SYLLABUS PP A D 5 29 ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL SECURITY THE AM ER IC A N UN IV ER S I T Y IN C AI RO Sc ho ol o f G l ob a l A f fa ir s an d Publ ic P ol ic y Dep a r t men t of Publ i c P ol ic y and A dm in is tr a ti on Instructor: Dr. Sameh Aboul Enein Assistant Professor for International Security, Disarmament and Conflict Studies. Class Hours Monday 07:00 pm – 10:00 pm Tuesday 07:00 pm – 10:00 pm Wednesday 05:00 pm – 10:00 pm Class room JAMEEL CP06 Office number: 2070 Abdul Latif Jameel Hall Office hours: Monday 06:00 pm – 07:00 pm Tuesday 06:00 pm – 07:00 pm Wednesday 04:00 pm – 07:00 pm & by appointment Telephone number: 2615 - 3384 E-mail address: MISSION OF THE PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Our mission is to equip future leaders with the conceptual framework and the specific skills needed to be effective and innovative policy makers and administrators in various spheres of governance within governmental, regional, international and multinational institutions through structural course work, internship and research addressing public policy and administration issues in the region. In support of this mission the department: Provides a high quality contemporary-style public policy and administration education that blends a global perspective with national cultures and is relevant to the public policy and administration needs of Egypt and the region. Provides programs that encourage the development of a community service spirit that emphasizes integrity, action orientation, objectivity, broad mindedness and teamwork Provides a learning environment that fosters faculty/student communication and promotes lifelong learning and career development Encourages faculty development activities that improve teaching, maintain competence and that keep faculty current with ideas and concepts in their field. Seeks to develop a portfolio of intellectual contributions to learning and pedagogy, to practice, and to the theory and knowledge base of the disciplines. Encourages the establishment of close partnerships with the public policy and administration community through consultancies and service that enhance the intellectual and economic quality of Egypt while enriching the learning process COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is about power and security in the international system. It addresses traditional and new threats to international security. Inter-State territorial and intra-State ethnic conflicts are examples of the former. Conflicts, actual or potential, deriving from the wide use of extremist violence by transnational groups or over the use of non-renewable natural resources and the population displacement consequences of climate change are instances of such conflicts. The course will also address the search for peace and security and the need for global governance of security. National policies, particularly those of great and medium-size powers, with regard to security threats and mechanisms of governance will be perused. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES After completing the course successfully, the students will be able to: - Display an understanding of traditional and new threats to international security; Analyze the roles, opportunities and limitations of traditional and new actors in international security; Analyze national and international/regional organizations’ policies to deal with specific security threats; Understand the different stages of a conflict and the alternative approaches used to address each one; Apply an understanding of negotiation and other techniques to resolve conflicts at each stage of the conflict prevention-resolution-recovery process. MAIN TOPICS TO BE COVERED READINGS I. Required Readings Andrew, Christopher. The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of Mi5 (London, 2009) Acharya, Amitav and Arabinda Acharya (2007), “The Myth of the Second Front: Localizing the War on Terror in Soutjeast Asia”, Washington Quarterly, Autumn, pp. 75-90 [online] Art, Robert J., “The Fungibility of Force”, in Robert Art and Kenneth Waltz, eds., The Use of Force: Military Power and International Politics. Bercovitch, J. (1992). Mediators and mediation strategies in international relations. Negotiation Journal, 8, 99-112 Barry Rubin (2002). The Tragedy of the Middle East. New York: Cambridge University Press. Bar-Siman-Tov, Yaacov (2007). Israeli- Palestinian conflict: from conflict resolution to conflict management. Palgrave Macmillan, Gordonsville, VA, USA (ebook) Goertz, Gary and Patrick Regan (1997), “Conflict Management in Enduring Rivalries”, International Interactions, no. 22, pp. 321-340.IISS Towards a regional security regime for the Middle East. Jim Bryant (2011). Conflict evolution tracking the Middle East Conflict. Group Decision and Negotiation. C. Raja Mohan, “India and the Balance of Power,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2006). Caldwell, Dan, Seeking Security