OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 1 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Local Services Ordering & Provisioning (LSOP) Committee Co-Leader Christine Cole of Verizon opened the meeting by welcoming attendees to OBF 78. Ms. Cole requested that LSOP Committee participants perform self-introductions, and that all members in attendance sign the attendee list located in attachment lc78an.pdf. LSOP MEETING NOTES APPROVAL Participants reviewed the following LSOP General Session and Interim Meeting Notes. OBF 77 MEETING NOTES APPROVAL Participants approved the OBF 77 Meeting Notes with no changes required. INTERIM ACTIVITIES The following Interim Activity Meeting Notes were accepted with no changes. January 14-16, 2002 – Issue 2234 Task Force Meeting January 17-18, 2002 – Issue 2233 Task force Meeting January 23, 2002 – Issue 2118 Task Force Virtual Meeting March 5, 2002 – Issue 2118 Task Force Virtual Meeting MARCH 27, 2002 – ISSUE 2310 TASK FORCE VIRTUAL MEETING READ OUT Issue 2310 Issue Champion Sherry Porter of BellSouth provided an overview of the Task Force activities from March 27, 2002, and advised that the output of that activity will be reviewed during discussions of Issue 2310 at this General Session. LIAISON REPRESENTATION & LIAISON READ-OUTS Participants discussed the following liaison read-outs. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 2 TCIF EDI SOSC Chris Gallagher of the Telecommunications Industry Forum (TCIF) advised that the SOSC has changed their title to Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Service Order Committee (ESOC). As the TCIF ESOC to OBF Liaison, Mr. Gallagher advised that the EDI VSOG Mechanization Specifications 2 (EVMS2) will be posted to the web on or before July 1, 2002. Mr. Gallagher also confirmed that the TCIF ESOC work for LSOG 7 implementation is on schedule. OBF to TCIF ESOC Liaison As a temporary measure, Elizabeth Frohse of Cap Gemini Ernst & Young had volunteered at OBF 77 to serve as the interim OBF contact for TCIF ESOC until a permanent liaison could be confirmed. Mary Fay of Verizon volunteered to be the permanent OBF to TCIF ESOC Liaison. There were no objections to Ms. Fay assuming this liaison role. Agreement: Participants agreed that Mary Fay of Verizon will assume the role of OBF to TCIF Liaison effective with OBF 78. COMMITTEE T1 On behalf of the OBF to Committee T1 Liaison Mary Fay of Verizon, Ms. Cole advised that there were no interim activities to report. DSL FORUM Ms. Cole advised that there were no interim activities to report for the DSL Forum. Ms. Cole further stated that at this time the DSL Forum was still somewhat inactive and that if a liaison position would become necessary for the future, the committee would be advised by ATIS. CORRESPONDENCE Ms. Cole provided the following correspondence update. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 3 INCOMING CORRESPONDENCE Ms. Cole advised that there had been no incoming correspondence directed to the LSOP Committee between OBF 77 and OBF 78. OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE Ms. Cole confirmed that correspondence from OBF had been sent to the TCIF ESOC since OBF 77. Assigned OBF tracking number 020305-001t, this correspondence transmitted the LSOP Committee Procedural Rules on Documentation (PROD) Version 1. A copy of 020305-001t be downloaded from the ATIS OBF website at: http://www.atis.org/ATIS/CLC/OBF/obf_corr.htm#sent2001 ACTION ITEM REVIEW Participants agreed to review the list of all outstanding LSOP Committee Action Items. This list was updated to remove all closed action items. The most current list of all LSOP open action items from OBF 78 is now located in lc78ai.doc. PRIORITIZATION OF OPEN AND NEW ISSUES Ms. Cole led participants through a prioritization effort for all LSOP open and new issues. Participants agreed that all issues that were targeted for implementation with LSOG 7 should take priority, and deferred all issues that did not meet that criteria for discussion at interim activities and/or OBF 79. Participants agreed to work LSOP Committee Open Issues, not referred to be worked by the DSC, in the following priority order at OBF 78. 1 Prior. Issue # Issue Title Issue Champion(s) 01 2310/LSOP LSOG: Refine the ordering processes for Resale and Unbundled ISDN BRI/PRI Sherry Porter, BellSouth 02 2391/LSOP1 LSOG: Add valid entry to identify port in of wireless TN Cora Jackson, SBC This issue was returned from Initial Closure to open issue status at the April 2, 2002 Joint DSC and LSOP Virtual Interim Meeting. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 4 2 Prior. Issue # Issue Title Issue Champion(s) 03 2393/LSOP2 LSOG – Add valid entry to NPDI field in 071 Practice. Jim Mahler, Verizon 04 2360/LSOP LSOG: Add New Account Telephone Number (NATN) field to Practice 121. Jim Mahler, Verizon 05 2404/LSOP LSOG: Ability to migrate TN(s) to an existing account (ATN/AN) and establish a new account number for the merged account. Sherry Porter, BellSouth 06 2376/LSOP LSOG: Internally ported/pooled number indicator Jim Mahler, Verizon 07 2118/LSOP Clarify Customer Service Information (CSI) data element relationships Ellie Pribula, AT&T 08 2396/LSOP LSOG: Allow return of repeater information on Loop Qual responses. Jim Mahler, Verizon 09 2403/LSOP LSOG: Provider Notification (121 Practice) Steve Moore, Sprint 10 2368/LSOP LSOG: Associated Account Number Sherry Porter, BellSouth 11 2372/LSOP LSOG: Clarify the industry intent for all activity fields Mary Fay, Verizon 13 2395/LSOP LSOG: Allow return of disturber quantity on Loop Qual responses. Jim Mahler, Verizon 14 2398/LSOP LSOG: Inside wire type Sherry Porter, BellSouth 15 2400/LSOP LSOG: FPI Consistency Sarah Blanks, MetaSolv 16 2402/LSOP LSOG: Clarify end user and customer references Sarah Blanks, MetaSolv 17 2405/LSOP LSOG: Remove Usage Strips from all applicable practices of the LSOG. Elizabeth Frohse, CGEY 18 2399/LSOP VSOG: Vertical Services Provider Notification Process Steve Moore, Sprint This new issue was accepted during the Virtual Interim Meeting completed April 3, 2002. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 5 Prior. Issue # Issue Title Issue Champion(s) 19 2233/LSOP LSOG: Change Management Process Guidelines Jim Whinn, Verizon 20 2234/LSOP LSOG: Add New Order Status – Pending Inquiry for Local Monet Topps, SBC 21 (LSR8) 2297/LSOP LSOG: Line Partitioning Jim Mahler, Verizon 22 (LSR8) 2362/LSOP LSOG: Manual Customer Service Record (CSR)/Telephone Number Request Sherry Porter, BellSouth 23 (LSR8) 2373/LSOP LSOG: Develop a process for service conversion (s) within the same LSP Sherry Porter, BellSouth 24 (LSR8) 2397/LSOP LSOG: Host circuit information for Frame Relay Sherry Porter, BellSouth OPEN ISSUE DISCUSSION Participants spent the remainder of Monday through Friday of the OBF General Session working the prioritized issues in the stated order of prioritization. All open issues discussed during these sessions are listed in numeric order below. 2118/LSOP - CLARIFY CUSTOMER SERVICE INFORMATION (CSI) DATA ELEMENT RELATIONSHIPS Issue Champion Ellie Pribula led participants through an overview of the current status of Issue 2118. Non-OBF Supported Software Contribution Resolution Participants were advised that a joint agreement had been reached between the Issue 2118 Issue Champion, OBF Leadership, CGEY and ATIS regarding the non-OBF supported version of Visio that had been used to create the data model diagrams for this issue. As the Issue Champion, Ms. Pribula has agreed that the data model diagrams would not be included in the LSOG practice documentation, and would only be used for clarification while working the data element modifications. Ms. Pribula agreed that any future contributions she submits will be in the agreed upon OBF software versions. