CHALLENGING WORDS autumn conversation dandelion exclaimed inhabited mysteries pollendaise precariously squint SUMMARY Lord and Lady Bugg live in Old Bugg Manor. No one has been in it for years. So they decide to have a party for all the bugs in town. But, they all think the manor is haunted. But, one brave bug joins them and they all have a great party! -- Conversation Questions--(1) Share with me your favorite part of this story. (Answer) Any logical answer. (Follow Up) Explain why it is your favorite. (2) Imagine you were Lord and Lady Bugg. How would you feel if no one ever came to your house? (Answer) Any logical answer. (Follow Up) Describe how you would feel living there. (3) Suppose nobody came to their costume party, what do you think they would have done? (Answer) Any logical answer. (Follow Up) Share with me a time when you felt alone. (4) Estimate how long you think they waited for someone to arrive. (Answer) Any logical answer. (Follow Up) Tell me what your favorite school party is? (5) Replace the word "costume" with another word with the same meaning. (Answer) Dress-up, outifit, play clothes, etc. (Follow Up) Use the word costume in a sentence. (6) List all the characters in this story. (Answer) Lord Bugg, Lady Bugg, and Snugg. (Follow Up) Describe which character you would like to be. (7) Search in the book for the page where Lord Bugg heard strange and weird noises. (Answer) Page 5. (Follow Up) Explain where the noise was coming from. (8) Hunt for the kind of costume that Lord Bugg wore to the party. (Answer) A clown costume. (Follow Up) Share with me a time you wore a costume. (9) Look for the costume that Snugg wore. (Answer) A cowboy. (Follow Up) Tell me some things a cowboy might wear or have. (10) Name the treats Lady Bugg prepared for the party. (Answer) Beetle feet sandwiches with pollandaise sauce: clover topped candies spread with jam. (Follow Up) If you had a party for bugs, what would you prepare for them to eat? Activities 1. Pretend you are Lord and Lady Bugg. Make an invitation for your costume party. 2. Pretend you are Snugg. Write a story about what it is like being in that big, dark, scary mansion. How were Lord and Lady Bugg? Use your imagination. 3. Draw a picture of yourself in any costume you choose. Write 2 sentences on why you picked that costume and where you are going! 4. Make a list of things you would need to host a costume party. Try to think of at least 10 different items you would need to have a grand party. Introductions 1. Show the children some plastic bugs. Ask them where they think bugs live? What do they do? How do they act? "Today our story is about tow bugs who live in a mansion. Let's see what they do in that mansion." 2. Discuss with the children what mansions are. And what the word abandoned means. Do they think an abandoned mansion would be scary? Would anyone want to live in one? "Today, our story is about two bugs who live in one. Let's read and see how they like it." 3. Show the children the cover of the book. Ask them what they think the book is about? Tell them to predict what might happen. "Today our story is about two lonely bugs. Let's see if you are right!" Book Title: Lord and Lady Bugg Author: Stephen Cosgrove ISBN: 0-8431-1207-7 2 4 10 12 Illustrator: Charles Reasoner # of Text Pages: 14 Building Oral Vocabulary eerie 10 regal 13 Prediction Questions What hadn't any bugs lived there? Do you think anyone will come? Why or Why not? What do you suppose the three of them will do? Book Level: golden This resource is provided by KYREADS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.