Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan TASHKENT MEDICAL ACADEMY ANEMIA AND PREGNANCY KIDNEY DISEASE AND PREGNANCY (The text of the lecture) For the 4th year students of medical and medical and pedagogical faculties Compiled by: since of medicine Associate – L.M. Abdullaeva Tashkent-2013 Plan of the lecture. The concept of anemia, classification, incidence, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and management during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period, the rehabilitation of women with anemia. The concept of pyelonephritis, classification, incidence, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and management during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period, the rehabilitation of women in pelonefrite. The purpose of the students to form knowledge about anemia, pyelonephritis, their etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis, differential diagnosis: the course and management of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period in this pathology. Expected results: listening lectures will Enables learners: - To get an idea of the anemia and pyelonephritis; - To get an idea on how to diagnose anemia and pyelonephritis - To get an idea about the tactics of management in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum anemia and pyelonephritis Anemia - one of the most important health problem not only in our country but also all over the world because of the scale of its distribution, otritsatelnmh effects on human health and the huge economic EVENTUAL DAMAGES. According to WHO, iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in the world are affected more than 800 million people - out of a hundred patients ninety-five - are women. According to the observations Nabiyeva MA (1984), JK Jabbarov (1990) and HK Farmankulova (1994) of extragenital pathology beremenngh IDA takes first place. IDA beremenngh is 75-95% of all anemia (Kassirskii IA Alekseev, 1970, Miterev JG 1983). The relevance of IDA by a high frequency of this disease, which in Uzbekistan have zhenvschin bearing age is 70%, and in pregnant women - 91.2% (Hamzaliev BH et al 1990, Asimov, DA 1994, Karimov SH.I . 1994 Bakhramov SM Farmankulov HK, 1996, Zakirov IZ 1997). Extreme ecological situation in the Aral Sea (Karakalpakstan and Khorezm region) is a high risk to public health. One of the diseases that have a progressive growth in the last EXP is anemia among pregnant women, which increased by 5 times in the last 10 years (Ataniyazova O., 1997). According to the Institute of Uz AIG pervorodyavdih even in young (17-20 years), the frequency of anemia exceeds 80%, and according to Suleymanova DN, Khasenova GH (1998) - at 95-97% (and almost 95% of them suffered from anemia in childhood and did not receive specific therapy and prevention). By dannnm WHO (1996), women with anemia is 5-10 times more likely to die in childbirth than women with normal hemoglobin level. Hemoglobin level less than 80 g / l reduced tolerance to blood loss pregnant childbirth. When hemoglobin 60 g / l of circulatory decompensation becomes apparent when shortness of breath and increased cardiac output at rest. Childbirth, abortion, bleeding and other complications can lead to maternal deaths (PMASO, 1989, A). In the fall of hemoglobin below 40 g / l of a high probability of maternal deaths are due to anemic heart failure and acute hypoxia. Even the loss of 100 ml of blood in pregnant women with hemoglobin levels below 40 g / l at birth can cause circulatory shock and death (PCHASO, 1989, A). On the recommendation of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, severe anemia should be considered a contraindication to pregnancy and childbirth (1999). However, in practical obstetrics in obstetric facilities continue to be a woman with a hemoglobin level 70 - 30 g / l, often with preeclampsia and obstetric pathology, most often primiparous, before birth or during labor, which puts an obstetriciangynecologist in an extreme situation, requires a definition organizing service highspecialized obstetric, hematology and anesthesia-intensive care. Classification. By the term iron deficiency anemia means a state of pregnant women, to the diagnostic criteria which include hemoglobin 110 g / L or less, erythrocytes 3,5-1012 / L or less, the color indicator - to 0.85, lower hematocrit to 33% and Moreover, serum iron levels below 10.746 mmol / l Up to now there is no uniform classification of anemia in pregnant women. The most comprehensive and widely considered among clinicians and classification I.A.Kassirskogo GA Alekseev (1962.1970). 1. Hemorrhagic anemia. 