International law

Contents ......................................................................................................1
Introduction .................................................................................................2
Journals .......................................................................................................3
International Law /Law of International organizations ..........................3
European Law .........................................................................................4
International Law and European Law- HUMAN RIGHTS ...................6
International Economic and Business Law.............................................7
International and Comparative Private Law ...........................................8
Criminal Law and Criminology ..............................................................8
Textbooks ....................................................................................................9
International law .....................................................................................9
Law of International Organizations ......................................................11
European Law .......................................................................................11
European Law- “THEMES” .................................................................13
General Textbooks ................................................................................13
International Law-HUMAN RIGHTS ..................................................17
European Law-HUMAN RIGHTS .......................................................20
International Economic and Business Law...........................................21
International Labour Law .....................................................................23
International and Comparative Private Law .........................................23
Criminal Law and Criminology ............................................................26
Extra ..........................................................................................................27
Caselex ..................................................................................................27
Other useful databases to find a topic or to start your research ............28
Max Planck encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL) ..28
Other international and comparative law encyclopedias ..................28
Homepage of the Law Library ..........................................................28
Internetadresses of the Department of International law ..................28
Other internetadresses .......................................................................29
The website Europa: gateway to the European Union .....................31
EISIL: Electronic Information System for International Law ..............32
International Humanitarian Law (Red Cross) ......................................32
Pages of the Activities of the European Union.....................................32
European Treaty Series (ETS) ..............................................................32
Lex Mercatoria ......................................................................................32
WorldLII ...............................................................................................32
UNCAPS ...............................................................................................32
Searching for literature: Catalogue and Picarta ....................................33
Versie 5-06-2009
You start your thesis with selecting a topic. This topic must:
Present some kind of problem.
Allow you to formulate one or more questions.
The research into this problem must be from a legal perspective.
The best topics are those which contain some kind of
controversy, e.g. a topic about which authors have different
 You should avoid selecting a topic that covers a broad and
general field of law.
Start your research by consulting periodicals to check the current
developments in a certain field of law. Ask yourself the following
questions: In which field of law am I interested? Which part of my
course appealed to me? Which developments are taking place? (Think
about new treaties, think about subjects of discussions in the literature,
and recent judgments).
Start your research by using textbooks. Consult a textbook when you
start with your topic. By studying a textbook you become quickly familiar
with the subject and you can also specify your topic.
When searching for literature in the catalogues and databases, you can
use the terms which you came across in the textbooks. Note down
document references when studying text books. A document reference is
the best type of information, when starting your research.
Use textbooks you already used for your courses. In textbooks you
will find lists of abbreviations which can be useful when studying your
subject. Use dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc., to help to define words and
Law Library : User Guide - 2-
International Law /Law of International organizations
 American Journal of International Law – Indexed in Picarta.
Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 European Journal of International Law – Indexed in Picarta.
Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 International and Comparative Law Quarterly – Indexed in
picarta. Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the
 Leiden Journal of International Law – Indexed in Picarta.
Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 Netherlands International Law Review – Indexed in Picarta
Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 Revue Générale de Droit International Public – Indexed in Picarta.
Only paper edition. Search in the catalogue of the RuG for the
request number of this journal.
 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht –
Indexed in Picarta. Search in the catalogue of the RuG for:
“Heidelberg Journal of International Law” (the English title of this
journal). The two latest years are not available online. Use the
paper edition of this journal in the Law Library.
 Helsinki monitor: Quarterly on security and coöperation in Europe
– Indexed in Picarta. Full-text online available through the
Catalogue of the RuG.
 International Organizations Law Review – Not indexed in Picarta.
Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 International Legal Materials – Indexed in Picarta. Only paper
edition. Search in the catalogue of the RuG for the request number
Law Library : User Guide - 3-
of this journal.
 International Organizations Law Review – Not indexed in Picarta.
Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 International Labour Review – Indexed in Picarta. Full-text online
available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal – Indexed in Picarta.
Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the RuG
 Annuaire Français de Droit International – Indexed in Picarta.
Please note, when searching for yearbooks in Picarta, Use the
search entry “title words journals”. Choose “all articles” and view
the contributions of the different authors. This yearbook is
available in the Law Library.
 British Year Book of International Law – Indexed in Picarta.
Please note, when searching for yearbooks in Picarta, Use the
search entry “title words journals”. Choose “all articles” and view
the contributions of the different authors. This yearbook is
available in the Law Library.
 Netherlands Yearbook of International Law – Indexed in
Picarta. Please note, when searching for yearbooks in Picarta, Use
the search entry “title words journals”. Choose “all articles” and
view the contributions of the different authors. This yearbook is
available in the Law Library.
European Law
European Law - General
 SEW – Sociaal Economische Wetgeving. - Indexed in Picarta. Fulltext online available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 NtER - Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees recht. This
journal often includes topical subjects with emphasis on the
implications for the Netherlands of a European Legal event.
Law Library : User Guide - 4-
Indexed in Picarta. Full-text online available through the Catalogue
of the RuG.
 European Law Review – The contents is a mix of shorter and
lengthy articles; and report always on the current situation. Not
restricted to competition. Indexed in Picarta. Full-text available
online through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 Common Market Law Review – (CMLR) - Indexed in Picarta.
Full-text available online through the Catalogue of the RuG. Deals
not exclusively with competition law: high Quality comment.
Report less on the current situation, gives mainly lengthy articles.
 Columbia Journal of European Law – Not indexed in Picarta. Fulltext online available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 European Law Journal - Not indexed in Picarta. Full-text
available online through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 Europarecht – The German classic journal. Indexed in Picarta.
Attention: search on: issn number o5312485 Not online available.
Search in the catalogue of the RuG for the request number.
 Cahiers de Droit Européen – Indexed in Picarta. Available
through the Catalogue of the RuG. Journal with excellent
articles in French. Not online available.
 Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht or: European Journal
of Business Law – A German magazine, always reports on the
“question of the day”. Indexed in Picarta. Articles only available
through interlibrary loan.
 Bulletin Quotidien Europe – Despite the french title, the text
is written in english: specific, current, not always legal information.
– Not indexed in Picarta. Available through the Catalogue of the
Law Library : User Guide - 5-
European Law – Specific
 European Business Law Review – Indexed in Picarta. Full-text
online available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 European Competition Law Review - Indexed in Picarta. Full-text
online available through the Catalogue of the RuG. (WESTLAW)
 Legal Issues of Economic Integration – Indexed in Picarta. Fulltext online available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 European Human Rights Law Review - Full-text online
available through the Catalogue of the RuG. (WESTLAW)
 European Energy and Environmental Law Review – Indexed in
Picarta. Full-text online available through the catalogue of the
 Yearbook of European Law - Indexed in Picarta. Please note,
when searching for yearbooks in Picarta, Please note, when
searching for yearbooks in Picarta, Use the search entry “title
words journals”. Choose “all articles” and view the contributions
of the different authors. This yearbook is available in the Law
 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies – Not indexed in
Picarta. Available in the Law Library.
International Law and European Law- HUMAN RIGHTS
 European Human Rights Law Review – Not indexed in Picarta.
Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 Human Rights Quarterly – Indexed in Picarta. Full-text
available online through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights – Indexed in Picarta.
Available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
Law Library : User Guide - 6-
 Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights – Not
indexed in Picarta. Available through the Catalogue of
the RuG.
 Yearbook of the International Law Commission – Not indexed in
Picarta. Available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
International Economic and Business Law
 European Business Law Review – Indexed in Picarta. Full-text
online available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 European Business Organization Law Review – Not indexed in
Picarta. Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the
 NAFTA : Law and Business Review of the Americas – Indexed in
Picarta. Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the
RuG. – An interdisciplinary Journal of Law, Business and Policy
 Journal of International Economic Law – Not indexed in Picarta.
Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the RuG
 George Washington International Law Review – indexed in
Picarta. Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the
 International Labour Review – Indexed in Picarta. Full-text online
available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 Comparative Labour Law and Policy Journal – Indexed in Picarta.
Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the RuG
 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies – Not indexed in
Picarta. Available in Catalogue RuG.
Law Library : User Guide - 7-
International and Comparative Private Law
 Netherlands International Law Review – Indexed in Picarta. Fulltext online available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 Journal of Private International Law – Not Indexed in Picarta. Not
available through the Catalogue of the RuG. Inter Library Loan
 International and Comparative Law Quarterly – Indexed in
Picarta. Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the
 Journal of International & Comparative Law Review – Not
indexed in Picarta. Full-text online available through the
Catalogue of the RuG. (WESTLAW)
 "Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law" – Not
indexed in Picarta. Available through the Catalogue of the RuG
only in paper edition.
 American Journal of Comparative Law : A Quarterly - Indexed in
Picarta. Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the
RuG (WESTLAW). Search in this journal on: “book reviews” of
“books received”
 Annual Survey of International & Comparative Law- Full-text
online available through the Catalogue of the RuG (WESTLAW).
Criminal Law and Criminology
 International Criminal Law Review – Indexed in Picarta.
Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the RuG.
 European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal
Justice – Indexed in Picarta. Full-text online available
through the Catalogue of the RuG
 Journal of International Criminal Justice - Not Indexed in
Picarta. Full-text online available through the Catalogue of
the RuG
Law Library : User Guide - 8-
 Revue internationale de droit penal / International Review
of Penal Law - Not Indexed in Picarta. Full-text online
available through the Catalogue of the RuG
 Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals – Indexed
in Picarta. Full-text online available through the Catalogue of the
International law
Brownlie, I., Principles of public international law, sixth edition, Oxford,
University Press Oxford, 2008. Request number: Law Library 13.014 31
Cassese, A., International law, Second Edition, Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 2008. Request number: Law Library 13.014 31
Dupuy, P.M., Droit international public, 8th Edition, Dalloz, Paris, 2006.
Request number: Law Library 13.014 49
Evans, M.D., International law, Second Edition, Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 2007. Request number: Law Library 13.014 43
Higgins, R., Problems and process : international law and how we use it,
Second Edition, Clarendon Press, Oxford, Oxford University Press, New
York, 1994. Request number: Law Library 13.014 36
Shaw, M.N., International law, 6th Edition, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 2008. Request number: Law Library 13.014 25
Dixon, M., Textbook on international law, 6th Edition, Oxford University
Press, Oxford, 2007. Request number: Law Library 13.014 44
Harris, D.J., Cases and materials on international law, 6e ed., Sweet &
Maxwell, London, 2004, Request number: Law Library 13.014 24
Bernhardt, R., Encyclopedia of public international law, North-Holland
Amsterdam : 1992 Law Library Request number: Law Library 13.010 1
Lowe,V, International law, Oxford University Press, Oxford,
2007. Request number: Law Library 13.014 47
Law Library : User Guide - 9-
Henkin, L., International law: politics and values, Nijhoff, Dordrecht,
1995. Request number: Law Library 13.014 27
Oppenheim’s international law: vol 1 Peace: introduction to part 1, 9th
edition, Longman, London 1992. Request number: Law Library 13.014
35 dl 1a
Oppenheim’s international law: vol 1 Peace: part 2-4v, 9th edition,
Longman, London 1992. Request number: Law Library 13.014 35 dl 1b
Schachter,O., International law in theory and practice Nijhoff, Dordrecht
1991. Request number: UL Law and Economics Reading Room urec
235D 015
Joyner, D.H.., International Law and the Proliferation of Weapons Mass
Destruction, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009. Request number:
Law Library 13.651 34
Nollkaemper, A., Kern van het internationaal publiekrecht 3e herziene
druk, Boom Juridische uitgevers, Den Haag, 2007. Request number: Law
Library 13.010 36
Werner,W.G., Wessel, R.A., Internationaal en Europees recht : een
verkenning van grondslagen en kenmerken, Europa Law Publishing,
Groningen, 2005. Request number: Law Library 13.015 21
Betten, L., International labour law : selected issues, Kluwer, Deventer
1993. Request number: Law Library 15.251 10
Valticos, N. Potobsky, G.von., International labour law, 2nd revised
edition, Kluwer, Alphen aan den Rijn, Deventer 1995. Request number:
Law Library 15.251 28
Blanpain, R. Colucci,M., The globalization of labour standards : the soft
law track : global compact, ILO principles, NAFTA agreement, OECD
guidelines, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, 2004.
