1. A program of study that outlines the courses and experiences required for candidates to complete the program. The program of study must include course titles. (This information may be provided as an attachment from the college catalog or as a student advisement sheet.) Number SEDF 203 SEDF 204 SEDF 205 SEDF 206 SEDC 210 SEDC 220 SEDC 215 SEDC 325 SEDC 455 HIST 111 HIST 112 HIST 151 HIST 152 POLSCI 111 ECON 100 GEOG 241 GEOG 251 HIST 250.66 HIST 277 HIST 278 HIST 289 HIST 317 HIST 353 GEOG 270 GEOG 271 GEOG 275 GEOG 277 GEOG 278 GEOG 328 GEOG 341 GEOG342 GEOG 380 Title Credits Social Foundations of Education: Grades 7-12 Adolescent Development Educational Psychology: Applications in Grades 7-12 Assessment of the Teaching and Learning Process in Grades 7-12 Building the Foundations of Literacy in Grades 7-12 Adolescent Health and Safety Methods I: Classroom Organization, Management, and Instruction in Social Studies, Grades 7-12 Methods II: Teaching for Diverse Learners in Social Studies, Grades 7-12 Student Teaching in Social Studies, Grades 7-12 World History to 1500 World History from 1500 to Present For History Majors The United States from the Colonial Era to the Civil War The United States from the Civil War Era to the Present 300 level capstone course in history one course in geography one course in political science once course in economics For Geography Majors Introduction to American Government and Politics 3 2 2 2 Introduction to Economics Population Geography Geography of the United States and Canada 2 history courses (at least one at the 300 level) from Introduction to Caribbean History 3 3 3 Asian Civilization Modern Asian Civilization African in the 19th and 20th Centuries History of the American City History of New York City 2 geography courses (at least one at the 300 level) from Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean South America Sub-Saharan Africa East Asia Russia and Central Asia Urban Environment Problems: Evaluations and Solutions Urban Geography Geography of International Migration and Ethnicity 1 course in cultural anthropology or sociology Seminar in Geographic Concepts and Methodology 3 3 3 3 3 Fieldwork Requirements 36 hours 3 1 3 2 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 60 days Course Descriptions ECO 100 INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS GER 2/B BASIC ECONOMIC CONCEPTS AND THOUGHT; ISSUES AND POLICY. RECOMMENDED AS A FIRST COURSE FOR STUDENTS WITH NO PRIOR COURSES IN ECONOMICS. NOT OPEN TO STUDENTS WHO HAVE TAKEN OR ARE CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN ECO 200 OR 201 OR THEIR EQUIVALENTS. 3 HRS, 3 CR. GEOG 241 POPULATION GEOGRAPHY GER 3/B PD/B OR C GEOGRAPHIC ASPECTS, INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES OF FERTILITY, MORTALITY AND MIGRATION. POPULATION GROWTH IN RELATION TO RESOURCE BASES. PROCESSES AND IMPACTS OF IMMIGRATION AND URBAN ETHNICITY. ONE SECTION IS OFFERED IN JANUARY INTERSESSION IN HAWAII. PREREQ: GEOG 101 OR 150 OR PERM INSTR. 3 HRS, 3 CR. GEOG 251 GEOGRAPHY OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA GER 3/B ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF NATURAL ENVIRONMENT TO ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL LIFE OF NORTH AMERICA. EMPHASIS ON U.S. PREREQ: GEOG 101 OR PERM INSTR.3 HRS, 3 CR GEOG 270 REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY OF MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN GER 3/B PD/A ANALYSIS OF RELATIONSHIP OF NATURAL ENVIRONMENT TO ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL LIFE OF MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA AND WEST INDIES. 3 HRS, 3 CR. GEOG 271 REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY OF SOUTH AMERICA GER 3/B PD/A ANALYSIS OF RELATIONSHIP OF NATURAL ENVIRONMENT TO ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL LIFE OF SOUTH AMERICA. 