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 6 All Visio diagrams will be archived to the issues archive zip file (2118archive.zip) when the work on this issue has been completed. ATIS will develop the wording for the issue status history to explain why there is retention of non-OBF standard files within the archive file for this exception. It was further agreed that for the purpose of moving this issue ahead, LSOP Committee Administrator Donna Martin would be displaying and editing the Visio diagrams during issue discussions from Ms. Pribula’s laptop computer. It was stressed that this was to be considered a one-time occurrence, not a precedent setting event. Any issue contributions submitted in nonOBF supported software versions would, therefore, not be accepted in the future, and Ms. Martin should never be expected to work from a participant’s laptop computer There were no objections to working the issue under this agreement. Attachment 2118a5 Discussions Ms. Pribula provided participants diskette copies for an updated version of her data element contributions in attachment 2118a5v4.doc. Ms. Pribula then led participants through a review of this attachment. Required updates were documented in Attachment 2118a5v5.doc. Attachment 2118a5v3.doc and 2118a5v4.doc were retired to the issues archive zip file (2118archive.zip). Whether a data element field’s valid entries for practice 121 should be Universal Service Order Codes (USOCs), Field Identifiers (FIDs) or other types of information was debated at some length. The issue of parsed versus non-parsed data return was also discussed at some length. Both topics have been an ongoing point of concern for this issue, and participants were once again unable to reach consensus during this discussion. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 7 Verizon offered two examples of CSR data, one as a parsed and one as a non-parsed report for participant review. Cora Jackson of SBC clarified that the intent of this issue was to identify data element relationships, not to determine how each company would be returning the data (e.g., USOCs, FIDs, other formats, etc.). Ms. Jackson recommended that the concerns of parsed versus non-parsed data and company-specific USOCs and FIDs should be addressed at a later date. Participants returned to reviewing the modifications in attachment 2118a5v4.doc. proposed data element After several attempts to continue data element review, the provider participants requested that Ms. Pribula articulate what she is expecting from the output of this issue. Ms. Pribula advised that she wanted to be able to understand the data element relationships that were being returned to her in response to a CSI inquiry. Ms. Pribula further clarified that she wanted the committee to complete definition for the data element relationships depicted in her diagrams. Issue 2118 Action Plan Participants developed the following action plan for this issue. Split the data elements into logical CSR Sections. Continue to document data element relationships from the data model diagrams. Establish a dedicated Task Force to work with Ms. Pribula to determine if the Task Force should: Update General Section? Update Data Elements? Build a matrix to depict the data element relationships? It was agreed that the Task Force will meet via conference call to draft the General Section that will be included in the 122 Practice to document this effort and to further define the path forward to implement this issue resolution with LSOG 8. Task Force volunteers were: Ellie Pribula of AT&T – Task Force Leader 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 8 Sherry Porter of BellSouth Edna Price of Frontier Carol Zimmerman of Qwest Monet Topps of SBC Tammy Holder of Sprint Mary Fay of Verizon Data Element CSR Section Designations After further debate, it was determined that going through all data elements and assigning possible Customer Service Record (CSR) sections where that data might reside could be a path to moving this issue ahead. The following sections were identified as generic CSR sections: Possible CSR Section Titles Section Definition BILL: Billing information (name, address, etc.) DIRECTORY: Directory delivery information (Type directory(s), quantity, delivery address, etc.). HEADER/ID: Account level information. LIST: Directory listing information (e.g., name, address, etc.) REMARKS: Retained remarks for the account. SERVICE & EQUIPMENT: Services and products provided at the line level (e.g., USOCs, FIDs, etc.) TRAFFIC: Intercept information (e.g., Transfer of Calls, Seasonal Suspends, etc.) Participants agreed that the next logical step would be to define which of the data element fields in practice 122 are actually on the CSR record versus information that would be derived from another source. Participants spent the remainder of the allocated time for Issue 2118 going through the data elements in attachment 2118a5v4.doc and making the determination that the field would not be part of the CSR and/or assigning via the definition notes the appropriate CSR section(s). 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 9 Time allocated for this issue expired prior to completing review of all data elements. It was recognized that this issue can no longer be considered a candidate for LSOG 7, and would therefore now become a target for implementation with LSOG 8. Agreement: Participants agreed that there should be a Task Force Virtual Meeting conducted to continue work on this issue, and agreed to schedule that activity at the end of OBF 78. Issue 2118 Interim Activity Requirement On Friday, May 10, 2002, the following interim activity was scheduled for this issue: Established at: Host: Activity Type: Dates/Times: Admin Support: Objective: OBF 78 Ellie Pribula of AT&T Task Force Virtual Meeting June 25, 2002 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM EDT Required To draft the general section updates to the 122 practice and gain consensus on notes placed on data element pages. Note: The Agendas along with the Meeting/Conference Call Information for the above, will be posted to the ATIS Web Site: http://www.atis.org/atis/clc/obf/obfcal.htm. Issue Status Participants agreed that Issue 2118 should remain open and in active status. Issue 2118 is scheduled for one interim activity and is also on the LSOP Agenda for discussion at OBF 79. 2233/LSOP - LSOG: CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS GUIDELINES Due to the time required to address other issues at this meeting, Issue Champion Jim Whinn of Verizon agreed that this issue would be held for discussion at an Interim Meeting previously scheduled for June 3-4, 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 10 2002. Further, it should be noted, this issue is not related to any LSOG release. The agenda and meeting logistics for this planned activity can be downloaded from the ATIS Website URL: http://www.atis.org/atis/clc/obf/obfcal.htm. Mr. Whinn reminded participants that any response to action items or contributions for this issue should be submitted by Wednesday, May 8, 2002, the agenda cut-off date. Due to the travel restrictions currently imposed on several participating companies, Carol Zimmerman of Qwest offered to provide a simultaneous telephone conference bridge for this meeting. Agreement: Participants agreed to conduct this meeting with a simultaneous telephone conference bridge. Action Item: Ms. Zimmerman will provide the LSOP Committee Administrator Donna Martin with the telephone conference bridge details. Action Item: Ms. Martin will updated the meeting logistics on the ATIS OBF website with the telephone conference bridge details. Issue Status Participants agreed that Issue 2233 should remain open and in active status. Issue 2233 is scheduled for one interim activity and is also on the LSOP Agenda for discussion at OBF 79. 