Midterm_Sample Questions

Student: ___________________________________________________________________________
1. The study of ethics is different from the study of psychology and sociology in that the latter fields are
A. narrative in nature.
B. descriptive in nature.
C. quasi-experimental in nature.
D. developmental in nature.
2. Which among the following can result in a scenario where the number of regulated areas becomes
improbable and unmanageable?
A. Telling businesses that its ethical responsibilities end with obedience to law.
B. Assuming that law can anticipate every new dilemma that businesses might face.
C. Maintaining that obedience to law is sufficient to fulfill one's ethical duties.
D. Assuming that freedom valuing societies welcome laws requiring more than just an ethical minimum.
3. In accordance to the criticism aimed at studying business ethics, many viewed it as a mixture of _____ and
personal opinion that could interfere with the functioning of a business.
A. abstract thinking
B. sentimentality
C. religious connotations
D. rigidity
4. Philosophical ethics argues that a key test of _____ is whether or not a decision would be acceptable from the
point of view of all parts involved.
A. ethical legitimacy
B. responsibility
C. morality
D. normative studies
5. Within a business setting, individuals must consider the ethical implications of
A. both personal and professional decision-making.
B. stakeholders' choices and personal decisions.
C. financial and ethical decision-making.
D. only professional decision-making.
6. Specifically, in some people, a set of _____ inclines them to, without deliberation, act ethically.
A. moralities
B. do's and don'ts
C. codes
D. ethical habits
7. Which among the following frameworks of ethics becomes less practical with an increase in the number of
people, animals, etc that could be affected by decisions made?
A. Virtue ethics framework of ethics.
B. Utilitarian framework of ethics.
C. Social justice through fairness framework of ethics.
D. Deontological framework of ethics.
8. Philosophical ethics seeks foundations that all reasonable people can accept, regardless of their
A. educational background.
B. economical background.
C. cultural background.
D. religious background.
9. According to which type of ethical framework would child labor in any country be tolerated?
A. Virtue ethics
B. Deontological ethics
C. Utilitarianism
D. Social justice
10. In a value-based culture, a firm recognizes that in the event of ____, it must rely on the personal integrity of
its workforce when decisions need to be made.
A. financial constraints
B. technological upheaval
C. shortage of labor
D. ambiguous rules
11. According to the text, Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling are
A. bad leaders.
B. charismatic leaders.
C. good leaders.
D. ethical leaders.
12. Which among the following actually impacts culture in a circular way?
A. Perception
B. Ethics
C. Vision
D. Leadership
13. According to the text, the presumption of which among the following factors leads to an entrenchment of
the firm, rather than its enhancement?
A. The decision-making skills of the board.
B. The ethical nature of the firm's leaders.
C. The prioritization of the stakeholders.
D. Employee understanding of the mission.
14. Among which of the following would both law and ethics say that business should be held liable for
violating its responsibilities?
A. The social responsibility of a firm to prevent harm when one is not the cause for it.
B. The social responsibility of a firm to not cause harm to others.
C. The social responsibility of a firm to obey the law.
D. The social responsibility of a firm to do good.
15. According to the book, specifically, one other element (one being customer preference) impacts the bottom
line. Identify it.
A. Organizational mission
B. Employee preference
C. Ethical nature of the leaders
D. Supplier preference
Sample Key
1. (p. 8) The study of ethics is different from the study of psychology and sociology in that the latter fields are
a. narrative in nature.
B. descriptive in nature.
c. quasi-experimental in nature.
d. developmental in nature.
Hartman1e - Chapter 01
2. (p. 14) Which among the following can result in a scenario where the number of regulated areas becomes
improbable and unmanageable?
A. Telling businesses that its ethical responsibilities end with obedience to law.
b. Assuming that law can anticipate every new dilemma that businesses might face.
c. Maintaining that obedience to law is sufficient to fulfill one's ethical duties.
d. Assuming that freedom valuing societies welcome laws requiring more than just an ethical minimum.
Hartman1e - Chapter 01
3. (p. 4) In accordance to the criticism aimed at studying business ethics, many viewed it as a mixture of _____
and personal opinion that could interfere with the functioning of a business.
a. abstract thinking
B. sentimentality
c. religious connotations
d. rigidity
Hartman1e - Chapter 01
4. (p. 39) Philosophical ethics argues that a key test of _____ is whether or not a decision would be acceptable
from the point of view of all parts involved.
