Neural Correlates of Cognitive Processes LIDA Module or Function Sensory Motor Automatism Slipnet Slipnet object nodes Cognitive Processes Sensory Motor Automatism Sensory Memory Perceptual Associative Memory (PAM) PAM-Visual object recognition Neural Correlates Supporting Include References Cerebelum Pijpers et al 2006 Temporalprefrontal (echoic) Perirhinal Cortex Alain et al, 1998 Inferotemporal cortex (IT) Tanaka, 1996 Logothetis & Sheinberg 1996 Winters & Bussey 2005 Kreiman, Fried, and Koch 2002 Keri 2004 Perirhinal cortex Slipnet Slipnet Slipnet Slipnet Slipnet Slipnet face nodes Slipnet face & other object nodes Slipnet parts of face objects Slipnet olfaction and emotion nodes Slipnet emotion nodes PAM-phenomenal visual experience PAMCategorizationsensory PAMCategorizationabstract PAMCategorizationmotion Top down processing PAM-Visual face recognition PAM-Recognition of faces & other objects Medial temporal lobe Sensory neocortex PAM-spatial visual & tactile mapobjects near or touching face PAM-Olfactory reward & punishment signals PAM-Emotions Superior postcentral sulcus of the parietal cortex Mushroom body neurons & dorsal paired medial neurons amygdala and orbito-frontal cortex) Lateral & anterior prefrontal structures lateral intraparietal Davachi et al 2003 Freeman, 2003 Keri 2004 Freedman and Assad. 2006 Hansen et al 2006 Inferotemporal cortex (IT) Fusiform face area Afraz, Kiani, and H. Esteky 2006 Grill-Spector, Sayres and Ress 2006 Kanwisher and Yovel 2006 Sereno and Huang 2006 Keene et al. 2006. Taylor & Fragopanagos 2005 Slipnet PAM-emotion affecting learning Slipnet fear nodes Slipnet novelty node PAM-Memory of fear PAM-Novelty Slipnet action situation nodes PAM-Recognize action situation – e.g eating a peanut PAM-Reward for action or its avoidance PAM-Stimulusreward associations PAM-Romantic love Slipnet reward nodes Slipnet reward nodes Slipnet emotion nodes Slipnet self movement nodes & place nodes Slipnet category nodes Workspace PAM-Self movement input to location – cognitive map Perceptual learning of concepts Feelings, bodily states, social emotions Preconscious Working Memory Buffers Working Memory Workspace Working Memory Slipnet feeling nodes Workspace basolateral amygdala, perirhinal cortex, entorhinal cortex Lateral nucleus of the amygdala substantia nigra/ventral tegmental area Mirror neurons in the perisylvian cortical region Paz et al 2006 Schafe et al 2005 Bunzeck 2006 Iacoboni, in press medial Kim, Shimojo & orbitofrontal cortex Doherty. 2006 orbitofrontal cortex/ventral striatum brainstem right ventral tegmental area and right postero-dorsal body of the caudate nucleus entorhinal cortex hippocampus Keri 2004 hippocampus Lin et al 2007 Insula Singer 2007 Temporo-parietal and frontal lobes Baddeley, 2001 Fisher, H. E., A. Aron, and L. L. Brown. 2006 McNaughton et al, 2006 Prefrontal and Markowitsch 2000 (left) parietal left frontopolar Nyberg, et al 2003 cortex, left midventrolateral PFC, left middorsolateral PFC & dorsal anterior Sparse distributed memory Transient Episodic Memory Sparse distributed memory Sparse distributed memory Perceptual binding for transient episodic memory Declarative Memory Sparse Distributed Memory with “I don’t care” Declarative Memory Semantic memory (or maybe perceptual) Episodic memory (transient or long term?) Consolidation Workspace Deliberation (imagination) cingulate cortex Hippocampal System intra-parietal sulcus Widely distributed neocortical areas, especially the frontal, lateral temporal, and occipital lobes Limbic structures and prefrontal cortex Left frontopolar cortex, left midventrolateral PFC, left middorsolateral PFC and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex left frontopolar cortex, left midventrolateral PFC, left middorsolateral PFC and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex Hippocampus & neocortex Hippocampus & medial frontal cortex Hippocampus Squire 1992; Panksepp, 1998 p.129; Shastri, 2001; Shastri, 2002; Metcalfe & Jacobs 1996; Olton, Becker and Handelman 1979; Ferbinteanu and Shapiro 2003 Uncapher, Otten, and Rugg. 2006 Squire, 1992 Bayley et al 2005 Markowitsch 2000 Nyberg, et al 2003 Nyberg, et al 2003 Paz et al 2006 Hahn, Sakmann, and Mehta. 