2234/LSOP – LSOG: ADD NEW ORDER STATUS – PENDING INQUIRY FOR LOCAL Due to the time required to address other Issues at this meeting, Issue Champion Monet Topps of SBC agreed that this issue would be held for discussion at an Interim Meeting previously scheduled for June 5-7, 2002. Neither the committee nor the issue champion identified this issue as a candidate for LSOG 7. The agenda and meeting logistics for this planned activity can be downloaded from the ATIS Website URL: http://www.atis.org/atis/clc/obf/obfcal.htm. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 11 Due to the travel restrictions currently imposed on several participating companies, Carol Zimmerman of Qwest offered to provide a simultaneous telephone conference bridge for this meeting. Agreement: Participants agreed to conduct this meeting with a simultaneous telephone conference bridge. Action Item: Ms. Zimmerman will provide the LSOP Committee Administrator Donna Martin with the telephone conference bridge details. Action Item: Ms. Martin will updated the meeting logistics on the ATIS OBF website with the telephone conference bridge details. Issue Status Participants agreed that Issue 2234 should remain open and in active status. Issue 2234 is scheduled for one interim activity and is also on the LSOP Agenda for discussion at OBF 79. 2297/LSOP - LSOG: LINE PARTITIONING Issue Champion Jim Mahler of Verizon advised that he had been planning to withdraw this issue at OBF 78, but several companies had requested that the issue be held for further discussion at OBF 79. Mr. Mahler agreed to hold the issue for discussion pending another company stepping forward to champion this issue. Should no other company step forward, he will withdraw this issue. Mr. Mahler had agreed during the prioritization effort that this issue would not be targeted for implementation until LSOG 8. Cora Jackson of SBC advised that there had also been a concern expressed by the Telcordia Technologies Common Language sponsored Technical Advisory Group (TAG) should this issue remain active. Participating industry TAG members had indicated that there could be potential TAG problems in implementation of the proposed solution. Agreement: Participants agreed to waive discussion of this issue at OBF 78 pending identification of another issue champion, and so that all 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 12 companies could contact their TAG representatives and complete the required research for this issue. Issue Status Participants agreed that Issue 2297 should remain open and in active status to allow for additional research. Issue 2297 is on the LSOP Agenda for discussion at OBF 79. 2310/LSOP - LSOG: REFINE THE ORDERING PROCESSES FOR RESALE AND UNBUNDLED ISDN BRI/PRI Issue Champion Sherry Porter of BellSouth led participants through an overview of Issue 2310. Attachment 2310ai Discussions Ms. Porter led participants through a review of all action items documented in attachment 2310ai.doc. All action items were closed. Attachment 2310ai.doc was retired to the issues archive zip file (2310archive.zip). Attachment 2310a1 Discussions Ms. Porter led participants through a review of the proposed definitions in attachment 2310a1v7.doc. Required updates are documented in 2310a1v8.doc. Attachment 2310a1v7.doc was retired to the issue’s archive zip file (2310archive.zip). Agreement: Participants agreed that work on this attachment was completed. Attachment 2310a2 Discussions Ms. Porter led participants through a review of the proposed 071 practice modifications documented in attachment 2310a2v4.doc. There were no required updates for this attachment. Agreement: Participants agreed that work on this attachment was completed. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 13 Attachment 2310a3 Discussions Ms. Porter led participants through a review of the proposed 076, 077, and 080 practice modifications documented in attachment 2310a3v4.doc. Required updates are documented in 2310a3v5.doc. Attachment 2310a3v4.doc was retired to the issue’s archive zip file (2310archive.zip). Agreement: Participants agreed that work on this attachment was completed. Attachment 2310a5 Discussions Ms. Porter led participants through a review of the proposed 071 and 081 practice modifications documented in attachment 2310a5v2.doc. Required updates are documented in 2310a5v3.doc. Attachment 2310a5v2.doc was retired to the issue’s archive zip file (2310archive.zip). Agreement: Participants agreed that work on this attachment was completed. Attachment 2310a7 Discussions Ms. Porter led participants through a review of the proposed new 083 practice general sections and data elements documented in attachment 2310a7v1.doc. Required updates are documented in 2310a7v2.doc. Attachment 2310a7v1.doc was retired to the issue’s archive zip file (2310archive.zip). Agreement: Participants agreed that work on this attachment was completed. Attachment 2310a9 Discussions Ms. Porter led participants through a review of the proposed 099 practice modifications documented in attachment 2310a9v1.doc. Required updates are documented in 2310a9v2.doc. Attachment 2310a9v1.doc was retired to the issue’s archive zip file (2310archive.zip). Agreement: Participants agreed that work on this attachment was completed. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 14 Attachment 2310a10 Discussions Ms. Porter led participants through a review of the proposed 122 practice modifications documented in attachment 2310a10v1.doc. Required updates are documented in 2310a10v2.doc. Attachment 2310a10v1.doc was retired to the issue’s archive zip file (2310archive.zip). Agreement: Participants agreed that work on this attachment was completed. Attachment 2310a11 Discussions Jim Mahler of Verizon led participants through a review of a new contribution provided via diskette with proposed 070 practice modifications. This contribution was assigned attachment name 2310a11.doc. Participants accepted the modifications proposed in this attachment with no changes. Agreement: Participants agreed that work on this attachment was completed. Initial Closure Consensus Participants completed review and work on all of the issue contribution attachments. Ms. Porter called for consensus to move this issue to Initial Closure. There were no objections to moving the issue to Initial Closure. Participants drafted the issue resolution statement and updated the Issue Form Section “Impact on Other Issues or Procedures” to reflect the impacted LSOG practices. Agreement: Participants agreed to move Issue 2310 to Initial Closure. Issue Status Issue 2310 was moved to Initial Closure status effective May 10, 2002. 2360/LSOP - LSOG: ADD NEW ACCOUNT TELEPHONE NUMBER (NATN) FIELD TO PRACTICE 121. Issue Champion Jim Mahler of Verizon led participants through an overview of the current status of this issue. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 15 Attachment 2360a1 Discussions Mr. Mahler led participants through a review of the proposed changes documented in attachment 2360a1v4.doc. Required updates were documented in Attachment 2360a1v5.doc. Attachment 2360a1v4.doc was retired to the issues archive zip file (2360archive.zip). Attachment 2360ai.doc Mr. Mahler led participants through a review of the open action items documented in attachment 2360ai.doc. All action items were closed. Attachment 2360ai.doc was retired to the issues archive zip file (2360archive.zip). Initial Closure Consensus After updates to attachment 2360a1v5.doc were completed, Mr. Mahler called for consensus to move this issue to Initial Closure. There were no objections to moving this issue to Initial Closure. Participants drafted the resolution statement and updated the Issue Form Section “Impact on Other Issues or Procedures” to reflect the impacted LSOG practices. Agreement: Participants agreed to move this issue to Initial Closure. Issue Status Issue 2360 was moved to Initial Closure status effective May 10, 2002. 