in an Insecure World. Chapter 1, pp. 1-15. Catriona Gourlay Executive Director (2004): European Union procedures and resources for crisis management, International Peacekeeping, 11:3,404-421 2 Clapham, Christopher, “The Global-Local Politics of State Decay”, in Robert Rotberg, ed., When States Fail: Causes and Consequences. pp. 77-93 Cockayne, James and Christoph Mikulaschek (2008), Transnational Security Challenges and the UN: Overcoming Sovereign Walls and Institutional Silos, International Peace Academy, pp. 1-14 [online] Cockayne, James (2007), Transnational Organized Crime: Multilateral Responses to a Rising Threat. International Peace Research Institute Policy Paper, April, pp. 1-20 CNS, NPT Briefing Book, Part II, Section Q, “Documents on the Middle East,” David Hafemeister, “The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: Effectively Verifiable,” Arms Control Today (October 2008) Dupont, Alan (2008), “The Strategic Implications of Climate Change”, Survival, June/July, pp. 29-47 Egstrom, O. (1990). Norms, culture, and cognitive patterns in foreign aid negotiations. Negotiation Journal, 6, 147-159 Fan He, Donghai Qin (2006), “China’s Energy Strategy in the Twenty-first Century”, China and World Economy, Volume 14, no. 2, pp. 93-105 [online] Fukuyama, Francis and Michael McFaul (2008), “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?” Washington Quarterly, Winter, pp. 23-45 [onlie] Gerald M. Steinberg, "Examining Israel's NPT Exceptionalism: 1998-2005," The Nonproliferation Review. (March 2006). George Bunn, "The Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime and its History," chapter 3 in George Bunn and Christopher F. Chyba, editors, U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy. (Brookings, 2006). George Bunn and Christopher F. Chyba, "U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policies for a New Era," chapter 8 in George Bunn and Christopher F. Chyba, editors, U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy. (Brookings 2006). George P. Shultz, William J. Perry, Henry Kissinger, and Sam Nunn. “A World Without Nuclear Weapons,” Wall Street Journal (January 4, 2007 and January 15, 2008). George Perkovich, James M. Acton, Lawrence Freedman, Frank Miller, Jonathan Schell, Brad Roberts, Harald Müller, Bruno Tertrais, Achilles Zaluar, Scott Sagan, Takaya Suto, Hirofumi Tosaki, James Doyle, Patricia Lewis, Ian Hore-Lacy, Pan Zhenqiang, V.R. Raghavan, Sameh Aboul-Enein, Ernesto Zedillo, Zia Mian (2009) Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. All rights reserved. Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: A debate Goldstein, Joshua S. and Jon C. Pevehouse (2009), “Environment and Population”, in International Relations, 8th edition. New York, Pearson Longman 3 Ikenberry, G. John (2008), “The Rise of China and the Future of the West”, Foreign Affairs, September-October, pp. 23-37 [online] Isenberg, David, “A Government in Search of Cover: Private Military Companies in Iraq”, in Chesterman and Lehnardt, from Mercenaries to Market, pp. 82-93 [online] Ivo Daalder and Jan Lodal, "The Logic of Zero: Toward a World Without Nuclear Weapons," Foreign Affairs. (November/Decembr 2008). James, Clay Moltz (2003), New Challenges in missile proliferation, missile defense and space security. Monterey Institute of International Studies. Occasional paper no.12. Jean du Preez, “The Fissban: Time for a Renewed Commitment or a New Approach? ”Disarmament Diplomacy 79 (April/May 2005). John Simpson, “The 2000 NPT Review Conference,” SIPRI Yearbook 2001, Appendix 6B, pp. 1-16. Jones, R. V., 1978, Most Secret War: British Scientific Intelligence 1939-1945, London: Hamish Hamilton. Kathleen Bailey, "Why Do We Have to Keep the Bomb?" Bulleting of Atomic Scientists. (January/February 1995). Kaufmann, Chaim (2005), “Rational Chocie and Progress in the Study of Ethnic Conflict”, Security Studies, January-March, pp. 178-207 [online] Keohane, Robert O. and Joseph Nye, “Power and Interdependence”, in Betts, Conflict After the Cold War. Pp. 121-127 Konstantinos D. Magliveras and Gino J. Naldi (2002). The African Union: A New Dawn for Africa? The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 415-425 Leander, Anna (2005), “The Marker for Force and Public Security: The Destabilizing Consequences of Private Military Companies”, Journal of Peace Research, pp. 605-622 Marco Pinfari (2009), Nothing but failure the Arab League and the Gulf Cooperation Council as Mediators in Middle Eastern Conflicts. London school of Economics Crisis States Working Papers Series No.2. Matthews, Jessica (1997), “Power Shift”, Foreign Affairs, January-February, pp. 50-66 [online] Moran, T.H. (1990/91), “International Economics as a National Security Issue”, in Security Studies Today, pp. 115-134 Money, B. (1998). International multilateral negotiation and social networks. Journal of International Business Studies, 29(4). Oliver Meier, “The European Union’s Nonproliferation Strategy: An