A. ethical legitimacy
b. responsibility
c. morality
d. normative studies
Hartman1e - Chapter 02
5. (p. 47) Within a business setting, individuals must consider the ethical implications of
A. both personal and professional decision-making.
b. stakeholders' choices and personal decisions.
c. financial and ethical decision-making.
d. only professional decision-making.
Hartman1e - Chapter 02
6. (p. 46) Specifically, in some people, a set of _____ inclines them to, without deliberation, act ethically.
a. moralities
b. do's and don'ts
c. codes
D. ethical habits
Hartman1e - Chapter 02
7. (p. 72) Which among the following frameworks of ethics becomes less practical with an increase in the number
of people, animals, etc that could be affected by decisions made?
a. Virtue ethics framework of ethics.
B. Utilitarian framework of ethics.
c. Social justice through fairness framework of ethics.
d. Deontological framework of ethics.
NOTE: Some utilitarians argue that the happiness of future generations ought to be considered; others include
animals and all living beings capable of feeling pleasure and pain. The more expansive the list we should
consider, the less practical utilitarian thinking becomes.
Hartman1e - Chapter 03
8. (p. 66) Philosophical ethics seeks foundations that all reasonable people can accept, regardless of their
a. educational background.
b. economical background.
c. cultural background.
D. religious background.
NOTE: Philosophical ethics seeks foundations that all reasonable people can accept, regardless of their religious
Hartman1e - Chapter 03
9. (p. 69) According to which type of ethical framework would child labor in any country be tolerated?
a. Virtue ethics
b. Deontological ethics
C. Utilitarianism
d. Social justice
NOTE: In judging the ethics of child labor, utilitarian thinking would advise us to consider all the likely
consequences of employing young children in factories. If the consequences are good, then it is tolerated.
Hartman1e - Chapter 03
10. (p. 119) In a value-based culture, a firm recognizes that in the event of ____, it must rely on the personal
integrity of its workforce when decisions need to be made.
a. financial constraints
b. technological upheaval
c. shortage of labor
D. ambiguous rules
NOTE: A values-based culture recognizes that where a rule does not apply, the firm must rely on the personal
integrity of its workforce when decisions need to be made.
Hartman1e - Chapter 04
11. (p. 122) According to the text, Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling are
a. bad leaders.
b. charismatic leaders.
C. good leaders.
d. ethical leaders.
NOTE: Good leaders are effective at getting followers to their common destination. But not every good leader
is an ethical leader. In the corporate context, Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling were good and effective business
Hartman1e - Chapter 04
12. (p. 115) Which among the following actually impacts culture in a circular way?
A. Perception
b. Ethics
c. Vision
d. Leadership
NOTE: Defining the specific culture within an organization is not an easy task since it is partially based on each
participant's perception of the culture. In fact, perception may actually impact the culture in a circular way.
Hartman1e - Chapter 04
13. (p. 153) According to the text, the presumption of which among the following factors leads to an entrenchment
of the firm, rather than its enhancement?
a. The decision-making skills of the board.
b. The ethical nature of the firm's leaders.
C. The prioritization of the stakeholders.
d. Employee understanding of the mission.
NOTE: All too often, however, the prioritization is presumed rather than intentionally discussed and challenged,
which might lead to entrenchment rather than enhancement of the firm.
Hartman1e - Chapter 05
14. (p. 155) Among which of the following would both law and ethics say that business should be held liable for
violating its responsibilities?
a. The social responsibility of a firm to prevent harm when one is not the cause for it.
B. The social responsibility of a firm to not cause harm to others.
c. The social responsibility of a firm to obey the law.
d. The social responsibility of a firm to do good.
NOTE: Even when not explicitly prohibited by law, ethics would demand that we not cause avoidable harm. If a
business causes harm to someone and if that harm could have been avoided by exercising due care or proper
planning, then both the law and ethics would say that business should be held liable for violating its
Hartman1e - Chapter 05
15. (p. 157) According to the book, specifically, one other element (one being customer preference) impacts the
bottom line. Identify it.
a. Organizational mission
B. Employee preference
c. Ethical nature of the leaders
d. Supplier preference
NOTE: The impact on the bottom line, therefore, stems not only from customer preference but also from
employee preference.
Hartman1e - Chapter 05