2362/LSOP LSOG: MANUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE RECORD (CSR)/TELEPHONE NUMBER REQUEST Issue Champion Sherry Porter of BellSouth agreed during the prioritization effort that this issue will not be targeted for implementation until LSOG 8. Agreement: Participants agreed to waive discussion of this issue at OBF 78 in order to complete the work on all issues targeted for LSOG 7. Subsequent Initial Closure – Withdrawn Discussion On Thursday, May 9, 2002, Ms. Porter requested time on the agenda to discuss withdrawal of this issue. Ms. Porter explained that due to low 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 16 volume business demand, BellSouth has identified that the existing business processes would suffice for this problem. Ms. Porter called for consensus to move this issue to Initial Closure – Withdrawn status. There were no objections to moving this issue to Initial Closure as a withdrawn issue. Participants drafted the resolution withdrawal statement. Agreement: Participants agreed to move this issue to Initial Closure – Withdrawn. Issue Status Issue 2362 was moved to Initial Closure – Withdrawn status effective May 10, 2002. 2368/LSOP - LSOG: ASSOCIATED ACCOUNT NUMBER Issue Champion Sherry Porter of BellSouth led participants through an overview of the current status of this issue. Attachment 2368ai Ms. Porter led participants through a review of the action items documented in attachment 2368ai.doc. All action items were resolved and documented in this attachment. Attachment 2368 was retired to the issues archive zip file (2368archive.zip). Attachment 2368a1 Discussions Ms. Porter led participants through a review of the proposed modifications documented in attachment 2368a1v2.doc. Required updates are documented in 2368a1v3.doc. Attachment 2368a1v2.doc was retired to the issue’s archive zip file (2368archive.zip). Attachment 2368a2 Discussions Ms. Porter led participants through a review of the proposed modifications documented in attachment 2368a2.doc. Required updates are documented in 2368a2v2.doc. Attachment 2368a2.doc was retired to the issue’s archive zip file (2368archive.zip). 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 17 Initial Closure Consensus After updates to attachment 2368a1v3.doc and 2368a2v2.doc were completed, Ms. Porter called for consensus to move this issue to Initial Closure. There were no objections to moving this issue to Initial Closure. Participants drafted the resolution statement and updated the Issue Form Section “Impact on Other Issues or Procedures” to reflect the impacted LSOG practices. Agreement: Participants agreed to move this issue to Initial Closure. Issue Status Issue 2368 was moved to Initial Closure status effective May 10, 2002. 2372/LSOP - LSOG: CLARIFY THE INDUSTRY INTENT FOR ALL ACTIVITY FIELDS Issue Champion Mary Fay of Verizon advised that new contributions for this issue had been received on Wednesday evening, May 8, 2002, during the Multi-Provider Discussion Group meeting, attachment 2372a3, 2372a4.doc and 2372a5.doc. Ms. Fay advised that these contributions would need to be reviewed and analyzed to determine the impact to this issue. The path forward to this issue was discussed and documented in attachment, 2372a2.doc. Participants discussed issue implementation, and agreed that this issue will not be targeted for implementation until LSOG 8. As the Issue Champion, Ms. Fay agreed to analyze all contributions received for this issue and develop a single proposal. Ms. Fay recommended that there be a Task Force Conference Call prior to OBF 79 to further work that proposal. Agreement: Participants agreed that there should be an interim Task Force Conference Call, and agreed that this activity will be scheduled at the end of OBF 78. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 18 Issue 2372 Interim Activity Requirement On Friday, May 10, 2002, the following interim activity was scheduled for this issue: Established at: Host: Activity Type: Dates/Times: Admin Support: Objective: OBF 78 Mary T. Fay of Verizon Task Force Conference Call June 11, 2002 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT Not Required Review and analyze all contribution responses on activity and LNA. Note: The Agendas along with the Meeting/Conference Call Information for the above, will be posted to the ATIS Web Site: http://www.atis.org/atis/clc/obf/obfcal.htm. Issue Status Participants agreed that Issue 2372 should remain open and in active status. Issue 2372 is scheduled for one interim activity and is also on the LSOP Agenda for discussion at OBF 79. 2373/LSOP - LSOG: DEVELOP A PROCESS FOR SERVICE CONVERSION (S) WITHIN THE SAME LSP Issue Champion Sherry Porter of BellSouth agreed during the prioritization effort that this issue will not be targeted for implementation until LSOG 8. Agreement: Participants agreed to waive discussion of this issue at OBF 78 in order to complete the work on all issues targeted for LSOG 7. Issue Status Participants agreed that Issue 2373 should remain open and in active status. Issue 2373 is on the LSOP Agenda for discussion at OBF 79. 2376/LSOP - LSOG: INTERNALLY PORTED/POOLED NUMBER INDICATOR Issue Champion Jim Mahler of Verizon led participants through an overview of the current status of this issue. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 19 Attachment 2376a1 Discussions Mr. Mahler led participants through a review of the proposed changes documented in attachment 2376a1.doc. Required updates were documented in Attachment 2376a1v2.doc. Attachment 2376a1.doc was retired to the issues archive zip file (2376archive.zip). Initial Closure Consensus After updates to attachment 2376a1v2.doc were completed, Mr. Mahler called for consensus to move this issue to Initial Closure. There were no objections to moving this issue to Initial Closure. Participants drafted the resolution statement and updated the Issue Form Section “Impact on Other Issues or Procedures” to reflect the impacted LSOG practices. Agreement: Participants agreed to move this issue to Initial Closure. Issue Status Issue 2376 was moved to Initial Closure status effective May 10, 2002. 2391/LSOP - LSOG: ADD VALID ENTRY TO IDENTIFY PORT IN OF WIRELESS TN Jim Whinn of Verizon led participants through an overview of the current status of this issue. Mr. Whinn explained that Issue 2391 had been moved to Initial Closure at a Joint DSC and LSOP Interim Meeting effective March 14, 2002. The issue was subsequently returned to open status during a Joint DSC and LSOP Virtual Interim Meeting effective April 2, 2002, at the request of Verizon and with the agreement of the Issue Champion, Cora Jackson of SBC. Attachment 2393a1 Discussions Mr. Whinn had distributed a proposed update via email to all participants prior to OBF 78, which was also included as an attachment contribution in the issues attachment zip file (2393att.zip) as verizonrequest.zip. Mr. Whinn led participants through a review of an attachment 2391a1v2.doc (a file from the Verizon contribution zip file). Attachment 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 20 2291a1v2.doc provided the Verizon desired changes to the issue’s original Initial Closure resolution. Required updates were documented in attachment 2391a1v3.doc. The original attachment 2391a1.doc and the verizonrequest.zip files were both retired to the issues archive zip file (2393archive.zip). Initial Closure Consensus After updates to attachment 2393a1v3.doc were completed, Mr. Whinn called for consensus to return this issue to Initial Closure. There were no objections to returning the issue to Initial Closure. Participants modified the original resolution statement and updated the Issue Form Section “Impact on Other Issues or Procedures” to reflect the impacted LSOG practices. Agreement Participants agreed to return the revised issue to Initial Closure. Issue Status Issue 2391 was returned to Initial Closure status effective May 10, 2002. 