Interview with Annalisa Gianella,” Arms Control Today, July 24, 2005, Patrick, Stewart (2006), “Weak States and Global Threats: Fact or Fiction?”, Washington Quarterly, pp. 29-53 [online] Peppi DeBiaso (2006). Proliferation, Missile Defense and the Conduct of Modern War, Comparative Strategy, 25:3, 157-171 Potter, William C. and Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova (2008), “Divining Nuclear Intentions: A Review Essay”, International Security, Summer, pp. 139-169 [online] Perkovich, George (2006), “The End of the Non-proliferation Regime?”, Current History, November, pp. 355-362 [online] 4 Raymond Cohen, Negotiating across cultures. United States Institute of Peace 1998. Rosenau, James N. (1995), “Governance in the Twenty-first Century”, Global Governance, no. 1, pp. 13-43 R. Fisher and D. Shapiro, Beyond Reason (Penguin Books, 2005).United Nations, A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility. Pp. 1-19 [online] Richard L. Russell. Off and running: the Middle East nuclear arms race. JFQ / issue 58, 3d quarter 2010 Sameh Aboul-Enein," International relations, national interests & foreign policy making in the ME". PH.D dissertation, university of London. Sameh Aboul-Enein 2009, “Challenges for the Non-Proliferation Regime and the Middle East” Disarmament Diplomacy, Issue no. 90. Spring 2009. Sameh Aboul-Enein and Bharath Gopalaswamy (2009). Missile Regime, Verification, Test Bans and Free Zones, Disarmament Forum No. 4, UNIDIR, Geneva. Sameh Aboul-Enein, “NPT 2010: The Beginning of a New Constructive Cycle”, Arms Control Today, November 2010. Senese, Paul and Stephen Quackenbush (2003), “Sowing the Seeds of Conflict: the Effect of Dispute Settlements on Durations of Peace, The Journal of Politics, Volume 65, no. 3, pp. 696-717. Sageman, Marc (2004), “Understanding Terror Networks”, Foreign Policy Research Institute, November 1 [online] Sharon Squassoni, "Closing Pandora's Box: Pakistan's Role in Nuclear Proliferation," Arms Control Today (April 2004). Shelley, Louise I. (1995), “Transnational Organized Crime: An Imminent Threat to the Nation-State”, Journal of International Affairs 48, no. 2, Winter, pp. 463-489. Short, Nicola (1999), “The Role of NGOs in the Ottawa Process to Ban Landmines”, International Negotiation, pp. 481-500 [online] Siegfried S. Hecker and William Lou, “Dangerous Dealings: North Korea’s Nuclear Capabilities and the Threat of Export to Iran,” Arms Control Today (March 2007). Singer, P.W. (2001/02), “Corporate Warriors: The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry and Its ramifications for International Security”, International Security, Winter, pp. 186220 Stedman, Stephen John (2007), “UN Transformation in an Era of Soft Balancing”, International Affairs, September, pp. 933-944 [online] Steinbruner, John and Jason Forrester (2004), “Perspectives on Civil Violence: A Review of Current Thinking”, in William Lahnemann, ed., Military Intervention. New York, Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 1-27 Snyder, S. (2000). Negotiating on the edge: Patterns in North Korea's diplomatic style. World Affairs, 163(1), 3-17. Tariq Rauf and Rebecca Johnson, “After the NPT’s Indefinite Extension: The Future of the Global Nonproliferation Regime,” Nonproliferation Review (Fall 1995), pp. 28-42 at Toffolo (2007); Rubin, 2002, pp. 227-257; Andersen et al. (2004), pp. 235-278. Waltz, Kenneth, “The Origins of War in Neorealist Theory”, in Rotberg and Rabb, The Origins and Prevention of Major wars. Pp. 39-52 Williams, Phil, “Transnational Criminal Organizations and International Security”, in World Security Challenges for a New Century, edited by M. Klare and Y. Chandrani. William Ury, Getting Past No: Negotiating Your Way from Confrontation to Cooperation. 5 William C. Potter (2005), “The NPT Review Conference: 188 States in Search of Consensus,” The International Spectator, Vol. 3. (An assessment of the 2005 NPT Rev Con). Wright, Peter, & Greengrass, Paul. 1988 Spycatcher : The candid autobiography of a senior intelligence officer / Peter Wright with Paul Greengrass. II. Recommended Readings Darryl Howlett and John Simpson, eds., Nuclear Non-Proliferation: A Reference Handbook (1992), pp. 15-28, 51-56. George Bunn, Arms Control by Committee: Managing Negotiations with the Russians (1992), pp. 59-83. Landau, Arms Control in the Middle East: Cooperative Security Dialogue and Regional Constraints. Merav Datan, “Nuclear futures for the Middle East: Impact on the goal of a WMD-free zone,” Disarmament Forum 2008, No. 2, pp. 21-32, Paul Rivlin, “The Russian Economy and Arms Exports to the Middle East,” Jaffee Center, November 2005, Raiffa, H. (1982). The Art & Science of Negotiation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, Ch. 18, "The Law of the Sea," pp. 275-287. R. Fisher and W. Ury, Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In (Penguin Books, 1981). R. Fisher and S. Brown, Getting Together: Building Relationships as We Negotiate (Penguin