3 HRS, 3 CR GEOG 275 REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY OF SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA GER 3/B PD/A ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF NATURAL ENVIRONMENT TO ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL LIFE OF AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA. 3 HRS, 3 CR. GEOG 277 REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY OF EAST ASIA GER 3/B PD/A ANALYSIS OF EAST ASIA’S POTENTIALS IN TERMS OF NATURAL RESOURCES, POPULATION, INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE, WITH EMPHASIS ON CHINA. 3 HRS, 3 CR. GEOG 278 REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY OF RUSSIA ANDCENTRAL ASIA GER 3/B PD/A OR D ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT TO ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL LIFE OF RUSSIA, THE FORMER SOVIET REPUBLICS OF CENTRAL ASIA AND MONGOLIA. 3 HRS, 3 CR. GEOG 328 URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS:EVALUATIONS AND SOLUTIONS GER 3/B OPEN TO JR/SR ONLY. THE SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS OF URBAN AND METROPOLITAN AREAS WILL BE STUDIED, INCLUDING WATER SUPPLIES, WASTE MANAGEMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND WATERFRONT USE. NATURAL PHYSICAL PROCESSES, METHODOLOGIES AND TECHNIQUES WILL BE REVIEWED AND APPLIED TO DECISION MAKING. TRANSPORTATION FEE FOR FIELD WORK MAY BE REQUIRED. PREREQ: GEOG 101 OR URBS 102 OR GEOL 101; 3 HRS, 3 CR. GEOG 341 URBAN GEOGRAPHY GER 3/B OPEN TO JR/SR ONLY. SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF FUNCTIONS OF METROPOLITAN AREAS. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF CITIES AND SUBURBS. LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION PATTERNS. PREREQ: GEOG 101 OR PERM INSTR. 3 HRS, 3 CR. GEOG 342 GEOGRAPHY OF INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND ETHNICITY PD/B QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE EXAMINATION OF HISTORIC AND CONTEMPORARY INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION PATTERNS. SPATIAL DEMOGRAPHIC IMPACTS OF IMMIGRATION POLICY IN THE UNITED STATES WITH A FOCUS ON MAJOR URBAN CENTERS. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ETHNIC AND RACIAL MINORITIES IN THE UNITED STATES. PREREQ: GEOG 241 OR PERM INSTR. 3 HRS, 3 CR. GEOG 380 SEMINAR IN GEOGRAPHIC CONCEPTS AND METHODOLOGY GER 3/B OPEN TO JR/SR ONLY. INVESTIGATIONS OF EVOLUTION, CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY. PREREQ: PERM HIST 111 WORLD HISTORY TO 1500 GER 2/B PD/A THE RISE OF CIVILIZATIONS; TECHNOLOGICAL AND INTELLECTUAL BREAKTHROUGHS; CLASSICAL CULTURES AND EMPIRES; INTERREGIONAL CONNECTIONS; THE SPREAD OF CIVILIZATION ACROSS THE GLOBE. 3 HRS, 3 CR. HIST 112 WORLD HISTORY FROM 1500 TO THE PRESENT GER 2/B THE TRANSITION FROM RELATIVELY ISOLATED INDIVIDUAL CULTURES TO AN INTERRELATED GLOBAL NETWORK; THE IMPACT OF THE DEMOCRATIC AND SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTIONS; THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONALISM AND INTERNATIONALISMAMONG THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD. 3 HRS, 3 CR. HIST 151(W) THE UNITED STATES FROM THE COLONIAL ERA TO THE CIVIL WAR GER 1/C OR 2/B AMERICAN POLITICAL, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL HISTORY FROM THE TIME OF THE EUROPEAN SETTLEMENTS TO THE CIVIL WAR. PRE- OR COREQ: ENGL 120 3 HRS, 3 CR. HIST 152(W) THE UNITED STATES FROM THE CIVIL WAR ERA TO THE PRESENT GER 1/C OR 2/B AMERICAN POLITICAL, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL HISTORY FROM THE CIVIL WAR TO THE PRESENT. PRE- OR COREQ: ENGL 120 3 HRS, 3 CR. HIST 250.66 INTRODUCTION TO CARIBBEAN HISTORY 3 HRS, 3 CR. HIST 277 EAST ASIA TO 1600 GER 2/B PD/A SURVEY OF TRADITIONAL CULTURES AND SOCIOPOLITICAL STRUCTURES OF CHINA, JAPAN, KOREA AND VIETNAM TO ABOUT 1600 AD. 3 HRS, 3 CR. HIST 278 EAST ASIA, 1600 TO THE PRESENT GER 2/B PD/A COMING OF WEST TO ASIA AND RESULTING PROCESSES OF REVOLUTION AND MODERNIZATION AFTER 1600 AD. 3 HRS, 3 CR. HIST 289 AFRICA IN THE 19TH AND 20TH CENTURIES GER 2/B PD/A HISTORICAL EXPLANATION OF INDEPENDENT AFRICA RISING AFTER COLONIALISM AND ADJUSTING TO MODERNIZATION. 3 HRS, 3 CR. HIST 317 History of the American City GER 3/B PD/D History of the American city from the Colonial era to the present; development of the city as physical environment, social experience, political entity and cultural symbol. 