2393/LSOP - LSOG: ADD VALID ENTRY TO NPDI FIELD IN 071 PRACTICE Issue Champion Jim Mahler of Verizon led participants through an overview of the current status of this issue. Mr. Mahler advised that the FCC order that initiated the need for this issue was Docket 95-116. Attachment 2393a1 Discussions Mr. Mahler led participants through a review of the proposed modifications in attachment 2393a1.doc. Required updates are documented in attachment 2393a1v2.doc. Attachment 2393a1.doc was retired to the issues archive zip file (2393archive.zip). Initial Closure Consensus After updates to attachment 2393a1v2.doc were completed, Mr. Mahler called for consensus to move this issue to Initial Closure. There were no objections to moving this issue to Initial Closure. Participants drafted the resolution statement and updated the Issue Form Section “Impact on Other Issues or Procedures” to reflect the impacted LSOG practices. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 21 Agreement: Participants agreed to move this issue to Initial Closure. Issue Status Issue 2393 was moved to Initial Closure status effective May 10, 2002. 2395/LSOP - LSOG: ALLOW RETURN OF DISTURBER QUANTITY ON LOOP QUAL RESPONSES. (NEW 2) Issue Champion Jim Mahler of Verizon led participants through an overview of this new issue, which was lc78new2.doc in the OBF 78 agenda package and had been accepted and assigned to LSOP during the Joint DSC and LSOP General Session Meeting on Monday, May 6, 2002. Attachment 2395a1 Discussions Mr. Mahler led participants through a review of the proposed new fields and practice 120 modifications in attachment lc78new2a1.doc (renamed to 2395a1.doc on issue acceptance). Required updates are documented in attachment 2395a1v2.doc. Attachment 2395a1.doc was retired to the issues archive zip file (2395archive.zip). Initial Closure Consensus After updates to attachment 2395a1v2.doc were completed, Mr. Mahler called for consensus to move this issue to Initial Closure. There were no objections to moving this issue to Initial Closure. Participants drafted the resolution statement and updated the Issue Form Section “Impact on Other Issues or Procedures” to reflect the impacted LSOG practices. Agreement: Participants agreed to move this issue to Initial Closure. Issue Status Issue 2395 was moved to Initial Closure status effective May 10, 2002. 2396/LSOP - LSOG: ALLOW RETURN OF REPEATER INFORMATION ON LOOP QUAL RESPONSES. (NEW 3) Issue Champion Jim Mahler of Verizon led participants through an overview of this new issue, which was lc78new3.doc in the OBF 78 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 22 agenda package and accepted during the Joint DSC and LSOP General Session Meeting on Monday, May 6, 2002. Attachment 2396a1 Discussions Mr. Mahler led participants through a review of proposed new fields and 120 practice modifications in attachment lc78new3a1.doc (renamed to 2396a1.doc on issue acceptance). Required updates are documented in attachment 2396a1v2.doc. Attachment 2396a1.doc was retired to the issues archive zip file (2396archive.zip). Initial Closure Consensus After updates to attachment 2396a1v2.doc were completed, Mr. Mahler called for consensus to move this issue to Initial Closure. There were no objections to moving this issue to Initial Closure. Participants drafted the resolution statement and updated the Issue Form Section “Impact on Other Issues or Procedures” to reflect the impacted LSOG practices. Agreement: Participants agreed to move this issue to Initial Closure. Issue Status Issue 2396 was moved to Initial Closure status effective May 10, 2002. 2397/LSOP - LSOG: HOST CIRCUIT INFORMATION FOR FRAME RELAY (NEW ISSUE 4) Issue Champion Sherry Porter of BellSouth agreed during the prioritization effort that this issue will not be targeted for implementation until LSOG 8. Agreement: Participants agreed to waive discussion of this issue at OBF 78 in order to complete the work on all issues targeted for LSOG 7. Issue Status Participants agreed that Issue 2397 should remain open and in active status. Issue 2397 is on the LSOP Agenda for discussion at OBF 79. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 23 2398/LSOP - LSOG: INSIDE WIRE TYPE (NEW 5) Issue Champion Sherry Porter of BellSouth led participants through an overview of this new issue, which was lc78new5.doc in the OBF 78 agenda package and was accepted during the Joint DSC and LSOP General Session Meeting on Monday, May 6, 2002. Attachment 2398a1 Discussions Ms. Porter led participants through a review of proposed new definitions and fields in attachment lc78new5a1.doc (renamed to 2398a1.doc on issue acceptance). Required updates are documented in attachment 2398a1v2.doc. Attachment 2398a1.doc was retired to the issues archive zip file (2398archive.zip). Initial Closure Consensus After updates to attachment 2398a1v2.doc were completed, Ms. Porter called for consensus to move this issue to Initial Closure. There were no objections to moving this issue to Initial Closure. Participants drafted the resolution statement and updated the Issue Form Section “Impact on Other Issues or Procedures” to reflect the impacted LSOG practices. Agreement: Participants agreed to move this issue to Initial Closure. Issue Status Issue 2398 was moved to Initial Closure status effective May 10, 2002. 2399/LSOP - VSOG: VERTICAL SERVICES PROVIDER NOTIFICATION PROCESS (NEW 6) Issue Champion Steve Moore of Sprint led participants through an overview of this new issue, which was lc78new6.doc in the OBF 78 agenda package and was accepted during the Joint DSC and LSOP General Session Meeting on Monday, May 6, 2002. Attachment 2399a1 Discussions Mr. Moore led participants through a review of proposed new definitions and fields in attachment lc78new6a1.doc (renamed to 2399a1.doc on issue acceptance). Required updates are documented in attachment 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 24 2399a1v2.doc. Attachment 2399a1.doc was retired to the issues archive zip file (2399archive.zip). Attachment 2399a2 Discussions Participants agreed that the proposed changes to the ATIS/OBF-LSR-121 practice would be cared for with new Issue 2403 and that attachment lc78new6a2.doc (renamed to 2399a2.doc on issue acceptance) was no longer required. Agreement: Participants agreed to retire attachment 2399a2.doc to the issues archive zip file (2399archive.zip). Attachment 2399a3 Discussions Mr. Moore led participants through a review of proposed new definitions and fields in attachment lc78new6a3.doc (renamed to 2399a3.doc on issue acceptance). Required updates are documented in attachment 2399a3v2.doc. Attachment 2399a3.doc was retired to the issues archive zip file (2399archive.zip). Attachment 2399a4 Discussions Participants agreed that the index attachment lc78new6a4.doc (renamed to 2399a4.doc on issue acceptance) was no longer required. Agreement: Participants agreed to retire attachment 2399a4.doc to the issues archive zip file (2399archive.zip). Initial Closure Consensus After review and required updates for the issue attachments had been completed, Mr. Moore called for consensus to move this issue to Initial Closure. There were no objections to moving this issue to Initial Closure. Participants drafted the resolution statement and updated the Issue Form Section “Impact on Other Issues or Procedures” to reflect the impacted VSOG practices. Agreement: Participants agreed to move this issue to Initial Closure. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 25 Issue Status Issue 2399 was moved to Initial Closure status effective May 10, 2002. 