Books, 1988) Richard Russell, “China’s WMD Foot In the Greater Middle East’s Door,” MERIA, September 2005, Robert J. Einhorn et al., “The P-5 And Nuclear Nonproliferation,” CSIS Working Group Report, December 2007, Roy Lewicki, David Saunders, Bruce Barry, John Minton, Essentials of Negotiation (4thedition, Irwin, 2007). Roy Lewicki, David Saunders, Bruce Barry, John Minton, Negotiation Readings, Exercises & Cases (5thedition, Irwin, 2006). Sameh Aboul-Enein, The Road Map to Total Nuclear Disarmament, in Aboloshing Nuclear Weapons: A Debate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, February 2009 Sameh Aboul-Enein, Challenges for the Nonproliferation Regime and the Middle East, Disarmament Diplomacy, No. 90, Spring 2009 Sameh Aboul-Enein, NPT 2010: The Beginning of a New Constructive Cycle, Arms Control Today, November 2010 Sameh Aboul-Enein and Hassan ELBahtimy, towards a verified nuclear weapon free zone in the Middle East, VERTIC Brief, April 2010. Sameh Aboul-Enein and Bharath Gopalaswamy. Missile Regime, Verification, Test Bans and Free Zones, Disarmament Forum No. 4, 2009, UNIDIR, Geneva Sammy Salama and Heidi Weber, “The Emerging Arab Response to Iran’s Unabated Nuclear Program,” NTI Issue Brief, December 22, 2006, Shai Feldman 1997. Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control in the Middle East. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 121-150, 205-242. 6 Scott Sagan, “The Causes of Nuclear Weapons Proliferation,” Annual Review of Political Science (2011), pp. 225-244. Whitney Raas and Austin Long, “Osirak Redux? Israeli Capabilities to Destroy Iranian Nuclear Facilities,” International Security 31:4 (Spring 2007) pp. 7-33. William Epstein, The Last Chance: Nuclear Proliferation and Arms Control (1976). William C. Potter, Nuclear Power and Nonproliferation: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (1982). William Ury, Getting Past No: Negotiating Your Way from Confrontation to Cooperation. III. Readings on Reserve 1 2 Author IAEA Publications Feldman, Shai, 1950 3 IISS 4 5 IISS Johnson, Rebecca 6 The United Nations: Disarmament Yearbook The United Nations: Disarmament Yearbook Raiffa, Howard, 1924 Landau, Emily B. 7 8 9 10 Roy J. Lewicki, Bruce Barry, David M. Saunders 11 Fisher, Roger 1922 12 Lewicki, Roy J. 13 United Nations 14 Sameh Aboul-Enein 15 Dr. Mohamed Shaker 16 Dr. Karem Mahmoud Title IAEA Annual Report 2010 Nuclear weapons and arms control in the Middle East/ by Shai Feldman Strategic survey 2011: The Annual Review of World Affairs Towards a regional security regime for the Middle East Unfinished business: the negotiation of the CTBT and the end of nuclear testing Volume 35 (part I): 2010 Volume 35 (part II): 2010 The art and science of negotiation Arms control in the Middle East: cooperative security dialogue and regional constraints Negotiation: readings, exercises and cases Getting to Yes: negotiating agreement without giving in Essentials of negotiation NPT 2010 Document "International relations, national interests & foreign policy making in the ME". PH.D dissertation, university of London. Nuclear power in the Arab world & the regionalization of the nuclear fuel cycle: an Egyptian Perspective A nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East : problems and prospects 7 IV. Additional Recommended Reading: Jayantha Dhanapala with Randy Rydell, Multilateral Diplomacy and the NPT: An Insider’s Account (2005). R. Fisher and W.Ury (1981), Getting to Yes: Negotiating agreement without giving in. Penguin book. R. Fisher and S. Brown, Getting Together: Building Relationships as We Negotiate (Penguin Books, 1988) R. Fisher and W. Ury (Penguin Books, 1981), Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In. R. Fisher and S. Brown (Penguin Books, 1988), Getting Together: Building Relationships as We Negotiate Raymond Cohen (1998), Negotiating across cultures. United States Institute of Peace. Roy Lewicki, David Saunders, Bruce Barry, John Minton (2007), Essentials of Negotiations. 4th edition, Irwin. Snyder, S. (2000). Negotiating on the edge: Patterns in North Korea's diplomatic style. World Affairs, 163(1), 3-17. William Ury, Jeanne Brett and Stephen Goldberg (1988), Getting disputes resolved: designing systems to cut the cost of conflict. Jossey-Bass. TEACHING METHODS The teaching methods for this course will alternate between lecturing; presentation and class discussions of assigned readings; and presentations by guest speakers and discussions. Students will be asked successively to briefly and critically present and discuss the readings assigned to them. Presenters will be identified at the end of each class for the following session. The course consists of; Lectures on International security, UN, security organizations, and regional organizations. Class discussions and student presentations on assigned International security, UN, security organizations, and regional organization topics. simulation games illustrating various aspects