optimum secondary task performance baselines or the design of the dual-task paradigm. This is an important issue in the implementation of AA that needs to be considered by future research in order to ensure that AA achieves the objectives of human-centered automation (i.e., moderating workload and maintaining SA). Methods for dealing with AA-induced workload must be devised. A critical step to developing such techniques would be to evaluate operator workload associated with the implementation of general AA strategies separate from system task workload. These workload components could then be used to drive AA design. INTERFACE DESIGN FOR AA Implementation of AA may introduce added complexity into system functioning and control. Consequently, operators require advanced interfaces, which are useful for dealing with this complexity in order to enhance system performance. There are many general human factors interface design principles for complex systems that may have applicability to interfaces for AA. However, what is needed at this point are high-level and specific interface design recommendations that are presented in the context of systems to which AA is most common, such as aircraft. The application of AA to complex systems, like aircraft, often increases the amount of information an operator must perceive and use for task performance, including data on system automation configuration and schedules of control function allocations. On the basis of Palmer et al. (1995) recommendations, interfaces for AA must support integration of such data regarding "who is doing what" with task relevant data. And, they should ensure that all information is presented in a cohesive manner; therefore, function allocation information should have meaning to current task performance. Designing AA interfaces in this way can aid in the development of complex and accurate situation models critical to operator SA. Both SA and mental model development can be affected by system response feedback to a user's actions through an interface in addition to consistently displayed system state information. Feedback allows the operator to evaluate the system state in relation to his or her control actions, goals, and expectations of system functioning. Both individual and team feedback of knowledge of system states and responses has proved to optimize human-machine performance (Krahl et al., 1999). Lack of feedback forces the human into an open-loop processing situation in which performance is generally poor (Wickens, 1992). Introducing dynamic displays into adaptive system interface design is currently a critical research issue. A number of AA research studies have been conducted to establish interface design approaches to offset some performance disadvantages associated with dynamic displays, specifically mode awareness problems (Sarter, 1995). Ballas et al. (1991) studied direct manipulation which was anticipated to improve performance through: (1) reduced information processing distance between the users’ intentions and the machine states; and (2) direct engagement without undue delay in system response and with a relatively transparent interface. Ballas et al. (1991) found that negative effects of changing controls/displays (dynamic displays) could be offset by using direct manipulation and maintaining a consistent interface style. They also speculated that direct manipulation would enhance SA in assessment tasks in particular, and, consequently, have the potential to reduce automation and dynamic display-induced performance disadvantages. These findings are supported by other research that has shown that adaptive systems providing indirect manipulation and opaque interfaces have negative effects on human-computer communication and overall system performance (Ballas et al., 1991; Scerbo, 1996). On the basis of dynamic display, and direct and indirect manipulation interface research in the context of adaptive systems, Scerbo (1996) encouraged designers of AA interfaces to include as many information formats as possible to allow data to flow more freely between the human and system. In this way, operators may be able to communicate more naturally since information translation would not be limited to one or two formats. AA AND HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION Communication is a critical factor in achieving effective human-automation integration (Scerbo, 1996). To optimize performance, the human operator and machine must be able to communicate and exchange information about goals, plans, and intentions freely and effortlessly. This sharing of information between parties may change with changes in system function allocation and levels of automation associated with flexible automation systems (i.e., AA) and this must be considered in AA design and possibly interface design. In order to ensure effective human-automation communication under AA, a working relationship between the human and the system must be developed (Bubb-Lewis & Scerbo, 1997). Muir (1987) offered some suggestions for developing this relationship in adaptively automated systems, including providing operators with information such as the machine’s areas of competence; training operators in how the system works; providing them with actual performance data; defining criterion levels of acceptable performance; and supplying operators with predictability data on the reliability of the system. Also, appropriate feedback mechanisms and reinforcement during training are important. According to Woods, Roth and Bennett (see Bubb-Lewis & Scerbo, 1997), presenting the machine’s current state, goals, knowledge, hypotheses, and intentions to the human in a clear and accurate manner will serve to improve human-machine communication and prevent potential information misinterpretation. This is important because information misinterpretation has been identified as a key problem in performance that may serve to undermine human-machine interaction. In order to deal with the potential for operator lack of mode awareness in controlling adaptive systems through a consistent approach to HCI and encourage effective attention allocation strategies in using adaptive interfaces, two recommendations can be made in regard to structuring humancomputer interaction. First, as advocated in the interface design for AA section, the behavior, purpose, and intentions of adaptive systems should be made transparent to users (Billings, 1997). That is, communication between the human and automation should be open and clear. Billings (1997) also offered that information relevant to combined humanautomation task performance and the underlying functions or relationships should be presented clearly. In some situations, however, adaptive system behavior can hardly be anticipated making the possibility of conveying it limited. Secondly, Sarter (1995) recommended external attentional guidance be facilitated for users through timely salient system indicators enabling them to project future system states particularly in circumstances when system behavior may be unclear, or used in adaptive systems with silent behavior (mode transition without salient signals). AA AND CREW INTERACTION The introduction of AA in dynamic complex systems not only can affect the interaction between the human operator and machine, but it may impact the social interactions of human operators, such as flight crewmembers in an aircraft. Norman (see Petridis et al., 1995) pointed out that