Sample Shared Reading/Writing Plan for Year 2

Case Study: Year 2 Intensive Reading Support Materials
Resource 14: Sample Shared Reading/Writing Plan for Year 2
What do I want the majority of my class to achieve by the end of the term? (class target)
TEXT/RANGE: The Runaway Chapatti (Traditional Story)
Class and year: Year 2
Cross curricular links:
Date – week beginning:
End of Week Writing Outcome: A ‘Hackney Version’ of a
traditional story
Text Level objectives: Reading
T2 To use phonological, contextual, grammatical and
graphic knowledge to predict, work out and check the
meanings of unfamiliar words and to make sense of
what they read.
T7 To prepare and retell stories individually and
through role play in groups, using dialogue and
narrative from text.
T 10 To use story structure to write in a similar form.
Sentence Level objectives:
S2 To read aloud with intonation and
expression appropriate to the grammar
and punctuation (sentences, speech
marks, exclamation marks).
Evaluation for previous week – next steps:
Inclusive teaching checklist:
o culturally relevant and accessible material.
o visual support: pictures, puppets, props, checklists, real
drama: role play, hot seating, freeze frame, mime.
o talk partners (whole class and independent work).
o collaborative and mixed attainment group work/pairs.
o developing vocabulary: word banks, picture prompts.
o home languages.
o scaffolding and modelling reading (sequencing,
visualizing, questions) and writing (teacher scribing,
thinking aloud, writing frames)
Word Level objectives:
Speaking and listening objectives:
Progression in Phonics Step and objectives.
 To tell real and imagined stories using
Step 7 – choosing correct spelling for long /ee/ sound.
the conventions of familiar story
Read on sight: can’t where with your
 To ensure everyone
contributes allocate tasks,
 Consider alternatives and reach agreement.
Shared reading and writing
Include differentiation and
Shared Reading :
Comprehension focus (S2)
Word level (and sentence level from Year 2 onwards)
Read title. Ask : Who can explain what a chapatti is? Show
children a real one if possible.
Teacher summarises story (This story is about..).
Today we are going to practise using an interesting
storytelling voice when we read. Listen to me read the first
part of the story. Teacher reads to middle of book. Children
listen and join in with speech bubbles .
Go back and look at commas, full stops, speech and
exclamation marks. Talk about how they help us.
Teacher asks questions e.g. How do you think she felt when
the chapatti ran away? How do we know this is not a true
story? What do you think will happen at the end of the story?
Why? Tell the person next to you.
Shared Reading :
Reading strategy focus (T2)
1. Recall what has happened so far and review Monday’s focus
on expressive reading.
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Case Study: Year 2 Intensive Reading Support Materials
We are going to think about trying new words for ourselves by
thinking about what would make sense and look right. I’ll show
you what I mean. ‘Once, a girl made a Ch…’(Teacher reads up
to the word and sounds the ‘ch’ ) are you right? How do you
know? Does it look right? Sound right?
Repeat the modelling with ‘But’ and ’door’. Read to middle of
book, children joining in with speech bubbles, practisin this
Page 10 - end of story, remodel the strategy on every second
page and ask more-able children to predict and check the
word. Children need say how they know they are right.
Shared Reading/Talk for Writing :
Objective related to text type (T7) (and class target)
Use pictures of text to sequence and retell the story with a focus on
using whole sentences and descriptive vocabulary. (Whole class,
groups, pairs.)
Practise expressive reading.
Shared Writing/Talk for Writing:
Ask children to imagine the Little Chapatti had run away in
Hackney. Close their eyes and visualize some things it might see
and meet as it runs away. Share their ideas with a partner. In pairs
discuss how the chapatti may end up. Each pair to share their ideas
with another pair.
In pairs, sit back to back. Take turns to be the Little Girl in the story,
after the story has finished. Make a phone call to her ‘mother’ telling
her what has happened when the chapatti ran away in Hackney
(helps organize events in the child’s head).
Shared Writing (20 mins)
Teacher to share 2 examples of the work from yesterday. Children
read aloud using the punctuation and, through this, edit any errors
in punctuation.
Refer to checklist to evaluate and improve writing (punctuation,
descriptive vocabulary, following model of story, spelling of focus
words). Draw particular attention when writing has met the checklist
Demonstration Writing
Teacher models writing the first section of the story.
Model the thought process: thinking in sentences, adding
punctuation and reading aloud to check. Model how
spelling, for long /ee/, is chosen where appropriate. (Up to
when the chapatti leaves the kitchen.)
Shared Writing
Children, in pairs, create the next sentence orally. Use
suggestions to demonstrate how sentences are formed.
Add chosen suggestion. On whiteboards, write spelling
for word ‘can’t’ where appropriate. On whiteboards
suggest next sentence. Share some suggestions with
class to demonstrate good writing and address any
Focus group –
high achievers
Supported Composition
In mixed ability pairs write the
next section of the story.
Tchr work with
children to
extend writing
through using
Independent Writing (30 mins)
Children continue writing their
own story independently.
LA – Use writing frames and
wordbanks to support.
Evaluation: Annotate the plan to indicate how successful the sessions have been in relation to the children achieving the objectives and writing outcome.
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