of International security and regional organizations discussions of simulation outcomes in terms of formal decision making models and negotiation theory. COURSE GUIDELINES: Students are kindly advised to: - Regularly attend class sessions. - Prepare beforehand for class sessions by reading text assignments and identifying topics that needs clarification. Feel free to raise questions to ensure enough understanding. - Participate actively in class discussions and keep notes on your behavior, choices and rationales as well as notes on your partners' and opponents' behavior. - Periodically check course on blackboard. - Communication skills complement analytical ones, so pay attention to completeness, clarity, and aspect of written work. Grading is based on sound analysis, and on effective communication of results. - Hand in assignments on time. Late assignments will be devalued. 8 GRADING SYSTEM The evaluation of students will be distributed as follows: - Attendance & Participation Presentation Skills exercises Simulation Geneva study Final Exam Total 10% 15% 5% 20% 30% 20% 100 % ACADEMIC INTEGRITY All students are expected to agree to and comply with the University Academic Integrity Policy which states “Valuing the concepts of academic integrity and independent effort, the American University in Cairo expects from its students the highest standards of scholarly conduct. The University community asserts that the reputation of the institution depends on the integrity of both faculty and students in their academic pursuits and that it are their joint responsibility to promote an atmosphere conducive to such standards.” Detailed information about the University Academic Integrity Policy may be found in the Catalog and on the University Web site. SCHEDULE OF TOPICS AND ASSOCIATED READINGS1, OF EXAMS AND RESEARCH ASSIGNMENTS First Week –Cairo Session number Topic (1) United Nations organizations, July 2, 2012 agencies and main issues (M.E). Monday 7:00-10:00 pm Assignments Readings And exams (see detailed bibliography above Group presentation I Caldwell and Williams, chapter 1, pp. 1-15; Waltz; Keohane and Nye; Paris; United Nations The topics that are suggested 1) UN System. 2) Organizations & agencies. 3) Issues relevant to Nuclear Disarmament 4) Weapons of Mass Destruction & related agencies. 5) Identify internal& external motivations of States in the Middle East to acquire Nuclear, chemical, Mearsheimer, chapter 3, pp. 55-82; Art, pp. 3-22; Ikenberry, pp. 23-37. Caldwell and Williams, chapter 9, pp. 117-128; Patrick, pp.29-53; Clapham, pp. 77-93 Caldwell and Williams, chapter 2, 1 Heady, Turner and Hulme, Collins, World Development Reports and Human Development Reports will be on reserve at the Library. Photocopies of all other readings will also be on reserve at the Library. 9 and/or biological weapons . 6) Research the components of Nuclear Weapons- Free Zones for analysis of the Middles East situation. 7) Challenges to the nonproliferation regime in the Middle East. 8) Role of IAEA in Nuclear NonProliferation. 9) Iran's Nuclear program. 10) Israel's Nuclear program. 11) International security organizations & issues. 12) Intelligence, data collection, and new threats (terrorism). 13) Regional organization, negotiation & conflict prevention- resolution recovery. Assignment Description :- pp. 19-33; Matthews, pp. 50-66; Short, pp. 481-500 Singer, pp. 186-220; Leander, pp. 605-522; Isenberg, pp. 82-93 George Perkovich, James M. Acton, Lawrence Freedman, Frank Miller, Jonathan Schell, Brad Roberts, Harald Müller, Bruno Tertrais, Achilles Zaluar, Scott Sagan, Takaya Suto, Hirofumi Tosaki, James Doyle, Patricia Lewis, Ian Hore-Lacy, Pan Zhenqiang, V.R. Raghavan, Sameh Aboul-Enein, Ernesto Zedillo, Zia Mian (2009) Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: A debate. 1) 10 pages+ 10 sources 2) Double spaced. 3) 10 slides presentations to be pre sented in class. 4) Hard copies of the paper& the presentation must be submitted in class. 5) Soft copies will be submitted though Turnitin Students are expected to hand in the presentation in hard copy in class as well as to Turnitin . James, Clay Moltz (2003), New Challenges in missile proliferation, missile defense and space security. Monterey Institute of International Studies. Occasional paper no.12. John Simpson, “The 2000 NPT Review Conference,” SIPRI Yearbook 2001, Appendix 6B, pp. 116. Peppi DeBiaso (2006). Proliferation, Missile Defense and the Conduct of Modern War, Comparative Strategy, 25:3, 157171 Richard L. Russell. Off and running: the Middle East nuclear arms race. JFQ / issue 10 58, 3d quarter 2010 Sameh Aboul-Enein and Bharath Gopalaswamy (2009). Missile Regime, Verification, Test Bans and Free Zones, Disarmament Forum No. 4, UNIDIR, Geneva. William C. Potter (2005), “The NPT Review Conference: 188 States in Search of Consensus,” The International Spectator, Vol. 3. (An assessment of the 2005 NPT Rev Con). Catriona Gourlay Executive Director (2004): European Union procedures and resources for crisis management, International Peacekeeping, 11:3,404-421. Konstantinos D. Magliveras and Gino J. Naldi (2002). The African Union: A New Dawn for Africa? The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 415-425 (2) Disarmament, Nuclear nonJuly 3, 2012 proliferation &WMD Tuesday organizations & treaties. 