Cablevision Application Portal - Cablevision EIT Remote Access

Application Portal
User’s Guide
January 4, 2006
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Components ............................................................................................................................ 3
System Requirements.............................................................................................................. 3
Quickstart Installation Instructions ......................................................................................... 3
Before You Begin ........................................................................................................... 3
Citrix Presentation Manager Client ................................................................................ 3
RSA SecurID Software Token ........................................................................................ 3
Using the portal ....................................................................................................................... 4
First Time Use................................................................................................................. 4
Configuring the RSA Software Token .................................................................... 4
Logging In To The Web Site For The First Time................................................... 7
Regular Use ................................................................................................................... 14
Detailed Installation Instructions .......................................................................................... 18
Citrix Presentation Manager Client .............................................................................. 18
Download Software .............................................................................................. 18
Unzip ..................................................................................................................... 22
Install..................................................................................................................... 25
RSA Software Token .................................................................................................... 32
Download Software .............................................................................................. 32
Unzip ..................................................................................................................... 34
Install..................................................................................................................... 38
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Cablevision Application Portal
Installation & User’s Guide
The Cablevision Application Portal system provides secure remote access to Cablevision internal
applications through an Internet web site.
1 Components
Citrix Presentation Manager Client – enables the user to run portal based applications launched
from their web browser.
RSA SecurID Software Token – generates one-time use passwords for logging in to the portal.
2 System Requirements
1. Windows 2000 or Windows XP
2. 100 MB available hard disk space
3. Internet Explorer 5.5 or later
3 Quickstart Installation Instructions
The Quickstart installation instructions are intended for advanced users with experience
downloading and installing software packages from Internet web sites. Detailed installation
instructions are available in section 5.
3.1 Before You Begin
Before installing, you should receive an e-mail from Cablevision Enterprise IT containing
your user ID and password. The e-mail will have an attached file (token seed file) with the
name <youruserid>.sdtid.
3.2 Citrix Presentation Manager Client
Download the software from
Unzip the software to a temporary folder.
Run <temp folder name>\ica32pkg.msi
Reboot computer
3.3 RSA SecurID Software Token
Download software from
Unzip the software to a temporary folder.
Run <temp folder name>\EndUserSetup.exe
Reboot the computer.
Follow the instruction in section four (4) to configure your Software Token and
login to the web site for the first time.
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4 Using the portal
4.1 First Time Use
4.1.1 Configuring the RSA Software Token
1. Copy the token seed file received with the e-mail from Cablevision to a temporary folder.
2. Launch the RSA Software Token program from the Start Menu.
3. Click File/Import Tokens. Browse to the temporary folder holding the token seed file.
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4. Click on the token seed file and click open. You will be prompted for a password. Enter
your userid as your password.
5. Click on the token Serial Number. Click the Transfer Selected Tokens to Hard Drive
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6. Type the user ID listed in the e-mail as your passphrase. Click the OK button to
complete the process.
7. The Software Token now displays the token serial number in the Blue bar at the top of
the window and the word “TOKENCODE” and an eight (8) digit number in the display.
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4.1.2 Logging In To The Web Site For The First Time
1. Launch the RSA Software Token program from the Start Menu. The display should
contain the word “TOKENCODE” and an eight (8) digit number.
2. Start Internet Explorer. Connect to
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3. You will be automatically redirected to the Citrix Web Interface web site.
4. Click “Copy!” in the menu bar of the RSA Software Token window to copy the
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5. Type your user ID in the User Name: field on the web site. Right click the PASSCODE
field and click Paste to paste the TOKENCODE in the PASSCODE field. Click the Log
In button.
6. You will be prompted to set a Personal Identification Number (PIN). Click on the circle
to the left of “User generated” in the Set PIN box. Click the OK button.
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7. Pick a four digit number that you will remember. Don’t use a number that can easily be
associated with you such as part of your phone number, address, or Social Security
number or your year of birth or month and day of birth. Type the number you pick into
the New PIN field and the New PIN Again field. Click OK.