Request number: Law Library 15.002 24 dl 52
Craig, J.D.R. and Lynk, S.M. Globalization and the future of labour law,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2006. Request number: UL Law
and Economics Reading room urec 915S 009
Law Library : User Guide - 10-
Florkowski, G.W., Managing global legal systems : international
employment regulation and competitive advantage, Routledge, London,
Request number: UL Law and Economics Reading room urec 915S 060
Conaghan, J. Fischl, R.M. Klare, K, Labour law in an era of
globalization : transformative practices and possibilities, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2002 Request number: Law Library 15.601 41
Law of International Organizations
Amerasinghe, C.F., Principles of the institutional law of international
organizations, 2nd Revised Edition, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 2005. Request number: Law Library 13.302 3
Sands, P Klein, P., Bowett's law of international institutions 5th Edition,
Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2005.
Request number: Law Library 13.302 1
Schermers, H.G. Blokker, N.M., International institutional law : unity
within diversity , 4th Revised Edition, Nijhoff, Boston, Leiden, 2003.
Request number: Law Library 13.302 4
White, N.D., The Law of international organizations, 2nd Edition,
Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2005 Request number: Law
Library 13.302 6
Simma, B., The Charter of the United Nations: a commentary Vol 1, 2nd
Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002. Request number: Law
Library 13.021 5 dl 1
Simma, B., The Charter of the United Nations: a commentary Vol 2, 2nd
Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002. Request number: Law
Library 13.021 5 dl 2
European Law
Paul Craig, P., Búrca, P.G., EU law : text, cases, and materials, 4th
edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008.
Request number: Law Library 17.203 11
Law Library : User Guide - 11-
Chalmers, D. Tomkins, A., European Union public law : text and
materials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007. Request
number: Law Library 17.203 25
Paul Craig, P., Búrca, G. de., The evolution of EU law, Oxford University
Press, Oxford, 1999. Request number: Law Library 17.101 24
Arnull, A., Eeckhout, P. ,Tridimas, T., Continuity and change in EU law :
essays in honour of Sir Francis Jacobs, Oxford University Press, Oxford
2008. Request number: Law Library 01.004 Jacobs
Kapteyn, P.J.G, VerLoren van Themaat, P., The law of the European
Union and the European Communities : with reference to changes to be
made by the Lisbon Treaty, 4th Rev. ed. Kluwer Law International,
Alphen aan den Rijn The Hague, 2008
Request number: Law Library 17.203 6
Arnull, A., The European Union and its Court of Justice, 2nd Revised
Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006. Request number: Law
Library 17.113 16
Bernitz, U., Nergelius, J., Cardner, C., General principles of EC law in a
process of development : reports from a conference in Stockholm, 23-24
March 2007, organised by the Swedish Network for European Legal
Studies /, Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2008.
Request number: Law Library 17.006 8
Weatherill, S., Law and integration in the European Union, Clarendon
Press, Oxford, 1995. Request number: Law Library 17.101 6
O'Keeffe, D., Judicial review in European Union law, Kluwer Law
International, The Hague, 2000. Request number: Law Library 01.004
Slynn dl 1 + dl 2
Lenaerts, K., Arts, D, Procedural law of the European Union, 2nd
Revised Edition, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2006. Request number: Law
Library 17.150 23
Eeckhout, P., External relations of the European Union : legal and
constitutional foundations, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004.
Request number: Law Library 17.401 18
Law Library : User Guide - 12-
European Law- “THEMES”
General Textbooks
Ambtenbrink, F., and Vedder, H.H.B., Recht van de Europese Unie, 3th
edition Boom, Den Haag, 2008. Request number: Law Library 17.102 22
Craig, P., and De Búrca, G., EU law : text, cases, and materials, 4th
edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008. Request number: Law
Library 17.203 11
Foster, N., EU law: directions, Oxford University Press, 2008. Request
number: Law Library 17.102 26
Hartely, T.C., The foundations of European Community Law, 6th edition,
OUP, Oxford, 2007. Request number: Law Library 17.003 7
Kapteyn, P.J.G., and VerLoren van Themaat, P., The law of the European
Union and the European Communities : with reference to changes to be
made by the Lisbon Treaty, 4th Revised edition, Kluwer Law
International, Alphen aan den Rijk, The Hague, 2008
Request number: Law Library 17.203 6
Kapteyn, P.J.G., and Verloren van Themaat, P., Het recht van de
Europese Unie en van de Europese Gemeenschappen (6th edition
Kluwer, Deventer, 2003 Request number: Law Library 17.203 5
Tridimas, T., The general principles of EU law, 2nd edition, Oxford
University Press, 2006. Request number: Law Library 17.202 40
Weatherill, S., Cases & Materials on EU Law, 8th edition, OUP, 2007
Request number: Law Library 17.203 14
Wyatt, D., and Dashwood, A.A., Wyatt and Dashwood's European Union
Law, t4th edition, Sweet & Maxwell, London 2006. Request number:
Law Library 17.203 8
More specific titles:
Arnull, A., (ed), Continuity and change in EU law : essays in honour of
Sir Francis Jacobs, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2008. Request
number: Law Library 01.004 Jacobs
Law Library : User Guide - 13-
Bovis, C., EU public procurement law, Elgar, 2007. Request number:
Law Library 17.207 139
Craig, P., EU administrative law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006
Request number: Law Library IX.9 EUR 12
Falkner, G., Complying with Europe : EU harmonisation and soft law in
the member states, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005
Request number: Law Library 17.130 54
Hartley, T., European Union Law in a Global Context, CUP, Cambridge
2004 Request number: Law Library 17.102 21
De Búrca, G., and Weiler, J.H.H., The European Court of Justice, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2001 Request number: Law Library 17.113 19
