3rd INEEE Conference : ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, DEVICES, SYSTEMS, COMMUNICATIONS, COMPUTERS. Organized by the INSTITUTE OF ENERGY, EXERGY & ENVIRONMENT (INEEE) www.ieee-institute.org and the European Society for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development / EUROPMENT All the delegates attending INEEE 2012 will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper for publication in the International Journals edited by NAUN, University Press. Selected papers will be forwarded to journals of Springer Verlag, Elsevier and WSEAS. Conference Place: Maybe the most famous tourist destination in the north Europe, Rovaniemi is a city and municipality of Finland. It is the administrative capital and commercial centre of Finland's northernmost province, Lapland. It is situated close to the Arctic Circle and is between the hills of Ounasvaara and Korkalovaara, at the confluence of the Kemijoki River and its tributary, the Ounasjoki. The city and the surrounding Rovaniemen maalaiskunta (Rural municipality of Rovaniemi) were consolidated into a single entity on January 1, 2006. The new municipality has an area of 8,016.72 square kilometres (3,095.27 sq mi) and an approximate population of 60,000. Since Rovaniemi represents the capital of the Province of Lapland, many government institutions have their offices there. About 10,000 of the inhabitants are students. Rovaniemi is home to not only the University of Lapland but also the Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences (formerly known as the Rovaniemi Polytechnic), which comprises institutes of information and traditional technology, business, health and social care, culinary studies, forestry, rural studies and sports. Local newspapers include the Lapin Kansa, Uusi Rovaniemi and ROI-press. Rovaniemi's most prominent landmarks include the Jätkänkynttilä bridge with its eternal flame over the Kemijoki river, the Arktikum House which rises out of the bank of the Ounasjoki river, the Rovaniemi Town Hall, the Lappia House which serves as a theatre, concert hall and congress centre, and the library. The last three mentioned buildings are by the famous Finnish architect Alvar Aalto. Claimed to be the residence of Santa Claus[10][11][12], Santa Claus Village and Santapark, is located 8 km north of the centre. Rovaniemi is also home to the world's most northern branch of McDonald's. The Arktikum is a very comprehensive museum of Finland's and the world's Arctic regions. Directly across the river from the town is the Ounasvaara ski center. The top of the Ounasvaara hill bears the site of some of the earliest known human settlements in the area. A phenomenon also attracting numerous tourists is the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights. In Finnish Lapland the number of auroral displays can be as high as 200 a year whereas in southern Finland the number is usually fewer than 20. SPONSORS (Universities, Institutes and Scientific Societies) IAASAT IEEE.AM WSEAS NAUN IASME EUROPMENT UNIVERSITYPRESS IARAS EUROSAM Plenary Speakers Input observability analysis of Exed speed wind turbine by Prof. M. Isabel Garcia-Planas Departament de Matematica Aplicada I Universitat Politµecnica de Catalunya, C. Minera 1, Esc C, 1o-3a 08038 Barcelona, Spain maria.isabel.garcia@upc.edu Decentralized cyber secure public safety communications and information management systems for a multi organizational environment by Dr. Jyri Rajamaki Laurea University of Applied Sciences Finland E-mail: mailto:jyri.rajamaki@laurea.fi Deadlines * Upload your papers until January 18, 2012 * Notification of acceptance: 40 days after each paper submission * CONFERENCE DATES: Rovaniemi, Finland, April 18-20, 2012 Topics ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT: Renewable Energy Sources and Technology, Power Generation , Power Plants , Distributed Generation, Co-generation , Energy Conversion and Conservation , Solar Power , Photovoltaic Energy, Solar Panels , Wind Energy, Ocean Energy , Tidal Power , Thermal Power , Bio-energy , Hydrogen Energy, Fuel Cells , Hybrid Systems and Vehicles , Power System Planning and Management , Reliability and security , Dynamic transient stability and voltage stability , Electromagnetic transient evaluations , Insulation co-ordination , Transmission & distribution equipment , Generator Protection and Control , Parallel Operation of Generators , Corporate planning and management , Alternative energy systems , Environmental issues , Electricity pricing and transactions , Power market , Power Switching, , Power Factor Compensation and Conditioning, , Capacitor Switching Techniques, Electric machines, Electric Vehicles, Batteries, Generalized Electric Machines , Electric Vehicles, Batteries and Battery Chargers , Impacts of battery rechargement on distribution systems , Fuel cell vehicles , Hybrid vehicles , Environmental issues and impacts , High Voltage Engineering, Protection Systems, Grounding Systems , Control Relays, Distance Protection in High Voltage Transmission , Load and energy forecast , Voltage Disturbance Computations, , Power Quality in Distribution, Power Quality Economics, Power Quality