2400/LSOP - LSOG: FPI CONSISTENCY (NEW 7) Issue Champion Sarah Blanks of MetaSolv led participants through an overview of this new issue, which was lc78new7.doc in the OBF 78 agenda package and was accepted during the Joint DSC and LSOP General Session Meeting on Monday, May 6, 2002. Attachment 2400a1 Discussions Ms. Blanks led participants through a review of the proposed modifications in attachment lc78new7a1.doc (renamed to 2400a1.doc on issue acceptance). Required updates are documented in attachment 2400a1v2.doc. Attachment lc78new7a1.doc was retired to the issues archive zip file (2400archive.zip). Ellie Pribula of AT&T requested that the scope of the issue be expanded from documentation true up so that the issue could also address the entire business process of freeze PIC. After further discussion, participants concurred that there was a need to expand the issue scope from documentation change only to business process changes. Agreement: Participants agreed to expand the issue scope to from documentation change to include any required business process changes. Action Items Participants identified the following action items that need to be addressed before there can be further discussion for this issue. ISSUE 2400 ACTION ITEM #1 Date Established: Date Due: Responsible Party(s): Action Item: Action Item Resolution: 106749070 STATUS: OPEN May 9, 2002 June 10, 2002 ALL Determine if the FPI and PIC is valid for Number Portability and Loop with Number Portability. OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 26 ISSUE 2400 ACTION ITEM #2 Date Established: Date Due: Responsible Party(s): Action Item: STATUS: OPEN May 9, 2002 June 10, 2002 ALL Determine if the valid entries for FPI/FPIC in other service specific practices (074, 075, 076, 077, 078, 080, 081, 083 and 122) are applicable wherever they reside. Should TAG in practice 122 be changed from FPIC to FPI? Action Item Resolution: ISSUE 2400 ACTION ITEM #3 Date Established: Date Due: Responsible Party(s): Action Item: STATUS: OPEN May 9, 2002 June 10, 2002 ALL Review all definitions of FPI to make more generic across all practices. Action Item Resolution: Related Action Item Identified during Issue 2402 Discussion The following additional action item was identified for Issue 2400 during discussions for Issue 2402. ISSUE 2400 ACTION ITEM #4 Date Established: Date Due: Responsible Party(s): Action Item: STATUS: OPEN May 9, 2002 June 10, 2002 ALL Review all PIC related fields for customer versus end user impacts. Action Item Resolution: Issue Status Participants agreed that this issue should be held in active open status pending action item resolutions. The issue has been added to the agenda for OBF 79. 2402/LSOP - LSOG: CLARIFY END USER AND CUSTOMER REFERENCES (NEW 9) Issue Champion Sarah Blanks of MetaSolv led participants through an overview of this new issue, which was lc78new9.doc in the OBF 78 agenda package and was accepted during the Joint DSC and LSOP General Session Meeting on Monday, May 6, 2002. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 27 Attachment 2402a1 Discussions Ms. Blanks led participants through a review of proposed new definitions and fields in attachment lc78new5a1.doc (renamed to 2402a1.doc on issue acceptance). Required updates are documented in attachment 2402a1v2.doc. Attachment lc78new9a1.doc was retired to the issues archive zip file (2402archive.zip). There was lengthy discussion regarding the proposed changes to Practice 122 and whether the scope of the issue could care for enhancement of the definitions for end user and customer within this practice. Participants identified that the scope of this issue does not include the business process clarifications being discussed. Agreement: Participants agreed that because the Issue 2402 scope only cares for documentation modifications, not business processes, the impacts to end user versus customer as specifically related to the Practice 122 will be cared for in Issue 2118 or 2400, as appropriate Related Action Item for Issue 2400 The following additional action item was identified for Issue 2400, Action Item #4, during discussions for Issue 2402. ISSUE 2400 ACTION ITEM #4 Date Established: Date Due: Responsible Party(s): Action Item: STATUS: OPEN May 9, 2002 June 10, 2002 ALL Review all PIC related fields for customer versus end user impacts. Action Item Resolution: Initial Closure Consensus After updates to attachment 2402a1v2.doc were completed, Ms. Blanks called for consensus to move this issue to Initial Closure. There were no objections to moving this issue to Initial Closure. Participants drafted the resolution statement and updated the Issue Form Section “Impact on Other Issues or Procedures” to reflect the impacted LSOG practices. Agreement: Participants agreed to move this issue to Initial Closure. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 28 DSC Initial Closure Concurrence DSC was assigned as an associated committee for this issue. Co-Leader Christine Cole of Verizon agreed to refer the issue to DSC for Initial Closure concurrence. Agreement: There were no objections from DSC to moving the issue to Initial Closure with a minor modification to change “a” to “an” in the definition for data element field “SIC”. Upon opening the DSC returned file to investigate this proposed change, it was identified that the original contribution from the Issue Champion had contained a software problem, and that all changes identified during LSOP work on this issue were hidden and/or lost within that infected file. The original LSOP changes had included the DSC recommended update. Participants identified that the LSOG Subject Matter Expert (SME) Elizabeth Frohse had documented all required changes in the Issue 2402 Issue Tracking Aid (ITA) during LSOP issue discussion. Agreement: Participants agreed that the LSOP Administrator Donna Martin would re-create a non-infected file version of the issue contribution 2402a1v2.doc from that ITA file. There were no objections to moving this issue to Initial Closure with this re-created file pending. Issue Status Issue 2402 was moved to Initial Closure status effective May 10, 2002. 2403/LSOP - LSOG: PROVIDER NOTIFICATION (NEW 10) Issue Champion Steve Moore of Sprint led participants through an overview of this new issue, which was the walk-in New Issue 10 accepted in the Joint DSC and LSOP General Session Meeting on Monday, May 6, 2002. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 29 Mr. Moore explained that New Issue 10 had been the result of an LSOP Committee action item he had accepted to develop a stand alone VSOG Provider Notification process vs. continued use of the Local Services Ordering Guidelines Provider Notifications (PN) Process. Use of the LSOG PN for VSOG activities had been determined to be unacceptable because of the resulting out of sync problem between the two documents. Attachment 2403a1 Discussions Mr. Moore led participants through a review of the proposed 120 practice modifications in attachment 2403a1.doc. These modifications were basically backing out all Issue 2037 Final Closure modifications made to practice 120 in the LSOG 7 Working Document. There were no modifications required for this contribution. Initial Closure Consensus After review of the attachment 2403a1.doc was completed, Mr. Moore called for consensus to move this issue to Initial Closure. There were no objections to moving this issue to Initial Closure. Participants drafted the resolution statement and updated the Issue Form Section “Impact on Other Issues or Procedures” to reflect the impacted LSOG practices. Agreement: Participants agreed to move this issue to Initial Closure. Issue Status Issue 2403 was moved to Initial Closure status effective May 10, 2002. ISSUE 2404/LSOP - LSOG: ABILITY TO MIGRATE TN(S) TO AN EXISTING ACCOUNT (ATN/AN) AND ESTABLISH A NEW ACCOUNT NUMBER FOR THE MERGED ACCOUNT (NEW ISSUE 11) Issue Champion Sherry Porter led participants through an overview of this new issue, which was the walk-in New Issue 11 accepted in the Joint DSC and LSOP General Session Meeting on Monday, May 6, 2002. Action Items Participants identified that the following action item needs to be addressed before there can be further discussion for this issue. