CVR-2011-952 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL Arrhythmogenic Consequences of Myofibroblast-Myocyte Coupling Thao P. Nguyen, Yuanfang Xie, Alan Garfinkel, Zhilin Qu, and James N. Weiss Abbreviations and Acronyms Cf Fibroblast membrane capacitance C Myocyte membrane capacitance CI Confidence interval DAD Delayed afterdepolarization EAD Early afterdepolarization Ef Uncoupled fibroblast resting membrane potential Ensc Reversal potential of non-selective cation current Insc Gf Fibroblast conductance Gj Gap junction coupling conductance GK Maximum potassium current conductance Gnsc Conductance of non-selective cation current Insc HypoK Hypokalemia Ib,Na Background sodium current ICa,L L-type Ca current If Fibroblast membrane current density Iion Myocyte membrane current density Ij Gap junction current IK1 Inward-rectifying potassium current IK Time- and voltage-dependent delayed-rectifier potassium current INaK Na-K pump current Insc Non-selective cation current RMP Myocyte resting membrane potential VF Ventricular fibrillation Vm Myocyte membrane potential Vf Fibroblast membrane potential 1 Nguyen TP et al Myofibroblast-myocyte coupling Online Suppl. Material _____________________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPLEMENTARY METHODS Solutions The Standard Tyrode’s solution containing (in mmol/L) NaCl 136, KCl 5.4 (or 2.7 in hypokalemia experiments), NaH2PO4 0.33, CaCl2 1.8, MgCl2 1, HEPES 10, and glucose 10 (pH 7.4 adjusted with NaOH), was used for cell isolation and extracellular perfusion in patch clamp studies unless otherwise indicated. The enzyme solution for myocyte isolation was a Ca2+-free Tyrode’s solution containing 1.0 mg/mL collagenase (Type II, Worthington) and 0.1 mg/mL protease (type XIV, Sigma). The pipette solution for whole cell recordings contained (in mmol/L): K-aspartate 110, KCl 30, NaCl 5, HEPES 10, EGTA 0.0-0.1, MgATP 5, creatine phosphate 5, cAMP 0.1 (pH 7.2 adjusted with KOH). The extracellular stressor employed in myocyte perfusion was either hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, 0.1 or 1 mmol/L) or hypokalemia (HypoK, 2.7 mmol/L). Dynamic Clamp Our dynamic clamp employed the high-speed M series multifunction Data Acquisition Device NI PCIe-6251 and NI-DAQmx driver software (National Instruments Corp.) to ensure 16-bit accuracy even at speeds up to 1.25 MS/s. Additionally, real time control was achieved using the Real-Time eXperiment Interface (RTXI), a real-time Linux based software system adapted by Christini, White, and Butera for hard real-time data acquisition in biological applications such as dynamic clamping and control of cardiac arrhythmia dynamics1,2. For excellent plug-ins and tutorials on real-time applications, please refer to During myofibroblast-myocyte coupling using the dynamic clamp, gap-free recordings of virtual myofibroblast membrane potential Vf and virtual gap junction current Ij were acquired simultaneously with gap-free recording of real myocyte membrane potential Vm. Virtual Ventricular Fibroblast or Myofibroblast with Gap Junction 2 Nguyen TP et al Myofibroblast-myocyte coupling Online Suppl. Material _____________________________________________________________________________________________ The electrophysiological model of the ventricular myofibroblast employed in our hybrid biological-computational experiments was closely adapted from MacCannell et al’s ‘active’ fibroblast model. The original ‘active’ fibroblast had a membrane capacitance of 6.3 pF and 4 membrane ionic currents—a time- and voltage-dependent delayed-rectifier K+ current IK, an inward-rectifying K+ current IK1 (both currents were identified in adult rat ventricular fibroblasts), a Na+-K+ pump current INaK, and a background Na+ current Ib,Na to balance the efflux associated with Na+-K+ pump activity (see MacCannell3 for formulations of those four currents). While the uncoupled resting potential Ef of MacCannell’s ‘active’ fibroblast was fixed at -49.6 mV, our myofibroblast had 2 possible Ef values of -50 or -25 mV. Therefore, to depolarize Ef to -25 mV when needed, our myofibroblast model had the addition of a non-selective cation current Insc, similar to those previously reported that were stretch-sensitive4-7. Formulation for the current Insc is as follows: I nsc Gnsc (V f Ensc ) where Gnsc is the constant, time- and voltage-independent conductance of Insc (0 when Ef = -50 mV or 0.17 mS/mF when Ef = -25 mV), Vf the myofibroblast membrane potential, and Ensc the reversal potential of Insc (-10 mV). This Insc current was linear in the range of physiological potentials and set to be constitutively active without inactivation or deactivation. Additionally, our myofibroblast model included a programmable gap junction conductance (Gj). Mathematical simulations of EAD generation by myofibroblast-myocyte coupling To explore the mechanisms underlying EAD promotion by myocyte-myofibroblast coupling, we performed simulations using the Luo-Rudy 1 ventricular