7:00-10:00 pm Group presentation I The topics that are suggested 1) UN System. 2) Organizations & agencies. 3) Issues relevant to Nuclear Disarmament 4) Weapons of Mass Destruction & related agencies. 5) Identify internal& external motivations of States in the Middle East to acquire Nuclear, chemical, Caldwell and Williams, chapter 10, pp. 129-143; Kaufmann, pp. 178207; Steinbruner and Forrester, pp. 1-27 Caldwell and Williams, chapter 13, pp. 170-181; Sageman; Acharya and Acharya, pp. 75-90 Caldwell and Williams, chapter 8, pp. 103-114; Cockayne, pp. 1-20; Williams; Shelley, pp. 11 and/or biological weapons . 6) Research the components of Nuclear Weapons- Free Zones for analysis of the Middles East situation. 7) Challenges to the nonproliferation regime in the Middle East. 8) Role of IAEA in Nuclear NonProliferation. 9) Iran's Nuclear program. 10) Israel's Nuclear program. 11) International security organizations & issues. 12) Intelligence, data collection, and new threats (terrorism). 13) Regional organization, negotiation & conflict prevention- resolution recovery. Assignment Description :1) 10 pages+ 10 sources 2) Double spaced. 3) 10 slides presentations to be pre sented in class. 4) Hard copies of the paper& the presentation must be submitted in class. 5) Soft copies will be submitted though Turnitin Students are expected to hand in the presentation in hard copy in class as well as to Turnitin . (3) Simulation. UN Special session July 4, 2012 on M.E nuclear free zone. Wednesday 5:00-10:00 pm Prepare assigned country roles & relevant readings included in the syllabus and available on blackboard P.S All attachments related to this part are being posted in BB. 463-489 Caldwell and Williams, chapter 12, pp. 154-169; Klare, pp. 49-61; Ross, pp. 35-67; Fan He, pp. 93104; Moran Teriff et al, pp. 115134; Dupont, pp. 2947; Goldstein and Pevehouse David Hafemeister, “The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: Effectively Verifiable,” Arms Control Today (October 2008). Jean du Preez, “The Fissban: Time for a Renewed Commitment or a New Approach? ”Disarmament Diplomacy 79 (April/May 2005). Siegfried S. Hecker and William Lou, “Dangerous Dealings: North Korea’s Nuclear Capabilities and the Threat of Export to Iran,” Arms Control Today (March 2007). Sameh Aboul-Enein, “NPT 2010: The Beginning of a New Constructive Cycle”, Arms Control Today, November 2010 Caldwell and Williams, chapter 14, pp. 182-193; Rosenau, pp. 13-43; Cockayne and Mikulaschek, pp. 1-14; Fukuyama and McFaul, pp. 23-45; Stedman, pp. 933-944 Sameh Aboul-Enein and Bharath Gopalaswamy. 12 Missile Regime, Verification, Test Bans and Free Zones, Disarmament Forum No. 4, 2009, UNIDIR, Geneva Merav Datan, “Nuclear futures for the Middle East: Impact on the goal of a WMD-free zone,” Disarmament Forum 2008, No. 2, pp. 21-32, http://www.unidi pdf-art2728.pdf Landau, Arms Control in the Middle East: Cooperative Security Dialogue and Regional Constraints Mark Fitzpatrick, “Lessons from Iran’s Pursuit of Nuclear Weapons,” The Nonproliferation Review (Novem ber 2006). Sameh Aboul-Enein and Hassan ElBahtimy 2010, “Towards a verified nuclear weapon free zone in the Middle East”. VERTIC BRIEF • 11 • April 2010 Bercovitch, J. (1992). Mediators and mediation strategies in international relations. Negotiation Journal, 8, 99- 13 112 Money, B. (1998). International multilateral negotiation and social networks. Journal of International Business Studies, 29(4), Roy Lewicki, David Saunders, Bruce Barry, John Minton, Negotiation Readings, Exercises & Cases (5th edition, Irwin, 2006). R. Fisher and D. Shapiro, Beyond Reason (Penguin Books, 2005). Second Week: Study Visit to Geneva (July7-July14) Session number Topic (4) Arrival – Transfer to Caserne des Vernets and Studios July 7,2012 Assignments Readings And exams (see detailed bibliography above Saturday TBD 10.00 – 10.10 Welcome at GCSP Dr Khalid Koser, Academic Dean, GCSP Students are required to practice writing and drafting skills associated with security issues. Read relevant readings from detailed bibliography It will be discussed in the two sessions after Geneva (16-17 July). 