Jacobs, F., and Shackleton, M., The European Parliament , 6th edition,
Harper, 2005 Request number: Library of arts 61.065 M04 en UL Law
and Economics Reading Room urec 405D 001
Hayes-Renshaw, F., and Wallace, H., The Council of Ministers, 2nd
edition, Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2006 Request number: Law Library
17.127 4
Richardson, J., (ed), European Union, Power and Policy-making, 3rd
edition, Routledge, Abingdon, 2006 Request number: Library of Arts
61.060 M21
Wallace, W., and Pollack, M.A., Policy-making in the European Union
5th edition, Oxford University Press, 2005) Request number: Law
Library 17.127 4
Principles & Doctrines
M Bell, Anti-Discrimination Law and the European Union (Oxford
University Press, 2002) Request number: Law Library 17.306 28
E Ellis, EU anti-discrimination law (Oxford University Press, 2005)
Request number: Law Library 17.160 12
Law Library : User Guide - 14-
E Ellis, The Principle of Proportionality in the Laws of Europe (Hart,
1999) Request number: UL 40 B 2833
J Prinssen, Direct Effect: Rethinking a Classic of EC Legal Doctrine
(Europa Law Publishing, 2002) 1999) Request number: Law Library
17.102 14
T Tridimas, The general principles of EU Law (2nd ed, Oxford
University Press, 2006) Request number: Law Library 17.202 40
E Denza, The Intergovernmental Pillars of the European Union (Oxford
University Press, 2002) Request number: Law Library 17.002 35
External Relations
A Dashwood, Law and practice of EU external relations : salient features
of a changing landscape (Cambridge University Press, 2008)
Request number: Law Library 17.015 39
P Eeckhout, External Relations of the European Union. Legal and
Constitutional Foundations (Oxford University Press, 2004)
Request number: Law Library 17.401 180
D Kochenov, EU enlargement and the failure of conditionality : preaccession conditionality in the fields of democracy and the Rule of Law
(Kluwer, 2008) Request number: Law Library 17.006 8 dl 59
EU Energy law
M.M. Roggenkamp, Energy law in Europe : national, EU and
international regulation (2nd ed, OUP, 2007) Request number: Law
Library IX.20 E.U. 1
S Peers, EU immigration and asylum law : text and commentary (Nijhoff,
2006) Request number: Law Library 17.363 29
Law Library : User Guide - 15-
H Schermers, Judicial Protection in the European Union (6th ed, Kluwer
2002) Request number: Law Library 17.006
Four freedoms
C Barnard, The substantive law of the EU : the four freedoms (2nd ed,
Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007) Request number: Law Library
17.203 18
G Davies, EU internal market law (2nd ed, Routledge-Cavendish, 2003)
Request number: Law Library 17.202 30
L Gormley, EU taxation law (Richmond Law & Tax, 2006)
Request number: Law Library 14.221 18
P Oliver (assisted by Jarvis), Free Movement of Goods in the European
Community: Under Articles 28 to 30 of the EC Treaty (4th ed, Sweet &
Maxwell, 2003) Request number: Law Library 17.204 1
J Shaw, The Transformation of Citizenship in the European Union
(Cambridge University Press, 2007) Request number: Law Library
17.018 9
R White, Workers Establishment and Services in the European Union
(Oxford University Press, 2004) Request number: Library of Arts 61.069
M 18
EC Competition law
C Bellamy & Child, European Community Law of Competition (6th ed,
Oxford University Press, 2008) Request number: Law Library 17.207 6
J Cook & Kerse, EC Merger Control (4th ed, Sweet & Maxwell, 2005)
Request number: Law Library 17.207 94
J Faull & Nikpay (eds), The EC Law of Competition (2nd ed, Oxford
University Press, 2007) Request number: Law Library 17.207 85
L Hancher, Ottervanger & Slot, EC State Aids (3rd ed, Sweet & Maxwell,
2006) Request number: Law Library 17.207 87
Law Library : User Guide - 16-
H Vedder, Competition law, environmental policy and producer
responsibility : experiences in the Netherlands from a European
perspective (Europa Law Publishing, 2002) Request number: Law
Library 12.115 16
International Law-HUMAN RIGHTS
Law Library Category 13.450 -General
Bossuyt, M.J., Guide to the "travaux préparatoires" of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Nijhoff, Dordrecht, 1987.
Request number: Law Library 13.450 25
Zwart, T., The admissibility of human rights petitions : the case law of
the EuropeanCommission of Human Rights and the Human Rights
Committee, Nijhoff, Dordrecht, 1994. Request number: Law Library
13.450 17
Eide, A., Hagtvet, B., Human rights in perspective : a global assessment,
Blackwell, Oxford, 1992. Request number: Law Library 13.450 43
Svensson-McCarthy, A.L., The international law of human rights and
states of exception : with special reference to the travaux preparatoires
and case-law of the international monitoring organs, Nijhoff, The Hague
1998. Request number: Law Library 13.450 52
Shelton, D., Remedies in international human rights law 2nd Revised
Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005. Law Library Request
number: 13.450 53
Goodwin-Gill, G.S., Basic documents on human rights 5th edition,
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006. Request number: Law Library
13.450 87
Weissbrodt, D., Fitzpatrick, J., Newman, F., International human rights :
law, policy, and process 3rd Edition, OH Anderson, Cincinatti 2001
Request number: Law Library 13.450 90
Law Library : User Guide - 17-
Law Library Category 13.451 - Textbooks
Steiner, H.J. Philip Alston, P., Goodman, R., International human rights
in context : law, politics, morals : text and materials, 3rd Edition Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2008. Request number: Law Library 13.451 3
Nowak, M. Introduction to the international human rights regime,
Nijhoff, Leiden, 2003. Request number: Law Library 13.451 19
Weller, M, Universal minority rights : a commentary on the
jurisprudence of international courts and treaty bodies / Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2007. Request number: Law Library 13.451 22
Law Library Category 13.453 – Civil and Political Rights
Nowak, M, U. N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights : CCPR
Commentary, Engel, Kehl, 1993.