crew coordination among pilots is supportive of vigilance and SA and may lead to improvements in system status monitoring and early detection of system performance deviations from desired levels. Petridis et al. (1995) offered that the key element of effective complex system performance is crew coordination through (verbal) communication. AA may radically and qualitatively alter the communication structures between humans in controlling complex systems. Using the example of aviation automation, as noted by Wiener (1985), mounting evidence proves that crew coordination and interaction in advanced automated commercial aircraft cockpits are qualitatively different than in the traditional aircraft cockpits. There is an increase in requirement for operators to actively interact with automated systems in operations such as programming the system for control allocations via dynamic data entry and interfaces (Bowers et al., 1996). Consequently, human-human communication may occur at lower rates (see Bowers et al., 1996). Another characteristic of such systems potentially inhibiting effective crew coordination is that operators can usually collect system information without vocal communication among each other (Mosier & Skitka, 1996). Costley, Johnson, and Lawson found less crew verbal communication in flight observations due to advanced cockpit automation (see Billings, 1997). In addition, they also noted that the crewmembers were apt to communicate via automated systems instead of person-to-person (see Bowers et al., 1996). Contrary to these observations, Straus and Cooper (see Petridis et al., 1995) found that verbal communication was more prevalent among flight crews under automated conditions. However, human task experience may interact with the implementation of AA to impact crew coordination. Straus and Cooper also found that more task-related communication resulted in better pilot performance (see Petridis et al., 1995). However, instead of permitting more effective team planning and coordination, an increased frequency of verbal communication among pilots (especially heterogeneous aircrews) might pose an additional cognitive load as a result of, for example, aiding each other in interacting with automated systems (see Billings, 1997). For example, the aircrew in the American Airlines Flight 965 incident in Cali, Columbia in 1995 communicated continuously towards resolving a Flight Management System (FMS) programming problem unfortunately to the neglect of monitoring primary flight displays and aircraft altitude. Segal & Jobe (1995) made similar observations to Wiener (see Billings, 1997) that cockpit automation (in general) made it difficult for flight crews to communicate non-verbally, specifically to observe the actions of each other (e.g., copilot’s view of pilot in programming the FMS may be obstructed) due to the design of flight deck layout. They also observed that automation created new task demands for crew that limited interaction during certain system operations. Segal noted that automated systems have the potential to modify or alter the nature of nonverbal information available to flight crewmembers, for example, by simply reducing the control actions of operators (see Bowers et al., 1996). Additionally, some automation interfaces allow one crewmember to give instructions to the system without permitting the other to infer the nature of the input from observable behavior alone (Sarter, 1995). This may compromise nonverbal communication and isolate operators from each other’s situation assessment and decision-making processes and responses, thus increasing the possibility of errors in crew coordination and flight performance (Mosier & Skitka, 1996). SUMMARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In this paper, we presented a review of literature on issues in the implementation of AA and related the works to the objectives of a theory of human-centered automation. Automation research has yet to define optimal strategies to AA across a broad spectrum of systems that maintain workload in-check and facilitate and support operator system performance and situation awareness. We believe the hurdles to this include designing appropriate mechanisms for humanmachine communication in adaptive systems, structuring human and computer communication in adaptive system control to ensure effective performance under any mode of automation, designing AA to support crew communications for team coordination, and designing AA to consider operator workload in function allocation management and system/task responsibilities. With respect to system interface design and AA, general human factors guidelines can, and should, be applied to the design process to account for human information processing limitations in the context of specific tasks. Dynamic displays linked to changes in adaptive system function allocation have resulted in problems, due to clutter and difficulty of use. Interfaces of adaptively automated systems that use a consistent style regardless of the level of automation but that provide operators with direct control of system functions and make automation states transparent to users have shown promise. Further applied work is needed in this area. Research has pointed to lack of operator mode of automation awareness due to the purposed states, intentions, and actions of computer control not being predictable or clearly communicated to the human. Studies also identify system automation transparency as the key to improving operator mode or situation awareness. Dynamic displays that meet operator information requirements under various modes of automation have been recommended. The critical issue associated with both of these initiatives is designing interfaces that do not pose high information processing loads on operators in terms of data perception and translation due to high information density, and that actually meet operator SA requirements. In general, automation has been found to often increase human-human verbal communication because of functions being off-loaded to computers and the complexity of an operator’s role in system control increasing. Unfortunately, the capability of flight crews to communicate electronically through automated systems seems to have subtracted from a potential increase in crew verbal communication and other forms of non-verbal communication. With this in mind, future work is needed to identify critical crew interactions in complex adaptive systems and to design AA strategies to support them. Unfortunately, in designing AA strategies most research has not considered the additional workload imposed on operators in interacting with computer systems to manage dynamic function allocations. For AA to be effective in terms of workload moderation this must be a concern in the design of adaptive systems. This work was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center under Award No. NCC1330-99050488. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NASA. REFERENCES Ballas, J. A., Heitmeyer, C. L., and Perez, M. A. (1991). Interface styles for adaptive automation. In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (Vol. 1, pp. 108-113). Columbus, OH. Billings, C. E. (1997). Aviation automation: The search for a human-centered approach. Mahwah, NJ: LEA. Bowers, C. A., Oser, R. L., Salas, E., and Cannon-Bowers, J. A. (1996). Team performance in automated systems. In R. 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