Standards, Transmission and Distribution, Transmission Planning , Transmission Protection , High-Voltage Transmission , HVDC Transmission , Power Electronics Applications , Transformers , Motors and Drives , Substation Distribution Automation , Circuit Breakers , SF6 Technology in Arc Quenching, CB Tripping Releases and Mechanisms , Power Engineering Education, Environment and sustainable development, Sustainable management, Indoor Air Quality in Offices and Houses, Quality of water , Global change, climate and biodiversity , Sustainable marine ecosystems , Climate and global change, Advanced Marine research , Research on Natural hazards, Cleaner energy systems, Renewable energy Systems, Combined Heat and Power Systems, Combustion and gasification, Energy Storage, Materials Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Hydrogen energy production, storage and transmission, Fuel Cells, Electrolysis, Hydrides, Biomass an Bio-energy, Wind energy and wind resources, Solar Energy Systems, Cogeneration Systems, Distributed generation systems, Energy conservation and generation , Distributed generation, embedded generation, Industrial Gas Turbines and Microturbines, Energy conservation in Industry, Economic and efficient energy systems, Socio-economic aspects of energy, Energy technology transfer, Oceanographic laser remote sensing, Applied thermodynamics and Ecoinformatics , Thermodynamics of Ecosystems, Environmental management , Biodiversity , Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering , Air pollution and its effects on ecosystems, Cost reduction and less emission, Coasts and Seas , Sustainability indicators , Environmental risk , Science and the humanities , Soil and agricultural issues , Impact on society, the economy and employment, Sustainable Process Model , Strategic Management , Natural resources management , Feasibility Analysis , Refurbishment Investment Appraisal , Governance, urban design and cultural heritage , Nuclear Energy and Environmental Protection, Socioeconomic and infrastructure issues, International strategy for energy, development and environment , Education on Energy and Environment, Special Topics. DEVICES: Fundamental Theory of Circuits Network Theory and Applications, Nanostructures and nanotechnologies, Molecular Electronics, Molecular Computing, DNA Computing, Circuits and Networks inspired from Biology, Metabolic Networks, Microelectronics, Microcircuits, Analog, Digital, Mixed-Mode Circuits, Electronics: Components, Devices, Systems, Silicon Devices: Technology, Modeling, Reliability, Optoelectronic Devices, Laser and Optical Systems, Thin Film Technologies, Very Large Scale Integration Systems (VLSI), Hardware/Software CodesignVery Large Scale Integration Systems (VLSI), Digital Filters, Highe Level Synthesis, Amplifiers, Nonlinear Circuits, Sensors, Physical Design, Time-Frequency and Wavelet Applications, Modelling and Simulation, CAD Tools, Circuits and Electronics for Data Conversion and S-D Modulation, Capacitor/Current Technoques, Prototype Devices and Measurement, Circuits and Systems for Control and Robotics, Electron Devices for Power Technology, High Voltages and Electric Machines, Device Physics, Physical Design, High-Level Synthesis and Testing, Non-Linear Circuits, Formal Verification, Semiconductors, Superconductivity Circuits, Computer-Aided Design, Instrumentation, InstrumentComputer Interface, Military Electronics, Electronics for Space exploration, Consumer Electronics, Circuits in Power Technology, Electron Devices for Video Technology, Circuits for Antennas Technology, Electron Devices and Systems for Radar and Sonar Systems, Circuit Models, Electrical and Electronic Measurement, Circuits for Industrial Applications, Circuit models for Electromagnetic Fields, Electronics for Signal Processing and other Applications, SYSTEMS: Neural Networks, Numerical Analysis and Circuits, Logic Synthesis, Fuzzy Logic and Circuits Design, Circuit Implementation for Fuzzy Systems, Multidimensional Circuits and Systems, Education, Circuit Modelling and Scientific Computing with Applications in Science and Engineering, Systems Theory, Dynamical Systems, Control Systems, Control Engineering, Soft Computing, Simulation, Modelling, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Systems, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Knowledge Modelling, Decision Support Systems, Hierarchical Control Systems, Aerospace Systems, Lightwave Engineering, Stochastic Systems, Non-linear Systems, Telecommunication Systems, Information Systems, Signal Processing Systems, Multidimensional Systems, Multivariable systems, Hybrid Systems, Multirate Systems, Speech and Image Processing Systems, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Manufacturing Systems, Decentralised Systems, Remote Sensing, Microelectromechanical Systems, Human-Machine Systems, Environmental Modeling, Sonar and underwater acoustic systems, Undersea Systems, Navigation and Tracking Systems, Space Systems, Wavelets, Systems Techniques for Wireless Applications, Filter design, Verification and Validation, Systems for Statistical Signal and Array Processing, Algorithms and Applications, Optimization, Finite