Introduction to Computers and Application Software

2440:105 Intro to Computers and Appl. Software
The University of Akron
Study Guide #1 (Intro to Computers, Windows, Internet) Summit College
Dept of Business Technology
Computer Information Systems
Computer Concepts
Basic Computer Concepts
 A computer is a machine that performs the following four basic operations known as the information
processing cycle (input, processing, storage, output).
o Input – the computer gathers data from users
o Processing – data is converted into information
o Storage – data or information is stored for future use
o Output – data or information is retrieved from the computer
Types of Computers
 The four basic types of computers are supercomputers, mainframes, minicomputers, and microcomputers.
o Supercomputers – fastest, most expensive, large and powerful computers for specialized tasks
such as mathematical calculations, weather tracking, satellite monitoring, etc
o Mainframe – large computers that multitask and often found in business and colleges
o Minicomputers – may be used in medium-sized businesses with smaller data storage
o Microcomputers – the smallest category of computers that range in size from servers to handheld
 Some of the most common types of microcomputers include desktops, laptop/notebook,
personal digital assistants (PDAs).
Components of an Information System
 The six basic components of a computer information system are hardware, software, procedures, data,
people, and network.
o Hardware – consists of the equipment controlled by the software. Types of hardware devices
(peripherals) include input devices, system unit, storage devices, and output devices.
 Input Devices – the devices used to enter data into the computer for processing. E.g.,
keyboard, mouse, scanner, digital camera, video camera, etc
 System Unit – holds the processing hardware, electrical power supply, disk drives,
circuit cards, ports for connecting other hardware and motherboard (system board). The
system unit has two important parts: processor and memory.
 Processor/Microprocessor /Central Processing Unit (CPU) – the brain of the
computer that controls all the commands and tasks of the computer
o CPUs are measured by the speed at which they are capable of
processing data (measured in megahertz (MHz) – in millions,
gigahertz (GHz) – in billions, terahertz – in trillions, etc)
o The CPU has two main parts: control unit and arithmetic/logic unit.
 Control Unit – obtains instructions from the memory and
interprets these instructions and executes them
 Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU) – performs the arithmetic and
logical operations for the computer
 Memory holds data, instructions and information. Two basic types of memory
include RAM and ROM.
o Random Access Memory (RAM) – the volatile part of memory that
stores information temporarily
o Read-Only Memory (ROM) – the nonvolatile part of memory on
which instructions have been prerecorded to help start the computer
and perform other tasks
o Memory is measured by size in bytes, kilobytes (thousands of bytes),
megabytes (millions of bytes), and gigabytes (billions of bytes),
terabytes (trillions of bytes), etc.
 Byte – represents a single character and consists of 8 bits
 Bit – the smallest unit of information in computers that is
made up of 0s and 1s
Enoch E. Damson
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2440:105 Intro to Computers and Appl. Software
The University of Akron
Study Guide #1 (Intro to Computers, Windows, Internet) Summit College
Dept of Business Technology
Computer Information Systems
Storage Devices – used to store data and information permanently. Data is generally
stored using one of the following forms: magnetic, optical, flash memory.
 Magnetic storage – uses sectors that divide tracks to store data
o E.g. hard disks, tapes, floppy disks, zip disks
 Optical storage – also uses tracks and sectors but data is saved using a laser
o E.g. Compact discs (CDs), digital video discs (DVDs)
 Flash memory – uses solid-state technology which is completely electronic and
has no moving mechanical parts
o E.g. Flash drives (memory sticks), cards used in digital cameras etc
 Storage devices are also measured by size in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes,
gigabytes, terabytes, etc.
 Output Devices – the devices used to display and print processed data (information).
E.g., monitor printer, etc.
 Monitors output soft copy and their resolution identifies the number of pixels
(picture elements) per square inch that appear on a screen
 Printers output hard copy and their resolution is measured in dots per inch
Software (program) – a set of instructions that direct the computer to accomplish certain tasks
 The two major categories of software are: system software and application software.
 System Software – enables the application software to interact with the
computer hardware. There are 4 types of system software: operation systems,
utility software, device drivers, and programming languages.