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 30 ISSUE 2404 ACTION ITEM #1 Date Established: Date Due: Responsible Party(s): Action Item: STATUS: OPEN May 9, 2002 OBF 79 DSC and LSOP – ALL Identify the directory listing impacts when migrating telephone numbers to an existing account and rearranging the account to establish a new account telephone number. See attachment 2404a2.doc for scenario description. Action Item Resolution: Issue Status Participants agreed that this issue should be held in active open status pending action item resolution. The issue has been added to the agenda for OBF 79. ISSUE 2405/LSOP - LSOG: REMOVE USAGE STRIPS FROM ALL APPLICABLE PRACTICES OF THE LSOG. (NEW ISSUE 12) This issue was a result of a committee decision to remove all Usage Strips from the LSOG. The issue had been submitted as walk-in New Issue 12 and accepted in the Joint DSC and LSOP General Session Meeting on Monday, May 6, 2002. Volunteer Issue Champions Elizabeth Frohse of Cap Gemini Ernst & Young and Christine Cole of Verizon led participants through development of the path forward for this new issue. Establishment of Issue 2405 Task Force Participants determined that the best way to work this issue would be to establish a Task Force. This Task Force would split the LSOG practices being impacted. Task Force volunteers would independently prepare the initial contributions for review. Agreement: Participants agreed to form an Issue 2405 Task Force. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 31 Issue 2405 Task Force Task Force participants volunteered to develop contributions for the following practices. Volunteer(s) Steve Moore of Sprint Mary Fay of Verizon Mary Fay of Verizon Steve Moore of Sprint Ellie Pribula of AT&T Ellie Pribula of AT&T Monet Topps of SBC Monet Topps of SBC Jim Whinn of Verizon Jim Whinn of Verizon Sarah Blanks of MetaSolv Carol Zimmerman of Qwest Sarah Blanks of MetaSolv Sherry Porter of BellSouth Jim Mahler of Verizon Jim Mahler of Verizon Cora Jackson of SBC Tammy Holder of Sprint Edna Price of Frontier Practice(s) ATIS/OBF-LSR-070 ATIS/OBF-LSR-071 ATIS/OBF-LSR-072 ATIS/OBF-LSR-073 ATIS/OBF-LSR-074 ATIS/OBF-LSR-075 ATIS/OBF-LSR-076 ATIS/OBF-LSR-077 ATIS/OBF-LSR-078 ATIS/OBF-LSR-079 ATIS/OBF-LSR-080 ATIS/OBF-LSR-081 ATIS/OBF-LSR-082 ATIS/OBF-LSR-083 ATIS/OBF-LSR-099 ATIS/OBF-LSR-102 ATIS/OBF-LSR-109 ATIS/OBF-LSR-110 ATIS/OBF-LSR-123 Issue 2405 Task Force Action Plan The following action plan was established for this issue: 1. Establish a Task Force Planning meeting (this activity was completed at the end of OBF 78). 2. Develop Task Force Assignments for Contribution Development (this activity was completed at the end of OBF 78). 3. Review all contributions for conflicts. 4. Identify contributions where there are conflicts and determine resolution. 5. Issue Champions will submit merged draft for task force review and identify conflicts that may exist across practices. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 32 6. Issue Champions will host a Task Force review Virtual Meeting. 7. Issue Champions will draft final updates and present for Initial Closure at OBF 79. 8. Task Force members will identify the pros and cons of a paper release immediately following LSOG 7--before LSOG 8 baseline working document is implemented. Issue 2405 Task Force Working Agreements The Issue 2405 Task Force developed a working agreement for development of these contributions. Task Force participants will: 1. Use the LSOG 7 Working Document Version 5 as the Baseline for their contribution. 2. Review the General Section of practices they assume responsibility for, as well as validating usage notes prior to removal of the Usage Strips (ACT vs LNA impacts). 3. Use the PROD to make sure that the usage notes are written correctly. 4. Submit their contributions to LSOP Administrator Donna Martin no later than July 12, 2002. Issue 2405 Interim Activity Requirement On Friday, May 10, 2002, the following interim activity was scheduled for this issue: Established at: Host: Activity Type: Dates/Times: Admin Support: Objective: OBF 78 Mary Fay of Verizon Task Force Virtual Meeting July 23, 2002 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM EDT Required Solve any conflicts from review of practice contributions and prepare to move to Initial Closure at OBF 79. Determine release type and schedule. Note: The Agendas along with the Meeting/Conference Call Information for the above, will be posted to the ATIS Web Site: http://www.atis.org/atis/clc/obf/obfcal.htm. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 33 Issue Status Participants agreed that this issue should be held in active open status pending action item resolution. The issue is scheduled for one interim activity and has also been added to the agenda for OBF 79. WALK-IN NEW ISSUE DISCUSSIONS The following provides a summary of a walk-in new issue submitted on Thursday, May 9, 2002. ISSUE 2426/LSOP - LSOG: REMOVE TCMI AND TCMESS FIELDS FROM THE LSOG (NEW ISSUE 13) On Thursday, May 9, 2002, Issue Champion Cora Jackson of SBC led participants through a review of a proposed walk-in issue, New Issue 13. Ms. Jackson provided participants with a diskette copy of this proposed issue. This issue was added to the summary of the acceptance status and committee assignment(s) for of all new issues located in the LSOP New Issue Scorecard (lc78scorecard.doc). Participants agreed to accept this new issue with minor changes to the issue title. The issue was subsequently assigned OBF Issue Number 2426. Participants scheduled Issue 2426 to be worked on Friday morning, May 10, 2002. Attachment 2426a1 Discussions Ms. Jackson led participants through a review of the proposed modifications in attachment lc78new13a1.doc (renamed to 2426a1.doc on issue acceptance) on Friday morning, May 10, 2002. There were no changes required to this contribution attachment. Initial Closure Consensus After review of the attachment 2426a1.doc was completed, Ms. Jackson called for consensus to move this issue to Initial Closure. There were no objections to moving this issue to Initial Closure. Participants drafted the resolution statement and updated the Issue Form Section “Impact on Other Issues or Procedures” to reflect the impacted LSOG practices. Agreement: Participants agreed to move this issue to Initial Closure. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 34 Issue Status Issue 2403 was moved to Initial Closure status effective May 10, 2002. OPEN ISSUES WORKED BY DSC AND RETURNED TO LSOP The following issue statuses were provided by DSC and discussed by the LSOP Committee at OBF 78. ISSUE 2190/LSOP – LSOG - REFINE MIGRATION PROCESS FLOWS TO REFLECT THE ABILITY TO MIGRATE LISTINGS WITH A DIRECTORY ORDER. On Thursday morning, May 9, 2002, the DSC rejoined the LSOP Committee for a discussion on Issue 2190. DSC Co-Leader Andy Fitzsimmons of AT&T provided a summary presentation to explain the current status of this issue. Slides used for this presentation are located in attachment (lc78nta1.ppt). At the end of his presentation, Mr. Fitzsimmons requested consensus for DSC to continue work on a process flow to support the Issue 2190 REQTYP “A” migration order with listing. There were no objections to DSC working the process flows. Mr. Fitzsimmons asked if LSOP would prefer that this be a new separate flow, or if this flow could be incorporated into the existing process flows. There were no objections to incorporating this change into the existing process flows. Agreement: Participants agreed that Issue 2190 would update the flows that were part of the Issue 2296 resolution. DSC STATUS AT