Request number: Law Library 13.453 29
Law Library Category 13.459 – Regional approach of
Human Rights
Jacobs, F.G., White, R., The European Convention on Human Rights
4th Revised Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006.
Request number: Law Library 13.459 23
Joseph, S., Schultz, J., Castan, M., The international covenant on civil
and political rights : cases, materials, and commentary, 2nd Edition
[etc.] : Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005. Request number: Law
Library 13.459 28
Evans, M.D, Murray, R. The African Charter on Human and Peoples'
Rights : the system in practice 1986-2000, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge 2002. Request number: Law Library 13.459 45
Dijk, P.van, Arai, Y, Theory and practice of the European Convention on
Human Rights, 4th Revised Edition, Intersentia, Antwerpen, 2006.
Request number: Law Library 13.459 47
Mowbray, A.R., The development of positive obligations under the
European Convention on Human Rights by the European Court of
Human Rights, Hart, Oxford, 2004.
Request number: Law Library 13.459 50
Law Library : User Guide - 18-
Rodríguez-Pinzón, D., Martin, C., The prohibition of torture and illtreatment in the inter-American human rights system : a handbook for
victims and their advocates / World Organisation Against Torture,
Geneva, 2006. Request number: Law Library 13.459 58 dl. 2
Viljoen, F., Odinkalu, C., The prohibition of torture and ill-treatment in
the African Human rights system : a handbook for victims and their
advocates, World Organisation Against Torture, Geneva, 2006.
Request number: Law Library 13.459 58 dl. 3
Guild, E, Security and European human rights : protecting individual
rights in times of exception and military action, Wolf Legal Publishers,
Nijmegen, 2007. Request number: Law Library 13.459 60
Viljoen, F., International human rights law in Africa Oxford University
Press, Oxford, 2007. Request number: Law Library 13.459 61
Keller, H., Stone Sweet, A., A Europe of rights : the impact of the ECHR
on national legal systems, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008.
Request number: Law Library 13.459 67
Law Library Category 13.851- Settlement of dispute in
International Law
Bantekas, I., Principles of direct and superior responsibility in
international humanitarian la, Manchester University Press, Manchester
Juris Publishing, One Odell Plaza, NY, 2002. Request number: Law
Library 13.851 10
Other Categories in the Law Library
Cassese, A., International criminal law, 2nd Edition, Oxford University
Press, Oxford, 2008. Request number: Law Library 10.210 12
Cryer, R., An introduction to international criminal law and procedure, NY : Cambridge University Press, New York, 2007. Request number:
Law Library 10.210 22
Lowenfeld, F.A., International economic law 2nd Edition, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2008. Request number: Law Library 13.350 11
Law Library : User Guide - 19-
Bossche, P. van den., The law and policy of the World Trade
Organization : text, cases and materials, 2nd Edition, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 2008.
Law Library Category 17.363- sectoral policy of the EU
Brouwer, E., Catz, P., Guild, E., Immigration, asylum and terrorism : a
changing dynamic in European law, Instituut voor Rechtssociologie /
Centrum voor Migratierecht, KU Nijmegen, 2003, Request number: Law
Library 17.363 15
Lavenex, S., The Europeanisation of refugee policies : between human
rights and internal security, Ashgate, Aldershot, 2002. Request number:
Law Library 17.363 13
Lorand Bartels, L., Human rights conditionality in the EU's international
Agreements, Oxford University Press, New York, NY 2005. Request
number: Law Library 17 363 27
Niessen, J., Chopin, I., The development of legal instruments to combat
Racism in a diverse Europe / Nijhoff, Leiden, 2004. Request number:
Law Library 17.363 19
Betten, L., Nicholas Grief, N., EU law and human rights,
Longman, London, 1998. Request number: Law Library 17.363 9
Krieken, P.J. van., The asylum acquis handbook : the foundation for a
common Europeanasylum policy, T.M.C. Asser, The Hague, 2000
Request number: Law Library 17.363 6
Higgins, I., General rapporteur Hailbronner, K., Migration and asylum
law and policy in the European Union, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 2004. Request number: Law Library 17.101 70 2004
Boccardi, I., Europe and refugees : towards an EU asylum policy,
Kluwer Law International, The Hague, 2002. Request number: Law
Library 17.006 8 dl. 31
Philip Alston, P., with the assistance of Mara Bustelo, M and Heenan, J.,
The EU and human rights, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999.
Law Library : User Guide - 20-
Request number: Law Library 13.459 49
International Economic and Business Law
Arup,C., The new World Trade Organization agreements : globalizing
law through services and intellectual property, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 2000. Request number: Law Library 13.352 29
Bilal, S., Negotiating the future of agricultural policies : agricultural
trade and the millennium WTO round, Kluwer Law International, The
Hague, 2000. Request number: Law Library 13.352 21
Czako, J, Human, J, Miranda, J., A handbook on anti-dumping
Investigations, Cambridge Univesity Press, Cambridge, 2003
Request number: Law Library 13.351 3
Davies, P.L., Gower's principles of modern company law, 6th Edition,
Sweet & Maxwell, London, 1997. Request number: UL 50B 6195 (closed
Dalhuisen, J.H., Dalhuisen on Transnational and Comparative
Commercial, Financial, and Trade Law, 3th (rev.) ed., Hart, Oxford,
2007. Request number: Law Library 06.250 22
Day, D.M., Griffin, B., The law of international trade, 3e ed.,
Butterworths Lexis Nexis, London 2003. Request number: Law Library
13.354 17
Dunn, R.M., Mutti, J.H., International economics, 6th ed., Routledge,
London 2004 Request number: Law Library 13.350 8
Goode, W., Dictionary of Trade Policy Terms, 4th ed., Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press, 2003. Request number: UL Law and
Economics Reading Room urec 606C 001
Jackson, H., Sovereignty, the WTO and changing fundamentals of
international law, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2006.
