(RIS) Reports in My Agency - Department of Human Services

How to view your Regional Individual
Support Package System (RIS) Reports in
My Agency
Version 1.1
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Using this guide .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Viewing Regional Individual Support Package System (RIS) Reports ................................................................. 2
Navigate to the RIS reports .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Client funding reports .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Invoice reports .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
RIS and SAMS 2 automation process overview ........................................................................................................... 6
Exporting data to Excel .............................................................................................................................................. 7
My Agency, the secure area of the Funded Agency Channel (FAC) website, provides registered users from
funded organisations access to funding and payment information about their service agreement. If you require
access to FAC and/or are not a registered user, please refer to the Accessing My Agency section of the FAC
home page at: http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/funded-agency-channel/accessing-my-agency/accessing-my-agencyfor-funded-organisation-users.
Within My Agency, the Service Agreement Module (SAM) allows funded organisations to access their service
agreement information and to update some records and documents through interactive modules.
My Agency and SAM are continuously improving the availability of data to enable organisations to better
understand the requirements of their service agreements.
Organisations that provide services to clients with client attached funding through the disability services output
are now able to access detailed information relating to this funding for activities 17081 Individual Support
Packages and 17201 Futures for Young Adults. This data is derived from the department’s Regional Individual
Support Package System (RIS).
Using this guide
This document provides information on how to:
 navigate to the RIS reports to view RIS data
 export the data to Excel
 view and understand the individual reports.
A red bordered box displays on each screen shot in the guide to identify the area you need to select, action or
note. In this example, the organisation name is being identified for selection. Note that any text in blue is a
hyperlink which takes you to another screen.
Example only:
Viewing Regional Individual Support Package System (RIS) Reports
Navigate to the RIS reports
Please note, RIS reports are only available for organisations providing services related to client attached
When you log into My Agency, select Regional Individual Support Package System (RIS) Reports – [External
Link] located under the Data and Performance section in the My Agency page.
As these reports contain a large amount of data they make take a minute or two to display.
There are three types of reports available:
Client funding reports which display a number of separate reports detailing client funding with out-years, a
monthly cash flow breakdown of the current year and an aggregate of any invoices paid, as well as a client
funding variation report.
Invoice reports which display client funding breakdown contained in a particular invoice
RIS and SAMS 2 automation process overview which describes the business process flow for the RIS/SAMS
2 automation process and outlines the key steps and timelines for changes to client attached funding.
Select the plus sign (+) next to the heading to view a set of reports.
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Client funding reports
To view the Client funding reports, select the plus sign (+) next to the Client funding reports heading.
10. The report list will display at the bottom of the page.
11. All reports can be viewed on the internet using the links on the left under the report name. However, the
reports utilise a document map which allows you to move between the different pages of the report, and
some browsers do not display this document map. For this reason, it is recommended that you view the
Statewide and divisional data by exporting to Excel using the links on the right.
12. The statewide report provides a detailed breakdown of all clients and funding.
13. Separate divisional reports will also display based on which divisions fund your agreement. These reports
provide a breakdown by division.
14. Select the plus sign (+) next to the division name to display a list of clients, any funding variation for the
month, total funding for the current financial year and total paid YTD (excluding GST).
15. You may view data for a single client by selecting that client’s CRISNUM.
16. To export any data to Microsoft Excel, select export directly to Excel (see Exporting data to Excel).
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17. Excel will open with a number of sheets. The first of these displays a document map. You can navigate
through the report either by selecting the item you wish to view from the document map or by selecting the
18. Summary information provides an overview of the client attached funding by division, activity and
commitment with the current funding, YTD paid and most recent variation amount.
19. Each division's RIS-related client attached funding is comprised of a number of aggregated commitments per
activity. The number of commitments depends on the funding type – for example, ongoing, fixed term and
prior year adjustment. These annual commitments are adjusted monthly for any client changes in RIS and
automatically adjusted for cash flow linked to these changes.
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20. Client funding data table by financial year details each client, their CRIS number, service plan, activity and
funding description together with funding for the current year and two out .
21. 14/15 Client funding by month with YTD paid details each client, their CRIS number, service plan, activity and
funding description together with funding for the current year. There is also a breakdown of the estimated
cash flow for each month and the amount paid for that month.
22. 14/15 invoices including RIS lists all invoices received by your organisation for the current financial year
which include RIS funding.
23. Close Excel to return to the Regional Individual Support Package System (RIS) Reports.
Client funding variation report
24. This report displays individual RIS client funding (sorted by CRIS number) at the client funding description
level for each variation to your agreement for the selected financial year. Where applicable to a client, it also
includes the variation amount for each agreement version.
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Invoice reports
25. To view the Invoice reports, select the plus sign (+) next to the Invoice reports.
26. Links to all invoices paid in the current year will display. Select export directly to Excel to view a particular
invoice breakdown.
27. Excel will open with three sheets. The first of these displays a document map. You can navigate through the
report either by selecting the item you wish to view from the document map or by selecting the sheet.
28. Sheet1 contains summary information about the selected invoice.
29. Sheet2 contains the selected RIS invoice breakdown by client.
30. Close Excel to return to the Regional Individual Support Package System (RIS) Reports.
RIS and SAMS 2 automation process overview
31. Select the plus sign (+) next to the RIS and SAMS 2 automation process overview.
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32. The business process flow diagram outlines the key steps and timelines for changes to client attached
funding. Time-lines are indicative.
Exporting data to Excel
33. Select export directly to Excel.
34. A pop up window will display.
35. You do not need to change anything on this window. Select Next.
36. A pop up window will ask you to either open the file in Excel or save the file.
37. It is recommended that you save the file, then open from within Excel or via the file system.
38. If you choose to open rather than save be aware that the file is in a temporary folder that empties each time
your computer is turned off. You should choose File > Save As to save the file in your file system.
39. When you have finished viewing or updating the spreadsheet, select File > Save, then File > Close or Exit to
return to SAM.
40. Close the Export pop up window by selecting Close.
41. You will now return to the Report viewer window.
To receive this publication in an accessible format phone 03 9096 2742, using the National
Relay Service 13 36 77 if required, or email fac@dhhs.vic.gov.au
Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
© State of Victoria, April 2015.
Available at http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/funded-agency-channel/accessing-my-agency/using-my-agency/userguidelines
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