Derek Palacio
M.F.A. in Creative Writing (Fiction), Interdisciplinary Specialization in Fine Arts, The Ohio
State University, Columbus, OH, 2009-2012.
Thesis: Patria y Muerte, short story collection. Erin McGraw, advisor.
B.A. in English, Concentration in Creative Writing, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester,
MA, 2001-2005. Cum Laude.
Short Fiction
How to Shake the Other Man. Fiction chapbook. Nouvella Books. Forthcoming 2013.
“A History of Civility.” Puerto del Sol. Volume 47, No. 2, November 2012.
“Sugarcane.” The Kenyon Review. Volume XXXIV, No. 2, March 2012.
“Mangos.” Fósforo. No. 1, 2004: 60-61.
“Elegy for the Stem.” Thin Air Magazine. No 19, forthcoming Spring 2013.
“Elegy for the Stem.” The Pinch, Issue 32.2, October 2012.
“Elegy for the Stem” & “The Snow Leopard.” Fjords Review, Volume 2, Issue 1, featured
audio poetry, February 2012.
“Dear Royal Robertson” & “Summer Camp.” Quarter After Eight, Volume 18, February 2012.
“Latitude.” Las Angeles Review. No. 11, February 2012.
“The Lobster Hunt.” Thin Air Magazine. No. 18, February 2012.
“The Great Bulgarian Short Story Collection: Review of Miroslav Penkov’s East of the West:
A Country in Stories.” The Journal Online. Volume 35, Issue 2, Autumn 2011.
“Grief and Pixie Dust: Review of Chris Adrian’s The Great Night.” The Journal Online.
Summer 2011.
“A Self-Destructive Tendency: Review of Danielle Evans’ Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool
Self.” WOSU’s Writers Talk radio show. Spring 2011.
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The KR Conversations. The Kenyon Review Online. April 2012.
Award. First Place, Puerto del Sol 2012Fiction Contest. For the story “A History of Civility.” July
Finalist, Iron Horse Literary Review Single-Author Issue Competition. For the stories
“Sugarcane” & “A History of Civility.” May 2012.
Nomination, Pushcart Prize. May 2012.
Honorable Mention, The Helen Earnhart Harley Creative Writing Fellowship Award in
Fiction, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. May 2012.
Award. The Ohio State University Department of English Digital Media Prize for Outstanding
Graduate Work, Columbus, OH. May 2012.
Award. The Ohio State University Department of English Estrich Award for best graduate
seminar paper, Columbus, OH. May 2011.
Nomination. The Ohio State University Department of English Award for Excellence in Teaching
by a First-Year GTA, Columbus, OH. May 2011.
Award. The Ohio State University Department of English Digital Media Prize for Outstanding
Graduate Work, Columbus, OH. May 2010.
Award. Graduate Enrichment Fellowship, The Ohio State University. Fall 2009-Spring 2010.
Creative Writing Institute Faculty Reading. Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA.
September 2012.
“Ars Cubano - Exile, Inherited Memory and Fiction Writing.” NEU EGSA Memory Remains
Conference, Northeastern University, Boston, MA. April 2012.
“Thinking Alike: The MFA Mindset as Fundamental to Writing Center Pedagogy.” ECWCA
Annual Conference, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN. March 2012
Mother Tongue Reading Series. Columbus, Ohio. March 2012, May 2011, January 2010.
“A Protean Perspective: Shifting between the ‘We’ and ‘I’ in Fiction.” Collections and
Collaborations: IUB's Annual International Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference,
Bloomington, IN. March 2011.
“An Honest Inquiry of Origins: Collaborative Audio Interpretations of the Unknown in
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Examination of Artistic Choice.” Collections & Collaborations: IUB's International
Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference, Bloomington, IN. March 2011.
“Ekphrasis as Endpoint: Reflections of Jeff Koons’ Conceptual Art in Don DeLillo’s
White Noise.” Louisville Conference on Literature and Art since 1900, University
of Louisville, KY. March 2011.
Student/Faculty Reading Series. Creative Writing Program at The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH. February 2011.
Panelist, “The Winter Writing Roundtable for Experimental Writing in Qualitative
Research.” The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. January 2011.
Lecturer. Bucknell University. Fall 2012-Present.
Instructor, English 106: Literature & Screenwriting.
Adjunct Professor. Susquehanna University. Fall 2012-Present
Instructor, English 205: Living Writers.
Instructor, Interdisciplinary Studies 315: Self-Exploration through Travel Writing.
Graduate Teaching Associate. The Ohio State University. Fall 2010-Spring 2012.
Instructor, Composition 110, The Immigrant in Short Fiction.
Instructor, Special Topics in Fiction 465: International Short Fiction
Instructor, Introduction to Fiction Writing 265.
Assistant, Introduction to Fiction Writing 265.
Instructor, Composition 110, The Rhetoric of New Technology.
Instructor, Composition 110, The Rhetoric of the Non-Citizen.
Instructor, Composition 110, The Rhetoric of Immigration.
Tutor. The Ohio State University Writing Center. Fall 2011-Spring 2012.
Editor & Contributor. A Stationary Feast Web Project. Spring 2011-Present.
Executive Editor. Commonplace Online Journal. Fall 2010-Spring 2012.
Substitute Teacher. Target Range School, Missoula, MT. 2008-2009.
English Faculty, Coach, Residential Advisor. Fay School, Southborough, MA, 2005-2008.
Writing Coach, Writing Committee Member. Posse Foundation, Boston, MA, 2006-2008.
English Faculty, Recreation Leader, Residential Advisor. Brewster Academy Summer Session,
Wolfeboro, NH. Summers 2005-2007.
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National Association of Latino Arts and Culture. 2012-Present.
National Books Critics Circle Member. 2012-Present.
The Association of Writers and Writing Programs. 2009-Present.
The Ohio State University Writers’ Guild. 2009-2012.
English Graduate Organization. The Ohio State University. 2009-2012.
Reader. OSU Press/The Journal Short Fiction Prize. 2009-2012.
Reader. OSU Press/The Journal Wheeler Prize in Poetry. Fall 2011.
Grant Writer, Reader & Book Reviewer. The Journal. 2009-2012.
MFA Committee. OSU Creative Writing Program, Columbus, OH. Fall 2010-Spring 2011.