2. Anemia due to impaired blood formation:-iron deficiency; -Zhelezorefrakternye; -B12 (folic acid) deficient; -B12 (folic acid) refractory - due to impaired assimilation of vitamin B12 (folic acid), bone marrow; -Dizeritropoeticheskie - due to ineffective erythropoiesis; 3. Hypoplastic. 4. Hemolytic anemia. Pregnant women are all forms of anemia, but is prevalent in most cases, iron. Iron deficiency anemia is characterized by reduction of iron in the blood serum, bone marrow, and the depot, resulting in the formation of hemoglobin is broken, there are hypochromic anemia and trophic disorders in the tissues (Idelson LI, 1977.1979). Taken to distinguish between IDA in pregnant women and chronic IDA, which took place prior to pregnancy. IDA is characterized by reduction in the number of red blood cells (eritropeniya) and decreased hemoglobin (hypochromia) per unit volume of blood. IDA is developing in pregnant women with exhaustion of stored iron and its unmet due to a number of reasons. Emergence of IDA during pregnancy contribute to: chronic gastritis, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, worm infestations, hypothyroidism, latent foci of infection (tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, etc.) under which interfere with the absorption of iron. A value of iron deficiency, minerals, protein and vitamins in the diet. By the development of this disease predispose frequent childbirth, viral infections during pregnancy, blood loss (menorrhagia in labor, etc.). Pregnancy poses a number of preconditions for the emergence of IDA. Thus, under the influence of neurohormonal restructuring develops hyperplasia of bone marrow. In this case, there is a state of physiological hypervolemia, changes in blood cells. All these changes are aimed at providing a physiological pregnancy and create favorable conditions for the development of the fetus. Includes an increase in the state of hypervolemia bcc (blood volume), OTSE (circulation of red blood cells), CGO (volume circulation plasma). The second precondition for the emergence of IDA in pregnant women is the process of blood near the fetus. He begins with a 19-day intrauterine and goes through three stages: in the yolk sac, fetal liver, bone marrow of the fetus. In addition, for the formation of hemoglobin fetus uses the resources of the parent body: iron, protein, vitamins, salts, trace elements. Furthermore, he not only uses iron maternal organism, but in the last three months intensively they are designed its own reserves in the liver, utilizing up to 200-400mg of iron. The third prerequisite for the emergence of IDA in pregnant women is a developing iron deficiency due to the need for it is greater than the intake of the normal diet, and in violation of the diet iron deficiency increases many times. Fourth predposshkoy are frequent pregnancy and childbirth, as a result of which the body does not have time to make up iron stores. For pregnant woman loses 700-800 mg of iron. This is the amount it can recover (including lactation) for only 2-3 years. None of the existing classifications ischerpivayuschego does not answer the question about the causes of anemia in pregnancy. Yu.K.Dzhabbarova offers its classification of iron-deficiency anemia, gestational period, which allows midwives to better identify pathogenetically substantiated therapy for anemia during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. The studies found that chronic IDA occurs in 83% of pregnant women. In primigravidas anemia is often the result of insufficient iron production, if the patient was born a premature baby or her mother suffered from iron deficiency anemia. Acquired anemia in 71% of pregnant women tested was associated with frequent delivery. In history, 21% of these patients were found indicate various kinds of bleeding (miscarriages, hypotonic bleeding, etc.). With the progression of pregnancy increases the severity of anemia and clinical manifestations are more pronounced: A woman worries dizziness, blackouts, headaches, weakness, fatigue with mild exertion, shortness of breath and palpitations. Clinically, these patients can be set pale skin, low blood pressure, tachycardia, cardiac auscultation - a functional systolic murmur. Based on laboratory studies to a significant reduction of serum iron, hypovolemia, hypoproteinemia, severe hypoxia. 