Request number: Law Library 13.352 27
Laar, P.A. van, WTO, selected legal documents on world trade, Wolf
Legal Publishing, Nijmegen 2006.
Request number: Law Library 13.352 20
Law Library : User Guide - 21-
Lowenfeld, A.F., international economic law, 2nd ed.,Oxford University
Press, Oxford, 2008. Request number: Law Library 13.350 11
Oesch, M., standards of review in WTO dispute resolutions, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2003. Request number: Law Library 13.352 14
Palmer, D., Mavroidis, P.C., Dispute settlement in the World Trade
Organization : practice and procedure, 2nd ed., Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 2004. Request number: Law Library 13.352 13
Mavroidis, P.C., The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade : a
Commentary, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005.
Request number: Law Library 13.352 24
Scholte, J.A., Globalization : a critical introduction, 2nd. ed., Palgrave
Macmillan, 2005.Request number: Law Library 13.351 2
Snyder, F.G., Regional and global regulation of international trade, Hart,
Oxford, 2002. Request number: Law Library 13.350 6
Spero, J. E., Hart, J.A., The politics of international economic relations,
Routlegde, London, 1997. Request number: Law Library 13.350 7
Stiglitz, J.E., Charlton, A., Fair trade for all : how trade can promote
Development, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007.
Request number: Law Library 13.352 18
Vermulst, E.A., The WTO anti-dumping agreement : a commentary,
Oxford University Press, Oxford 2005.Request number: Law Library
13.352 19
Verwey, W.D., Economic development, peace and international law, Van
Gorcum & Co, Assen, 1972. Request number: Law Library 13.350 5
Wouters, J., De Meester, B., The World Trade Organization : a Legal and
institutional analysis, Intersentia, Antwerpen, 2007
Request number: Law Library 13.352 26
In the Law Library more books about Company Law can be found in the
Category 06.611 (U.K.) and in Category 06.861 (U.S.)
Law Library : User Guide - 22-
International Labour Law
Betten, L., International labour law : selected issues, Kluwer, Deventer,
1993. Request number: Law Library 15.251 10
Valticos, N. Potobsky, G.von., International labour law, 2nd revised
edition, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, Deventer 1995. Request
number: Law Library 15.251 28
Blanpain, R. Colucci,M., The globalization of labour standards : the soft
law track : global compact, ILO principles, NAFTA agreement, OECD
guidelines, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, 2004.
Request number: Law Library 15.002 24 dl 52
Craig, J.D.R. and Lynk, S.M. Globalization and the future of labour law,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2006.
Request number: UL Law and Economics Reading room urec 915S 009
Florkowski, G.W., Managing global legal systems : international
employment regulation and competitive advantage, Routledge, London,
2006. Request number: UL Law and Economics Reading room urec 915S
Conaghan, J. Fischl, R.M. Klare, K, Labour law in an era of
globalization : transformative practices and possibilities, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2002 Request number: Law Library 15.601 41
International and Comparative Private Law
Basedow, J., Private Law in the International Arena. From National
Conflict Rules Towards Harmonization and Unification, T.M.C. Asser
The Hague, Press 2000. Request number: Law Library 01.004 Siehr
Hartkamp, A., Towards a European civil code, 3rd fully rev. and
expanded ed., Ars Aequi Libri, The Hague, Kluwer Law International,
Nijmegen, 2004. Request number: Law Library 06.201 2
Boele-Woelki, K., Comparability and Evaluation. Essays on
comparative law, private international law and international commercial
arbitration in honour of Dimitra Kokkini-Iatridou, T.M.C. Asser
Instituut, The Hague, 1994. Request number: Law Library 01.004
Law Library : User Guide - 23-
Boele-Woelki,K., Perspectives for the Unification and Harmonisation of
Family Law in Europe, Intersentia, Antwerpen, Oxford and New York,
2003. Request number: Law Library 06.210 7 dl 4
Borcherse, P.J. Zekoll, J., International conflicts of laws for the third
millennium. Essays in honor of Friedrich K. Juenger, Transnational
Publishers 2001, New York: Request number: Law Library 01.004
Collins, L (editor) Dicey, Morris and Collins on the conflict of laws, 14th
Edition, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2006. Vol. 1 Request number: Law
Library 07.205 8 dl 1
Collins, L (editor) Dicey, Morris and Collins on the conflict of laws, 14th
Edition, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2006.
Vol. 2: Request number: Law Library 07.205 8 dl 2
Conaghan, J. Fischl, R.M. Klare, K, Labour law in an era of
globalization : transformative practices and possibilities, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2002 Request number: Law Library 15.601 41
De Cruz, P., Comparative Law in a Changing World, RoutledgeCavendish, London, 2007. Request number: Law Library 16.001 22
Einhorn, T., Siehr, K., Intercontinental cooperation through private
international law, Essays in memory of Peter E. Nygh, T.M.C. Asser
Press, The Hague, 2004. Request number: Law Library 01.004 Nygh
Fawcett, J.J., Carruthers J.M., Cheshire, North and Fawcett Private
international law, 14th Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008.
Request number: Law Library 07.205 10
Forty Years On: The Evolution of Postwar Private International Law in
Europe, een publikatie van het Centrum voor Buitenlands Recht en
Internationaal Privaatrecht, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Deventer:
Kluwer 1990. Request number: Law Library 07.006 6 dl 5
Gordley, J., Foundations of Private Law: Property, Tort, Contract,
Unjust Enrichment, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006
Request number: Law Library 06.201 16
Law Library : User Guide - 24-
Grinten, P. van der, Heukels, T., Crossing Borders. Essays in European
and private international law, nationality, law and islamic law in honours
of Frans van der Velden, Kluwer, Deventer, 2006.