3 hrs, 3 cr. HIST 353 History of New York City GER 3/B Urban development; emergence as the financial and cultural capital of the nation; ethnic and racial diversity; dynamics of economic and physical growth; problems of city politics. 3 hrs, 3 cr. POLSC 111(W) INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS GER 2/B PRESIDENT, CONGRESS, SUPREME COURT, CONSTITUTION, POLITICS, PARTIES, PRESSURE GROUPS. NOT OPEN TO STUDENTS WHO HAVE TAKEN POLSC 110. PRE- OR COREQ: ENGL 120 3 HRS, 3 CR. SEDC 210 Building the Foundations of Literacy in Grades 7-12 Supporting the development of literacy across the curriculum, with a focus on under-prepared students, students with special education needs, and students who are English language learners; implications for working toward standards. 3 hrs, 3 cr. SEDC 215 Methods I: Classroom Organization, Management, and Instruction in Social Studies, Grades 7-12 Rationales and methodologies for teaching social studies based on current theories of the nature of students, the social sciences and secondary schooling. pre- or coreqs: SEDF 203, 204 3 hrs, 3 cr. SEDC 220 Adolescent Health and Safety Health issues that are relevant to the health promotion and wellness of adolescents and their families from diverse backgrounds, abilities, and sexual orientations. Specific content areas will include nutrition, fitness, drug education, child abuse and neglect, fire prevention and safety, and violence prevention and intervention. prereqs: SEDF 203, 204 SEDC 325 Methods II:Teaching Diverse Learners in Social Studies, Grades 7-12 Familiarizes prospective middle and high school teachers, grades 7-12, with pedagogical approaches and innovative teaching techniques needed to convey to a diverse population current state and professional standards-based curriculum in the social studies. Innovative uses of technology, development of instructional units, individualizing for students with special needs, and strategies for managing problem behavior will be emphasized throughout the course. prereqs: SEDC 215 pre- or coreq: SEDF 205, SEDC 210 2 hrs per week plus 36 hrs fieldwork, 2 cr. SEDC 455 Student Teaching in Social Studies, Grades 7-12 Teacher candidates complete 30 days of student teaching at grades 7-9 and 30 days at grades 10-12 under the supervision of a Hunter College faculty member and a certified social studies teacher in a New York City school selected by the college. Students will further develop their skills in the delivery of instruction. Student teachers will assume significant responsibility for classroom instruction and management. prereq: SEDC 325 pre- or coreq: SEDF 206 2 hrs per week, 60 days student teaching plus workshops and conferences, 5 cr. SEDF 203 Social Foundations of Education, Grades 7-12 Students explore different sociological, historical, philosophical, anthropological, and political concepts and theories related to urban schooling. Emphasis on issues such as tracking, parentschool-community relations, inclusion of students with disabilities, the teaching of English language learners, and other diverse populations. Students will learn to analyze these concepts and theories and apply them to current classroom practices. 3 hrs, 3 cr. SEDF 204 Adolescent Development The process of cognitive, social/emotional, personality and language development among youth who vary by gender, race and ethnicity, English proficiency and varying levels of abilities. 2 hrs per week plus 36 hrs fieldwork, 2 cr. SEDF 205 Educational Psychology:Applications in Grades 7-12 Basic educational psychology covering the characteristics of the learner, applications of learning theories and the instruction process as applied to the secondary setting, grades 7-12. prereqs: SEDF 203, 204 2 hrs per week plus 36 hrs of fieldwork, 2 cr. SEDF 206 Assessment of the Teaching and Learning Process in Grades 7-12 The principles and practices for the assessment of learning and teaching in the classroom, grades 7-12. Includes instructional objectives, test construction, descriptive statistics, interpretation of standardized test scores, performance outcome measures and alternative forms of assessment. prereq: SEDF 205, SEDC 210 2 hrs per week plus lab, 2 cr.