0 duration of the disease showed different trophic changes: spoon shaped depressions nails, their fragility, brittleness and loss of light hair, dry skin. Anemia is a symptom ekstragenitalnyh diseases (rheumatic fever, heart disease, kidney damage, liver, gastrointestinal tract) is found quite often - at 47-60% of pregnant women. The iron content in the blood snvorotke thus - within limits. Before anemia occurs without obvious symptoms klicheskih and, to our knowledge, is found in 61% of pregnant women who considered themselves healthy. Latent iron deficiency is established by studying the contents of transferrin and transferrin saturation with iron. Pregnant women with anemia were identified before us at increased risk of anemia. Before anemia is more common in pregnant women who have had a lot of abortions, recent significant blood loss, and those suffering from extra genital pathology, the frequency and multiparous and pregnancy, which came in the lactation period. Are pregnant complain of fatigue, loss of appetite, taste perversion, the tendency to prstudnym diseases. Patients often mistakenly attribute the symptoms of iron deficiency to early toxicosis. Iron deficiency in untreated pregnant women - one of the risk factors for the development not only of anemia, and preeclampsia. This contingent pregnant shown holding of preventive measures. Timely administration of iron supplements to pregnant, vitamins (A, B, C, E and folic acid), cobalt and glucose in combination with a balanced nutrition can cut lechebnm Before anemia, prevent its transfer to clear. Classification of IDA in women of reproductive age. Before pregnancy during pregnancy Zhelezofetsitnaya chronic anemia (due to iron deficiency at birth, untreated blood loss Chronic infectious and inflammatory extra genital diseases associated with hypochromic anemia Mixed form. Previous anemia kasai Hemorrhagic anemia (subacute) anemia of pregnancy in the postpartum period Acute hemorrhagic anemia Worsening anemia that was available during pregnancy Immune anemia Nutritional anemia in 13% of pregnant women is the result of dyspeptic symptoms (heartburn, regurgitation, nausea), non-myasngh dishes izvrasheniya taste, vomiting, that is, early manifestations of toxicity, and acute exacerbations gastroenterocolitis. Feature for its prevention and treatment - parenteral iron preparations, minerals, vitamins, glucose, protein environments (alvezin, Aminona etc.), detoxication and desensibiliziruyuvdih funds. Hemorrhagic anemia in pregnancy as a result of blood loss during an ectopic pregnancy, which began abortion, hydatidiform mole, premature placental abruption, uterine rupture. Depending on the availability of iron stores in the body, the extent, duration and frequency of blood loss anemia can develop acutely or gradually. This form of anemia was observed in 3%. Subacute hemorrhage in the form of spotting, krovovydeleny small portions of patients usually do not show the other complaints, although the dynamics of hematology they are steadily declining. Acute blood loss anemia is more than 0.30.5% of body weight is accompanied by hemorrhagic shock and requires immediate and fluid homeostasis korrigiruyushey intensive care. Anemia of pregnancy is established in the event that prior to pregnancy or in one trimester hemoglobin was 120 g / l and above. Most often develop anemia from 20 weeks of pregnancy, due to the feature of fetal blood and functional state of the fetoplacental complex in general. A characteristic feature of anemia - anemia, often found itself unexpectedly pregnancy with nutrition and without visible blood loss, and the disease is slowly but steadily progressing. On examination fails to detect extragenital diseases (pathology blood, kidneys, liver, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system). Most vnrazhennaya extent of disease observed in the 28-34 weeks of pregnancy. Undoubtedly, the development of anemia in pregnant women the primary role belongs to reduce the iron content, some vitamins (A, B, C, D, E), minerals (cobalt, manganese, zinc, selenium, nickel), metabolic disturbance, decreased plasma proteins svyazannnh with increased spending on growth and development of the motherplodovoplatsentarno complex. We also believe that the inhibition of erythropoiesis during pregnancy contribute to dysregulation of the nervous system, the excess steroid hormones, especially estradiol and estrone, reduction of gastric secretion. However, it should be emphasized that a certain role in the violation of hematopoiesis is owned and immunological shifts proiskhodyashim during pregnancy. When studying the history of patients tshatelnom often found preceding anemia pathological conditions involving immunological changes - acute viral and infectious diseases (influenza, tonsillitis, etc.), the threat of termination of pregnancy, twins, Rh immunization, dermatitis, chronic foci of infection. Moved increased antigenic load with active immunological response accompanied by the development of iron deficiency anemia and T-immunodeficiency. In such a complex treatment of anemia, we've included antihistamines, desensibiliziruyushie, detoxification and immunostimuliruyushie funds. The primary cause