Sacramental Preparation liturgies 80k

Diocese of Hexham
and Newcastle
Sacramental Guidelines
This ceremony takes place at the beginning of Mass at the start of October.
Entrance hymn – e.g. I have called you by your name (Bernadette Farrell), By name I have called you
(Carey Landry) or Do not be afraid.
Celebrant: Dear God, you are our Creator and our parent. You know each of us by name. We are your
children. You have called us by our name and we belong to you.
As we gather in the name of Jesus this morning, we welcome all the children who wish to begin their
journey towards receiving Holy Communion next year. Please come forward now with your
The children come forward with their adult and bring with them a card with their name on it.
Celebrant: We are all your children. Gather us in your arms and show us how to walk closely with
each other as we begin this special journey together.
Children as you step forward say your name and place your card on the display board to show that
you want to begin this journey towards meeting Jesus in Holy Communion next year within this parish
family of _________.
Each child steps forward with parent says their name and places their name on the board or in a
The board or basket with names should be kept in a special part of the church which may be decorated
to draw attention to the First Communion Programme.
Celebrant: Children, God called you by your name at your baptism and now the way to full
Communion lies before you. Set your feet firmly onto that path and learn to trust Jesus always. Are
you ready to begin this journey with Jesus as your guide?
Child: I am.
Celebrant: Parents and guardians; you have presented these children to our parish family at the
beginning of this special journey. Are you prepared to help and guide them on their journey?
Parents: We are.
Celebrant: Father we thank you for these your children. You have called them today and they have
answered that call in our presence:
We praise you Lord and we bless you.
All: We praise you Lord and we bless you.
Celebrant: In God’s name I welcome you to begin this journey. It is a journey of faith we will walk
together. On the way we will meet Jesus often, and we will talk to Him and listen to Him often. I invite
you now to be with Jesus in his Word this morning as you now go to your Children’s Liturgy of the
Children go to liturgy while adults go back to their places.
Baptismal Renewal: Profession of Faith
This ceremony takes place on the Sunday on or after the Solemnity of All Saints.
The candidates are invited to gather at the font (or a suitable vessel on the sanctuary).
Priest: Let us pray for all those who are renewing their baptismal promises today in preparation for
Baptism was the beginning of their initiation into this parish community. At their First Holy
Communion Mass they will be one with us at the table of the Lord.
Blessing: Father, bless these children and make them eager to share in the banquet of Jesus.
Give them the strength of the Holy Spirit to profess the faith of your church.
Child: When we were younger our parents and godparents brought us to be baptised as members of
the Church.
We have come today in preparation for our first communion.
With everyone gathered here we speak for ourselves.
Profession of Faith:
Priest: Do you believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth?
All: I do.
Priest: Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was born of the virgin Mary,
was crucified, died and was buried,
rose again from the dead, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty?
All: I do.
Priest: Do you believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting?
All: I do.
Priest: This is our faith. This is the faith of the Church.
We are proud to profess it, in Christ Jesus our Lord.
All: Amen.
Priest: You were baptised …..
All: `in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Each child dips his/her hand into the font and blesses him/herself with the sign of the cross (a sign of
their fuller responsibility). The candidates rejoin the congregation.
(This takes place at the time of the Penitential Rite during Mass).
Introduction: Read by a child.
At every Mass we remember that we do not always follow Jesus in the way that he asks us. In our
words and our actions we can turn away from him. Sometimes we receive the Sacrament of
Forgiveness when we come to Jesus to tell him that we are sorry. Even when we do not receive this
special sacrament we must still remember that Jesus calls us to change and to try harder to show love
to others and admit that we need his forgiveness. As we begin this Mass we stop for a moment and
remember. We think back and ask ourselves if we need to say sorry.
(A short pause for silent reflection)
Celebrant: In this time of Advent we focus on our need of God; on the need to `stay awake’, change
our hearts and make more room for God in our lives.
Child: God is always good.
It is wonderful that God had invited me here today to learn of his wonderful love.
God loves me.
When I turn away from God it is not good for me.
Celebrant: Lord, have mercy (or Kyrie Eleison).
All: Lord, have mercy (or Kyrie Eleison).
Child: God loves me.
When I turn back to God it is good for me.
Celebrant: Christ, have mercy (or Christe Eleison).
All: Christ, have mercy (or Christe Eleison).
God loves me today and always.
I thank him for his perfect love.
Celebrant: Lord, have mercy (or Kyrie Eleison).
All: Lord, have mercy (or Kyrie Eleison)
Celebrant: May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life.
Listen to the Word
This liturgy takes place after the Opening Prayer on the Second Sunday of Ordinary. The gospel of each
year of the cycle lends itself to subject of the sharing of the good news and so it would be appropriate
if, in his homily, the priest could speak to the children on the importance of listening to God’s word. It
is recommended that on this day the young people do not go to Children’s Liturgy of the Word.
Celebrant: Dear children, God speaks to us in the words of the readings here at Mass and we must
listen carefully so that we may hear clearly his message for us. As part of your preparation for First
Holy Communion I ask you to come forward with your parents to show you are going to try to listen
to God and try to love his word.