10.10 – 11.00 “New Issues in Security Dr. Khalid Koser, GCSP security” Read relevant readings from detailed bibliography 11.00 – 12.00 “The Middle East: Prospects for Peace and Stability” Read relevant readings from detailed bibliography Dr Graeme Herd, Head, International Security Programme, GCSP 12.00 – 14.00 Lunch 14.00 – 15.00 “Peacekeeping and Crisis Read relevant readings from 14 detailed bibliography Management: The Role of the UN, the EU, and NATO” Dr Thierry Tardy, Head of Research, GCSP 15.00 – 16.00 “Conflict in Africa: from Peacekeeping to Peacebuilding” Read relevant readings from detailed bibliography Dr Caty Clément, Head, Conflict and Peacebuilding Programme, GCSP (5) July 10,2012 Tuesday 10.00 – 11.00 “Terrorism and Organized Crime: Is There a Nexus?” Dr Christina SchoriLiang, Deputy Director, New Issues in Security Course, GCSP 11.00-12.00 Daily analytically essay of two/three pages to be emailed to the professor & to all students “The European Security Architecture: Can It Serve as a Model?” Read relevant readings from detailed bibliography (tbd) 12.00 – 14.00 Lunch 14.00 – 15.00 “Cyber-security” Read relevant readings from detailed bibliography Dr Gustav Lindstrom, Director,EuropeanTraining Course (ETC) (6) 11 July,2012 Wednesday 10.00 – 11.00 11.00 – 12.30 Guided Tour of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) Visit to the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) and the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA): “The Prospects of Multilateral Disarmament” Read relevant readings from detailed bibliography Daily analytically essay of two/three pages to be emailed to the professor & to all students Read relevant readings from detailed bibliography Read relevant readings from detailed bibliography - Dr Theresa Hitchens, Director - Amb. Tim Caughley, Resident Senior Fellow, UNIDIR - Dr Pavel Podvig, Head, WMD Programme, UNIDIR - Mr Jarmo Sareva, Head, Geneva Branch, UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) 15 - Mr Valere Mantels, Coordinator, UN Disarmament Fellows Programme - Mr Richard Lennane, Head, BWTC Implementation Support Unit (ISU) 12.30 – 14.00 Lunch at the UNOG Cafeteria 14.00 – 15.00 (At GCSP) “Missile Defence: Implications and Consequences” Read relevant readings from detailed bibliography Dr Gustav Lindstrom, Director, European Training Course (ETC) 15.00 – 16.00 (At GCSP) “The Role of Civil Society in Disarmament” Read relevant readings from detailed bibliography Ms Arielle Denis, ICAN Geneva Senior Campaigner 16.00 – 17.00 (At GCSP) “Small Arms and Light Weapons” Read relevant readings from detailed bibliography Dr Keith Krause, Director, Small Arms Survey (7) July 12,2012 Thursday 10.00 – 12.00 Visit to the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF): “Security Sector Reform in the Middle East” Daily analytically essay of two/three pages to be emailed to the professor & to all students. Read relevant readings from detailed bibliography Dr Arnold Luethold, Head, Middle East Programme, DCAF 12.30 – 14.00 14.30 – 16.00 Lunch at GCSP Cafeteria Read relevant readings from detailed bibliography Visit to the World Economic Forum (WEF): “Meeting the Challenges of Globalization in the Middle East” (tbd) (8) July 13, 2012 Friday 10.00 – 12.00 Visit to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC): “Upholding International Humanitarian Law” Comprehensive exam (take-hotel exam). Read relevant readings from detailed bibliography (tbd) Free Afternoon (9) July 14,2012 Saturday TBD Transfer to the Airport. Departure 16 Third Week – Cairo Session number (10) July16,2012 Monday 7:00-10:00pm Topic Assignments Readings And exams (see detailed bibliography above) -International security organizations & Group Students' issues. presentations (2). - Intelligence, data collection, and new The topics that are suggested threats (terrorism). 1) UN System. 2) Organizations & agencies. 3) Issues relevant to Nuclear Disarmame nt 4) Weapons of Mass Destruction & related agencies. 5) Identify internal& external motivations of States in the Middle East to acquire Nuclear, chemical, and/or biological w eapons . 6) Research the components of Nuclear WeaponsFree Zones for analysis of the Middles East situation. 7) Challenges to the non-proliferation regime in the Middle East. 8) Role of IAEA in Nuclear NonProliferation. 9) Iran's Nuclear program. 10) Israel's Nuclear program. 11) International security organizations & Acheson-Lilienthal Report. President Eisenhower's 1953 Address to the UNGA. George Bunn and Christopher F. Chyba, "U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policies for a New Era," chapter 8 in George Bunn and Christopher F. Chyba, editors, U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy. (Brookings 2006). Kathleen Bailey, "Why Do We Have to Keep the Bomb?" Bulleting of Atomic Scientists. (January/February 1995). C. Raja Mohan, “India and the Balance of Power,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2006). Gerald M. Steinberg, "Examining Israel's NPT Exceptionalism: 1998-2005," The Nonproliferation Review. (March 2006). Sharon Squassoni, "Closing Pandora's Box: Pakistan's Role in Nuclear Proliferation," Arm s Control Today (April 2004). Sameh Aboul-Enein 2009, “Challenges for the NonProliferation Regime and the 17 issues. 12) Intelligence, data collection, and new threats (terrorism). 13) Regional organization, negotiation & conflict preventionresolution recovery. Assignment Descri ption :1) 10 pages+ 10 sources 2) Double spaced. 