of IDA in primiparous usually a combination of factors, vklyuchayushy shortfall of iron from the mother at birth, anemic, unbalanced diet (less than 120-150 grams of protein a day), and processes of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract as a result of the transferred and untreated acute gastritis , enteritis, intestinal dysbiosis, with are also important environmental factors, such as high salinity water, contamination of food with pesticides, herbicides, nitrates, etc. Determining the causes of IDA should be excluded helminth infestation, chronic gastrointestinal bleeding {ulcers, hemorrhoids, giperpolimenoreya). In multiparous, besides the above factors, the main cause of IDA is the extension of bleeding due to abortion, birth, operations, Navy. Clinically proven the need to distinguish between anemia in pregnant women to reduce the degree of hematological parameters, as the progression of an increasing threat to the mother and fetus. Classification by severity of anemia The severity hemoglobin g/l one light 110-91 2 medium 90-71 3 heavy 70-51 4 very heavy (extreme) 50 and pass Red blood cells, 1012 / L 3,6-3,2 3,3-2,6 2,8-1,8 2,2-1,5 Laboratory Methods Main methods of diagnosis and monitoring the treatment of iron deficiency anemia - CBC; - Hematocrit, reticulocytes, platelets; - Iron content; - Serum transferrin, the calculation of percent transferrin saturation. Additional methods for the differential diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia: - Morphology of the bone marrow (in hemoglobin of 60 g / L or less) - Osmotic resistance of erythrocytes; - Ferritin blood; ' - Common protein and protein fractions of blood; - Enzymes and bilirubin levels (ALT, AST, cholinesterase); - Revmoproby; - Electrocardiogram; - Cholesterol, beta-lipoproteins, blood sugar, carbohydrate curve; - Electrolyte levels (potassium, calcium, sodium); - Urea, creatinine of blood; - Coagulation (prothrombin index, recalcification time, tolerance to heparin, fibrinogen); - Gas composition and acid - base balance of blood - A general analysis of urine samples Nechiporenko, Zimnitsky, Rehberg; - Fecal helminth eggs and fecal occult blood. Additional methods to assess the state of pregnant women: - Measurement of blood pressure in both arms; - Consideration of drunk and parenterally administered fluids and measuring daily urine; - Check weighing and recording of weight gain; - Analysis of vaginal discharge for purity; - Bacteriological examination of secretions from the nose and the cervix to detect pathogenic microorganisms and antibiotic susceptibility testing; - Determination of the degree of maturity of the cervix and body ready for labor (from 38 weeks). - Blood for chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, rubella, ureoplazmoz, flu Additional methods for the assessment of fetoplacental complex: - Ultrasound of the fetus and placenta; - CTG fetus. In a study of pregnant women with anemia should also eliminate syphilis, tuberculosis, brucellosis. Patients should bgg examined therapist, ENT, dental, if necessary, involve a hematologist, optometrist and other specialists. Pregnant women made in the dynamics of treatment every 10 days to assess its effectiveness. Treatment of anemia are mild (I degree), conducted in a clinic. Hospitalization of pregnant women with anemia is shown when expressed forms (II - IV extent) of the disease in conjunction with extra genital pathology, there is no effect of the therapy with otyagoshennym obstetric history and the presence of other obstetric pathology. At discharge, these pregnancies are transferred to clinical examination in the high-risk group. Tactics of the doctor for chronic anemia! The most serious attention should be patients who have anemia was found in the I trimester of pregnancy at the first visit to the antenatal clinic. Physician should clarify the etiology of anemia, the duration and severity of the disease, the effect of the previously held antianemic therapy. In identifying pregnant anemia grade III - IV disease is a thrombocytopenic purpura, bone marrow hypoplasia, hemolytic anemia. Anemia is often a symptom of chronic liver disease (cancer gepatolienalny syndrome) or kidneys (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, tumor), so this group of pregnant women should be subject to in-depth clinical examination. Women suffering from chronic anemia, pregnancy usually aggravates its course - the severity increases. In anemia II - III degree women concerned dizziness, blackouts, headaches, weakness, fatigue with mild exertion, shortness of breath and palpitations. For these patients, characterized by pale skin, low blood pressure, functional systolic murmur. A significant limitation of the disease