OBF 78 CLOSE On Friday morning, May 10, 2002, Mr. Fitzsimmons provided a brief DSC status report. The presentation slide used in this status update is located in attachment lc78nta4.doc. MULTI-PROVIDER MIGRATIONS DISCUSSION GROUP The LSOP Committee hosted a Multi-Provider Discussion Group Meeting on Wednesday evening, May 8, 2002 from 5:00 –7:00 PM MDT. Meeting 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 35 notes and related attachments from that meeting can be located in the LSOP Committee attachment lc78nta2.zip. As a result of that meeting, Co-Leader Christine Cole advised the LSOP Committee on Friday morning, May 10, 2002, that there was a need to update the LSOP Committee attachment created at the March 11-14, 2002 Interim Meeting listing all Multi-Provider Migrations Issues. This updated list should include all issues currently active in the LSOP Committee, and/or issues that had been resolved by the LSOP Committee. Participants drafted updates to that document, which are reflected in attachment lc78nta3.doc. Action Item: Ms Martin agreed to forward the attachment lc78nta3.doc to Ms. Gilbert on or before Monday, May 13, 2002. INTERIM ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS The following is a summary of the interim activities scheduled by the LSOP Committee on Friday, May 10, 2002. ACTIVITY BEFORE NEXT OBF Activity Dates Host 1. June 3-4, 2002 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. CDT Daily Monet Topps of SBC and Carol Zimmerman of Qwest Monet Topps of SBC and Carol Zimmerman of Qwest Issue 2233 Task Force Face-to-Face Interim Meeting hosted by SBC at One Bell Center, St. Louis. MO, with simultaneous Qwest-hosted Telephone Conference Bridge Issue 2234 Task Force Face-to-Face Interim Meeting hosted by SBC at One Bell Center, St. Louis. MO, with simultaneous Qwest-hosted Telephone Conference Bridge Mary Fay of Verizon Issue 2372 Task Force Conference Call to review and analyze all contribution responses on activity and LNA. 2. June 5-7, 2002 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. CDT June 5th & 6th, 8:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. June 7th 3. June 11, 2002 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT 106749070 Admin Support Required NO YES NO OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 36 ACTIVITY BEFORE NEXT OBF Activity Dates Host 4. June 12, 2002 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM EDT Steve Moore of Sprint 5. June 25, 2002 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM EDT Ellie Pribula of AT&T 6. June 26, 2002 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM EDT Andy Fitzsimmons of AT&T 7. June 27, 2002 1:00 AM – 5:00 PM EDT Mary Fay of Verizon 8. June 28, 2002 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM EDT Andy Fitzsimmons of AT&T 9. July 9, 2002 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT Mary Fay of Verizon 10. July 10, 2002 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT 11. July 11, 2002 11:00 AM –1:00 PM EDT Steve Moore of Sprint 106749070 Steve Moore of Sprint LSOG Release Management Task Force Conference Call for LSOG Release Management discussions regarding future LSOG scheduling – initial strategy setting and action item identification meeting. Issue 2118 Task Force Virtual Meeting to draft the general section updates to the 122 practice and gain consensus on notes placed on data element pages. Directory Services Subcommittee (DSC) Virtual Meeting Virtual Meeting to work Issues 2220, 2401 and 2352 so they may be submitted to the LSOP Committee at OBF 79 for Initial Closure concurrence. LSOG 7 Working Document Version 5 Review and Approval Virtual Meeting for review and approval of l7wdv5. Joint DSC and Wireless Working Group Meeting Conference Call to review output of Issue 2225 and to define the next steps relating to wireless and listing provisioning. Identify any subsequent wireless/listing new issues required for OBF 79. Multi-Provider Migrations Discussion Group Conference Call to review Action Item responses. VSOG 2 Draft Review Virtual Meeting to review and approve VSOG 2 Draft. LSOG Release Management Task Force Conference Call to review action items and continue the strategy planning for future LSOG scheduling. Admin Support Required NO YES YES YES NO NO YES YES OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 37 ACTIVITY BEFORE NEXT OBF Activity Dates Host 12. July 23, 2002 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM EDT Mary Fay of Verizon Issue 2405 Task Force Virtual Meeting to solve any conflicts from review of contributions and to prepare for moving Issue 2405 to Initial Closure at OBF 79. Determine release type (paper only or mechanization impacting) and schedule Issue Date for immediately following the LSOG 7 Issue Date. Admin Support Required YES LSOP GENERAL SESSION SUMMARY REPORT Participants reviewed a draft General Session Summary Report. MEETING HIGHLIGHTS & OBF 78 PROPOSED AGENDA Participants agreed upon the key meeting highlights, issue statuses, and proposed LSOP Agenda for OBF 79, which is included in the General Session Summary Report. A copy of the final version of the LSOP General Session Summary Report can be downloaded from the following URL: http://www.atis.org/pub/clc/obf/LSOP/lc78gs.doc A copy of the proposed agenda for OBF 79 can be located in attachment lc79ag.doc. OBF 79 AGENDA CUT-OFF DATE Participants identified that the OBF 79 cut-off date for new issue contributions that can be included with the LSOP Agenda zip file would be Wednesday, July 24, 2002. ADJOURNMENT There was no further business identified and the meeting was adjourned. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 38 MISCELLANEOUS ATTACHMENTS Meeting Notes Attachment List: Attachment lc78ntat.doc provides an electronic filename inventory for every attachment provided with these meeting notes. New Issue Scorecard: A summary of new issues reviewed at this OBF can be located in attachment lc78scorecard.doc. Scheduled Interim Activity Summary: Attachment lc78ia.doc provides a summary of scheduled Interim activities. Action Items: Attachment lc78ai.doc provides a summary of all OBF 78 open action items. OBF 78 Issue Status Summary: Attachment lc78is.xls provides a status summary of all issues discussed at OBF 76. Final Closure Issues: Attachment lc78fcis.zip provides a zip file of all issues moved to Final Closure at OBF 78. Initial Closure Issues: Attachment lc78icis.zip provides a zip file of all Issues moved to Initial Closure at OBF 76. Active/Open Issues: Attachment lc78opis.zip provides a zip file of all Active/Open issues at the end of OBF 78. LSOP Active/Open Issues being Worked by DSC: DSC OBF 78 Meeting Notes attachment dc78opis.zip provides a zip file of all Active/Open issues at the end of OBF 78 that have been referred to the DSC to be worked. LSOP Committee Issue Summary: Attachment lc78is.xls provides a summary of all open and/or closed issues that have been assigned to the LSOP Committee since LSOG 6 implementation. LSOG 7 Issue Summary: Attachment lsr7is.doc provides a summary of all open and/or closed issues that may potentially be included with the LSOG 7 release. 106749070 OBF 78 LSOP COMMITTEE MAY 6-10, 2002 WESTMINISTER, CO PAGE 39 ITA Summary: Attachment lsr7mm.xls provides a summary of all open and/or closed Issue Tracking Aids (ITAs) that may potentially be included with the LSOG 7 release. OBF 78 MEETING NOTES DISTRIBUTION These meeting notes are submitted by Donna Martin, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, Local Services Ordering & Provisioning Committee (LSOP) Administrator, and have been reviewed and approved for distribution by: Christine Cole Verizon Co-Leader, LSOP Committee Elizabeth Frohse Cap Gemini Ernst & Young LSOG Subject Matter Expert, LSOP Committee 106749070 Jim Mahler Verizon Co-Leader, LSOP Committee