The children are invited with their parents to stand at the front of the church, if possible, near the
ambo/lectern. A catechist or server brings the lectionary from the lectern to the children.
The Celebrant signs each child’s ears with the Sign of the Cross and says:
Celebrant: Hear the Word of God.
The parent(s) sign(s) the child’s lips and says:
Parent: Speak the Word of God.
The catechist/server presents the open lectionary to the child who places his/her hand upon it saying:
Child: I will live the Word of God.
Celebrant: Now, children, you can take your place among us. Come and listen to the Lord as he speaks
to us in the Readings.
(There may be a presentation to each child of a copy of the New Testament. In which case the priest
adds the following. In this book Jesus speaks to us his message of love, the word of the Lord)
Children: Thanks be to God.
The children return to their seats, the lectionary is placed upon the ambo and the Liturgy of the Word
Rite of Election for First Holy Communion
The Rite of Election marks the beginning of the time of preparation in school. It should not be seen as
the beginning of the whole programme but rather the start of a more intensive phase of preparation
in which the school will play its part. It takes place after the Gospel of the Sunday before half-term
holidays in the Spring Term.
The priest invites the children to come forward with their parents. One of those involved in preparing
the children also comes forward and addresses him.
Teacher/Catechist: Father, as we begin a new half-term our children who are preparing to make their
First Holy Communion will now begin spending time in school to learn more about this special
The priest speaks to the congregation in these or similar words.
My dear friends, as you know, our children are preparing to share with us the Bread of Heaven so that
they may be full members of the Body of Christ; they are getting ready to drink from his Cup so that
they may share his life for ever. Now this period of preparation will be added to by special lessons in
school. Our children must listen carefully to the teaching of Jesus about Holy Communion.
And so, in your presence, I ask the parents of these children and their catechists who have been
working with them to state their opinion, so that all of you may hear.
Do you consider these children ready to begin lessons in school about Holy Communion?
Parent/Catechist: I do.
The priest speaks to the children.
We have heard your parent/catechist say that you are ready to move to this next stage of
preparation. The Church in the name of Jesus accepts this judgement. You must now tell everyone
here clearly that you hear his call and will follow him.
The priest goes to each child, if possible, and asks:
N., will you listen carefully to your teacher in school as part of your preparation for First Holy
Child: I will/yes.
Each child is given a candle which is now lit as the priest says;
May Jesus be a light for your path. He is calling you to this sacrament. May he help you to be ready to
receive him.
A hymn may be sung as the children are led to a place where their candles can be placed (e.g. a sand
tray). They then return to their seats.
Offering ourselves
Children return from their own Liturgy of the Word (if there is one) and those preparing for First
Communion stay around the Sanctuary steps. Perhaps a hymn such as ‘Take me Lord’ (Francesca
Leftley) or ‘I am special’ (Bernadette Farrell) could be sung as they gather.
Children bring a plasticine/clay depiction of themselves if possible.
(This can be done in school the preceding week).
Representative Child: Dear God, you are our Creator and our parent. Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the
power, and the glory; for everything in heaven and on earth is yours. All things come from you and we
want to give our whole selves back to you.
We give ourselves to you now, and as these gifts of bread and wine are changed into the body and
blood of Jesus, we ask you to mould and fashion us and make us whole in your love. Amen.
All children come forward with their image of themselves and place it on a tray or large plate with the
inscription ‘I the clay will be moulded by my Lord’ in the centre of the tray.
Celebrant: Gracious and loving God, we give you thanks with grateful hearts for lives changed
completely by your love shown to us in Jesus Christ. We offer these gifts and the service of our lives,
praying that they may be used to transform the lives of those in need. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Children remain on the Sanctuary steps.
Celebrant: Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation,
for through your goodness we have received
the bread we offer you:
fruit of the earth and work of human hands,
it will become for us the bread of life.
All: Blessed be God forever.
Celebrant: Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation,
for through your goodness we have received
the wine we offer you:
fruit of the vine and work of human hands
it will become our spiritual drink.
All: Blessed be God forever.
Celebrant: Blessed are you Lord God of all Creation
For through your goodness, these children offer themselves to you. Accept them and transform them
by your saving love and may the service they give in your name change the lives of those around
All: Blessed be God forever.
Celebrant: Children return to your places safe in the knowledge that Almighty God is pleased with the
offering of yourselves to Him.
The ceremony takes place on the Fourth Sunday of Easter after the Gospel of the Good Shepherd or if
there is a Children’s Liturgy of the Word after they have returned to the assembly.
The priest invites the children to come forward with their parents. One of those involved in preparing
the children also comes forward and addresses him.
Teacher/Catechist: Father, in this season of Easter the time draws near for these members of the
flock who have been spending time preparing for First Communion to be fed by Jesus the Good
The priest speaks to the congregation in these or similar words.