Request number: Law Library 01.004 Velden
Hoffmann, B. von., European Private International Law, Nijmegen: Ars
Aequi Libri 1998. Request number: Law Library 07.201 9
Hartkamp, A., and others Ewoud Hondius, E and others, Towards
a European civil code, 3rd fully revised and expanded edition : Ars
Aequi Libri ; Nijmegen, Kluwer Law International, 2004.
Request number: Law Library 06.201 2
Menski, W., Comparative Law in a Global Context: The Legal Systems
of Asia and Africa, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
Request number: UL Law and Economics Reading Room urec 220S 007
Thuronyi, V., Comparative Tax Law, Kluwer Law International, The
Hague, 2003 Request number: Law Library 14.204 15
Werro, F. Palmer, V.V., The Boundaries of Strict Liability in European
Tort Law, Carolina Academic Press, Durham, NC, Stämpfli, Bern,
Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2004 Request number: Law Library 06.233 11
Borrás, A., E Pluribus Unum. Liber Amicorum Georges A.L. Droz. On
The Progressive Unification of Private International Law, Martinus
Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague/Boston/London: 1996. Request number:
Law Library 01.004 Droz
Dicey, Morris and Collins on the conflict of laws. - 14th ed. / under the
general editorship of Lawrence Collins ; with specialist eds. ; [Adrian
Briggs ... et al.]. - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2006. -2 dl.
Vol. 1: Request number: Law Library 07.205 8 dl 1
Vol. 2: Request number: Law Library 07.205 8 dl 2
Youngs, R., English, French and German Comparative Law, 2d. ed.,
Routledge-Cavendish, London, 2007. Request number: Law Library
16.001 16
Zimmermann, R., Reimann, M., The Oxford Handbook of Comparative
Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006. Request number: Law
Library 16.001 37
Law Library : User Guide - 25-
Zweigert, K., Kötz, H, Introduction to Comparative Law, 3rd rev. ed.,
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1998. Request number: Law Library 16.001 64
Criminal Law and Criminology
Cherif Bassiouni, M., Introduction au droit pénal international,
Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2002. Request number: Law Library 10.210 16
International criminal law / ed. by M. Cherif Bassiouni. - 2nd ed. –
Ardsley, NY : Transnational publishers, [cop. 1999]. -Dl. 1. ; 24 cm
Oorspr. uitg.: 1986-1987 Request number: Law Library 10.210 8
Cherif Bassiouni, M., International criminal law, 2nd Edition,
Ardsley, NY : Transnational publishers, [cop. 1999]. -Dl. 1. ; 24 cm
Oorspr. uitg.: 1986-1987 Request number: Law Library 10.210 8
Cassese, A., International criminal law, 2nd Edition, Oxford University
Press, Oxford, 2008. Request number: Law Library 10.210 12
Sjöcrona, J.M., Orie, A.M.M., Internationaal strafrecht vanuit
Nederlands perspectief, 3e, Revised Edition, Kluwer, Deventer 2002.
Request number: Law Library 10.006 3 dl 6
Wyngaert, C. Van den (editor), assistant eds. Guy Stessens, Liesbeth
Janssens, International criminal law : a collection of international and
European instruments 3rd Revised Edition Nijhoff, Leiden 2005.
Request number: Law Library 10.210 24
Gerhard Werle, G., Principles of international criminal law, T.M.C.
Asser Press, The Hague 2005. Request number: Law Library 10.210 26
Law Library : User Guide - 26-
What is Caselex?
Caselex provides a Legal resource opening up the rich knowledge base on
the practical application of EU law within the various countries. Caselex
offers cases on EU Law from national supreme courts and the European
Courts. Its time span is: cases from 1.1.2000
Where can I find Caselex?
You go to: and click on:
“Login as guest“. As the Groningen University has a subscription to this
databases, you are directly connected with the search screen.
An example:
1. Use the box: SEARCH
2. Type in the field WITH EXACT PHRASE the following words:
3. Click on the box CASE DETAILS en scroll down. At the bottom
of the page you see an arrow > . By clicking on that, you enter a
new page, with which you can refine your search.
4. For instance on page 1: For a directive, or a regulation.
5. For instance on page 2: Refine your search with a specific field of
6. For instance on page 3: Refine your search with a specific country.
7. By clicking on SEARCH, the judgment will be shown with
additional information.
Law Library : User Guide - 27-
Other useful databases to find a topic or to start your research
Max Planck encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL)
Wat is MPEPIL?
A comprehensive work covering the central and essential topics in
international law
Where can I find MPEPIL?
Search in the catalogue of the RuG for: MPEPIL.
Other international and comparative law encyclopedias
International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law
This encyclopedia covers international and comparative law. The
National Reports volumes cover many different countries and outline the
various legal systems.
Request number: Law Library 16.006 5
International Encyclopaedia for Labour Law and Industrial Relations.
This multivolume looseleaf provides information about labour law and
industrial relations for many countries and includes legislation.
Request number: Law Library 15.003 25
Also available as online resource.
Homepage of the Law Library .
Internetadresses of the Department of International law - go to Legal databases and favourite law links
Law Library : User Guide - 28-
Other internetadresses
CISG and PICC databases
EU law databases
Draft Common Frame of Reference
Accesible through
English law
German Civil Code (translation)
German court decisions translated into English
French Civil Code (translation)
Law Library : User Guide - 29-
French court decisions translated into English
Uniform Commerial Code
Restatement 2n Contracts
Use Westlaw, available through the University Electronic Library
PRC Contract Law 1999 (translation)
PRC General Principles of the Civil Law 1986 (translation)
Civil code of the Russian Federation (translation)
Law Library : User Guide - 30-
The website Europa: gateway to the European Union
De website “Europa” is a good starting point when you would like to find
information out of the European Union
When you would like to know what the European Union does by subject,
click on “activities”.