myocyte AP model8 and a simplified ‘passive’ myofibroblast model devoid of ionic currents9. The passive myofibroblast contained a battery Ef (representing the uncoupling myofibroblast resting membrane potential), membrane 3 Nguyen TP et al Myofibroblast-myocyte coupling Online Suppl. Material _____________________________________________________________________________________________ conductance (Gf), capacitor (Cf) and coupling conductance (Gj), the values of which could be set explicitly. The transmembrane voltage (V) of the myocyte was governed by the following differential equation: C dV I ion G j (V f V ) dt and that (Vf) of the myofibroblast by the following one: Cf dV f dt I f G j (V V f ) where C is the myocyte membrane capacitance set as C = 1 F/cm2, Gj the gap junction conductance between the myocyte and the myofibroblast, and Cf the myofibroblast membrane capacitance. Iion is the Luo-Rudy 1 myocyte membrane current density and If is the myofibroblast membrane current density modeled by: I f G f (V f E f ) To generate an EAD-prone condition for the Luo-Rudy 1 model, we set the maximum conductance of L-type Ca current (ICa,L), delayed rectifier K current (IK), and inward-rectifying K current (IK1) to 0.069, 0.331, and 0.54 mS/mF, respectively. We also changed the slope of the steady-state activation and inactivation curves of ICa,L by fitting with a sigmoid function as follows10: d f 1 1 e (V Vd ) / s d 1 e (V V f ) / s f 1 where Vd = -25 mV, Vf = -20 mV, sd = 8.7, and sf = 3.8 were used. The time constants of activation and inactivation of ICa,L were sped up by 10 and 2.8 times, respectively. The time constant of IK activation was slowed down by 1.8 times. Differential equations were solved using forward Euler method with a time step varied between 0.1~0.01 ms. 4 Nguyen TP et al Myofibroblast-myocyte coupling Online Suppl. Material _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Under this parameter set, APD was prolonged, but EADs did not occur. However, when G K was reduced from 0.331 mS/F to 0.323 mS/F or below, EADs occurred in the action potential of the myofibroblast-uncoupled myocyte; therefore, the G K threshold of 0.323 mS/F was used to define the ‘control’ EAD threshold. After coupling of the myocyte to the myofibroblast, depending on the choice of the myofibroblast and gap junction coupling parameter set (Cf, Gf, Ef, and Gj), the G K threshold for EAD formation of the myo/fibroblastcoupled myocyte could shift to a new value, either lower or higher than that of the control (0.323 mS/F, 0% EAD threshold shift in Fig. 5). If the G K threshold of the myofibroblast-coupled myocyte was higher than the control value, the myofibroblast promoted EADs because EADs could occur in the presence of a larger myocyte K current; in other words, the myofibroblast lowered the myocyte EAD threshold (negative EAD threshold shift) and caused the myocyte to become more sensitive to EAD induction. Vice versa, if the G K threshold of the myofibroblastcoupled myocyte was smaller the control value, the myofibroblast suppressed EADs, the myocyte EAD threshold was raised (positive EAD threshold shift), and the myocyte became less sensitive to EAD induction (Fig. 5). 5 Nguyen TP et al Myofibroblast-myocyte coupling Online Suppl. Material _____________________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPLEMENTARY REFERENCES 1. Berecki G, Zegers JG, Verkerk AO, Bhuiyan ZA, de Jonge B, Veldkamp MW, Wilders R, van Ginneken AC. HERG channel (dys)function revealed by dynamic action potential clamp technique. Biophys J 2005;88:566-578. 2. Berecki G, Zegers JG, Wilders R, Van Ginneken AC. Cardiac channelopathies studied with the dynamic action potential-clamp technique. Methods Mol Biol 2007;403:233-250. 3. MacCannell KA, Bazzazi H, Chilton L, Shibukawa Y, Clark RB, Giles WR. 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Material _____________________________________________________________________________________________ SUPPLEMENTARY FIGURE Mathematical model of myo/fibroblast (Cf, Ef, Gf) with gap junction (Gj) Isolated rabbit myocyte Current clamp Patch clamp amplifier Myocyte Vm Gap junction Ij = Gj (Vm-Vf) Dynamic clamp computer Supplemental Figure 1. Schema of the dynamic clamp technique, in which a real rabbit ventricular myocyte is electrotonically coupled to a virtual myofibroblast with programmable properties. Action potentials elicited in current clamp mode from a freshly isolated patch-clamped adult rabbit ventricular myocyte were fed into a dynamic clamp computer running a virtual myofibroblast model in real time. At each time point (5 KHz), the dynamic clamp computer injected a gap junction current Ij proportional to the voltage difference between the myocyte and the virtual myofibroblast. Cf, myofibroblast capacitance; Ef, uncoupled myofibroblast resting membrane potential; Gf, myofibroblast conductance; Gj, gap junction conductance; Vm, myocyte membrane potential; Vf, myofibroblast membrane potential. 8