 Application Software –”end-user” software that performs useful tasks such as
word processing, desktop publishing, etc. Kinds of application software
include: word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation and
communication software.
Procedures – rules or guidelines for people to follow when using software, hardware, and data
Data – the raw facts entered into the computer system for processing to produce information
Networks – two or more computers connected in some way to share hardware, software programs,
data and other resources
 Each object (computer, printer, etc) connected to a network is known as a node
 Networks fall into two categories: local area networks, wide area networks.
 Local area network (LAN) – link computers within a small geographic area
like a building or group of buildings
 Wide area network (WAN) – link computers separated by a few miles or even
thousands of miles
 Network Topology (Topography) – how computers and other devices are arranged and
connected. The most common topographic layouts include: bus, ring, star, and wireless
A port is where all the peripheral devices connect to the computer to enable data exchange. Types of ports
include: serial ports, parallel ports, universal serial bus (USB) ports, FireWire ports, and connectivity
Introduction to Windows
Windows Fundamentals
 Operating System - set of computer instructions (computer programs) that control the allocation of
computer hardware.
 Windows (uppercase “W”) – an operating system (developed by Microsoft Corporation) with versions
such as Windows 3.x, 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, and 7.
 Interface – provides the means for dialogue between the user and the computer.
 Graphical User Interface (GUI) – uses graphics or pictures to represent commands and actions.
Enoch E. Damson
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2440:105 Intro to Computers and Appl. Software
The University of Akron
Study Guide #1 (Intro to Computers, Windows, Internet) Summit College
Dept of Business Technology
Computer Information Systems
Windows Screen Elements
 Desktop – basic screen (GUI) from which Windows and applications are run. Consists of icons, a taskbar,
a Start button, and a mouse pointer.
o Icon – graphical representation used to run a program.
 My Computer icon – an icon that provides access to files and folders on the computer.
 Recycle bin – storage area for files that have been deleted.
o Taskbar – A bar that contains the Start button and other buttons that will activate programs.
 Start button – used to navigate program functions on the desktop.
 Quick launch toolbar – an area to the right of the Start button that contains icons for
commonly used programs.
 System tray – notification area on the right side of the taskbar that keeps you informed
about processes occurring in the background, and displays the time.
o Mouse pointer – the arrow, I-beam, or other symbol that indicates a location, on your screen.
o window (lowercase “w”) – a rectangular area on the screen that is used to display files or
Parts of a Window
 Title bar – line at the top of a window that contains the name of the application and document, along with
the Minimize, Maximize/Restore Down, and Close buttons.
o Minimize – removes a window from the screen and represent it as a button on the taskbar.
o Maximize/Restore Down – enables a window to take up the whole screen or takes a window back
to the original size before being maximized.
o Close – closes a window from the screen.
 Menu bar – a bar, directly beneath the title bar, that contains commands in words.
o Menu – list of associated commands available from a command in a menu bar or from a list
opened by right-clicking an object (shortcut menu).
 Screen tip – a small box containing the name of a button that pops up when you pause the mouse pointer
over it.
 Toolbar – a bar, directly beneath the menu bar, that contains command buttons with icons.
 Horizontal/vertical scroll bars – helps to move left/right and up/down respectively to view information
that extends beyond the screen.
 Task pane – used to display commonly used tools.
 Status bar – a bar at the bottom of a window that gives additional information about the window.
Creating & Using Files/Folders
 Creating a new folder
 Creating a new file
o File names must exclude the following characters \ / : * ? “ < > |
o File extension – the three-letter ending to a file that identifies the file type. E.g.,
Type of Document
MS Word
MS Excel
MS Access
MS PowerPoint
Text Document
Windows Bitmap Image
WinZip Compressed File
Select multiple files/folders
Cut/Paste files/folders
Copy/Paste files/folders
Move files/folders
Rename files/folders
Delete files/folders
Enoch E. Damson
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2440:105 Intro to Computers and Appl. Software
The University of Akron
Study Guide #1 (Intro to Computers, Windows, Internet) Summit College
Dept of Business Technology
Computer Information Systems
Finding Files/Folders
 Wildcards
o A number of characters (*)
o A single character (?)