My dear friends, our children ask to share with us the Bread of Heaven so that they may be full
members of the Body of Christ and to drink of his Cup so that they may share his life for ever. The
period of preparation has involved listening to the words of Jesus and following his commands. They
have prayed with us as our brothers and sisters and now they are to be our companions in Christ
And so, in your presence, I ask those concerned with their preparation to state their opinion, so that
all of you may hear.
Do you consider these children ready to receive their First Holy Communion?
Teacher/Catechist: I do.
The priest speaks to the children.
We have heard your teacher/catechist say that you are ready. The Church in the name of Jesus
accepts this judgement and calls you to this great Sacrament. You must now tell everyone here clearly
that you hear his call and will follow him.
Do you wish to member of the Body of Christ and a sheep of his flock through the Sacrament of Holy
Children: I do.
The priest comes forward and shakes each child by the hand and says;
N., be a faithful member of the flock.
He may hand each child a small piece of cotton wool wrapped around a small cross/crucifix.
The priest then says to everyone;
My dear friends, let us now pray for these children that the Lord may lead them to safe pasture.
There is a pause for silent prayer and then the following prayer is said.
Lord God,
you build us up
by our sharing in the Bread that is broken
so that each of us may be part of the Body of Christ.
Guide these sheep of the flock
chosen by you to receive your Son.
May he keep them safe,
bring them back when they stray
and satisfy their hunger.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The priest dismisses the children.
Dear children, Jesus the Good Shepherd has called you to come close to him. In the time that is left to
prepare for First Holy Communion make a greater effort to show love, to pray and to be part of our
family here at Mass.
The children return to the benches. The homily follows if it has not already taken place.
This celebration will be prepared in each parish in a slightly different way. The children, teachers and
catechists should all have some involvement in the final outcome. The following provides some general
Introduction: (This could be given by a child). This may be composed, with guidance, by the children
along these lines.
Today is a special day for which we have been preparing over many months. We are going to receive
Jesus in Holy Communion this morning for the first time. He is coming to make his home in us and we
want to welcome him with love and great joy, as we begin this new part of our journey in life.
Penitential: (By some of the children) or possibly a penitential son;
Lord Jesus, you come to us in Word and Sacrament.
Lord Jesus, you are the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Lord Jesus you make your home in us.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Gloria: Sung and chosen from the many ones available.
Opening Prayer: The words of the Missal may be adapted in children's Masses
First Reading: (By a child) Suitable words for children to understand, such as:
First letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians 10: 16-17.
Response to the Reading: This Psalm should be sung or a scriptural response that is known as familiar
hymn may be sung.
Gospel Acclamation: The Gospel acclamation should always be sung – e.g. a simple Alleluia.
Gospel: Adapted for use in children's Masses: possibly Mark 14: 22-25.
General Intercessions: (By some of the children/parent/teacher/catechist) These could be composed
by each of the participants with guidance as to the nature of the biddings which are not addressed to
God but are an invitation to prayer e.g. Let us pray for..... followed by the intention, ending in a few
moments of silence before Lord hear us or Lord in your mercy......
Procession of the Gifts: (By some of the children/teacher/catechist/parent).
The children may be invited by the priest to stand round the altar if it is appropriate.
Preparation of the Gifts: A suitable song referring to what is happening on the altar, such as “Blest
are you, Lord, God of all Creation”.
Prayer over the Gifts: The words may be adapted for children's Masses.
Eucharistic Prayer: One of the Eucharistic Prayers for Children: Possibly No. 3 outside the Easter
Holy Holy and other Eucharistic Acclamations: These should be sung.
Lamb of God: Sung if possible.
Communion Hymn: A suitable song.
Prayer after Communion: May be adapted for children's Masses.
Final Hymn: A suitable song.
This takes place at the dismissal of the people by the priest or deacon, so that each person is sent out
to show God’s love to others.
Possible Sundays to use this:
13th Sunday of the Year
A. Matthew 10: 37-42 serving Jesus through serving others.
B. Mark 5:21-43 God’s care & concern.
C. Luke 9:51-62 I will follow you …
14th Sunday of the Year
A. Matthew 11:25-30 knowing the Father through Jesus.
B Mark 6:1-6 mission at home & abroad.
C Luke 10:1-20 sending out of 72.
15th Sunday of the Year
A Matthew 13:1-23 telling God’s news.
B Mark 6:7-13 sending out in pairs.
C Luke 10:25-37 Good Samaritan.
After the congregation have received Communion and everyone is seated the celebrant invites the
children forward.
Celebrant: Our communion with Christ means that we share not only his life but also his mission. At
each Mass, Jesus says to us:
‘As the Father sent me, so am I sending you’,
and breathes his Spirit upon us. The Spirit we receive anoints us afresh to bring good news to the
poor, since any true communion with the living Lord will lead us to recognise him in the most in
Children: Jesus has no body now on earth but ours.
No hands, no feet, on earth but ours.
Ours are the eyes by which he sees, the ears by which he hears.
Ours are the lips by which he speaks of his love.
Ours are the feet by which he walks in the world.
Ours are the hands by which he blesses the world.
We are his body.
Jesus has no body now on earth but ours.
Children receive an invitation to be messengers of Jesus which they sign and take with them.