Each “activity” covers a policy area, e.g. Agriculture or Environment, for
which the European Union manages projects and passes legislation. Click
on a specific “activity” and you get all kind of information, e.g.
summaries of legislation, addresses of key sites, legal texts and
Suppose, you would like to write about the “asylum policy” of the
European Union. Asylum policy is part of the activity “Justice, freedom
and security” policy of the EU.
Go to activities
Choose for: “Justice, freedom and security”
You see the following:
Key Sites (Commission, Parliament etc. )
Useful reading
Bulletin of the European Union (reports monthly on he activities of the
General report on the activities of the European Union (Yearly published
overview of activities of the EU in the preceding years).
Summaries of legislation (scadplus)
Legal texts
Law Library : User Guide - 31-
EISIL: Electronic Information System for International Law
Provides links to basic documents, websites and guides by subject.
International Humanitarian Law (Red Cross)
Treaty texts and commentaries on treaties in the field of Human Rights.
Pages of the Activities of the European Union, go to: Activities
European Treaty Series (ETS)
Containing the Treaties of the Council of Europe.
Lex Mercatoria
International trade and economic law.
International legal information
Interface for simultaneous searches in catalogue and databases of the
United Nations and affiliated organizations. Our advice: don’t use the
Search option. Choose specific documents.
Law Library : User Guide - 32-
Searching for literature: Catalogue and Picarta
Catalogue of the University of Groningen
When searching for literature on a specific subject, you can
use the Catalogue of the university of Groningen, which
contains titles of books, and periodicals. By clicking on the
Union Jack (at top left of your screen) you get the English
interface of the catalogue.
Choose in the second drop-down menu the search key:
Beware! You can't combine two keywords. Use the first
keyword and restrict the result by using the second
keyword.The catalogue is to be found at: go to: Library or:
Keep informed!
Periodical articles provide recent opinions and developments
concerning a wide range of subjects within a certain field of
More and more the contents of periodicals are available
electronically in full-text format through the licences of the
University of Groningen.
All printed and electronic journals to which the RuG libraries
subscribe can be found in the catalogue. If you want to
consult electronic journals from outside the University of
Groningen, you may be prompted to log on to the server. Use
your progress password and student number to access the
All journals from the libraries of the University of Groningen
can be found in the Catalogue. Select the electronic version
(e-symbol ).
The catalogue is to be found at: go to:
Library or:
Law Library : User Guide - 33-
Searching for literature: Picarta
Picarta is the Dutch national catalogue, which is updated
daily. It contains a.o. titles of books, titles of periodical
articles. You can choose for the English edition.
When you are searching for recent titles of books and/or
recent periodical articles by a specific author, use Picarta.
Also when you are looking for recent periodical articles on a
specific subject.
Beware! Use the second search box and choose: all words. No
keywords are given to periodical articles. By using the
"advanced" search option, you can combine different search
Picarta is to be found at: go to: Library
Go to: Legal databases and favorite law links
Search for an author: Picarta
Picarta is a very large database. When you search for
publications of a specific author, also use the initials. For
Gormley, L.W.
Tip: Put the third box on "year of publication", so that the
most recent publications will appear at the top of the
Searching for a periodical article: Picarta
Be aware that Picarta is a very large database, when you are
searching for a periodical article. If you know the title of the
article, use the entry "title words" and put the title
between""quotation marks".
For instance:
"A Cold Start for Hot Wars?". By the author Walter C. Ladwig
(in: International Security Vol. 32 (2007) No. 3 pp. 158-190)
Advanced search
When the title of a periodical article is only partly known to
you and the surname of the author is known use then
"advanced" search in Picarta.
Law Library : User Guide - 34-
Searching for periodical articles by
In Picarta, there is no possibility to search for periodial
articles with the entry: "key words". use then the entry "all
However, by using "advanced" you can find periodical articles
on a specific subject.
Peace Palace Library Catalogue
When searching in the catalogue of the Peace Palace, you
have access to one of the greatest collections in the field of
International Law. In the catalogue of the Peace Palace
Library ( titles of books, periodicals and
periodical articles can be found, all completed with keywords.
Keywords are very important terms, one word or a
combination of words specifies the content of a publication.
In the Catalogue of University of Groningen, no titles of
periodical articles can be found. Picarta (the Dutch National
Catalogue) holds titles of books, periodicals and peridical
articles. However the articles are not completed with
1. As you are searching in a catalogue, specialised in
International Law, it will be easier to find relevant
publications. This in contrast to Picarta, in which you
can find titles on any subject imaginable.
2. Searching on keywords may be done in several
languages: however the displayed key words are in
english and/or French.
3. With the assistance of the displayed keywords in a
record, a new search can be started.
For example:
Search with key words "human rights" and you will find titles
of books, periodicals and periodical articles in all sort of
In the description of a publication you see: "More links":
When you click on this "Plinklet" you are directly connected to
the full-text of the periodical article. Provided that it is online
available through a licence of the University of Groningen.
The so called "Yearbooks" are important publications in the
field of International Law. Some yearbooks are full-text
available. An example is the publication: "Netherlands
Yearbook of International Law". Search for this title in the
catalogue of the University of Groningen. In the description of
the title, you see that this publication is electronically
Law Library : User Guide - 35-
The "British Year book of International Law" is an example of
a publication that is only available in printed form. If you
would like tot see the contents of a particular issue, act as
1. Search for the title of this publication in Picarta or in
the Peace Palace Library catalogue.
2. The contents of the above mentioned publication is
included in both catalogues.
The contributions to "Yearbooks" are shown in the
short list with the icon for a periodical article. Don't be
They really are contributions to "Yearbooks".
Law Library : User Guide - 36-