2006 Euston, Tatsuno, and McNaughton. 2007 Hassabis et al 2007 Working memory Binding of visual and spatial information Consciousness module Consciousness Consciousness module – global workspace Consciousness module Consciousness Executive function Attention codelets Attention codelets Global workspace Attention to objects Higher visual scene processing Global broadcast Schemenet Procedural learning Procedural memory Schemenet PL attention codelets Scheme net Scheme net Behavior net Visual conscious perception subjective contents of visual awareness Procedural learning Procedural learning Procedural Memory Action selection large-scale theta phase synchronization between bilateral frontal regions and between the left frontal and right temporal-parietal regions Gamma coherence Right superior parietal anterior cingulate cortex Wu et al 2007 Parieto-frontal activity primary visual cortex and ventral visual areas, plus parietal and frontal activity posterior parietal cortex Frontal eye fields Dehaene et al 2006 long-distance synchronization of gamma oscillations striatum Meador et al 2002 Newman et al 2003 Bush, Luu, & Posner. 2000 Rees 2007 Shomstein & Behrmann. 2006 Kaysera & Logothetis 2006 Melloni et al 2007 Foerde et al 2006 Basal ganglia, cortical motor regions, cerebellar structures corticostriatal synapses Ventral striatum Markowitsch 2000 Anterior cingulate cortex Striatum Prefrontal cortex Kennerley et al 2006 Pittenger et al 2006 Atallah et al 2006 Pittenger et al 2006 Newman et al 2003 Behavior net Action selection Decision making Slipnet Behavior net Emotions modulating action selection Sensory-motor memory Sensory-motor actions - saccades Sensory-motor control of balance and navigaton Sensory-motor innate behaviors Striatum, basal ganglia Basal forebrain Amygdala, Orbital and medial prefrontal cortex Cerebellum Frontal eye field Semicircular canals Pasquereau et al 2007 Pessiglione et al 2007 De Martino et al 2006 Smith & Shadmehr 2005 Thompson et al 1996 Fitzpatrick et al 2006 command chemical-central peptidergic ensembles mediodorsal thalamic nucleus Dorsal striatum Kim et al 2006 Right intraparietal sulcus Frey and Gerry 2006 Cognitive cycle Motor representations of sequential procedures Cognitive cycle Few hundred ms Cognitive cycle Cognitive cycle 200-300 ms Cognitive cycle Cognitive cycle Coupled thetagamma rhythms Cognitive cycle EEG microstate Sigman & Dehaene. 2006 Uchida et al 2006 van Berkum, J.J.A. 2006 Massimini et al, 2005 Willis & Todorov 2006 Jensen & Colgin 2007 Canolty et al 2006 Koenig et al 2002 Koenig, Kochi, and Lehmann 1998 Lehmann et al 1998 Preafference Visual stability Sensory-motor memory Action execution Automization Reflexive decision making Basal ganglia, cerebellum amygdala, basal ganglia, Sommer & Wurtz. 2006 Atallah et al 2006 Satpute and Lieberman. 2006 Reflective decision making Emotions in moral decision making ventromedial prefrontal cortex, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, lateral temporal cortex. lateral prefrontal cortex, posterior parietal cortex, medial prefrontalal cortex, rostral anterior cingulate cortex, and hippocampus and surrounding medial temporal lobe region ventromedial prefrontal cortex Satpute and Lieberman. 2006 Koenigs et al 2007 References Afraz, S.-R., R. 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