Magnetic foams Magnetic foams can be fabricated in solid and liquid forms. Their magnetic properties are determined by magnetic nanoparticles incorporated into the cavity walls. The main problem in the foams fabrication is that the commercially available magnetic powders contain the particles with dimensions of about micrometer. At the same time the foam cavity wall thickness is about several hundred nanometers. That means that such powder will destroy the foam. To preserve the foam it is necessary to use the magnetic particles of nanometer range sizes. Advanced Magnetic technologies and Consulting company conducts development of the methods allowing to form and introduce the magnetic nanoparticles into the foam cavities walls during the process of the foam production. With application of appropriate chemical technological scheme it is possible to prepare foams containing magnetic nanoparticles with soft or hard magnetic properties - metallic nanoparticles (Fe, Co, Ni, etc.), including the particles with complex composition, nanoparticles of various oxides (such as various magnetic ferrites, etc.) and nanoparticles on the basis of other magnetic compounds. The process of magnetic foams fabrication is in general features analogous to that which is used for preparation of magnetic liquids. Among possible application of the magnetic foams it is necessary to distinguish two main applications: 1. solid foam for absorption and shielding of electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation, including very high frequency (VHF) and ultrahigh frequency (UHF) radiation, which is used for TV broadcasting; 2. solid and liquid magnetic foam for collection of oil or other hydrophobic pollution from water or solid surface. Solid magnetic foam for absorption of radio waves can be prepared on the basis of soft magnetic ferrites, which possess good absorption properties for radiofrequency radiation. Presence of cavities of various diameters in the foam (and consequently absorption units consisting of magnetic nanoparticles) makes it possible to provide the absorption properties in wide range of frequencies. The magnetic and absorption properties of the foam can be regulated in wide range by choosing of the particles material and dimensions. It is also possible to create multilayered covering using solid magnetic foams with different magnetic properties in order to provide change of magnetic and dielectric permeability on the cover thickness necessary to obtain maximum absorption effect. The magnetic solid foam can be easy, fast and cheaply deposited on the surfaces even with complex form by well-known and developed methods. Liquid foam with residual magnetization can be used as highly effective material for collection hydrophobic pollutions (oil and other spills, etc.) from the surface of water or solid body because it is attracted by magnets. Such foam should contain magnetic nanoparticles with hard magnetic properties. Liquid foams themselves have good ability to absorb oil or other hydrophobic products. Besides, liquid foams can be easily destructed in order to extract absorbed products. The problem is in collection of the foam containing absorbed pollution. There are many different methods of hydrophobic pollution collection from water or solid body surface. Among them mechanical, biological, physical and chemical methods can be mentioned. The general drawback of the listed methods – their low productivity. In particular, mechanical methods do not allow collecting thin films on the water surface and are useful only for collection of big oil spills. Such method as burning is rather dangerous and produces products of burning harmful for nature. Biological methods require much time and elevated temperatures. Using of the magnetic liquid foam can essentially increase effectiveness of hydrophobic pollution collection from water or solid body surface. Besides application of the magnetic foam is effective for collection of thin oil films from water surface. Liquid magnetic foam is hydrophobic and can be stable on water surface for tenths of minutes. At the same time the process of pollution absorption takes several minutes. Rapid absorption of the pollution by the foam allows to begin the process of the foam collection practically immediately with the help of magnetic pick-up devices. High speed of the foam generation makes it possible to cover the removing spill repeatedly. Such repeated treatment of the oil pollution can essentially increase the effectiveness of the its removing. The foam can be produced in large quantities on the place of pollution (i.e. on the ships or seaports), which is especially important because in accordance with international agreements seaports should have special equipment for removing the oil pollutions. Solid foam sorbents with magnetic properties also increases the cleaning process effectiveness because they essentially simplifie the collection stage. The mentioned potential advantages of the magnetic foams using for oil pollution removing make development of the method of its production very actual task. The Advanced Magnetic Technologies and Consulting Company proposes joint research and development activity in the field of liquid and solid magnetic foams containing magnetic nano- and submicron particles. The company can demonstrate the samples of a solid magnetic foam.