Elements, Finite Differences, BEM (Boundary Elements Methods), Computational and Applied Mathematics in general COMMUNICATIONS: Microwave Theory and techniques, CAD design for Microwave Systems, Antennas and Radars, Lightwave technology, Submillimeter-Wave techniques, Microwave High-Power techniques, Microwave and millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits, Microwave and millimeter-Wave Integrated Solid State Devices, Microwave Acoustics, Filter and Passive Components, Microwave and Antennas Measurements, Microwave Superconductivity, RFIC's, Wave-guides, Microwave propagation, Ferrites devices. Cavities. Microwave Circuits, Periodic Structures and Filters, Tubes, Masers, Amplifiers, HF-VHF-UHF Engineering, Antennas, Reflectors and Lens Antennas, Arrays, Scattering, Propagation, Diffraction, Electromagnetic Compatibility Problems, Applied Electromagnetics, Electromagnetic Field, Numerical Methods for Electromagnetics, Mathematical Methods and Computational techniques for Microwaves, Mathematical Methods and Computational techniques for Antennas and Radars, Radio Engineering applications in Astronomy, Navigation, Aerospace Systems, Low noise techniques, Optical Fiber Systems, Communication Electronics, Signal Processing for Wireless Communication., Communications Switching and Routing, Physical Layer, ISDN, Computer Networks, Architectural Aspects, ATM Networks, Protocols, Network Architecture, Network Reliability, Narrow band and Broad band Networks, Modern Routing Problems, Privacy and Security Problems, Queuing Theory and Communications, Traffic Problems, Wireless and Mobile Computing, Communication Systems Integration, Cryptology, Military Communications, Internet, Programming Techniques in Communications Networks, Simulation Techniques in Telecommunications, Software for Communications Development and Simulation, Social Implications of Modern Communications, Soft Computing and Communications, Smart Interfaces, Computer/Communications Integration, Education COMPUTERS: Algorithms and Theory of Computation, Artificial Intelligence, Automata and Formal Language Theory, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Graphics, Computer Networking, Computer Vision, Computer Science Education, Databases, Information Retrieval and Data Mining, Distributed and Parallel Computing, Hardware and Architecture, Human Computer Interaction, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition, Multimedia, Operating, Networked and Storage Systems, Programming languages, Quantum Computing, Real Time and Embedded Systems, Security and Privacy, Scientific Computing, Software engineering, Wireless Sensor Networks,Programming Languages, High Performance Languages, Operating Systems, Hardware Engineering, Supercomputing, Parallel Computing Systems Architectures, Supercomputing, Reusability, Protocols, Routing, Scheduling, Fault Tolerance, Software Evaluation Standards, Distributed Multimedia, Performance Evaluation, Intelligent Systems, Digital Speech Processing, Statistical Methods for Signal Processing, Tele-automatic control, E-commerce, Tele-medicine and medical informatics, Tele-healthcare, Tele-manufacturing systems, Tele-artificial intelligence, Tele-robotics, Artificial intelligence, Computational linguistics, Computer networks, Interconnection Networks, Optical Interconnection Networks, Broadband Networks, Mobile Networks, Network Applications, Computational Biophysics, Computers and Biomedical Engineering, Computers and Automation, Digital Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition, Digital Systems and Computer Architecture, Computational Geometry, Algorithms and Multiplexity, Multimedia, Microprocessors, Microcomputers, Microelectronics, Mobile Computing, NETwork Management and Optimal Design, Software Engineering, Computation and Reasoning Laboratory, Knowledge and Data-Base Systems, Software Engineering, Educational Software, Knowledge Engineering, Security, Software Methodologies, Software Requirements, Software Design and Development, Software Maintenance, Software Metrics, Software Testing, Fault Tolerance, Project Management, Intelligent Agents, JAVA, COBRA, XML, Cyber-Science and Cyber-Space, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Software for Parallel and Distributed Systems, Databases, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Mathematical Logic and Computers, Image, Video and Internet Technologies, Web-Based Education, Distributed Real Time Systems, Distributed Data Base, Distributed Knowledge-base Systems, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Computer Applications in Science, Computer Applications in Engineering, Computer Applications in Business, Commerce and Economics, Computer Applications in Earth Sciences, Aerospace and Transportation Science, Computer Applications in Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, Healthcare and Bioengineering, Computer Applications in Acoustics, Music, Speech Processing, Computer Applications in Signal and Image Processing, Computer Applications in Communication, Computer Applications in Arts, Archaeology, Education and Animation, Modeling and Simulation, Law Aspects related to informatics