3) 10 slides presentations to be presented in class. 4) Hard copies of the paper& the presentation must be submitted in class. 5) Soft copies will be submitted thoug h Turnitin Students are expected to hand in the presentation in hard copy in class as well as to Turnitin . Middle East” Disarmament Diplomacy, Issue no. 90. Spring 2009. Ivo Daalder and Jan Lodal, "The Logic of Zero: Toward a World Without Nuclear Weapons," Foreign Affairs. (November/Decem br 2008). Oliver Meier, “The European Union’s Nonproliferation Strategy: An Interview with Annalisa Gianella,” Arms Control Today, July 24, 2005, http://www.armsco /20050724_Gianne lla.asp. Tariq Rauf and Rebecca Johnson, “After the NPT’s Indefinite Extension: The Future of the Global Nonproliferation Regime,” Nonproliferation Review (Fall 1995), pp. 28-42 at npr/vol03/31/raufjo31.pd f Andrew, Christopher. The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of Mi5 (London, 2009) Jones, R. V., 1978, Most Secret War: British Scientific Intelligence 1939-1945, London: Hamish Hamilton. Wright, Peter, & Greengrass, Paul. 1988 Spycatcher : The candid autobiography of a senior intelligence officer / Peter Wright with Paul Greengrass. 18 (11) July17,2012 Regional organization, negotiation & conflict prevention- resolution recovery. Group Students' presentations (2). Tuesday The topics that are suggested 7:00-10:00 1) UN System. 2) Organizations & agencies. 3) Issues relevant to Nuclear Disarmame nt 4) Weapons of Mass Destruction & related agencies. 5) Identify internal& external motivations of States in the Middle East to acquire Nuclear, chemical, and/or biological w eapons . 6) Research the components of Nuclear WeaponsFree Zones for analysis of the Middles East situation. 7) Challenges to the non-proliferation regime in the Middle East. 8) Role of IAEA in Nuclear NonProliferation. 9) Iran's Nuclear program. 10) Israel's Nuclear program. 11) International security organizations & issues. 12) Intelligence, data collection, and new threats (terrorism). 13) Regional organization, CNS, NPT Briefing Book, Part II, Section Q, “Documents on the Middle East,” research/npt/briefin gbook_2008/pdfs/s ectionQ.pdf George Bunn, "The Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime and its History," chapter 3 in George Bunn and Christopher F. Chyba, editors, U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy. (Brookings, 2006). George P. Shultz, William J. Perry, Henry Kissinger, and Sam Nunn. “A World Without Nuclear Weapons,” Wall Street Journal (January 4, 2007 and January 15, 2008). Sameh Aboul-Enein 2011, “NPT 20102015: The way Forward”. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Sameh Aboul-Enein 2010, A real opportunity for a Nuclear-WeaponsFree Zone in the Middle East. Sameh Aboul-Enein, “The 2010 NPT Review and the Middle East: Challenges and Opportunities”. Palestine-Israel Journal. William Ury, Getting Past No: Negotiating Your Way from Confrontation to Cooperation. Raiffa, H. (1982). The 19 negotiation & conflict preventionresolution recovery. Assignment Descri ption :1) 10 pages+ 10 sources 2) Double spaced. 3) 10 slides presentations to be presented in class. 4) Hard copies of the paper& the presentation must be submitted in class. 5) Soft copies will be submitted thoug h Turnitin Students are expected to hand in the presentation in hard copy in class as well as to Turnitin . Art & Science of Negotiation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, Ch. 18, "The Law of the Sea," pp. 275-287. Snyder, S. (2000). Negotiating on the edge: Patterns in North Korea's diplomatic style. World Affairs, 163(1), 3-17. Egstrom, O. (1990). Norms, culture, and cognitive patterns in foreign aid negotiations. Negotiation Journal, 6, 147-159. Bercovitch, J. (1992). Mediators and mediation strategies in international relations. Negotiation Journal, 8, 99-112 Barry Rubin (2002). The Tragedy of the Middle East. New York: Cambridge University Press. Bar-Siman-Tov, Yaacov (2007). IsraeliPalestinian conflict: from conflict resolution to conflict management. Palgrave Macmillan, Gordonsville, VA, USA (ebook) Goertz, Gary and Patrick Regan (1997), “Conflict Management in Enduring Rivalries”, International Interactions, no. 22, pp. 321-340. IISS Towards a regional security regime for the Middle East. Marco Pinfari (2009), Nothing but failure the Arab League and the Gulf Cooperation Council as Mediators in Middle Eastern 20 Conflicts. London school of Economics Crisis States Working Papers Series No.2. Senese, Paul and Stephen Quackenbush (2003), “Sowing the Seeds of Conflict: the Effect of Dispute Settlements on Durations of Peace, The Journal of Politics, Volume 65, no. 3, pp. 696-717. (12) July18,2012 Wednesday 5:00-10:00 pm 1) Take home research/In class exam or analytical research paper. 2) Political writing -skillsexercises. Comprehensive in -class exam on the “International Security Crisis Situations" 21