8. You are now ready to log in for the first time.
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9. Click the Clear button on the RSA Software Token. Type you PIN and press the enter
key on your keyboard or click the enter button in the Software Token window.
10. The software Token displays the word PASSCODE and an eight (8) digit number. Click
Copy! in the menu bar to copy the PASSCODE.
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11. Type your user ID in the User Name: field of the web site log in page. Right click the
PASSCODE: field and click paste to paste the PASSCODE copied from the Software
Token. Click the Log In button.
12. Enter the password included in the e-mail from Cablevision Enterprise IT. This password
is stored by the system. This is the only time you will need to enter this password. Click
the Log In button.
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13. Click any of the application icons to launch that application.
14. Click the Log Off button when done.
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4.2 Regular Use
1. Start Internet Explorer. Connect to
2. You will automatically be redirected to the Citrix Web Interface web site.
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3. Launch the RSA Software Token program from the Start Menu. The display should
contain the word “TOKENCODE” and an eight (8) digit number.
4. Click the Clear button on the RSA Software Token. Type your PIN and press the enter
key on your keyboard or click the enter button in the Software Token window.
5. The software Token displays the word PASSCODE and an eight (8) digit number. Click
Copy! in the menu bar to copy the PASSCODE.
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6. On the Citrix Web Interface web site, type your user ID in the User Name: field of the
web site log in page. Right click the PASSCODE: field and click paste to paste the
PASSCODE copied from the Software Token. Click the Log In button.
7. Click any of the application icons to launch that application.
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8. Click the Log Off button when done.
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5 Detailed Installation Instructions
5.1 Citrix Presentation Manager Client
5.1.1 Download Software
1. Open Internet Explorer and go the Cablevison Application Portal Download Center Web
Site at
2. Click on “Click here to download the Citrix client software.”
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3. Click the Save button to download the software and save it to the local hard drive. Create
a new folder named CVPortal and save the file in the CVPortal folder.
4. Create a new folder on the local hard disk named CVPortal.
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5. Save the PresentationServerClient file in the CVPortal folder.
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6. Click the Close button to complete the download process.
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5.1.2 Unzip
1. Click Run in the Start Menu.
2. Browse to the CVPortal folder holding the PresentationServerClient.exe file
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3. Click on the PresentationServerClient file and Click the Open button.
4. Click the OK button in the Run window.
5. Click the Unzip button.
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6. Click the OK button.
7. Click the Close button to complete the Unzip process.
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5.1.3 Install
1. Click Run in the Start Menu.
2. Browse to the folder containing the Citrix Client Software..
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3. Click on the ica32pkg file. Click the Open button.
4. Click the OK button in the Run window.
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5. Click the Next button to begin the installation.
6. Click the circle to the left of “I accept the license agreement.” Click the Next button to
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7. Click Run in the Start Menu.
8. Click the box to the left of “Use machine name as client name” so that it is checked.
Click the Next button to continue.
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9. Click the circle to the left of “No”. Click the Next button to continue.
10. Click the Next button to start copying files.
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11. Click the Finish button to complete the installation.
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5.2 RSA Software Token
5.2.1 Download Software
1. Open Internet Explorer and go the Cablevison Application Portal Download Center Web
Site at
2. Click the Save button to save the file to the hard drive.
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3. Save the file in the same folder as the Citrix Presentation Manager Client software.
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4. Click the close button to complete the download process.
5.2.2 Unzip
1. Click Run in the Start menu
2. Browse to the folder holding the client file. Click on the SoftToken.exe file and click the
Open button.
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3. Click the OK button in the Run windows
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4. Enter the location of the folder containing the SoftToken.exe file in the Destination
Folder field.
5. Add \RSA to the end of the folder name in the Destination Folder field and click the
Install button.
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5.2.3 Install
1. Click Run in the Start menu.
2. Browse to the location of the SoftToken installation files.
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3. Click on the EndUserSetup file and click the Open button.
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4. Click the OK button in the Run window
5. The installation program installs the RSA Software Token without any further input.
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