 Narrowing a search
The Internet, World Wide Web, & Web Browsing
Basic Internet Terminologies
 Internet (the “Net”) – a large collection of computers all over the world that are connected to one another.
A network of networks. Tools and resources used on the Internet (the “NET”) include:
o World Wide Web (the “Web”) – used to organize resources on the Internet for easy access.
o Electronic Mail (E-mail) – used to communicate electronically with people all over the world.
o Instant Messaging (IM) – allows direct, live communication.
o Social Networking – connects people and organizations to share common interests or activities.
o Web log (Blog) – contains personal logs or journal entries posted on the Web.
o Search Engines – helps to locate information on the Web and the Internet.
o Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) – buying and selling of goods over the Internet.
o Cloud Computing – uses the Internet to shift computer activities of individuals or organizations
to the Internet.
 ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) – the first “internetworking” project funded
by the US government for the military to allow computers to communicate reliably over long distances.
 “Fathers” of the Internet – Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn were primarily responsible for developing
communication protocols or standards (TCP/IP) still in use on the Internet today.
o TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) – rules that networked computers use to establish and
break connections.
o IP (Internet Protocol) – rules for routing individual data packets (small chunks of data).
 Internet Protocol (IP) addresses – sets of four numbers separated by dots (e.g., which are
the means by which computers on the Internet identify each other.
 Internet Connections – means to connect computers to the Internet. They include:
o Dial-up connection – uses standard telephone lines to connect to the Internet.
o Broadband connections – uses cable, satellite, and DSL for faster connections to the Internet.
 DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) – uses standard telephone lines for faster internet
 Cable – uses a television’s cable service provider to connect to the Internet.
 Satellite – uses a satellite dish to connect to the Internet.
 Internet Service Provider – national, regional, or local companies that connect individuals, groups, and
other companies to the Internet.
 Web browsers – software that allows locating, viewing, and navigating the Web. E.g., Internet Explorer,
Netscape Navigator, Mozilla Firefox, etc.
 Web site – a location on the Web.
 Web page (Home page) – the main page of a Web site.
 Uniform Resource Locator (URL) – a Web site’s address. Parts of a URL include: protocol, domain
name (server, business name, domain type), and path (folder, file). E.g.,
o Protocol – standard used to communicate on the web. E.g., http, ftp, etc
 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) – allows text transfers on the Web. The default
protocol used on the Web.
 FTP (File Transfer Protocol) – allows file transfers on the Web.
o Domain name – name assigned to a Web site. Includes the server name, business name and
domain type. E.g.,
o Path – path within a Web site that contains the folder name and file name. E.g.,
 Hyperlink (Link) – text, graphics, or other elements that connect to additional data on the Web.
 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) – a computer language that marks text with a set of tags.
Enoch E. Damson
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2440:105 Intro to Computers and Appl. Software
The University of Akron
Study Guide #1 (Intro to Computers, Windows, Internet) Summit College
Dept of Business Technology
Computer Information Systems
Basic Email Concepts
 Electronic mail (E-mail) – used to communicate electronically with people all over the world.
o Client-based e-mail – dependent on an e-mail account provided by and ISP and using client
software like MS Outlook or Netscape Mail for configuration.
o Web-based e-mail – uses the Internet as the client to help access e-mail account from any
computer with access to the Web. No special client software needed.
 E-mail server – processes and delivers incoming and outgoing e-mail. Functions as the postal carrier.
 Viruses – malicious codes or programs that are usually installed on your computer without your knowledge
 Worms – similar to viruses that spread across computers by borrowing into email address without any
human interaction
 Trojan horses – usually come with free installed software like screensavers to cause problems similar to
viruses and worms
 Spyware – designed to capture personal and confidential information on your computer to send it
o Adware – spyware that tracks users’ Internet browsing to install malicious cookies on computers
 Cookie – small text file with information to identify users on a Web site
o Key loggers – spyware that records every keystroke on a computer to capture all sorts of
confidential information like passwords, credit card numbers, etc
 Spam – unwanted or junk e-mail sent by companies that finds e-mails from either a purchased list or
software that looks for e-mail addresses on the Internet.
 Internet hoaxes – contain untrue information and chain e-mail letters.
 Phishing – lures users into revealing personal information that could lead to identify theft.
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