can be judged by the presence of trophic changes - spoon shaped nails impressions, their fragility, brittleness and loss of light, sekuchest hair, dry skin. Pregnancy is contraindicated in hemolytic anemia, hypo - and aplasia of the bone marrow, leukemia, thrombocytopenic purpura disease, protekayushey heavy or frequent exacerbations. To recommend termination of pregnancy up to 12 weeks, and patients with severe iron deficiency anemia. When pregnancy is over 12 weeks in patients with anemia III - IV severity of the issue of abortion must be addressed with great caution, as this may pro-radiate significant blood loss. Therefore, abortion should be recommended only if otyagoschayushih factors: age over 40 years, bleeding in the previous delivery, the active phase of rheumatic fever, endocarditis, and aortic stenosis, mitral valve, severe heart failure, chronic hepatitis in the active phase, liver cirrhosis, chronic renal failure and acute renal failure, hyperthyroidism III degree. In the hospital immediately before termination of pregnancy is necessary to cure the underlying disease, the prevention of bleeding. Pregnant women with anemia II degree registered at high risk, make plans examination and treatment - preventive measures, including 2-4 courses of hospital treatment for 20 - 30 days each at intervals of 4 weeks. After being discharged from the hospital outpatient pregnancy continues. Complications of pregnancy and childbirth are in direct proportion to the severity of anemia and the development of them in grade III - IV disease threatens the lives of mother and fetus. In addition, please note that in cases of operative delivery women with anemia increases the degree of operational risk, the volume resuscitation and anesthesia pomoschi.Chasto voznikayushie shock and collapse characterized speed and depth of a relatively small loss of blood and the difficulty removing the patient from this state. Given this, it is recommended mandatory antenatal care for women with anemia for 2 -3 weeks. inpatient (hospital is in the 37 - 38 weeks). Management of Pregnancy in IDA When mild IDA treatment on an outpatient basis in a clinic, a day hospital. In moderate severity is shown, with no effect on patient treatment, the presence of concomitant extragenital diseases and obstetric pathology, routine and preventive hospitalization of pregnant women with IDA carries out 28-32 weeks and for antenatal care at 38 weeks. Hospitalization of pregnant women 28-32 weeks provides treatment or prevention of IDA, as well as therapy to improve the utero-placental blood flow, preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of preeclampsia. Treatment of IDA in both outpatient and inpatient should be comprehensive, including diet therapy, drug therapy, treatment of comorbidity, the exclusion of harmful factors and normalization of work and leisure. Nutrition of pregnant with IDA should be high (3000-3500 kcal) and include all vital substances. It should be noted that the most easily digestible iron is in beef, liver, egg yolk, bread, beans, and soy, dried apricots, raisins, dill, parsley, lettuce, beets, carrots and apples. Although it should be noted that it is not possible to ensure fully the lack of iron in these products. Therefore, you should use iron supplements are mandatory. Ferropreparaty are actively stimulates the bone marrow, increases the number of red blood cells and their content of hemoglobin, increased color index. Treatment with oral medication should be prolonged (4-6 weeks). Treatment of pregnant women with IDA I extents in a clinic. It should bgg complex, including a long of drugs and diet therapy. We offer the following principles of pathogenetic therapy. To make up for iron deficiency nazanachayut one zhelezosoderzhayushih drugs. Ginotardiferron contains iron sulfate (II), mukoproteozu, folic acid, ascorbic acid. An important property of the drug is a long slow release of iron from the drug and its slow absorption, ie achieved the greatest therapeutic effect - 1 table. a day. Globex contains ferrous fumarate (II) 304 mg (100 mg of iron), folic acid 1.5 mg, vitamin B12 10 mcg of elemental zinc (sulfate) 15 mg 1kapsule 2 times daily for 15 days Treatment of severe IDA to 20 weeks held in the hematology department (in the absence of obstetric pathologies), after 20 weeks - in the maternity complex: - when HB 70-60 g / l - in OPB - when HB 50 g / l or less - in the ICU . Particular threat is increasing the share of severe disease (hemoglobin level of 70 g / L or less), which has increased over the last 20 years with 3% to 20-23% in some areas / districts (2,3,4). Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the recommendations of severe anemia should be considered a contraindication to pregnancy and childbirth (1999). However, in practical obstetrics in obstetric facilities continue to be a woman with a hemoglobin level 70 - 30 g / l, often with pre-eclampsia and other obstetric pathology, most often primiparous, before birth or during labor, which puts an obstetriciangynecologist in an extreme situation requires Definition organization providing tertiary obstetric, hematology, anesthesia, intensive care and laboratory services. Due to the deterioration of ecological conditions in some regions of the country has been an increase in the detection rate of severe IDA in pregnant women from 6.7% in 1983 to 10% in 1998 to 20-23% in 2008 (2,3,5 and 6). Severe anemia is a major cause and trigger the development of complications that lead to maternal mortality and perinatal pathology. Among the dead mothers IDA noted mostly moderate (20%), severe (60%) and very severe (20%). Marked by a large proportion of maternal deaths with anemia of moderate to severe (55.7%), pregnancy and childbirth which is 2/3 of the cases were complicated pathologic hemorrhage (Zakirova NI, 1999). In pregnant women with severe anemia, the risk of delivery increases with a decrease in hemoglobin and deeper organs and tissue hypoxia due to the development of profuse, hypo-and atonic bleeding, severe coagulopathy and postpartum septic diseases (8). When iron deficiency anemia secondary to severe shows therapy with parenteral iron preparations: FERROFER - iron sucrose + + + 100 mg of iron in one vial. Intravenous bolus injection of 100 mg of iron, stream, slowly, not less than 5 minutes in a day number 3 (+ HB 15-20 g / l). Intravenous drip infusion of 100 mg of iron, drip, in 100 ml of saline, no less than 15 minutes in a day number 3 (+ HB 15-20 g / l). In / in 200 mg of iron as effective as transfusion 1 unit (420 mL) ermassy. Intravenous iron therapy have a rapid effect and does not cause unwanted side effects and poor tolerability, and therefore recommended. Diet therapy is important in the prevention and the treatment of anemia in pregnant women, their diet should bnt expanded by increasing the content of protein, vitamins, minerals and iron. In the first half of pregnancy, the daily intake of protein should be 110 g, fat - 80 g, carbohydrates - 350 g (shared calorie food -2800-3000 kcal). In the second half of pregnancy, the amount of protein should be increased to 120 g, fat - up to 90 g, carbohydrates - to 400g (shared calorie piodi -3100-3200 kcal). The main sources of protein - meat, liver, tongue, kidney, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products. Found that when taking animal food than plant iron absorption increases by 8.5 times. The human body gets fat at the expense of meat, cheese, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, eggs, etc. It is advisable to include in the diet of patients with AgroFood butter and vegetable oil (cottonseed, sunflower, corn, soybean oil - 25 grams a day). Carbohydrates should make up for the expense of foods rich in plant fiber: rye bread, ovoshey (tomatoes, carrots, squash, potatoes, beets, cabbage, radish), watermelons, melons, fruits (pomegranate, apple, cherry, quince, apricot, Alchan, figs, lemons, tangerines, oranges and etc.), dried fruit (apricots, raisins, prunes), nuts (pistachios, almonds, etc.), which are also rich in fat (75%) and protein (25%), fruits (hips, currants, mulberries, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, etc.), bobovk (beans, corn, peas, etc.), cereal (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice). Micronutrient rich in fungi and yeast. Mandatory inclusion in the diet of pregnant fresh greens - lettuce, spinach, green onions, Shavel, dill, parsley, etc. In cases where the fruit is not enough, you need to consume juices (apple, plum, tomato, carrot) or stewed fruit and jelly. Fruits, vegetables, bahchevne culture and greens occupy an important place in the diet. Some of them are a source of starch, the other - the protein, and others - sugar. Plant foods rich in mineral salts, trace elements and vitamins. The fiber contained in it, promotes intestinal peristalsis, which is especially important during pregnancy. Transfusion of blood and its components are made in the following order: - Replacement to fill the globular and plasma blood volume; - Elimination of hemic, circulatory and tissue hypoxia body by oxygen transport and disposal of carbon dioxide; - Improve maternal - placental circulation and condition of the fetus, including increased oxygen delivery to ensure its components of blood, which is the treatment and prevention of hypoxia and asphyxia, anemia at birth; - Improving the contractility of the uterus during labor and the postpartum period, therefore, the prevention of the weakness of labor, hypotonic and atonic bleeding subinvolution lohiometry uterus and in the postpartum period; - Correction of the hemostatic system by filling the number of red blood cells, and trobotsitov all plasma clotting factors in speaker to - first, to minimize the loss of blood followed, in - secondly, to prevent the development of coagulopathy and thrombocytopenia consumption; - Mana immune protective properties of the body, which is an effective measure to prevent purulent - inflammatory disease in the postpartum period; - Prevention hypogalactia, improving the quantity and quality of breast milk in the lactation period. The question of blood transfusion in each case should be decided individually. Instead ermassy transfusion before delivery and efficient use of labor in / infusion Ferrofera to avoid massive blood loss, in DIC, hemorrhagic shock, and need for massive transfusion in a volume of 1 liter or more, which most often occur transfusion complications , homologous blood syndrome, acute renal failure, and others OPPN Pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis-nonspecific inflammatory process porazhayushy inetrstitsialnuyu kidney tissue and the renal pelvis system. The agents of the cup 70% (are enterobacteria) (Escherichia coli, klebsiela, Proteus), less-enetrokokk (15%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (10%). Infection in the kidney and pelvis gets hematogenous or voskhodyashim way. Its primary focus is most often located in the tonsils, carious teeth, urinary or genital organs sistemm. In the period after childbirth can be the source of the uterus. During pregnancy, there predraspolagayushie factors for the development of pyelonephritis: - Rupture of the uro-, hemodynamics. In the early stages it is associated with changes in the concentration of hormones (estrogen, progesterone, chronic gonadotropin kortikosteroidm). The predominance of progesterone reduces tone ureters and bladder, which leads to stagnation of urine. Develop vesicoureteral reflux-junction (reverse reflux of urine, which increases the pressure and scored vnutrilohanochnogo microbial toxins in higher-lying sections and kidney tissue. - Starting from the 20th week of pregnancy the uterus compresses the ureters increases and as a result in the urogenital tract is stagnant urine. On the one hand, leads to the expansion of pelvis, the other creates an environment for bacterial growth. - If in pregnant a purulent inflammatory foci nahodyaishesya they microorganisms by hematogenous fall in the renal parenchyma, pelvis and cause pyelonephritis or cups can be a factor in the development of pyelonephritis. In practice, the following classification of pyelonephritis: I Pyelonephritis of pregnancy (one-way or two-way affected kidney). II Chronic pyelonephritis of pregnancy (single or bilateral lesions of the kidney). Adrift pyelonephritis divided into sleduyushie fazm: 1. Phase of active inflammation; 2. Latent phase of inflammation; 3. Phase of remission. Clinical course: ostrmy pyelonephritis appears tyazhelmm obshim state bolnmh, vmsokoy temperature, fever, wrong type of headache, sweating silnsh postepennmm decrease temperaturm body. Uchashayutsya dmhanie and pulse. There tupme pain, Kotormo distributed in the groin. When palpatsiisimptom Pasternatskogo polozhitelnmy. In cases tyazhelmh vospalitelnmy process extending to the kidney capsule and okruzhayuiduyu adipose tissue, which may vmzvat septic shock. In chronic pyelonephritis, there is a slight pain, usilivayushiesya motion, Bistro fatigue, loss of appetite, fever and subfebrialnaya obshee malaise. For the clinical course of chronic pyelonephritis is characteristic fuzzy povpnenie blood pressure and symptomatic chronic renal failure. It should be noted that in the prevailing circumstances sovremennmh latentnoprotekayushie formm chronic pyelonephritis, Cawthorne accompanied by relapses during pregnancy. It can be asymptomatic, but the study of urine vnyavlyaetsya bacteriuria and pyuria. The introduction of labor, and postpartum pyelonephritis. Childbirth preferably carried out under anesthesia: No-spa 2 ml baralgin-0, 5 ml electro analgesia, epidural anesthesia. . In the postpartum period to continue the treatment of pyelonephritis (antibiotics, nitrofurans, desensibiliziruyushie preparatm, vitamins, immune modulators.) Females undergoing rehabilitation pyelonephritis. After vshiski from the hospital to outpatient observation by a doctor obshey practice, during which performed urinalysis, urine testing for Zimnitskiy and Nechiporenko. Rehabilitation performed with an obstetrician-gynecologist and therapist. Women who have had pyelonephritis, you can use all the methods of contraception.